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8601799 No.8601799[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do pseud teenagers love Nietzsche so much?

>> No.8601807

The same reason they love Fight Club and A Clockwork Orange.

Because they don't understand it.

>> No.8601813
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There's something so humorous about how every Nietzsche fan claims he understands nihilism whilst other Nietzsche fans don't.

>> No.8601828

It's just a phase. Most people hear about him in their youth and flock to him. The people who actually care about philosophy and want to understand it recognize that he is just a stepping stone in its history and start with the Greeks

>> No.8601869

Easily exploitable due to his writing style. Plus, he shit on Christianity a lot, which most atheist teens dig.

What difference does it make?

>> No.8601887

babby's first nihilist philosopher

>> No.8601901
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>> No.8601907
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>> No.8602033


>> No.8602066

They haven't actually read him.

>> No.8602072


>> No.8602085

You know who's even more pseud than those edgy teens? OP's that make these threads. Yeah Nietzsche is a meme, but it's because he's really damn good. There's a reason why Heidegger, Deleuze, Bataille, Derrida, Klossowksi etc. all dedicated entire works to him.

>> No.8602099

existential comics. look it up. great webcomic

>> No.8602324

Who is the stoic?

>> No.8602332

Nevermind I am retarded, literally says it in the first sentence.

>> No.8602338

Because he rebels against the social order and you don't need to be well versed in philosophy to parse him.

>> No.8602401
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>> No.8602403
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>> No.8602418

Because teenage years are when you start to learn what a will to power is.

>> No.8602429

>rebels against the social order
>you don't need to be well versed in philosophy to parse him
this usually. or if they have they assume he's being edgier than he is and it's all bombast like above.

>> No.8602431

Misunderstood and easily characterised and simplified. The answer should be obvious, and Nietzsche himself has commented on the nature of himself being widely misunderstood.

>> No.8602437

Yes, Nietzsche's is a philosophy of the individual against the "herd' and modern morality and mores. He is also much easier to parse than philosophers like Kant and Hegel.

>> No.8602440

German, pissed off, raving lunatic, said "God is dead," and teenagers love "dangerous" philosophers with a letter from the end of the alphabet in their name, it's exciting and foreign to them. See also: Marx.

>> No.8602450

>a philosophy of the individual against the "herd'
>modern morality and mores
>easier to parse than Kant and Hegel
did you ever think that reguritating memes might be against your flawed understanding of Nietzsche and highlight you haven't read either of those?

>> No.8602451

>describing a critic of Nietzsche as bombast
That's basically neechees whole career tho

>> No.8602455

most of what they see as bombast is references to earlier philosophy they haven't read. so they assume it's a neat sound phrase that ultimately means nothing when usually it's an in-joke.

>> No.8602457

Its not a phase, Dad!

>> No.8602461


>> No.8602466
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>because he's just so misunderstood by everyone
>just like me

>> No.8602468

Nietzsche sees modern morality as vestiges of Christian morality on suicide watch. Read The Will to Power