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8603439 No.8603439 [Reply] [Original]

>reading 2666
>read it during lunch breaks since the "chapters" are short and bite sized and I don't have to stop in the middle of something
>reading nonfiction paranormal books at home before bed or in the morning
>short little books, blowing through the catalog of Jacques Vallee and John Keel
>suddenly the clown shit happens, people talking about It
>have the sudden desire to read it for the first time
>it's over 1000 pages
>just wanted a diversion, not a giant detour
>start reading anyway
>tfw Mothman Prophecies is probably on the shelf for a while now
>I probably won't be in a UFO mood later
>but I collected all these books
When is too much too much for you?

>> No.8603890

>literally falling for memes
is your fault desu

>> No.8603897

What non fiction paranormal book are you reading?

>> No.8603904

The Bible.

>> No.8603966

The Mothman Prophecies. Operation Trojan Horse. Messengers of Deception.
Got one of Leslie Kean's books, too.
Thought about reading some Whitley Strieber for lols.