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8600062 No.8600062[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey guys. I was just thinking that it's okay if I don't leave my house and don't go to college and don't get a job and don't socialize with anyone, as long as I'm reading books.

>> No.8600113

Take the redpill, it's the cure to everything.

Before taking the redpill I was:
>socially inept
>bitter and jaded
>full of ressentiment and impotent anger
>resigned to never experiencing romantic love

I was utterly miserable and thought that I was scum. Now, I've taken the redpill and realize that my being white, heterosexual, and male negates all those other things; I am simply inherently superior.

I will still die alone and miserable but at least I know that it's because society has done this to me.

>> No.8600118

It is not, quite being such a whack nerd and do something with your life, or at least get laid.

>> No.8600131
File: 99 KB, 500x500, 1474749241727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going outside is overrated, college is a scam, having a job is slavery and socializing is for normalfags.

>> No.8600232

god I actually agree with this so much, every single thing you said. You can learn without college, college is just set up to to make profit and give you some big arbitrary bureaucratic "deploma" which is just part of a bigger arbitrary system. Having a job is slavery, that doesn't need that much explaining. And no, there is no alternatives to money, living alone on the street is not an alternative. In order to live, we're slaves to money and jobs. And yes, I even agree with your final point about socializing being for normal people. Those people, socializing is practically their whole existence. You try to get into a conversation with a normal person about something interesting, and they won't know what you're talking about, because they don't spend their time thinking about stuff like that, they spend their time thinking about what to wear, who they will fuck next, where they are going to be on a friday night. Normies won't offer you anything but shallow erotic pleasures, and get you in a competitive mindset dichotomy of animals in a group, tribe mentality. It's nonsense. So fuck it, read all day, and when you're tired of reading, consort with people online who also dismiss the fucked up "real way" to live, because it's just an imaginary concept which doesn't actually exist.

>> No.8600234


I don't get this pic... is he opening the door because he likes those games and is going into his computer room to play them? Or is he telling those games to gtfo because he hates them?

>> No.8600235

why do you care, retard

>> No.8600236


>> No.8600253

having a job isn't slavery it generates output for society also being an author is a job!

about socialising though, You are semi-right there are some great people. But I swear half the people i talk to don't think beyond basic stuff, kinda sad really.

>> No.8600256

>But I swear half the people i talk to don't think beyond basic stuff, kinda sad really.
What enlightening thoughts do you have mr. fedora?

>> No.8600260

>having a job isn't slavery it generates output for society also being an author is a job!
you wouldn't consider being trapped in a machine, and having no choice but to help operate the machine slavery?

>> No.8600284

I unironically felt this way for 2 years because I went into OP's idealised state just replace reading books with gaming

You're going to need money if you want to live in a remotely safe neighbourhood as well as have some contingency finances for recessions that are surely to come in this century. Just get a comfy jb where you don't have to attend to the labour much so you can spend a lot of time reading.

>> No.8600285
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Never said I did, but I talk to some of my friends they don't wanna have any input into any 'subject' except youtube video gamers?? Although everyone has different tastes you can't get along swell with everyone

Also with the average person in the developed world being able to work a mere 8 hours a day and 5 days a week and still come home and bask in wealth can lead to people to think a job is slavery since the job you are doing feels pointless. As compared to back in the stone ages our job was to gather food and shelter to survive. but with every human on the planet specialising it makes your job easier and lets you ponder on the facts of life, and focus on the arts, science etc.

>> No.8600334

>don't wanna have any input into any 'subject' except youtube video gamers??
Have you tried not being friends with 16 year olds?

>> No.8600340

>Also with the average person in the developed world being able to work a mere 8 hours a day and 5 days a week and still come home and bask in wealth

Tell me you don't really believe this

>> No.8600346

>living alone on the street is not an alternative
yes it is, it's also not as bad as it sounds

>> No.8600352

>Tell me you don't really believe this
not an argument, enlighten me?
I'm working on it

>> No.8600362
File: 89 KB, 386x661, wageslave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But how are you going to be in a situation to not leave the house and read books?

You need money to do that, unless you have someone you can depend on to provide your living for the rest of your life

>> No.8600363

Thanks for confirming you're an angsty underage faggot. Go back to /v/.

>> No.8600372

Thanks for confirming you have no patience, take your sleeping pills.

>> No.8600376

Do your own research. The average person working full time works more than 40 hours per week, and the average person's income certainly does not allow them to "bask in wealth". You are either very young and have not yet entered the "real world" (pretty likely considering this is 4chan), from a wealthy family and thus blinded to the realities of the average person's life, or otherwise horribly misinformed.

>> No.8600398

this is an 18+ site friend

>> No.8600404

I am young, but what i meant by "bask in wealth" is more you can have a comfortable home and some nice commodities, better than what people have in developing nations. a lot of people in the USA have it quiet well off, all i'm saying.

>> No.8600407

When you get literally any form of responsibility you'll appreciate being able to switch off and have meaningless banter with nobody drones.

>> No.8600412

Get the fuck off of 4chan and study for your tests lad. Fuck, you're so obviously underage it's infuriating.

>> No.8600491

Pretty subtle bait