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/lit/ - Literature

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8615550 No.8615550 [Reply] [Original]

When you read, how long do you do it for?

1, 2, 3 hours? Do you do anything while you read?

Do you turn your phone off? If not, how do you keep yourself from fiddling it?

>> No.8615589

>If not, how do you keep yourself from fiddling it?

>there are people who cant imagine not touching their phones for a couple of hours

just kys

>> No.8615602

I have a real problem

>> No.8615611

I usually read how much I want to, I don't have any time goals. It can be just one or two chapters if the book is divided into chapters or stories, it can be an hour. I also read a lot waiting for classes or trains, so usually until the start of the class or until getting back home, it can be one or one and half an hour.
In home I read a bit in the morning, and some more in the night, sometimes I can read for two or three hours in the night, usually to the end of the book. I don't turn my phone off, I don't really use it anyway during the day, only in the morning as an alarm clock. I don't take it with myself anywhere.
I don't do anything while reading other than reading, sometimes when I'm out I'll check the hour because I'm waiting for the classes or a train, like I said before. Or I'll drink some water if I'm thirsty.

>> No.8615680

Generally 2 or 3 hours, but I mainly aim for a certain amount of chapters/pages.

>Do you turn your phone off? If not, how do you keep yourself from fiddling it?
I still have an old slide phone.

>> No.8615998

by reading in the night I mean reading before going to sleep, it's a habit of mine, I ALWAYS read before sleeping, if I'm really sleepy then it's a short chapter or some poems, but I must read something. Usually I read for an hour or maybe a bit less.

And during the day, if it's a free day, meaning that I don't have any specific plans or I'm not going to uni I just sit down or lay down and read, because what else could I do?

>> No.8616030

>When you read, how long do you do it for? 1, 2, 3 hours?
I read in smaller chunks, multiple times throughout the day. Anywhere from 15-60 minutes for 2-3 times a day. I'm jobless atm though. When I work I still try to read for an hour or 2 a day.

>Do you do anything while you read?
What do you mean? Reading should take up all your attention.

>Do you turn your phone off? If not, how do you keep yourself from fiddling it?
I put it on airplane mode and only use it for the dictionary apps. My phone has been broken for a month though... It's a pain flipping through an actual dictionary and it's what I miss the most about my smartphone.

>> No.8616632
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Usually for 2 or 3 hours a day, spaced throughout the breaks between classes and the time spent reading at home. I have a mental goal to read at least 30 pages a day and 1 book a week.

I always dedicate myself fully to what I am reading. I use earplugs and ambient/drone music if the noise is too annoying.

My phone stays at my side, but only for the ambient music/dictionary apps.

>> No.8616646

but you have no friends that want to talk to you,so why would you get distracted?

maybe uninstall your 4chan app

>> No.8616662

Mainly browsing 4chan yeah, and googling about anything that I read every page or so when something piques my interest, or checking what's trending on YouTube or liveleak, bloomberg too. Even this thread I've been watching

>> No.8616664

i read for however long i feel like it, time permitting. i have a flip phone.

>> No.8616673

10-15 minutes 4-5 times a day

>> No.8616682

what's the name of the movie

>> No.8616686

A Place for the Youth

>> No.8616690


I get compulsions to google random questions that pop into my head. Usually I think this is a perfectly healthy compulsion, since I tend to learn new shit and sometimes it's useful. That said, sometimes I'll be reading or trying to sleep and it'll distract the shit out of me because I wonder what the answer to retarded questions are.

I started keeping a notebook and I just write them down but even that's distracting.

>> No.8616692

Just depends on how much time I have. Maybe two hours of reading a day, not including newspapers or magazines. Before going to bed, or when I have some free time in the office.

>> No.8616709

Exactly this

>> No.8616734

Mostly I sleep when I get home in the afternoon, and wake up in the middle of the night. My sleep app sets my phone to flightmode, or I do. I maybe check the time when I wake, but nothing else.

>mfw the real hours of my life are half-remembered dreams and what I am reading until the alarm goes off in the morning.

>> No.8616743

>Do you turn your phone off?
no, i read books on my phone in bed just before i go to sleep

>> No.8616753

You are killing your ability to focus. Keep a notebook at all times. When something comes up, any impulse, any new thought, anything you need to look up, make a note, in as much detail as needed, and go about your business.

When you DELIBERATELY DECIDE it is time to research, look through your notebook. Look up the things that are important. Organize your notes in a master planner. Is it important now? Is it something you might use in the future? Inspiration?

It is hard at first, because anyone online has been raised on immediate gradification. It is the first step to freedom.

>> No.8616826

No country for old men

>> No.8616927

On days where I have no other obligations:

I go to the library and I read for about 4-5 hours with a break for lunch. I usually stop around 3:30 when the school kids flood in but I could potentially stay longer

I put my phone at the bottom of my backpack and put my backpack behind or under my chair. I too am a scummy youngster addicted to my phone. The trick is to not check it even once. If you keep it in your pocket the temptations is huge.

Good luck with more productive reading Anon.

>> No.8616977

thanks anon

>> No.8616992
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I avoid reading because of my OCD if something feels off when I'm reading I have to read a whole page over again if that feels wrong I have to back another page someone kill me

>> No.8617001

1-2 hours once a month because I'm addicted to the internet and it's slowly but surely ruining my life.

>> No.8618661

12 hours from 8pm till 8am with small coffee pauses

>> No.8618896
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25 minutes of reading, then five minutes of break; the break usually involves me walking a bit, just to break monotony.

You guys ever try listening to white noise while reading? I find that it works quite well, especially if you find it difficult to pay attention whilst reading.

>> No.8618908

ouch. i only have to read sentences over sometimes or touch the page a certain way. hope things get better for you anon.

>> No.8618916

Depends on what kind of noise. Try listening to this and pay attention to a book.

Or maybe you're a hmw kind of person.

>> No.8618959
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I had no idea this was an actual music genre. I don't see how anyone could read, or do anything for that matter, while listening to this...

The white noise I listen to is from this place: mynoise.net

"Anamesis" or "Aeternitas" are the drones that I listen to.

>> No.8619584

I exclusively read books on my phone.

>> No.8619947

"Reading requires solitude and an extended period of an unusual sort of attention" DFW

Pay respect to every paragraph, every sentence, every single word, spend time understanding it. It is better to read a page a day and really dive deep into it than reading 50 pages a day just for the sake of it. You are not a machine but a human being and reading is supposed to tune you in, not pacify you. Read wide awake, indulge, invest time and effort, apply yourself! Also get a comfy chair and maybe some light music if that's your thing.

>> No.8620351

i have an ideal reading "setup", but i normally end up doing most of my nonacademic reading standing up on a train or sitting on the steps of the library

but if i have time, i like to sit in bed with the windows open with a glass of water and some undemanding albums playing. pretty easy for me to pass an afternoon like that if nothing distracts me (better if your phone is downstairs)

>> No.8620421

I only get distracted by my phone if I'm getting texts from a girl that wants my D.
So naturally I don't get distracted very often.

>> No.8620428

>It is better to read a page a day and really dive deep into it than reading 50 pages a day just for the sake of it
>50 pages
>a lot
>page a day
>diving deep
You can make 50 pages in as little as an hour and a half if you're slow.

>> No.8620440

Also about the "for the sake of it", I found my reading really picked up once I started putting myself accountable for pages read. I don't beat myself up if I don't make my limit if I was busy that day or whatever else, but it gives motivation to set aside time for it and spend less time shitposting on peruvian tapdance forums.

>> No.8620441

I often sit in my bathroom, with the vent turned on and leave my phone on the counter well out of arm's reach.

>> No.8620448

I get disheartened when I try to set a goal, I read best when I can lose track of everything except the book, and an hour later I've read a huge chunk and I'm still hungry for more

>> No.8620450

All day, with breaks for meals, coffee, and whatever responsibilities I might have (such as classes). I don't turn my telephone off and sometimes I do end up messaging friends instead of reading, but it doesn't normally get in the way because there's nothing it can do that I enjoy as much as reading (aside from messaging with friends, but I can't do that all day long).

>> No.8620453

That's fair. a goal for me doesn't often mean I'm counting page numbers while I'm reading so much as I know where I want to end up. And a lot of times I overshoot it which is the opposite of disheartening.

>> No.8620454

I'm not that anon, but I usually try to just keep it in mind if it really interests me. If I end up forgetting it, then that's probably for the better.

>> No.8620458

hi janos

>> No.8620653


>> No.8622036

Try dark ambient, if you haven't already.

>> No.8622071
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Usually an hour before work in the morning, then three hours after work before my spouse comes home.

I don't turn my phone off; there's nothing on my phone that would distract me anyway. I don't text people, social media doesn't need much attention, no games ever hold my interest for that long. I do use it if I need to look up something in the book I'm reading though.

>> No.8623338

Sleep Research Facility is the best dark ambient ever

>> No.8623796

Am I the only person on this board who's never had a smartphone

>> No.8623960


If I am reading a non novel, I will read several different books at once each for a chapter a day, hour in the morning, at lunch, 2 hours each evening
Got easier to do when I tossed my television out 16 years ago
But, if I am reading a novel, I set aside time on the weekend, turn everything off, lie down on the couch and read until the story is ended, I prefer to entirely consume a story all at once

>> No.8624113

Probably most of them just didn't respond.

>> No.8624121

In one or three minute spurts before I get distracted.