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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 255x364, I can't stop sniffing my shit encrusted finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8597113 No.8597113 [Reply] [Original]

I honestly never read anything he ever wrote, but he's pretty much Stirner at this point. Every person that has an opinion gets called out as "PURE IDEALOGY" instead of "SPOOKS"

>> No.8597121
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>but he's pretty much Stirner at this point.
Mein Gott, take a look at that pure ideology.

>> No.8597124

>Every person that has an opinion gets called out as "PURE IDEALOGY" instead of "SPOOKS"
is this post from 2014?

>> No.8597125

no, why?

>> No.8597130

Cuz that's not really true now a days

>> No.8597136

Basically he dispenses excuses for communism
/lit/fags are autistic and stay at home reading books all day and they have no idea how reality actually works, so they get easily deluded and believe communism is valid

>> No.8597138
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>he's pretty much Stirner at this point.

t. Zero understanding of Zizek

Pure ideology is a very specific concept unlike spooks which are amalgomous and without content

>> No.8597145
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>how reality actually works


>> No.8597146
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>> No.8597148

Give me an example

>> No.8597159


>> No.8597161

What opinion would not be considered as Pure ideology?

>> No.8597168

Early seasons of the Simpsons

>> No.8597169
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If I show you your pure ideology, would you know unknown knowns?

>> No.8597173
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Don't play games with me

>> No.8597178

>tfw you save your country

>> No.8597199
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>Don't play games with me
posts a memepic

>> No.8597201
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that's it

>> No.8597207


>> No.8597214

It's a picture of a frog

>> No.8597217


>> No.8597223

What makes you say that?

>> No.8597224


>> No.8597234


>> No.8597292

Why not?

>> No.8597325

I don't like Zizek at all actually.
He's constantly sniffling and slobbering. Holy fuck how can I respect you, learn to speak normally you fucking faggot.

>> No.8597419

I saw him many years ago on tv, when I was a kid, a teen. I had never seen him before, so I was perplexed by his sniffing. I thought he must've been terribly ill, and wondered why nobody gave him a tissue.

Anyway, op, he's pretty much Stirner only if we view them as /lit/ memes.

>> No.8597437

He's the Metallica of Philosophy, except with better prosody.

>> No.8597460

Isn't he kind of obscure?

>> No.8597470

No he's undoubtedly the most famous European philosophy alive

>> No.8597481

His analysis of a situation is usually accurate and at least interesting, but his conclusions are 'into the trash it goes'-tier.

>> No.8597483

Example being?

>> No.8597500

metallica is fucking terrible you dirty pleb

>> No.8597512

Not really, Their first three are great albums

>> No.8597531

sure if you like trash

>> No.8597533

>babby's first contrarian opinion

>> No.8597549

lol, I get that you crave attention but you still can't deny for whom the bell tolls is an amazing song
I've been listening to classical and jazz for more than 10 years, but I remember my retarded avant-teen years too

>> No.8597570


>> No.8597576

nice argument, trash lover.
i'm not into avant? but nice projection.
metallica is fucking shit the only people who like them are plebs and people who pretended to hate them without really knowing why, you sound like the latter please kill yourself.

>> No.8597583

Comfy Zizek

>> No.8597609
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Sweet dreams, comrade.

Are you implying that reading books is a form of non-reality? What s your non-deluded reality Mr. ideologue? Could it that you are a unfree agent forced to work at an office all day and doesn't understand how "reality" actually works, so you get easily deluded and believe capitalism is actually valid.

>> No.8597620

Capitalism is shit but atleast it isn't communism

>> No.8597627

Communism is shit but at least it isn't Capitalism

>> No.8597633

Capitalism didn't really collapse every single country it's been implemented in

>> No.8597642

China collapsed? When did that happen?

>> No.8597650
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>> No.8597659

holy shit you have to be inbred to think modern china is a communist country

>> No.8597679

>sankara tito heng lukacz anything but failed marxist-leninists
who is this kim guy?
look into early burmese buddhist socialism

>> No.8597680

If China isn't communist now, then post-perestroika Russia wasn't communist. Ergo, communist Russia also never collapsed. Now take your ideology and kindly leave.

>> No.8597683

makhno was shit aswell

>> No.8597686

and yet all were surpassed by capitalist countries

>> No.8597702

>communist in any way

>> No.8597709

I'm willing to bet that /lit/ is majority marxist-leaning
left leaning for sure
that's atleast the way it used to be
I'm not who you're responding to

>> No.8597716

Communism will only work when the people are all united and working for a common goal, so without a strong sense of nationalism it's meaningless, and IIRC for your pal Zizek there, nationalism is "Pure ideology"

>> No.8597736
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>Communism will only work when people are united by a common goal, the only common goal possible is ethnic division. The only way we can bring people together is to tear them apart.

Something in your brain needs busting, fella.

>> No.8597744

Communism literally does not work without a sense of nationalism in the people, never in my post did I even say I was actually nationalist, and why would tribalism even be a bad thing?

>> No.8597756


Tribalism isn't bad.
I have a deep sense in my heart that I don't want to pay taxes if it'll go to Tyrone's nigger baby.

But if my taxes were going to Magnus Carlsens son after he landed on bad times, maybe I wouldn't care so much. Because Magnus and his son actually have hope of redeeming themselves and contributing to society.

Tyrone? He's just a destructive savage. I'll contribute to society once all the nogs are gone.

I don't mind lifting inferior whites or Asians on my shoulders, but I'll be damned if I lift nogs and spics on them too.

>> No.8597758

No one respects you, even ironically

>> No.8597769


>67 years old
>can't string a sentence together without slobbering profusely

It's a literal pain listening to the man. Maybe if he had the oratory skill of Christopher Hitchens I could actually really enjoy what he's saying. But instead I have to think, "fuck, clean yourself up."

>> No.8597773

But isn't that just because you know Magnus and don't know Tyrone? Your entire problem is the lack of connection you feel to those receiving welfare as seen through the spook of race.

>> No.8597781

So you're saying there's no difference between races? Even when africa exists?

>> No.8597788

Niggers have been given more chances than any other race in existence, and they're still poor and stupid as shit, case closed

>> No.8597789


Race isn't a spook when you have information like this:
Please listen to Howard Stern as you read these humble black crime facts.


Time for Black Facts

Crime rate by race & income docile - Washington Post

School Test Scores by Socio-economic Status in the same District

Table 43 of the FBI - Crime Rate by Race

Welfare rates by Race

Chicago Crime Rate by Race:

NYPD Crime Rate by Race:
- USA:
- Canada:
- Brazil:
- United Kingdom:
- Germany

Percent of Black Serial Killers in USA showing their population size

Despite being 30% of the population size, 99% of blood is given by white donors.

>> No.8597791
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Spanking Prevalence

>High Rates of Black Crime is Not Unique to the United States
>Africans are 1.4% of the population
>Africans were 6% of persons committed to prison & places of detention 2001-2006.
The United Kingdom:
>More black people jailed in England and Wales proportionally than in US. New study finds seven times more black people per population are in prison – in the US number is just four times as many
>Twelve per cent of London’s men are black. But 54 per cent of the street crimes committed by men in London, along with 46 per cent of the knife crimes and more than half of the gun crimes, are thought by the Metropolitan Police to have been committed by black men.
>Blacks make up nearly one in 10 of the 15,000 inmates in Canada’s federal prisons, where they have a second-class status, according to a report from Howard Sapers, ombudsman for federal inmates.
>Blacks are just 2% of the general Canadian population
>In 2010 for the first time was a statistic published which listed delinquency by nationality (based on 2009 data). To avoid distortions due to demographic structure, only the male population aged between 18 and 34 was considered for each group. From this study it became clear that crime rate is highly correlated on the country of origin of the various migrant groups. Thus, immigrants from Germany, France and Austria had a significantly lower crime rate than Swiss citizens (60% to 80%), while immigrants from Angola, Nigeria and Algeria had a crime rate of above 600% of that of Swiss population. In between these extremes were immigrants from Former Yugoslavia, with crime rates of between 210% and 300% of the Swiss value.[9]
>SUDANESE and Somali-born Victorians are about five times more likely to commit crimes than the wider community, a trend that must be addressed to prevent Cronulla-style social unrest, police warn.

>> No.8597793
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>No evidence of racial discrimination in criminal justice processing: Results from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health
>One of the most consistent findings in the criminological literature is that African American males are arrested, convicted, and incarcerated at rates that far exceed those of any other racial or ethnic group. This racial disparity is frequently interpreted as evidence that the criminal justice system is racist and biased against African American males. Much of the existing literature purportedly supporting this interpretation, however, fails to estimate properly specified statistical models that control for a range of individual-level factors. The current study was designed to address this shortcoming by analyzing a sample of African American and White males drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health). Analysis of these data revealed that African American males are significantly more likely to be arrested and incarcerated when compared to White males. This racial disparity, however, was completely accounted for after including covariates for self-reported lifetime violence and IQ. Implications of this study are discussed and avenues for future research are offered.

>MAOA gene and violence
>The 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene confers an increased risk for shooting and stabbing behaviors.
>There has been a great deal of research examining the link between a polymorphism in the promoter region of the MAOA gene and antisocial phenotypes. The results of these studies have consistently revealed that low activity MAOA alleles are related to antisocial behaviors for males who were maltreated as children. Recently, though, some evidence has emerged indicating that a rare allele of the MAOA gene-that is, the 2-repeat allele-may have effects on violence that are independent of the environment. The current study builds on this research and examines the association between the 2-repeat allele and shooting and stabbing behaviors in a sample of males drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Analyses revealed that African-American males who carry the 2-repeat allele are significantly more likely than all other genotypes to engage in shooting and stabbing behaviors and to report having multiple shooting and stabbing victims. The limitations of the study are discussed and suggestions for future research are offered.
>Exploring the association between the 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene promoter polymorphism and psychopathic personality traits, arrests, incarceration, and lifetime antisocial behavior

>> No.8597796

It's institutional racism goy, it pushes those monke... I mean black people to become violent

>> No.8597799
File: 18 KB, 661x255, Black Crime Percent Toronto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A line of research has revealed that a polymorphism in the promoter region of the MAOA gene is related to antisocial phenotypes. Most of these studies examine the effects of low MAOA activity alleles (2-repeat and 3-repeat alleles) against the effects of high MAOA activity alleles (3.5-repeat, 4-repeat, and sometimes 5-repeat alleles), with research indicating that the low MAOA activity alleles confer an increased risk to antisocial phenotypes. The current study examined whether the 2-repeat allele, which has been shown to be functionally different from the 3-repeat allele, was associated with a range of antisocial phenotypes in a sample of males drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Analyses revealed that African-American males who carried the 2-repeat allele were, in comparison with other African-American male genotypes, significantly more likely to be arrested and incarcerated. Additional analyses revealed that African-American male carriers of the 2-repeat allele scored significantly higher on an antisocial phenotype index and on measures assessing involvement in violent behaviors over the life course. There was not any association between the 2-repeat allele and a continuously measured psychopathic personality traits scale. The effects of the 2-repeat allele could not be examinedin Caucasian males because only 0.1% carried it
Black welfare queens*
83% single motherhood rating in Milwaukee.
79% single motherhood rating in Detroit.
70% single motherhood rating in Dallas.

72% black kids raised in single mother homes nationally
>82% of of white mothers with multiple half black children had the children with multiple fathers
>98% of white women with half black children receive 0 financial support from the father
>97% of white women with half black children are on government assistance
>97% of half black children to do not have their father active in their life
>94% of half black half white children don't have a good relationship with their father
Sub-Saharan Africa in general
Surveys in 2009 in 18 sub-Saharan African countries found that a median of 77% saw rape as a major problem in their country.[55]
Surveys in several countries have stated that large percentages of women, girls and partners report being raped.

>> No.8597800
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Oh boy, here we go

>> No.8597801

Nice Hitler Dubs.

Africans have been given all the chances, from being torn from their native land in slavery to work the sugar mines of Brazil to having their hands cut off in the Congo. With all those chances how on earth could Africa be worse off than Europe, a continent that tore resources out of South America and Africa without even paying the labor.

>> No.8597806
File: 77 KB, 600x622, Can't stable judge mabel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Daily Reminder: Vote against immigration from third world shitholes.

>> No.8597810

yeah too bad it was black people who actually sold other black people as slaves

>> No.8597813


We literally throw $ at niggers today and they still squander it. They were a savage people that got conquered by a superior people. It's really that simple.

The conquered should not mingle with the conquerers. It's retarded beyond belief. I don't befriend fat or ugly people. It's mean for them and terrible for me.

>> No.8597815

Do you really think you're doing anything but repelling people away from wanting to have any association with your cultish autism?
Get a life mate

>> No.8597816

When "the slavers" came, niggers were still living in huts, despite living in the most resource rich country on the planet

>> No.8597818


Why do Nigerian immigrants do so well if all blacks are inferior?
Why are certain countries in Africa richer than countries in Eastern Europe?

Yeah, because the African Ruling class cooperated in the slave trade it wasn't a crime. Eastern European sex slaves aren't victims because eastern Europeans sell them.

>> No.8597820

>"the slavers"

Why are you quoting that?

>> No.8597829

Because eastern europe has been completely wrecked by communism
>Yeah, because the African Ruling class cooperated in the slave trade it wasn't a crime. Eastern European sex slaves aren't victims because eastern Europeans sell them.
If the ruling class sold the slaves themselves then they have no one to blame but themselves, they profited from the slave trade

>> No.8597831


If you scrape the top 1% of any country, it will do better on average than your own countries average.

600,000,000 Indians don't poo in the loo. But the ones that come over here are the top 1% and outdo all other peoples on average.

There is a law of averages to everything and races included. Averages matter.

You're supposed to believe that evolution made us different in aesthetics only when we can see and hear in our daily lives that there's clearly a mental difference as well?

>> No.8597838

Don't even bother arguing with this idiot. Fat self absorbed loser needs to get back on his meds

>> No.8597839

Why resort to insults?

>> No.8597841


Here's a based Prime Minister of Singapore basically telling you
"don't get the fruit pickers or your society will crumble"

The best reason for immigration is brain drain.
The absolute worst reason for immigration is to keep filling up "labour" demands. Aka corporate interests.


>> No.8597845

Take your ritalin fatso

>> No.8597848


21:40 is when he puts on a short talk about immigration.

>> No.8597855

>Because eastern europe has been completely wrecked by communism.

But slavery and colonialism has no effect on Africa.

If your evolutionary argument held, then their would be a reversion to the average in second generation Nigerians. Second Gen. Nigerians do as well as their parents.


>> No.8597859

Did you know that you inherit IQ from your parents?

>> No.8597870

Slavery in Africa was inherent in their natural state, it was not due to outside forces tampering with their way of life, colonialism did have a big effect but in a positive way, everything from colonialism has been wiped away since then, and some african politicans are even pleading for white people to come back

>> No.8597873

Did you know genetics revert to the mean, so if it was a matter of the top 1% immigrating the second generation would have a lower IQ than their parents.

But what am I doing, I'm talking to a person who only found out about genetics as a way to explain his weight problem to his body pillow.

>> No.8597881

What is ideology and what makes it pure from Zizeks POV? Serious question

>> No.8597888

>its another race bait thread
oh ffs

>> No.8597894
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Well there it is... there it is. Pure ideology, um, finds a way.

>> No.8597898

Burroughs said the title Naked Lunch refers to the moment when a person is eating and they really see what is at the end of their forks.

Ideology refers to the act of not seeing that, the things that blur the mind into thinking that something that's disgusting is delicious, or something that is evil is fine. Pure ideology is what occurs when someone totally removes all reality from their vision and focuses only on the lie/image they've created.

Zizek tells a joke about a man and his wife.
A mongol comes and tells the man he must let him rape his wife or he'll kill him. Then he says because the ground is dusty the man must hold his balls.

The mongol rapes the woman and leaves. The man is smiling wide. The woman says how can he smile when she's just been raped? He says to her, I got that guy. He's riding off with dusty balls.

That's ideology basically.

>> No.8598092

All gommies need to be gassed

>> No.8598168

yeah, well done referencing a shitty song that everyone has seen.s my d

>> No.8598182


>> No.8598200

That's the joke.

>> No.8598206
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>Burroughs said the title Naked Lunch refers to the moment when a person is eating and they really see what is at the end of their forks.
>Ideology refers to the act of not seeing that

No it absolutely is not, this misconception itself is ideology in its purest form. Not even memeing

>> No.8598236

Ok Mr. Smartypants, define Ideology.

>> No.8598242

Because that's the major hole in their "race don't real" argument

>> No.8598302
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Put quite simply, Ideology represents the imaginary relationship of individuals to their real conditions of existence.
The complexity however is twofold from this point. This "real" is never accessible.
As too is the imagination which is purely unconcious, sculpted by power relations in a society.

The problem in his example is the illusion that this disturbing experience of the "naked lunch" is actually the real, whereas it is simply another even purer form of imaginative discourse.

>> No.8598320

Has this guy ever actually contributed something? Seems like he's spouting theories that were explored a 100 years ago

>> No.8599232

He is a powerhouse of philosophy and came very close to leading Slovenia in the 90's.

Asking what a contemporary philosopher has contributed is retarded tho.

>> No.8599575

Communism will work well for robots

>> No.8599586


23% of native white homes are on welfare?
Jesus fuck that's like 35 million people, isn't it?

>> No.8599940

That's not true in most cases, IQ from your parents is 75% inheritable

>> No.8599956


>> No.8599975

get the fuck out of here you swine

>> No.8599977

Which books of Žižek covering ideology should I read after reading The Sublime Object of Ideology?

It's his first book, surely he wrote something more.

Yes, I did watch the two Pervert's Guide movies.

>> No.8599978

The old school shit senpai, before modal jazz degeneracy became a thing

>> No.8599984

>American music at all
>post-romantic poetique Chad music at all
>not exclusively listening to analytic autiste music
Get the fuck out

>> No.8599989

>analytic autiste music
a what?

>> No.8599994

ca. 1700-1830

Before emotions ruined art.

>> No.8599997

>not listening to primate rock smashings and chest beatings

>> No.8599999

I do enjoy body music, but there are very few authentic body music ensembles.

>> No.8600005

I still don't know if you're ironic or not, but drop some examples

>> No.8600023

Some noise artists reach it on occasion, but not always, either way this type of music cannot be captured in a sound recording.


>> No.8600041

Socialism =/= Communism

>> No.8600044

even then, literally all of the countries in that meme image were poor as fuck and got BTFO

>> No.8600072

>before emotions ruined art
Emotions didn't ruin art. Sexual instincts ruined art.

>> No.8600107


>> No.8600115

Marcos was a scumbag

>> No.8600116

I thought this was a picture of Dan Harmon

>> No.8600669

Ad hominem attacks aren't arguments

I hear of these superhuman Nigerian immigrants a lot from here and other places but I've literally never seen any data on them, I'm pretty convinced it's just a meme at this point.

>Why are certain countries in Africa richer than countries in Eastern Europe

Colonialism (taking the inconvenient/uncomfortable truth that colonialism did actually have some benefits) and a laughable amount of natural resources VS formerly being in the USSR?

>> No.8600683

Pretty cool

>> No.8600693

/littering is basically the safe space for delusional armchair communists

they can't debate on /pol, because /pol discusses mainly current issues and isn't interested in theoretical discussions

they lost activism to SJWs, who would put literally anything before class warfare

so all they have left is an insiginificant corner of the internet where they flaunt their self-proclaimed intellectual superiority by fetishizing Zizek.

>> No.8600711

I still don't get how anyone can read the communist manifesto with a straight face though

>> No.8600723

sleep tight Zizek

>> No.8601434

Magnus Carlsen's kid would be fucking autistic as fuck you would waste a lot of money getting him a lot of attention in a special autism school.