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8620266 No.8620266 [Reply] [Original]

What's the trippiest book?

>> No.8620268

I wouldn't say it's "the trippiest" but it's good, on a winter's night a traveler

>> No.8620290

A Scanner Darkly is quite trippy

>> No.8620303


>> No.8620318
File: 703 KB, 2658x2130, cyberpositive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

orphan) drift>)

>> No.8620321

I actually like to read.

>> No.8620335
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Oh please grandma

>> No.8620424

Godel, Escher, Bach, or a heavier-duty math text (perhaps on algebraic topology or category theory)

>> No.8620503

The trippiest book I've read is Ubik... like, by far.

>> No.8621660


>> No.8621682

I may be biased in that I in fact read this during an acid trip, but Vonnegut's Timequake.


>> No.8622052


Barefoot in the Head by Brian Aldiss

>> No.8622075

VALIS is PKD's trippiest by far
Finnegans Wake is a classic

But the trippiest books of all dont have words and are printed on blotter wink

>> No.8622109


headier math books are pretty beyond me but the accessible works by gleick and anything including and beyond relativity in the works of physic are always fun.

i really liked gleick's chaos and everything ive read about relativity, even though i dont understand the underlying mathematics.

>> No.8622293

Alice in wonderland

>> No.8622358
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Came here to post this.
Also Mount Analogue and Trout Fishing America imo.

OP youre pic reminded me of this tape I have that's noisy-trippy as well.

>> No.8622409

where would one find this?

>> No.8622418


>> No.8622420

cool looking tape. who's it by?

>> No.8622423


>> No.8622514


>> No.8622523

GR kinda. More like weed

>> No.8622549

You slick hippy, i see what you did there

>> No.8622630
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The works of Antonio Lobo Antunes are definitely up there.

His works are surrealistic nightmares heavily inspired by Faulkner and the early European surrealists.

This book is unbridled madness turned into prose.

>> No.8622727

My diary, desu

>> No.8622885



>> No.8622908

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: the Black Dossier
Also Alice in Wonderland

>> No.8623998
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Cyclonopedia is pretty trippy, but it's a tough one to read straight through.

>> No.8624188

Dune or anything by Philip K. Dick

>> No.8624215

All of them.

>> No.8624253

agreed. UBIK is weird.

>> No.8625446

Naked Lunch

>> No.8626302

Yes it's real trippy. But it's so hardcore on the faggotry too. That Grosses me out.

>> No.8626306

Everything about PKD is like almost normie 1950s sci-fi posters with big ants in black and white though. I know he's sort of respected here because he was a nazi, but...

>> No.8626463

atrocity exhibition by jg ballard

waves virginia woolf

>> No.8626661
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>> No.8626770

Carlos Castanedas early books.

>> No.8627128

Haven't read any pkd, why is he considered a nazi?

>> No.8627513

This book sucks ass. "pssst hey kid, there's drugs and sex in here LMAO"

It's literally Pynchon fanfiction.

Anyway OP: Borges short stories, Gravity's Rainbow, most of Calvino's stuff, Donald Barthelme, George Saunders, David Icke's Guide to the Global Conspiracy, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Book of Lies

also Cannonball by McElroy is in my mind psychedelic but not in that it's "trippy" more in that it reminds me of eating a 10 strip and going on an emotional rollercoaster through your memories without much clarity.