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/lit/ - Literature

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860053 No.860053 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ today I was hit on by a gay second-hand book shop owner, I'm straight but it made me feel good.

Post your favorite book shop stories.

Pic unrelated

>> No.860065

Black books is pretty cool.
Also that guy who goes into the book store and asks for pirate books, but when the other guy finds one the guy asked for a different pirate book.
They were both pretty cool.

>> No.860079



>> No.860081

It's with a "C" actually. Who's that?

>> No.860083


Saw this image on the 4chan front page thingy, freaked me the fuck out.

I'm the guy you stole your name from.

>> No.860084

Wow, small world. You goin' to Luke's tomorrow?

>> No.860089

I used to manage a used book store. I once found a photograph of a naked man jumping off a couch in mid-air along with a packet of cocaine tucked into a paperback. They fell out of the book while I was stocking the shelves.

I'm pretty sure it was put there on purpose.

I've also found cash in books, more than once, which makes up for the times you open the cover on a book someone brings in and a silver fish charges at you.

>> No.860090


Yeah, around 12 right?

Also, for the sake of the thread, one out at West End, back half of the store sinks into a pit. Not much of a story but I'm pretty sure you can see the end down there.

>> No.860091


And I mean the end as in the ultimate end.

>> No.860093

Yeah, 12's when I'm rockin' up.

You mean Bent Books? That's the one I was in when the gay owner hit on me.

>> No.860097


Might be, can't remember he name.

Just realised: "Bent" books, is it a Gay literature store or something, might explain a few things?

>> No.860100
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This made me laugh so hard.

I was trying to think of a funny bookshop story myself when I realized that my favorite small bookshops have all shut down and I've been doing my shopping at large chain stores (new books, rarely) or online (used paperbacks, fairly often). Fuck.

Still, whenever I visit a used bookstore, I find something between the pages--more often than not, it results in my buying the book because I want the shopping list/letter from a grandmother/postcard and I'm reluctant to just take it out and stick it in my pocket (=steal?). I have never found any cash, unfortunately.

>> No.860102

It's got gay sections but a decent range of literature, philosophy, religion and whatnot for a second hand shop. I'm pretty sure it's around the corner from The Happy Herbs shop.

>> No.860109


Excellent, well in any case the chances of this whole thing happening are about a trillion in one so I'm going to go try to kill myself, the laws of the universe clearly do not apply anymore.

>> No.860110

QuIt_attAcKiNG aNd ClOWninG wWW.AnOn_x_x x
X X x Talk.se_DiReCTLY bro_(rEmOve_AlL_X)
vs qj dmrb g uv hgja luhxpk ozy lw vbymkj

>> No.860119

Yeah, see ya then.

>> No.860116


Continue tommorrow and such.

>> No.860127

sage because this turned into a social networking thread

fuck I hate you people

>> No.860128

I once went stoned to the library, that was pretty awesome actually.
Yeah, I'm super hardcore.

>> No.860151

You're not one of those dropkick teenagers that hang outside my local library, skating on your boards and smoking your cigarettes are you?

>> No.860156


QUIT AttacKinG AND_clowNING_WWw.ANOn x_X X
x_X_x taLK.Se DIreCTLY BrO_(rEmoVE alL x)
tmg ky nuyg fx qm sejx k mcovkwe qz kc ltvsoi li nl xe

>> No.860159

I am one of those, sorry you have no friends/life

>> No.860162

Sorry you have no future...well not really.

>> No.860163

There are no pockets in coffins my friend.

>> No.860169

Each to their own I guess. I plan on traveling the world, among other later life plans.

>> No.860178

QUiT_AtTACkinG ANd_cLowNInG WWW.anOn_x X_X
X X_x tALK.SE_dIREctlY bRO_(reMoVe AlL_x)
vt obm eg xhz g hk wvjazr lcazg h p ntg x pzsqvirqbd jej z

>> No.860195

i went to sell my copy of Dan Simmons' "Endimyon" Omnibus. i paid $50 for it. the woman at the second hand store offered me store credit at first (all she had in stock was discarded Stephanie Meyer and James Clavell) and eventually said she could manage $4.

i walked out as proudly as i could with my book. fuck, i'm hungry. i wonder if i can eat the cover?

>> No.860206 [DELETED] 

Yeah, standard operating procedure. It's a buyers market for used books at the wholesale level. Plus it's hard for a lot of dealers to lay out capitol for stock in cash, since even with the best efforts it's going to take a long time to sell, or maybe not sell at all.

Try ebay.

>> No.860213

Oh lord, identity switch. You must be proud.

>> No.860217

Same here, I don't know what's so cool about smoking pot and acting all badass at the library, it's like a global phenomenon.

>> No.860219

Delicious samefag, at least know that /lit/ never posts that fast so you can fake someone really caring about your post enough to reply more realistically.

>> No.860221

I'm gonna go ahead and say you've wrong being that I was only half of that conversation. Believe what you want though. You did bump my thread, so thanks.