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/lit/ - Literature

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8609939 No.8609939[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

pleblit thread

>> No.8609951

/r/writingprompts sometimes has genuinely interesting prompts but every single fucking response is either narrated from the perspective of an ineloquent, impoverished, Americanised college student and culminates in a predictably Hollywoodesque or pseudo-Lovecraftian sense, there's no exception

>> No.8609992

The prompts are always the same shit. "You are a fuckstick really good at being a fuckstick. But this time, there's a twist." It's the twist parts that always trigger me. Without fail there's always a twist, which is guy you get these stupid hollywood stories. These people write as if they had only ever seen movies.

Real creative writing prompts, the kinds you do at workshops, are open ended and don't force you to write hollywood blockbuster schlock. If there is a twist it's the author who is in control. Not the neckbeard who comes up with his ideas in the shower and praises people as Faulkners for getting his idea of a Jawa fighting Verne Troyer right. Real prompts say as little about the concepts as possible, and mostly put you into an emotional space.

>> No.8609995

that's because reddit is literally /tv/

>> No.8610005
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>> No.8610010

I contemplated creating a gimmick account where I wrote super serious /lit/ responses to rwritingprompts, but then I realised that'd be the literal maximum of pseuditry.

>> No.8610023

You're scared that your 'super serious /lit response' falls flat, scared of the realization that you're just mediocre like the rest of us.

>> No.8610027
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>> No.8610028

>you're scared of mediocrity!
>that's why you want to do absolutely nothing at all
That doesn't even make any sense.

>> No.8610032

Are you 12?

Most people prefer to keep their beliefs about themselves intact instead of owning up to what these beliefs actually entail.

>> No.8610038

If you browse reddit you need to leave and never mention this place again

>> No.8610040

Not doing anything equals mediocrity you dolt. That's the opposite of keeping your beliefs intact.

>> No.8610043

Fuck you I do it for getting easy ego-boosts about my genre fiction.

If that's not /lit/ as fuck, I don't know what is.

>> No.8610046

You clearly don't understand English, I'm out

>> No.8610049

If you were out, why did you feel the need to say you were out?

You're not trying to save face on an anonymous image board, are you?

>> No.8610057

can't help but get linked there sometimes, not a fan of the format so I don't stay long

>> No.8610062

The format's the least of it's problems.

It's normie as fuck.
>waaah /r9k/ get out reeeee
Autism is a great advantage. Could you imagine a redditor devoting most of their life to doing one shitty hobby all the time? Could you imagine a community of redditors forged out of the collective will of a thousand autists unable to contain their sheer superiority over everyone else? No? There you go. Good taste comes from autism.

>> No.8610063


>> No.8610066

always thought it was just a pissing contest and a place for people to stroke their egos/e-penis' over how much reputation or whatever they have there

like an entire website of tripfags

>> No.8610067

That's almost the opposite of what it's like. You're thinking of forums.

Reddit is way too popular for personalities to develop any more than they do here. The sheer amount of usernames means none of them really matter.

>> No.8610071

Was gonna say, that's less of a writing prompt and more of a (super) short story. A writing prompt should be a short idea, this is a synopsis of the entire story.

>> No.8610079


Primo secondhand cringe right there.


The prompt in the OP is obviously inspired by watching Downey's Sherlock. Redditors are incapable of thinking outside of popular culture. It molds their entire worldview. It's fucking amazing.

>> No.8610083

But reddit is the touchstone of autism. They're normies, but autistic in a worse sense. The STEM, circlejerk, internet points sense. Normies that, by way of autism, don't realize they are normies and think they are geniuses.

>> No.8610094

>I'm going to invoke a white girl being fucked by a black man
>I somehow win/price my point

Why is the leftist brain like this.

>> No.8610096

That's not autism, that's just being a normie.
It's about the difference between exploiting bodily strengths/weaknesses, and exploiting pure physics.

Pop culture is what Reddit lives on. These people are the people that say "it's okay; this show gets better after a few seasons". They're the people who buy those AAA games. They're the people who read IJ and think they've read the Bible.

Because they're normies.

>> No.8610098

I thought you were talking about some /pol/ack using the word cuck for a moment there.

>> No.8610142

I love these threads, its actually pretty interesting just how stupid and hive minded reddit is

>> No.8610146
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>> No.8610167

that prompt actually sounds pretty interesting if done right. It might work as a light novel or something in an over-the-top death note kinda way.

>> No.8610176

I wholly agree with this. There's some peculiar aspect to reddit's creative writing that makes it all sound as if it's by the same person. I thought it was a problem stemming from the upvote system only pushing a single style, but even the poorly voted pieces sound the same way. It's frightening how such banal conformity could be taken as innovative, creative, or entertaining.

>> No.8610177

Better than -ish, at least

>> No.8610180

Yeah not like us

>> No.8610181
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remember to kill yourself!

>> No.8610188

>writes 'either'
>presents only one option


>browses reddit

>> No.8610209

>most people keep their beliefs about themselves intact

I definitely agree. I think there exists some form of sub-conscious knowledge that they aren't that good, so they shy away from making their works public. Then there are people, primarily women and faggots, who do not possess this inner knowledge. They go onto places like r/writing and r/writingprompts and attempt to make themselves and each other feel better about their (lack of) talent. They aspire to write like john green (because the romance in tfios was so realistic and heartbreaking ;_; and augustus was sooo perfect) or like sanderson (mistborn was such an epic right?). They continually seek out trash YA book after trash YA book. They never can, and never will, become good at their craft, because the authors who they aspire to be like are mediocre to begin with. The highest point in their lives will be a comment left on a post. On their 75th or 80th birthday, they will realize how little they have done, how little they have read and how limited their intelligence is. Perhaps instead of reading Eleanor and Park, they think, I should have read A critique of pure reason. Perhaps, they think, instead of reading John Green I should have read Wittgenstein. They will die without a trace of theirs surviving. Their names will last be spoken within a mere 7 or 8 years after their death.

You, Anon, are lucky to have survived all that. You may not become great (thought I dont doubt you can), you will definitely end up above the mediocre scum.

>> No.8610217

why should I kill myself for having a different opinion?

>> No.8610238

because you're a doritos eating pop-culture-guzzling weeaboo who probably orders well-done steaks

>> No.8610276


>> No.8610289
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>Real creative writing prompts, the kinds you do at workshops

>> No.8610298

I agree

>> No.8610321

Eh, writing prompts are fun, but it's not writing. "A grand skyscraper made of glass and concrete" is not architecture and it's definitely not building the thing, even if you embezzle it with details.

Also, most prompts are unwritable - they lack an arc: for example, "in a world demolished by nuclear explosions three years ago, the only survivor descovers she's pregnant". Sure, cool twist, but you can't expand it thoughtfully beyond a page or two.

>> No.8610328

You've never seen our crit threads, have you?

Gated little communities eat the same food and shit the same shit.
This is getting too layered for my liking.
>Sure, cool twist, but you can't expand it thoughtfully beyond a page or two.
That's the point.

>> No.8610345

Sure, I get that. But this is not writing - if a story can be told while drinking beers with your friends, it's not literature. Borges is famous exactly because his short stories transcend a few little pages they are written on, and even he descend into hey-that-is-neat faggotry pretty often.

>> No.8610348

/lit/'s writing quality varies, and is usually shit, but most of the voices sound different, at least. They might ape one another in content, but in actual writing and perspective they're generally diverse.

>> No.8610356

it's an exercise you loon. no one said it was literature. just like how running high-knee'd through old tires isn't playing in the nfl.

>> No.8610378

Imagine being this much of a pseud

>> No.8610386


>> No.8610404

>if a story can be told while drinking beers with your friends, it's not literature.
Oh my God! I genuinely liked this litmus test very much. These are some outstanding capabilities in the literary field like I've never seen in quite some time, and my friends all know that I'm a harsh critic and I say it like I mean it. Oh wow, Anon*! More! I'll be looking for your work in the NY Times bestseller section sometime in the near future, young xe :>

>> No.8610406

A boy who plays DoTA with his friends all day also "exercises" for e-sport. There is a phase shift between what skills writing prompts develop and what you need for actual writing. I guess it can be helpful with prose, and even that is very limited.

The only exercise for writing literature is writing literature and, to a much lesser extent, reading. Posting bite-sized chunks of text on reddit and 4chan is detrimental, even, as it gives you an illusion of doing something.

>> No.8610414

>Posting bite-sized chunks of text on reddit and 4chan is detrimental, even,

so gtfo

>> No.8610420

You are the kind of guy who gets irrationally angry at this statement, so I can safely assume you think reading wikipedia page for a book is almost as good as reading it.

>> No.8610422

why would it not be?

>> No.8610438

>ever stepping inside a critique thread
>having such low-esteem to post even fragments of your soon-to-be NY times bestsellers on a anonymous board
This place is serviceable for discussing books and that's it.

>> No.8610441

hey doodz
lets disscuss books n shite

>> No.8610610

>To post even fragments of

>> No.8610615

>assuming to know everything about me just because of some random comment on the internet

>> No.8610620


ok which one of you fuckers is this troll?

>> No.8610622

Your comment did reflect alot about you senpai.

>> No.8610630

how would you know?

>> No.8610642

You think that light novels can be interesting"if done right". You think that picture books for asocial, teenage, illiterate pedophiles can have any value, which says alot of things about the kind of person you are.

>> No.8610646

you just disregard an entire medium because you cant name drop it in conversation to seem smart. says a lot about you too

>> No.8610661

how are light novels a separate medium? nobody calls YA "a medium", and LNs are basically japanese YA novels.

>> No.8610663

speaking of writingprompts... there are the regulars who consistently create safe and boring prompts and then advertise their twitter afterwards.

If anyone is bored I suggest trolling them. They're very sensitive to critiques as they usually get circlejerked over how amazing their stories are.

>> No.8610719


When 4chan is terrible - which DOES happen very often - it's usually terrible in original ways.

>> No.8611049

I like how the all time top writing prompt says "You" in an attempt to force the author to use the first person.

>> No.8611073
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>> No.8611107

You're afraid if your work coming out as mediocre, so you don't write. Sounds like a common thing to me... I guess that's why I haven't tried either...

>> No.8611110

Same shit happens on nosleep

Originally intended to be a place for creepy stories in general, real or not, as long as you at least tried to pretend it was real.

Later, the rule about not being sceptical in the comments got abused to justify downright roleplaying and short stories with links to the author's social media and subreddits at the end. Worst examples of this are EZmisery and iia. EZmisery is only mildly bad when it's a single story, and devolves into anime as soon as she writes a second part. Her writing always seems very juvenile either way. iia likes gross out, bugs and twist endings, with no much else

Far better is letsnotmeet, which is strictly for true stories and now asks you to submit a picture of your ID with your username somewhere in the picture and confirmation for the story's veracity from a third party

>> No.8611111
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Not reddit but it fits the thread

>> No.8611133

To give an idea of EZmisery writing, there's one series that begins with the protagonist discovering police recordings of his father interrogating with a woman who murdered her sister and was implied to have been used on child pornography

As the series advances, it's revealed his father was not a cop, but rather a member of a secret organization which hunted demons called "Friends" who could take over people's bodies if you told them "yes"

>> No.8611421

>Light novels are a different medium
Nope, they're just a shitty type of novel.

>> No.8611489
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check out those numbers

>> No.8611492


You're forgetting the additional factor of popular culture being added. The twist is BATMAN.

>> No.8611595


Reading the comment section of various books on goodreads made me feel nauseated.