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/lit/ - Literature

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8620108 No.8620108 [Reply] [Original]

pic related is my list

>> No.8620112

Blood Meridian
Lord of the Flies


That's about all I've read

>> No.8620115

Epic troll!!

>> No.8620118

The Golden ass
Crimes & punishment
The stranger
The Divine comedy
Highway 51

>> No.8620120

>he likes popular books
>must be trolling

>> No.8620129

There's a women and liberals on there

>> No.8620159

It's DFW faggot

>> No.8620223

What are you talking about? That wasn't in his list. Even if it was who cares, share yours.

>> No.8620227

fuck you. suck my dick.

>> No.8620355

The fucking OP is DFW'S list you fucking retard

>> No.8620392

Oh my bad kek

>> No.8620564

Oh brother. Those are all wrong my friend. Except for "The Screwtape Letters." That novel is hot.

Bless bless.

>> No.8620567

>The Idiot, Fyodor Dostoyevsky
I really relate to the particular type of mental instability that Dostoyevsky describes in pretty much all of his work. A character starts talking, and things start getting out of control and become increasingly animated, intense and disturbing. It reads like an extreme version of how I feel whenever I have to interact with humans. The Idiot is probably my favourite of his works, because I love Nastasya Filipovna, Aglaya Ivanovna Epanchin, Rogozhin... I think a lot of my friends think I'm a bit like Nastasya! Anyway, it's the most cartoonish and absurd of everything I've read by Dostoyevsky, and the best distillation of insanity as a virtue. A Baz Luhrmann-esque treatment of this book would make an incredible film.

>The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
For some reason I became enraptured by this book as a teenager. It smelled really amazing and dusty. I think our copy was from the 1940s and the pages would crumble as I turned them. I've never been so careful while reading a book, and I think that really endeared it to me. I'm very calmed by methodical descriptions of farming. The images of opium addiction amongst the wealthy Chinese aristocracy, who 'smoked the flesh off their bones', always come back to my mind; it's so decadent and horrifying.

>Solaris by Stanislaw Lem
This book scared the shit out of me. I picked it up after watching the film adaptation by Tarkovsky, which is one of my favourite movies. Sometimes I feel like the only explanation for human life is that our planet is a terrible god. I like thinking that planets are living, sentient behemoths that we completely misunderstand. I'm horrified to think what it would be like if such an abstract sentience had no regard for us, or enjoying toying with us. The act of repeatedly killing a doppelganger or a loved one seems so horrific; how could anyone think of something so awful? Whenever people pour cream into coffee in a clear glass, it reminds me of this book, because that's what I imagine the surface of Solaris to look like.

>The Flowers of Evil by Charles Baudelaire
I'm not typically interested in poetry, but I discovered The Flowers of Evil in high school as I was just becoming a goth and getting into Trent Reznor – and everyone else was getting into the Beat poets, who I find comparably boring if we're going to discuss druggy, surrealist poetry. This work is so visceral, filthy and gorgeously written. It feels like a distillation of the opium scenes from Pearl S. Buck's The Good Earth, but more abstract and extensively documented. This one poem is just a disgusting, sexual description of a corpse that is permanently burned into my mind.

>> No.8620574
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If on a winters night a traveller
House of Leaves
The amazing adventures of Kavalier and Clay

Yes in that order

Fight me

>> No.8620588

>Lewis, King, Clancy

Wee lad
DFW detected

>> No.8620634

Jesus Christ.
This is the type of person you're interacting with on /lit/, remember that...

>> No.8620651

Whatever happened to that book poll we had.

>> No.8620795

I'd love to fucking murder you.

>> No.8620808
File: 68 KB, 349x242, 2016-10-14 22.51.35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ego and Its Own

The Stranger

The Plague

>> No.8622170


Phantom Tollbooth
Book of the New Sun

idk, haven't really read enough to say. Been reading more lately though. Was reading about a book per month last year, and then I started Gravity's Rainbow and it took me a fucking year to finish, partly because it was such a slow read, confusing, and not even enjoyable at many parts, and also partly because I was living in an apartment on a busy street where it was too noisy to even concentrate on reading, which was hell. But I finished Gravity's Rainbow like a month ago. The ending was shit. Made no sense. Very disappointing. Other parts were great. Loved the Pokler episode, but the ending was shit IMO. Then I read Peace by Gene Wolfe, which I loved. Finished it last week, and now I'm reading Flash Boys.

>> No.8622186

I watched The Mirror by Tarkovsky. The plot was weird, but the camera work was incredible. Easily the most visually beautiful film I've seen. I mean holy fuck. I'd never seen anything like it before. It gave me an entirely new appreciation for film and photography and direction. It's like every shot is fucking perfect. Then I started reading about some other Soviet directors, and I started watching the films of this one animator, Yuriy Norshteyn, and the same thing happened where it gave me a totally new appreciation for animation. I think that so many major films have the same kind of pixar/dreamworks animation style these days, that to see something so different was just shocking in a great way. It was so expressive. Been meaning to watch Solaris and also Andrei Rublev.

>> No.8622187
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The Fortune of the Rougons
Me Myself and My Milkshop
Willful Disobedience
Technological Slavery
Blessed is the Flame

>> No.8622192
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Genre fiction tier:
LOTR trilogy
Discworld series
Dark Tower series
Warhammer books

The Stranger
Notes from Underground
Infinite Jest

/co/ = lit:
The Sandman
V for Vendetta

Shakespeare's gay Sonnets
Gaiman's poems and short stories
Bob Dylan :^]