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/lit/ - Literature

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8611849 No.8611849 [Reply] [Original]

>professor begins laughing at you

>> No.8611855
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>professor pulls his dick out and sticks it in another student's face.

>> No.8611862
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>professor stares at you throughout the entire lecture with a visible erection throughout

>> No.8611879

>tfw professor starts molesting you
>tfw home schooled

>> No.8611886

>tfw home schooled
>tfw molesting professors

>> No.8611895

>tfw home professor
>tfw molesting schools

>> No.8611897

I've never had access to college education.

>> No.8611900


>> No.8611908
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>professor loudly asks if you had a good night when you stumble into class visibly hungover

>> No.8611912
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>Start job as home schooling professor
>Student starts complaining about teacher molesting them
>They aint complaining any more

>> No.8611913

>the tosses a pair of underwear at you and says, "you left these btw,"

>> No.8611947
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>talking in class

>> No.8611956
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>professor has Celiac disease and farts all day, every day

>> No.8611970
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>Professor has lived here for 40 years.
>Can't speak english for shit.
>Also penis and balls are pretty visible through his obnoxiously tight, plaid pants

>> No.8612043
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>Professor uses his erection as a pointer during his lesson

>> No.8612069

golf clap

>> No.8612076
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>professor tells you to check your privilege.

>> No.8612080

>plaid pants
I bet he thinks it makes him eccentric

>> No.8612104
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>professor gives you asmr

>> No.8612132

Semi-relevant, what is the difference between a lecturer with a relaxing/calming voice and one that puts you to sleep? Is it just the subject matter being engaging or is it something about the way they speak?

>> No.8612142 [DELETED] 

The aura in which the spirit emits though the particles are invisible they are truly tangible with sufficient discovery in magickal quality thus you are to see the Self and distinguish the lines from nonlines

>> No.8612143

I can feel the feminine energy from these pics

>> No.8612147

ya I hate it when they do that

>> No.8612151

Strength. If a voice is feeble

>> No.8612156
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>professor is a Marxist.

>> No.8612160
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>> No.8612167

>Professor stands on his desk.
>Squats down.
>Proceeds to take a 5 minute, splattery wet shit.
>Then takes out a laser pointer and points to particular chunks, comparing each student in the class to different ones.

>> No.8612170
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>Professor points and laughs
>"Hahaha, Jesus"
>Jesus weeps on his painted toenails

>> No.8612178


>> No.8612184

>professor walks around Chicago
>feels like shit

>> No.8612185

>professor delights in reminiscing over times women were subordinated to men

>> No.8612189

>professor is clearly drunk and keeps making slurping noises and doesn't seem to know what he's talking about.
fucking gamestop

>> No.8612190

>Professor greets the class every day by kicking the classroom door in and shooting blanks from twin .45 pistols at the students.

>Then seamlessly proceeds with his lecture.

>> No.8612196

>Tenured Professor puases mid-lecture and says hes has a guest speaker who came to talk today
>takes the microphone pinned to his shirt and moves it to his ass and farts loudly

>> No.8612203

The band????

>> No.8612207

The who?

>> No.8612208

>professor is a ventriloquist
>his dummy is unemployed

>> No.8612213

>After major tests the professor always walks into class and shoots the lowest scoring students
>people sometimes skip class the day after tests, traveling hundreds, even thousands of miles away overnight to avoid the prof
>But the prof always finds em

>> No.8612214


>> No.8612228

This is the best

>> No.8612242

>Slut Studies professor.
>Big fat, hairy, blue haired, old bitch who nobody wants to fuck.
>We all have to to pass.

>> No.8612248

>professor sprouts visible erection while reading William Blake

Retire already Harold

>> No.8612249

>professor gives an example to demonstrate his point by telling a story in which he incidentally reveals that he hosts swinger parties with his fellow faculty members
>but is too engaged in thought to realize

>> No.8612265

>Professor would give demonstrations on how to search for books using the school's library site.
>"I'll just plug in...oh...I dunno, first thing to come to my mind here...oh I know, I'll search for the book that I wrote! Oh, there it is, hey it's even checked out! Haha, I thought nobody cared about it!"

I worked in the library, fucker did this on a weekly basis....he also checked out his own book, so it wouldn't look so pathetic.

>> No.8612288

>Professor always tells the same story at the end of the semester
>one time, there was one who got away
>He searched for years but after awhile it got in the way of his teaching, and he had to quit her.
>He recalls a time back in 1987, he was in thailand searching for one of his students who attempted to flee
>He met a women by the name of Charlene, who had been moving around the world since she was young
>when the prod asked her why, she told him that she was being chased, constantly, but she forgot who was after her, or why
>She and the prof hit it off, making intense love that night over the corpse of his marked student
>25 years later anf the prof has been married to this woman for 23
>Its late at night and hes sitting down reading, puts his book looking over the dusty records of all his kills pre 1985, it had layed derelict in his drawer since then.
>His humble old wife, still graceful in her age, is beatiful to the professor, the love of his life, the only thing he cares about more than academia, calls him to bed
>He looks over the record and notices the one he missed all those years ago
>Her face, so familiar, so... endearing
>he pauses for a moment and looks at the framed picture of his wife sitting on his desk
>He looks back at the record
>It couldn't be
>not after all these years
>He took out his .375 magnum and loaded it with a single bullet, all that was needed
>He looked up towards his bedroom, then looked back down at his wifes portrait, nodded to himself, and went up stairs
>He entered the darkened bedroom with his gun already trained on his target, missing for 35 years
>"Honey is that you?" She said, sleepily, comfortably, "you coming to bed jusy yet?"
>His wife turns on the nightlight and she can't quite see the prof, just a faint visage
>she stares straight down the barrel and the looks upon her husbands dark figure
>"I didn't mean to lie to you!" She said sheepishly, "I was just looking out for myself. But after that night, I couldn't leave your side, I knew you were the one for me. I love you, I love you more than anything and if you kill me now I'll understand."
>The prof cocked the gun and his wife continued "If you really love me, just get it over with now. I Just wish we had more time to spend together."
>The prof stepped into the light, revealing tears streaming down from his face. He took the gun and put it on his own forehead, and pulled the trigger
>The prof woke up the next day in a hospital bed. Someone had called an ambulance for him, but when they arrived he was the only one there
>He recovered slowly, but after a coulle years he was back on the job like normal, still teaching
>He still searches for her, to this day
>He says he intends to kill her, but every time he gets to that line he chokes up a little.

>> No.8612292

And you know what "passing" is, if you know what I mean.

>> No.8612299


>> No.8612301
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>thesis class of 5
>i tried critiquing stories, nobody would listen
>2 were poorly written dramas, one backed with a family of divorcees who don't need no man
>comedy, which was actually kinda funny but pointless
>self insert handicap motivational story, was not that bad really
>drama of man building a house for family on old family property in the boonies
>high praise from department
>starts of great
>get shit feedback from classmates like, "make him more macho man, like a mans man" or "the wife should really be harsher to the husband"
>eventually i give up on class
>story is still ok, hanging in there barely
>have to leave for orgo lab that went on at same time, when thesis was moved one day
>professor is upset
>"its not like you have anything to say anyway"
fuck you, at least i was praised for my work in the science department. top of the class, and the bio professor loved that i was a creative writing major. liberal arts is a joke.

>> No.8612312
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>african american studies
>professor is white lady

>> No.8612318


Kind of funny, but editing dude. Editing.

>> No.8612335

youtube dot com senpai

>> No.8612360
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>professor dies

happened to me last week

>> No.8612362

When I was in 10th grade, I asked my history teacher what a martyr is and she laughed at me. I asked again and she asked if I was serious or not.
What a bitch

>> No.8612374
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>walking through double doors
>see old proffesor with white beard and jet black fedora on the other side of the door on his way to class
>open the door to go through
>go through
>stand there for 3 seconds holding the door open for fedora man
>was doing the old fuck a favor
>he goes through the other door
>has to open it himself

I swear to god, if I see that old fuck around I again I'm going to ram into him and say "Watch out, faggot."

>> No.8612381


No need my man, you got some pretty sweet revenge by bitching about it in your post.

>> No.8612387

no, he's fucking dead

>> No.8612396
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>professor of economics starts banging sophomore
>eventually gets caught by wife who is a professor teaching English lit

He had to learn how to divide his assets in half

>> No.8612403

>professor likes you

>> No.8612416


>> No.8612419

At least she didn't tell you to make a martyr of yourself.

>> No.8612423

wow, this thread is hilarious

>> No.8612451

How big is his dick?

>> No.8612468

You know what they say about people with advanced degrees...

>> No.8612482

>professor doesn't say anything to you because you don't go to college

>> No.8612503


>> No.8612507

they have a teeny penee?

>> No.8612518

>tfw professor smugly acknowledges the desolate, neo-Hobbesian battlefield of collegiate hookup culture
>ignore the lecture and wallow in misanthropy

>> No.8612532
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>tfw literally took a gender studies paper just so I could listen to the professor's voice because she felt so good to listen to

>> No.8612710
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>the professor briefly makes eye contact as you lower your head in panic and shame

>> No.8612714
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Are you kid a or kid b?

>> No.8612789

elaborate unless you're memeing

>> No.8613918

I wish my classes were like that. I remember the best student not knowing what a mercenary was after the teacher asked her. At the time she was reading Candid and shit. That's why I frown upon every Enlightenment [*tips*] classic. She wants to have coffee with me nowadays. I'm not going, though she gives me a hard-on

>> No.8613925
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