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/lit/ - Literature

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8605283 No.8605283 [Reply] [Original]

After hearing an interview with the world's most wonderful windbag I've decided to memorize a work from the western canon. Right now I'm thinking Paradise Lost, but I'm not certain. I want your opinion. What work should I commit to memory?

>> No.8605594

The Flight to Lucifer

>> No.8605626

>memorizing Paradise Lost
That's ludicrous. A book or two of it would make sense but the whole thing?
You could also try for a canto of Dante.

>> No.8605653
File: 26 KB, 220x289, 220px-TropicOfCancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8605682

The Iliad
Poetry of some sort desu

>> No.8606744

the Soft Machine

>> No.8607117

Is your objection pragmatic or aesthetic? I've only memorized a couple short poems so far. Therefore I'm not well-versed in memorization's limits or merits.

>> No.8607122

do you not see the challenges of memorizing 10k lines vs ~ 10 -100 lines?

>> No.8607225

I can see how the time commitment might differ, but I have no reason to believe that a person's memory capacity precludes memorizing large works. In fact, as I see it, much evidence (mnemonic competitions, musicians memorizing their repertoire, etc) suggest that there is no practical limit to our long-term memory.

>> No.8607375

>memory precluding something
>the cognitive capacity "memory" has will and intention and foresight

Maybe read some more English before you try memorizing so much of it.

>> No.8607381


Oh, to leave something out, to rule out in advance!

>> No.8608436

hamlet - its refernced in fucking everything so why not

>> No.8608443

Memorize 10000 units of pi first.