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8614168 No.8614168 [Reply] [Original]

>be 2016
>Portugal wins Euro
>Cristiano Ronaldo is the best player of the year
>A portuguese dude gets elected as the boss of United Nations
>Portugal's year
>still doesn't get the Nobel


>> No.8614176
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>> No.8614179

Portuguese here, if he won the nobel a lot of people would be happy for patriotic reasons but I can assure you most people would fucking decimate him

anyone that is or was involved with communism is hated for it. Communism still has a very negative image here to this day for no good reason

>> No.8614194

>for no good reason

>> No.8614197

>be Portugal
>Most communist party in the world after North Korea
>Only communist party in the Western world still relevant
>Many communists still venerated as heroes
>We celebrate a commie revolution every year

Yeah, keep telling commies have a very negative image around here...

>> No.8614200

so Saramago was despised when he won?

>> No.8614236

Bollocks, chupa-me a pila.

Communism is on the fucking preamble of the Constitution. CGTP is the largest syndicate. PCP is supporting the government.
If anything, they're loved way too much.

I don't know where from you got the idea that he's a commie anyhow

>> No.8614244

His texts are better than Os Cu de Judas btw.

Specially the first chapters of that book are fucking insufferable with the direct references to classics

>> No.8614253

>for no good reason
other than destroying half the world

>> No.8614260

who is josé saramago?

>> No.8614261
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>keeping with the thread's purpose


>> No.8614277

No but he was mildly despised for living in a spanish island

>> No.8614321

This is wrong, you're probably hanging out with plebs.

Holy fuck, investigate a little before spouting bullshit.

>> No.8614325

No? Are you kidding me? He was more than despised because on top of a commie he wanted Portugal to join Spain. Not to mention all the other bullshit reasons people hated him for, like his lack of punctuation and 'offensive' or sinful depictions of christianity

Don't you remember the controversy when he died? So many people refused to ever aknowledge him as one of the greats, there were far more "thank God that idiot is gone" than "rest in peace"

>> No.8614334

How can a communist in Portugal feel persecuted!?

Plus, nobody even knows or cares about Lobo Antunes having voted commie once

>> No.8614354

go to any village in Portugal and ask around about communism. People may defend communist values without knowing it but the word communism has a very negative conotation. Old people will tell you the communists go around villages taking away your kids and trust me this is still believed to this day
No one knows what communism is but everyone hates it. The old people who vote communist cannot tell their neighbours. Do you think people would still vote PS or PSD if they knew what they meant? you're deluded. And the American anti-commie propaganda has only made it worse because among young people it's even worse now.
In Portugal, everybody knows that communism is bad, socialism is good. But no one knows what either really mean

>> No.8614369


>> No.8614371

Lobo Antunes is complete shit. Of course a has-been songwriter would outrank him.

>> No.8614380

why do you even keep shouting about Alentejo, it's a waste land with no one living there, it doesn't matter what they think. The rest of the country thinks very differently

>> No.8614392

Alentejo is the most communist place in Western Europe. It's a rural area! So don't tell shit about Commies being persecuted! Specially not the old people, some of which are proud of being commie, because it meams they were against Salazar!

>> No.8614408

>lobo antunes
>deserves the nobel prize
Well, if the bar is so low a songwriter wins it...

>> No.8614420

>for no good reason


>> No.8614449

>No but

Stop right there, underage. The President even refused to acknowledge him ( granted it's Cavaco and he's a borderline functioning retard and corrupt mummy, but still a tremendous dick move ) and the church wanted him exiled.

>> No.8614490

Is Margem Sul do Tejo also a waste land with no one living there?

fkn commie

>> No.8615314
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The funny things is that he'll die next year!

>> No.8616037
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a-at least he's not Murakami-tier yet right?

>> No.8616079

don't you mean patronymic

>> No.8616095

Shit, when people put Roth, Pynchon, DeLillo, etc., they're not fucking getting it. The Nobel Prize is a POLITICAL institution, it's not based on merit. Roth, sure, is Jewish, and writes about Jews, and a great and very relevant writer, but he's also a sex-charged individualist very masculine writer who couldn't give less of a shit about identity politics and ascribing to some political cause. In different but similar ways, Pynchon and DeLillo aren't relevant and politically charged enough (they're paranoid and love conspiracies and strange quirks of history, yes, but they don't significantly enough ascribe to identity politics or major political causes voicing support for some specific group of minorities). This is why it goes to Toni Morrison, instead, a black female writer who writes about (you guessed it) black equality and feminism and speaks up for minorities and had a big impact beyond Pynchon's, say, and it's why Bob Dylan won, too --- he had a massive influence and spoke up for civil rights, did antiwar protest songs, etc.

The Nobel is a joke meant to support the Nobel panel's own communistic ideas, and that is why it rarely went to writers of actual merit like Borges, Nabokov, Joyce, Proust, etc. They weren't political enough in the exact way desired. Pynchon will never win the Nobel, Roth will never win the Nobel. Sure, you get the occasional Beckett and Faulkner, but they're just great writers whose artistic ideals happen to coincide with significantly portraying the downcast, downtrodden, and ignored sections of society. Roth, on the other hand, likes writing about seductive male patriarchs who get ruined by the idiotic and feminine women and culture around them. Not something that makes the Nobel panelists proud. Just my take.

I don't see why people are surprised about the B. Dylan choice, too, by being surprised you're giving legitimacy to the Nobel Prize as if it's a genuine authority on literature and not some communist bullshit.

>> No.8616109

dont worry hell be fine

>> No.8616138

top lel.

Never change /pol/

>> No.8616146

this desu

>> No.8616154

whoah, take a midol, nu-male

>> No.8616219
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>for no good reason