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/lit/ - Literature

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8601693 No.8601693[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There is no need for an introduction. The /lit/ board culture has slowly been in decline over the course of this year, with useless posts regurgitating about diaries, to mendacious literary recommendations, to empty veneration of postmodern Gods. It is high time we act, but how do we counteract?

The answer is easy enough, sage and report. Unfortunately, these memes have sunk to the very core of our board culture that reporting them is useless. I say, in order to rally an opposition, we must show our real colors. I propose the image in the OP: share it, post it in nonsense threads and proceed to ignore them thereafter.

The content of the image means nothing in itself, so ridiculing it is itself useless exercise.

We have to reclaim our board, for the better good of the good posters of /lit/. Down with DFW posters, down with /pol/ migrants, down with meme threads. Let us be ushered into the new /lit/.

>> No.8601700

make a humanities chan

thats the only hope

>> No.8601703

ban every stirner poster for half a year

>> No.8601709

meta threads are disgusting
talk about books not your original content bullshit

>> No.8601708

fuck off cunt

>> No.8601722

milo will make /lit/ great again

>> No.8601747

wow you even went so far as to re-save your own pic before posting it in other threads
go cry on reddit spamfaggot

>> No.8601808
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The reasons this board has gone to shit are as follows:
>1. the people here don't read
>2. the people here are so pseud and self-conscious they don't want to talk about books out of fear that someone will make fun of them
So they make faggot metathreads (like this one), faggot political threads, faggot video game threads, and so on.

Here's how to fix it:
>1. read book
>2. discuss book
>3. stop having autism

>> No.8601826

Just today I made a thread on a book I was reading by a prominent 20th century French intellectual which developed into a discussion of an American novel and Egyptian and Greek mores, and it was promptly deleted while threads from morons who don't know their Cæsar from their Christ asking for what's in the fucking sticky for the millionth time were spared.

>> No.8601833

I guess you didn't post OP's useless sandnigger image enough

>> No.8601836

The thing about /lit/ memes is that they're not even funny or clever. They're just snarky shit. I honestly think that this board, above all other on 4chan, would benefit from a LACK of memes.

I think an excellent first step would be to BAN, completely BAN the use of the word 'meme' on this board.

>> No.8601838

You can't really discuss literature, unfortunately. No matter how grand and elobarate your opinion is, it is reducable either to "I like it" or "I disliked it".
The themes are either obvious and explicit or are a prosuct of your imagination. The latter is not bad, it just means that discussing it with other people is useless.
Talking about the quality of prose is not unlike talking about wine aroma: a feast of vague descriptors and nothing more.
Discussing plot is even more idiotic.
You can't even meme about literature - it is too rigid a medium.

>> No.8601847

so you decided to make a new thread for this instead of replying to any of the other threads on the same subject? you're retarded. the solution is you leave until you understand the Greeks in the originals and do not fucking ever post until you can explain how Lucian wrote the Syrian Goddess and not Herodotus. Don't like that solution? Congrats you're terminal cancer and you'll never get what you claim you want because you're poisoning any chance of *you* not being that smell of shit that follows you around everywhere.
>tl;dr- fuck you is how

>> No.8601864

...and what's your solution? Do you contribute to book related threads or just come here to fucking frogpost and shitpost unfunny, retarded Stirner/Zizek shit?

>> No.8601874

Yeah, will I get on a watch-list if I post this picture?

>> No.8601882

You should just hide the threads you don't like.
No need to complain.

>> No.8601889

/lit/ has become shit thanks to three factors.

1. Inability to introduce any new novels thanks to /lit/ elitists who stick to the same 50 books and can't look beyond them.

2.frog posters

3.Stormfag /pol/tards

>> No.8601900

>over the course of this year

/lit/ has been uninhabitable for almost two years. Today is the first time I've even browsed in 9 months and I can't spend 15 minutes here.

>> No.8601916


lit might be better if they had a nicer tool for writing replies, trying to write anything coherent in this little box that shows 50 words at most is not conducive to quality writing and no im not enough of a faggot to install some 4chan plugin to let me edit shitposts in word...just give a half way decent html5 editor to reply with and quality will go up

>> No.8601917

but the stirner and zizek! Spooks and ideology! lol its such a funny in joke lolol

I remember asking what all the Stirner posting was about. Was told "No, fuck off." Haven't been on this piece of shit board since now. You guys wanna make an unfunny, up-its-own-ass version of /b/ nobody goes to, be my guest. But please, fuck you.

>> No.8601921

that is the least of the problems...

>> No.8601932

>whining about "stormfags"

actually one of the only reasons to come to /lit/ is too discuss "high culture" without a bunch of politically correct lefty shit stuffed up our ass...if i want to discuss literature and culture in a leftist charade everyone knows is a farce but can't break out of then i can just catch a train into manhattan...

>> No.8601937

Thank god literature exists outside of this board, and will continue to do so. I just wish there was a good place to discuss it.

>> No.8601938

you are literally a mouth breathing retard

>> No.8601941

>actually one of the only reasons to come to /lit/ is too discuss "high culture" without a bunch of politically correct lefty shit stuffed up our ass...
Who is shoving PC lefty art up your ass? Do you mean people sometimes discuss things you don't like?
Also, who is discussing high culture on /lit/? The board is mostly inane recommendation threads, tired old memes, and discussing the top 10 most popular authors.

>> No.8601943

go to ur local black lives matters branch, u can talk about ta-nahesi, tupac,maya angelou and lious farrakhan till the cows come home, and don't worry there won't be a "poltard" in site, it will be a safe space!

>> No.8601947

Shut up you anti dialectical mongol

>> No.8601951

>he thinks you can't be politically incorrect without being a /pol/fag

>thinks everyone here is a leftist liberal blowhard who browses tumblr all day

>he thinks his incapability to appreciate ideological diversity makes him a strong tough man who stands for the true and right morals of humanity

>implying that the implicator implicated to the implicatee that the implicata was implicated in such implications

>> No.8601953

go to any book related anything in the city and say ta nahesi coates is a bad author, after they call security to have you removed, and you clean the spit and coffee off your clothing, send us a shitpost about how it went

>> No.8601954

I'd like a dedicated philosophy board.

>> No.8601956

There is no reason to "appreciate" the brainwashed drone people who were literally graded on their ability to regurgitate anti-western propaganda to the tune of $20k/year

>> No.8601958

somehow i don't think that would actually happen

great way to attract even more /pol/ tards and general stupid riff raff who haven't read anything but Meditations. it was best when philosophy threads happened on the down-low on /lit/

>> No.8601961

>somehow i don't think that would actually happen

well go ahead and try it out and see what happens

>> No.8601964

Philosphy is for autists by autists and lead to the downfall of /lit/ with a million variants of "what doth life" and "DUDE ANTINATALISM LMAO"

>> No.8601963

Fuck off back to r\the_donald

>> No.8601965

spoken like a true /sci/fag

>> No.8601966

Keep dreaming. And also god what a shitstorm that board would be

>> No.8601968


Every board has its memes. Zizek and Stirner posting are a part of our board culture, where both the left and right are represented. I don't see them or DFW memes as the problem. These threads are not the majority of shitposts, and they die fairly quickly. RECENTLY - that is, within the last year or so - frog posters, /pol/ migrants, and redundancy, along with people thinking it's ok to start a thread for any question that enters their head (those who don't read the sticky) have made this board what it is now.

If brietbart took this site over, I could care less. I don't come here for recs, and my reading list is stacked.

>> No.8601969

>be me, /lit/fag
>annoying reddity /phil/ invasion happens: board speeds up and deteriorates
>visit more sporadically, branch out to /ck/ and /adv/
>based hiro creates /his/
>move over there for a while
>visit /lit/ now and then
>nowhere near patrish
I mean it's ok here guys, but you've really let the place go to pot.

>> No.8601970

>he thinks his incapability to appreciate ideological diversity

>calls anyone with that isn't bland liberal left a "poltard"

see this is exactly the kind of bullshit anyone can already find "irl" so if /lit/ is just going to be more of the same why should it exist, at least if i go out to a thing in the city and talk about how bad white ppl are i might get some punani or a job offer, what's in it for me to spew the talking points here? this is MY safe space

>> No.8601971

Fuck that board and those people. "Philosophy" killed /lit/ in front of my eyes. If you didn't have the same thoughts as Wittgenstein's writings as an elementary schooler you are retarded

>> No.8601976

>everyone that i dont like is literally tumblr

>> No.8601981

>wanting a safe space
classic /pol/fag. fuck your feelings, no safe spaces! I'd like one though

>"Philosophy" killed /lit/ in front of my eyes. If you didn't have the same thoughts as Wittgenstein's writings as an elementary schooler you are retarded
Spoken like someone who has not even done so much as read an encylopedia article on Witty

>> No.8601984

You honestly think we're that dumb enough to let lower IQ beings successfully propagate their propaganda on us? Anyone who tries has always been rooted out and ignored or meme'd out of existence. You're no different than a liberal who thinks that goverment should control all aspects of life for the citizens because the citizens are all dumb retards. We don't need emotionally traumatized obese kids with a sense of racial superiority patrolling /lit/'s streets and keeping it clean.

>> No.8601985

I recommend you say 40 "hail foucoult's" and pray for a wider lexicon and a new horse to whip

>> No.8601986

the stirner and zizek stuff is so stupid, whatever faceless techno bureaucrat decided those would be the "board culture" did us no favors

>> No.8601988

Wittgenstein is a boring faggot. Dude qualia, can you like even define red?!? It's like when I was six and thought about the meaning of the phrase "straw that broke the camels back" and it lead me to basically contemplatic planck units of time. Nothing mind-blowing at all unless you are an idiot.

Newfag pls

>> No.8601991

not the dude ur replying to but wittgenstein is some of the most retarded shit ever foisted on the "intellectual community", serious bunk crap man

>> No.8601992

This is so fucking true.
I also witnessed the sad decline.

My hope is that /lit/ can reinvigorate now that /his/ is a thing.

>> No.8601994

but where is the literature

>> No.8602007
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Boards don't get better. I'm only wasting time in this meta-thread because I'm pissed I couldn't shoot my shotgun today and figured I would drop by my old stomping ground. Just leave 4chan man. I have been here since 2007 and finally almost-totally left about a year ago, you're missing nothing. The only good board is /wsg/

on that note I'm gonna go listen to The Disco Biscuits and watch Sunny

>> No.8602008

Ban Stirner posters
Ban Diogenes posters
Ban Nietszche posters
Ban John Green discussion (invites trash)
Ban frogposters
Ban any threads about women or minorities in the abstract rather than specific examples
Ban discussion of Elliot Rodger
Ban desu, senpau, senpai, cuck, kek, and all the usual suspects

>> No.8602012

I write shit in dead languages nobody thanks me for and recommend newbs start with Lysistrata. I see you're still posting like a Latin crab.

>> No.8602018


This very metathread is a symptom and my posting in it is a sign of how hopeless I think the situation is.

/lit/ used to be a slow board. It was so slow you could get trips on demand. There were good namefags and tripfags, like the rare books lady. There were successions of threads lasting for months for people trying to teach themselves Ancient Greek.

Now it's all redditors and people who have been playing video games their whole lives and have decided to "get smart" by reading books on lists. And trolls, not as clever as the old trolls though.

/lit/ is dead.

>> No.8602025
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>there are people who think that PC culture exists in any capacity on 4chan
where is this being exhibited exactly? please, show me.

>> No.8602026

This is pretty accurate.

>> No.8602037

*sheds tears softly for /lit/ that was*

Aye, it was a fair place that once we loved. To old /lit/! Fondly do we remember the patrician shitposts of yore!

>> No.8602041

duh, idiot, it doesnt exist NOW but that nitwit thinks turning this place into tumblr will "improve" it, all that will really do is remove the only competitive advantage 4chan has against all the only dozens of other social media outlets

>> No.8602044

I miss the Jesusposters.

>> No.8602048

Wherever anyone does not agree with my radical beliefs

>> No.8602049

Die in a fire

>> No.8602053

>implying those saved by Christ will burn

>> No.8602061
File: 86 KB, 960x720, [Coalgirls]_Cardcaptor_Sakura_36_(960x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[534CDDF7].mkv_snapshot_04.04_[2016.10.10_01.10.28].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that will really do is remove the only competitive advantage 4chan has against all the only dozens of other social media outlets
Cute anime girls?

>> No.8602063

>what is a martyr

>> No.8602069

I assuming the competitive advantage you mean is /pol/, which in reality is the closest thing we have to officially Redditizing this place as it's literally a bridge for reddit retards to come to 4chan for "le memes xP".

4chan's competitive advantage has always been it's layout which doesn't prioritize opinions over one another, as well as it's anonymity which allows for honesty. Nobody is advocating for that to change. If you think that 4chan has an overarching "official" political stance than you're the issue you're trying to eliminate.

>> No.8602074

the competitive advantage is probably shaming idiots like you who can't think outside /reddit/ and /pol/ boxes to actually read a fucking book before posting.
name two authors who you think describe or personify either of those mentalities.

>> No.8602076

This place never was a tumbler nor a safespace. It was somewhere you could post anonymously, have a good time, contribute, and disconnect to go about your life. You, my friend, swallowed a pill and think you must force a certain extreme view out of spite for whatever is happening on television, facebook, tumbler, or reddit, making this place a shit in the process. You cannot disassociate. You cannot contribute to meaningful discussion or exemplify board culture. You are a cancer.

>> No.8602088

right, because anyone who isn't a bland liberal is some kind of "stormfag", i bet ur one of those chubby white guys with "i'm with her" pins on his backpack looking a little awkward in the city trying to raise money for some political campaign, dude, just go back to the suburbs, you are a cancer

>> No.8602091

>i bet ur
Truely the writing of someone who reads literature.

>> No.8602093
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>> No.8602097

why don't u go start a dfw thread, he truly understands our wacky post modern condition and the need for middle of the road liberal politics!

>> No.8602107

I'm too busy reading trap doujins.

>> No.8602116

considering ur mom will be knocking on ur door any minutes with a plate of hotpockets that is pretty daring!

>> No.8602121

i've been reading /lit/ since i was 14 and i'm 16 now and over that time it was always shitty

>> No.8602124


>> No.8602152

Cucks deserve to burn

>> No.8602158


>> No.8602165

>i-i'm not a stormfag!! i'm not right wing!! I'm one of the COOL liberals!!
Nice, congratulations of being a back stabbing ass-kissing lil Benedict Arnold fag lmao. Care to explain why you're doing that?

>> No.8602196

>conservative is an epithet
>they can't have liberal thoughts
>especially on a book board
>we ought to censor them because that's liberal
damn america really destroys people's brains. go look up the wikipedia page on Edmund Burke and realise you want the world to fit your retarded pattern so badly you just tried to fight against the ideas
>start with the greeks
>preserve canon
>the sublime is important to humans
>the romantics are a valuable major turn in literature
The guy isn't saying he's not right wing or conservative, he's saying he's not one of those people who thinks the world should fit their retarded fairy tale from the internet, like you or stormfags think should happen. One conservative whose read and understood Burke (or one liberal for that matter) is worth ten of you fucking idiots.

>> No.8602199


>> No.8602300

>damn america really destroys people's brains.
It's the other way around too, positive feedback.

>> No.8602315

Friends, I came back to visit after a year away. I've been here a couple hours, and I gotta tell you, it's not that bad.
Just try not to be too nice. Be aggressive, critical and judgemental. It scares away the lightweights, and those who hang around learn something.
Be well.

>> No.8602316

fuck you you dimwit

>> No.8602319

Right back atcha, donkey-raping shit eater.

>> No.8602328

>this board is falling apart thread

Happens every year a couple times. If anything it has improved since some faggot crossposted our list and /his/ was created.

Reminder that the most patrician threads are NYRB spam and Goodreads threads, which are promptly shit on by the highschoolers who have only read 1984 and Infinite Jest

Stop being dramatic, even in like 2010-12 when CAPSGUY and that faggot sunflower or sparrow or whoever posting every day these threads would come up.