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8613216 No.8613216 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else ever do this?

i read book of the new sun while i was pretty baked the other day and everything was so vivid and thought-provoking. probably not the best idea if you're into speed reading or whatever but it made my mental image of the book so much more powerful.

>> No.8613220
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>> No.8613223

No it didn't, it just made you miss the important things. The book is vivid enough as is and reading while baked is an obvious disservice to the great work it is.

>> No.8613232

I usually can't focus on books when I'm high, but sometimes I'll take adderall and smoke a lil bit and read something - it's usually pretty cool with really imaginative/evocative stuff. And sativas tend to work a lot better. I was just reading some ligotti stoned the other day and it was pretty neato

>> No.8613246


Square. I've read the series 4 times and it was only on my stoned run that the theological themes became really apparent and provocative.

>> No.8613248

>take adderall and smoke a lil bit
why the combination? doesn't make any sense

>> No.8613251

fuck yes, gotta try this.

eh, if you're reading to connect with the book on an academic level and seriously analyse it or whatever it's probably not too great but with something you've already read before it can turn the experience into something really pleasurable.

man the whole thing with dorcas and the river styx hit me so hard in my baked reading session, fuckin thinking about it now still gives me chills.

>> No.8613255

How stupid are you to have to read it for the fourth time stoned to notice the obvious discussion on the Trinity, teleology, argument from motion, Catholic political theory... He's not even hiding it, he's openly paraphrasing Aquinas whenever he actually starts talking philosophy.

>> No.8613256

not sure about reading but speed and weed is a mad combination.

>> No.8613257

Nah it's pretty cool. It's just like being high except you can concentrate on shit without getting distracted every 2 minutes

>> No.8613263


Those are allusions. I am talking about deep-structure thematics and meta-commentary, you dumb cunt.

>> No.8613264

play nice kids.

>> No.8613266

I find that it still makes me feel things - sometimes more strongly - but the next day I've usually internalized much less of it.

>> No.8613268

Those aren't allusions, they are in fact the basic idea which upon the plot is built and all of these and more are discussed in detail.

>> No.8613270

pretty sure they counteract eachother, though, but okay, what kind of dosage do you guys take?

>> No.8613271


No, they are allusions. Echoes of parables. I am referring to the meditation on stroy-telling-as-religion and religion-as-story-telling that is the actual structuring idea of the series.

>> No.8613272

since there are book of the new sun nerds itt

what the fuck is the deal with the gardens in Torturer?

>> No.8613273

Whilst we're at it, anyone here tried reading whilst on psychs?

>> No.8613276

>pretty sure they counteract eachother, though
kind of, but in an extremely pleasant way. it's not like the speed just erases the effects of the weed or anything.

basically you've got all the pleasant sensory and imaginative stuff from weed but you don't get couch/fridge locked and you've got absolutely no fucking idea what's going on. your mind becomes a fucking laser

i saw a weird bike race taking place on my wall right before i finally went to sleep and i had some of the best bantz of my life with my closest mate.

dose depends how strong the speed is really, but just do maybe 50 mg, smoke a mix, then see how you feel.

you can always have more if you need it.

>> No.8613277

my dad said he read the last 300 pages of the name of the rose while on acid and it was an extremely powerful experience.

>> No.8613546


>> No.8613599

Modernist literature is wonderful while on a good mental high.