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8618625 No.8618625 [Reply] [Original]

>that guy at the library who keeps sniffing his nose loudly every 30 seconds to keep the snot in

>> No.8618626

And so on and so on and so on...

>> No.8618628

It's you isn't it?

>> No.8618629

>that guy in the seminar who snorts a gigantic hardened booger down his throat every 30 seconds nonstop for 3 hours

Where does he keep getting more boogers? I'm not talking about a runny nose here. I'm talking I can hear a fist-sized, rock-solid booger being wrenched out of his nose and careening down his throat. Doesn't this violate the fucking law of conservation of mass? Where is he getting fresh, diamondilium-crystallized mucous tumors every MINUTE? How doesn't he realize that what is he doing isn't polite?

>> No.8618634
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Lemme guess. He's Indian or Chinese?

>> No.8618669

Totally me desu senpai

>> No.8618708

>He doesn't know the meme
Get him, boys

>> No.8618749

I fucking hate that. It's both disgusting and a nuisance to everyone around him.

GOD I HATE YOU YOU FUCKING TURBAN WEARING GUY. I swear they only come to watch movies on the library computers.

>> No.8618760
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>that woman with overwhelming perfume

>> No.8618764


All it takes is one person to say something and that person will USUALLY stop.

But nobody is willing to speak up because reasons.

>> No.8618765

>library is library in name only, in practice it's a fucking hobby club
>bearded bum-like figure feverishly writes something in the corner of the room, clearing his throat, gesticulating almost audibly like revelations from god hit him two times per minute
>loud and a-bit-too round-faced and shiny guys play roleplaying games at the center table, acting for the crowd, through the crowd is small and doesn't want anything to do with them
>elder lady scrying on Bulgakov and Tolstoy, records her results, announces "edition is wrong"
>two slightly overweight men loudly complain that the Asian section is shit and that they want "the talanted Murakami", quickly switch to shitting on Kobo Abe

>> No.8618773
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>Man walks into the library, no-one suspects a thing
>He finds a secluded corner of the library and begins poking at his phone.
>His neck moves swan-like, undulating as he lets forth a great hack, clearing his sinuses and his throat at the same time
>everyone dismisses the sound, hoping it doesn't come again
>he repeats it every minute; each time the tables shaking as on-lookers hide themselves deeper into their book/activity, attempting to hold back their gags.

>> No.8618784

maybe his brain is dissolving and he's swallowing the parts

>> No.8618885

Me while reading Finnegan's Wake desu

>> No.8618905

>that guy who isn't focusing on what he's doing at the library but being that much of an ADD loser that he has to project his retarded lack of focus onto everyone around him

>> No.8618993

Can't be Chinese. Chinese people are polite, quiet and submissive, just like all East Asians.

>> No.8619136
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>t. bing

>> No.8619172
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>that foreigner who doesn't understand that libraries are ment to be quiet
>starts loud ass speakerphone conversation in Spanish
>librarian tells him to leave, but neither of them can understand eachother
>escorted out by campus security

>> No.8619185
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>the blog thread consisting entirely of swamp text and meme picture on the literature board

>> No.8619252

The chinese are fucking disgusting.
t. Someone who has actually been to China

>> No.8619255

That's me
I've been like this for two years now
Help me

>> No.8619265

see a doctor

>> No.8619345

>that guy with a smelly cheese sandwich

>> No.8619448
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>when the chair makes a farting noise and you move around to repeat the noise to make sure everyone knows it was the chair