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8616452 No.8616452 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished God emperor of dune. Is this series worth going further with? It's getting fairly fucked up at this point

>> No.8616456

Why don't you read a little more to find out?

>> No.8616469

well the main point is made, the next books are okay as a new, smaller topic, but Emperor is the clear high point of the series.

>> No.8616532


Because I just read the first 4 books in a row and the series is taking some weird turns and don't know if it's worth continuing. I'll read something else nigga

>> No.8616545

I mean you've already ripped through the majority of them
Won't you see how it ends?

>> No.8616580

He died before finishing book 7 and 6 ends on a cliffhanger.

But yeah things only get weirder after Leto dies, for sure. That was half of the point of his golden path. I'll summarize the next books if you want an enticement to or warning against reading them

IIRC book 5 is kind of boring. It's set 500 years after GE, it establishes that Arrakis is a sandy shithole again, Siona/Duncan's descendant is the protagonist. She figures out how to ride sandworms which was lost knowledge so the Bene Gesserit buy a Duncan Idaho ghola from the Tleilaxu to control her. Galaxy has 3 major powers, the Tleilaxu, Ixians and the Bene Gesserit. Tleilaxu figured out how to make synthetic spice so Rakis is kind of a backwater and not as important as it was.

Part way through the book a bunch of feminist space dominatrixes invade the galaxy, blow up some planets and enslave a bunch of people with their vaginas. Idaho, who the Bene Gesserit wanted to enslave with their own vagina powers, get cucked by these space dominatrixes after one of them steals Idaho's virginity in front of their very eyes and enslaves him with her pussypowers. Idaho discovers his own magic Tleilaxu penis powers though and reflects her pussymagic back on her and makes her a slave to his cock.

The space dommes get pissed off and thinking he's on Arrakis they glass the shithole killing all of the sandworms except one, which the bene gesserit drown and release the resulting sandtrout on their Chapterhouse world, creating a second Dune

>> No.8616622

Book 6

The space dominatrixes have utterly btfo the galaxy, the Tleilaxu are wiped out except for Scytale who is in Bene Gesserit hands. He shows them how to create gholas and shit. Idaho and everyone are hanging out in a noship for most of the book IIRC. They also get a bunch of Jews somehow but I forgot how that happened and then there's a part where they almost get yiffed to death by killer furries, no I am not making this up.

The bitch who is now stuck in a shared sexual addiction with Duncan becomes a reverend mother and eventually ends up leading the galaxy, kind of, while Duncan continues to become OP as fuck due to 4,000 years of awakened ghola memories in him. Duncan keeps having visions of this old couple trying to capture him which are never spun out in later works. Except the absolute dogshit put out by his son who identifies them as his two OC donutsteel characters from the Butlerian Jihad books

>> No.8616644

how much of the Dune series did Frank Herbert write with one hand on his cock? Because the books are full of fucking sex and not just the 'normal' stuff. Boysex, hot teen boy on sandtrout action, BSDM shit, it's all there. It starts getting really apparent in book 3.

>> No.8616648


Sounds rad, but I'm sure 90% is open ended philosophy without value

>> No.8616650


Yeah, that nigga Herbert nasty

>> No.8616785

Yeah, I wouldn't recommend against books, but you're not going to get a satisfying conclusion to them since not only the main plot but basically every character's subplot ends on a massive cliffhanger.

tl;dr on the brian herbert books, they literally clone all of the characters from the first books, Paul clone duels PAOLO, aka EVIL PAUL, THE SHADOW KWIZATZ HADERACH, but it doesn't matter because Duncan is already in Super Kwizatz Haderach 3 mode and then he picks the green ending from Mass Effect 3 all while cloned Leto Kaiju monster and his sandworms attack the machine planet. I won't even spoiler this garbage because I wouldn't recommend those books to my worst enemy.

>> No.8617459
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OP: do you really have anything better to do with your time? do you see yourself in two weeks' time, having finished the good Dune books and wisely avoided the shit-like prequels, and then you think "Wow.. i could have read, like, thirty Animorph books in that time"?

>> No.8617509

i got fear is the mind killer from watching the movie. will i get more from the books?

>> No.8617537

It's worth if you're a lore-nigger like myself. Otherwise I'd say not really.

>> No.8618290

With God-Emperor, you get the establishment of the now-unstoppable Golden Path, which was the point that Frank wanted to get to from the beginning.

If you absolutely want to keep reading, go ahead, but stop when the author's name is no longer Frank Herbert.

>> No.8620228
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I'm interested on these books, but I don't know why, I think it was a trilogy, but it seems to be an endless serie. kinda like star wars.
would you suggest me wich ones read? I'm not really into fantasy (did my part with Tolkien) and I don't want to start a senseless saga. pic unrelated

>> No.8620637

don't forget the catgirls

>> No.8620643

Personally, I couldn't even get through the first book due to how atrocious the prose is (though the story is pretty interesting.) I have no idea why people praise Dune; maybe the average reader is even more apathetic about good literature than I imagine.

>> No.8622237

Bumping for answer
Checkin them out

>> No.8622246

You may also get that it's the little death that brings total oblivion.

>> No.8622252

Your post's kind of hard to understand, but there are six proper Dune books so it's not really endless. You should start with the original one called Dune, obviously.

But as >>8620643 says, if you're used to well-written literary fiction you may find it unbearable.

>> No.8622267


I have to agree. I read it a couple years ago and could barely get through it. It really is spectacularly awful, but it gets held up in certain circles and on Plebbit all the time. The world building was O.K. but the rest of it was absolute trash.

>> No.8622327

And what would you recommend as good, well written sci-fi?

>> No.8622402


The Dispossessed by Ursula K. LeGuin

>> No.8622417
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So serious question. I haven't read the non-Frank books due to the opinions here on /lit/, but his son's book do sell well (otherwise, why are there so many?).

So are they REALLY uber-shit money-grabs, or are they worth reading if you just enjoy the Dune mythos?

>> No.8622517

The first 3 books up to children of dune are great. Skip the rest.

>> No.8622868

God Emperor was the best, bitchboy

>> No.8622967

holy... i want more.

>> No.8623010

The ones set directly before Dune aren't that bad but they're not that good either. None of Frank's masturbatory open ended pseudo philosophy is there, it's pure, linear narrative using the aesthetic of Dune. But they're okay at that.

The Butlerian Jihad books are fucking A W F U L pulp sci-fi.

The "X of Dune" books aren't terrible but you'd be better off reading the Dune wiki for the information in them since the way it's presented isn't anything special at all.

The two sequels are literally star wars prequel tier, it's almost as if George Lucas took over the writing. The Jihad books are kind of like that too.

These books sell well because sci-fi/fantasy fans are tasteless idiots. I've spoken to fully grown men who make six figures that have tried to convince me that RA Salvatore was actually a good writer.

There is literally no reason to read Children if you're not going to take the Gold Pill and finish God Emperor.

>> No.8623098

Dune is the definition of a work that survives on thematic richness alone, Herbert was one of the most lackluster stylists of the 20th century.

But it really is impressive, to look back after reading the first four books and see just how many different things he talked about. For me it's not the 'worldbuilding' that is the interesting thing about Dune but rather the way that Frank used the backdrop to tell stories about morality. Dune is not like most of the sci-fi that came before it because Herbert doesn't really give a shit about the nuts and bolts, he's not masturbating over human accomplishments, he's showing us a world that draws our eyes to the future and the past at the same time. The medieval dynastic system of noble houses set amongst the stars is almost jarring when compared to the typical sci-fi which assumes some form of technocratic democracy will inevitably dehumanize the state into a perfectly cold beast.

He also veers away from technological triumphalism. His original conception of the Butlerian Jihad was not that there was some idiotic machine rebellion like his son's books describe, but rather that there was a conscious, spiritually motivated decision undertaken by the major religions of mankind to see that man was not rendered obsolete. Dune is an incredibly human story in ways that most sci-fi is not. In Dune, it is almost never some mechanical gizmo which is the source of dazzling, magical powers but rather human will. From the calculating mind of the Mentat, to the mystical past memories of the Bene Gesserit, to the prescience of the spacing guild navigators and even the Tleilaxu's axlotl tanks, which are nothing more than the human wombs honed into factories capable of synthesizing almost any biological compound, it's all fundamentally human. Technology is only included insofar as it helps us express our powers. The Fremen use weapons, but it is not their superior firepower which leads them to victory but rather their weirding way, their superior martial art, their superior human power.

There's a reason that Lucas pooched Dune for Star Wars because Star Wars is also a setting where the nuts and bolts were pushed aside in order to tell a human story.