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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 159 KB, 650x500, 100-Bullets-gear-patrol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8591245 No.8591245 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ hate comics so much?

>> No.8591262

Writing is always bad. Yes, always.

>> No.8591279

it's poison for the imagination.

>> No.8591283

I don't.

>> No.8591287

They're picture books. End of story.

>> No.8591290

Picture books for manchildren

>> No.8591301

For children: A moral fable accompanied by pictures.

For adults: It's all pictures with speech bubbles of people saying retarded shit.

>> No.8591304

I don't hate them. I just think they belong on /co/.


>> No.8591317
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Because /lit/ is obsessed with pretense and maintaining the appearance of being enlightened intellectuals. You can't namedrop Alan Moore or Geoff Johns or Swamp Thing into a conversation and appear superior.

The truth with comics is the same with literature though, most of it is genre-trash. But there are, and always have been, works of true cultural and (dare I say) literary merit- if you look for them.

>> No.8591319

There are plenty of good comics, but this isn't /co/

>> No.8591530

Post a thread with an actual comic-related question and you'll get decent answers here (if the comic isn't some generic capeshit/manga/horror garbage). There are always the insecure fucks who have to explain to you that an art form thousands of years old is total and absolute garbage, and those who redirect to /co/ (even though 95% of /co/ users probably don't know who Chris Ware is), but everyone else ignores them.

>> No.8591545

>even though 95% of /co/ users probably don't know who Chris Ware is
Along with 95% of europe, which 95% of good comics come from
(just a gratuitous reminder)

>> No.8591645

We don't, but it's a separate thing that has its own board. Same reason you don't make animal threads on /out/.

Well, Moore you probably could

>> No.8591650
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>> No.8591691
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Lack of depth. The best comix subvert the tropes, but they're still shitty comic book tropes. Also, most of the medium is about men in capes.

>> No.8592900
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Ignorance and lack of interest, mostly. These guys think Vendetta and Watchmen are still defining the genre, though Fantagraphics and D&Q moved far away from capes decades ago. There are many worthy graphic novels out there, but you can't judge them just as if they were text-only novels, any more than you judge theatre like cinema. And like cinema or pop music, it's a genre greatly dominated by juvenile mass-market entertainment stuff, and easy to dismiss. But hey, I like dumb movies and dumb comics sometimes too.

>> No.8592915

Because 90% of everything is trash, even ordinary literature.

>> No.8592917

Video Games and Literary works have better and more profound writing.

>> No.8592939

What would you consider a profound video game? Just curious: I've never seen anything I would remotely attach that label to.

>> No.8592942
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Is that shelf supposed to convince us you know what you're talking about?

>> No.8592944
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Not him but Secret of Mana 1/2 were certainly profound for me.

And I say this as someone who in general can't stand weebshit.

>> No.8592958

Kentucky route zero

>> No.8592961


>> No.8592962


>> No.8592965

as far as story goes... Naughty Dog games always make me feel something. The Last of Us was the first game that made me go 'wow, this is the most beautiful thing i have ever played'

>> No.8592967

Convincing you isn't my concern, but I do know what I'm talking about in this field. I teach a course in comics, have published articles related to it, and have degrees in fine arts and literature.

>> No.8592975

I dont hate them, but its not literature. The same argument we make with harry potter was made 40 years ago about comic books. Just having kids read does not make them readers.

>> No.8592978
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Is there anything worse than a two-bit community college professor who robbed the world of a degree in fine arts when he lacks the most basic of taste?

>> No.8592979

Bad art + bad writing = clumpy doody

>> No.8592980
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A feels simulator

>> No.8592989

Not actually profound, but it is very fun and even educative

>> No.8592992

I would say that it's more inviting you to go educate yourself about things you had no concept of or interest in earlier, not educative in itself

>> No.8593005
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>> No.8593009

sorry yo no espiko el inglés

>> No.8593018

fucking nerd

go read a book lmao, fucking bookworm

do some fucking math why dontcha

>> No.8593045
File: 67 KB, 423x348, panther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are /co/ such closed-minded manchildren? Comics are such an under-appreciated art form the fact that most of those that do appreciate them don't even see them as an art form is just sad.

Oh, and have any of you read pic related? Shit gave me some bad feels man

>> No.8593070

I'm sure there is. If you concentrate your mental powers to their utmost, perhaps an example will come to you.

>> No.8593079
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>> No.8593081

Comic books were invented in the early twentieth-century because the cultural elite realized people were getting too stupid for books. They'd deliberately made them this stupid, it was expected, but they saw an opportunity here to also capitalize on it. Then people became too stupid for comic books, so they came out with television, and they moved comic books to "university level" and kids in college started studying them. Now people are getting too stupid for television, so television is being moved to "university level" art, and we're all just watching Vines and YouTube videos, the "best" of which will in a few decades be pored over in state colleges across the nation.

>> No.8593092
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"The cultural elite"

>> No.8593108

spook levels hencetofore unwitnessed

>> No.8593123
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>he hasn't read Alan Moore

>> No.8593147

Yes, he's cringeworthy, as proven by his embarrassing attempt at writing an actual book

>> No.8593151

Voice of the Fire is legitimately good though. Or do you mean Jerusalem, the one you haven't read?

>> No.8593168

Kentucky Road Zero, Pathologic, Planescape: Torment. Legacy of Kain.
The works I would consider literary in games are about as rare as in film.

>> No.8593170

>I have played literally less than 100 games in my life
Naughty dog is the summer blockbuster equivalent of games. The Last of Us is like saying Gravity is the most beautiful film.

>> No.8593182

I love comics and Moore is great writing them
But his writing is bad. Great for comics, but it is bad.

And that is because >>8591262 is right.

>> No.8593199

What makes his writing bad?

>> No.8593203

that it is for comics

>> No.8593212

So comics are bad because the writing is bad, "always", and the writing is bad because it is for comics. Gotcha.

>> No.8593223

>summer blockbuster game
sure Uncharted is pretty much that but Last of Us isnt. Besides there is different ways to interpret beautiful. Loads of ppl say Gravity was beautiful ( i dont) just because of the special effects and the filming etc.
What is ur favourite game then?
Also, just because something is 'blockbuster' doesnt mean its defacto bad. Bioshock Infinite for example. Super blockbuster game, super amazing anyway.

>> No.8593252

not the man you were replying to, but
>Bioshock Infinite
>super amazing
is laughable.

>> No.8593256

>So comics are bad because the writing is bad
I never said that. Comics aren't bad, comics are great. Compared with books are bad. But you can't read a comic with the book idea. Like you can't see a movie like you read a comic
And the Moore's writing is bad because it is for comics, but it is great in that world.

Now, if we will talk about comics like some kind of book, you can't deny that they are bad even if they are the best in their style.

>> No.8593267

You have a long journey ahead of you m8

>> No.8593281

top pleb

>> No.8593292

Comics are visual storytelling using a combination of art, symbolism and words. I have no idea how you personally judge what is good or bad writing in this medium. Do you mean literal writing, like with letters and words, or do you mean storytelling and atmosphere and shit?

>> No.8593313

I really like comics but I'm not into super heroes. I like manga as well, but anime is inferior.

>> No.8593316

talk about being fucking autistic. Let me guess, the only game u play is 'chess'. Go wank off to ur mom. srsly, so full of urselves when it comes to video games. talk about being fucking losers. u know what other games are good? Overwatch, CoD, Fifa, Battlefield, Witcher, fuck even the original pokemon's were alright. Does hearing that cause u to spaz out? Are u going to have to write a full essay explaining why my opinion is wrong and why u are so much more knowledgable?

>> No.8593318

Writing doesn't equal books you fucking retard.

We talk about Shakespeare.

>> No.8593322

>thinks Bioshock Infinite was beautiful
>calls other autistic

>> No.8593323
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is this literature

>> No.8593325

Art style was pretty good mang.

>> No.8593328

I love comics

>> No.8593329

>storytelling and atmosphere and shit
Those things.
Draws could be replaced by descripctions in a book, then we can see that stories are... mmm... bland
Stop thinking that I don't like comics

>> No.8593332

i think so

>> No.8593335

>Draws could be replaced by descripctions in a book, then we can see that stories are... mmm... bland

>> No.8593336

to r/games, sir

>> No.8593339

I'm quite fond of them. Granted most of them have garbage writing but that does not mean that they are inherently worse than books. They have interesting stories sometimes and are able to tell them it ways that a book never could.

>> No.8593344
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I welcome someone to show me a comic where the following isn't true.

The reason even "elite" "patrician" comics are bad is because the writers pretend to have some kind of deep philosophical insight when at best they have that quasi-nihilism that seems to be the default worldview of the modern era. They have nothing of value to actually say, and their closest relatives are the "hard science fiction" writers who think they're deep for promoting ideology like Malthusianism which has neither moral nor empirical justification.

It's just embarrassing. I like the artwork, but the writer almost always lets the artist down with this shit.

>> No.8593349

Why no and "no"'

>> No.8593350


>> No.8593351

Also, the sense of "humor" I find in a lot of popular comics today is utter garbage.

>> No.8593352

"no" for emphasis

plot id for plebs


>> No.8593353

No. It is modern visual art, at best.

>> No.8593354

/lit/sters are looked down on irl by normies, therefore they need something to look down on, like YA and comics.

>> No.8593361

great, I don't get it then

>> No.8593363

That isn't at all true. How many comics have you read?

>> No.8593365

nice projection, fag

>> No.8593366

as I said


>> No.8593368

Everybody I know who has a reading habit started with comic books (myself included - began picking up books when I ran out of interesting comics at the public library)

>> No.8593374

hey, when I write my post and you didn't get I explain it for you 2 times.

You are pleb as I.

>> No.8593378

Give me an example of a comic you have read claiming to have deep philosophical insight. And most of that nihilistic stuff probably is just nihilistic. Self hate comics are fun to draw.

>> No.8593379

I have a /lit/-tier friend who never read any comics as a kid. Though I lent him some Peter Milligan in adulthood which he appreciated.

>> No.8593381

A lot, really. I love comics

>> No.8593384

I got it

>> No.8593385

My friend, they would never claim to have any insight at all. They simply write with an unearned sense of confidence.

As for comics that were recommended to me because of how "extremely patrician" they are, I'm thinking of Nao of Brown, Duncan the Wonder Dog, and Habibi

>> No.8593387

lel, I started with Garfield and Calvin & Hobbes

>> No.8593388

That argument "we" make is wrong.

>> No.8593405


>> No.8593418

>unearned sense of confidence
Uh, you must be one of those people who can't, like, settle on just saying... stuff?

>> No.8593426

You seem like the type of person who finds Richard Dawkins convincing on religion.

>> No.8593427

>Uh, you must be one of those people who can't, like, settle on just saying... stuff?

>> No.8593432
File: 31 KB, 221x403, hellboy doesn't like it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no hellboy

>> No.8593438

more like hellgoy

>> No.8593442

Free tip: stop ending your sentences in upward inflections and twitching your face in doubt whenever you open your mouth and people will, at last, stop assuming you're a little bitch.

>> No.8593472
File: 466 KB, 1280x817, tumblr_nlcldsbx6n1t0t09yo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this copypasta? I feel like a lot of what you said applies to modern lit as well.

>> No.8593659

It absolutely is not.

“One can never read too little of bad, or too much of good books: bad books are intellectual poison; they destroy the mind.

In order to read what is good one must make it a condition never to read what is bad; for life is short, and both time and strength limited.”

― Arthur Schopenhauer, Essays and Aphorisms

>> No.8593705

It absolutely is not because Schopenhauer said so? In the meme quote you've learned from that picture, like everybody else here?
Not even getting into the irony of anyone posting it on 4chan...

>> No.8593726

>me quote you've learned from that picture, like everybody else here?
>Not even getting into the irony of anyone posting it on 4chan..

Your rebuttal is shit just like your "there is no such thing as a bad book" argument.

>> No.8593802

>never read will and representation.

>> No.8593826

Never made that argument. I just saw your sheep post and shat on it, as deserved.

>> No.8593982

Reading the occasional piece of shit is a key part of developing taste, as is dipping your toes in other mediums and genres- including comic books.

>> No.8594194

What "there is no such thing as a bad book" argument?

>> No.8594547

I challenge anyone in this thread to explain how Asterios Polyp is bad in any way, including writing.

>> No.8594719

The art looks like shit

>> No.8594742
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>> No.8595234
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Because there is a board for that. Stop posting off topic shit.

>> No.8596161

As a /v/ regular I actually can't believe what I'm reading. Maybe you'd like BioShock Infinite too.

>> No.8596465

>taking Adorno and Horkheimer this literally

>> No.8596637

They fit within a space in between books and animation/movies which I'm not that interested in occupying. I'm sure there are great comics. But they really do nothing for me.

>> No.8597703


>> No.8597724

Comics are just a medium I don't indulge in. Manga is an exception, however.

>> No.8597917

Anyone know where to download graphic novels online?

>> No.8597936


>> No.8597959

thanks anon, appreciate ya

>> No.8597965

/rs/ was the shit for this. Too bad it's gone now. Just browse /co/ and search through its archive.

>> No.8597986
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but muh deep plots, muh indie comics

>> No.8598001

Name 5 god-tier comics.
Diversity garbage doesn't count.

>> No.8598016
File: 294 KB, 1024x733, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Hell
Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron
The Bus

>> No.8598042

>From Hell
literal garbage

the rest are gud tho

>> No.8598058

is Persepolis worth it?

>> No.8598067

>is ... ways
>( i
>Bioshock Infinite for example ... super amazing
0/10 is beyond generous.

>> No.8598073


Look man, first get your references straight. This isn't "is Alan Moore as good as G. R. R. Martin?" this is "is Alan Moore as good as motherfucking Dostoevsky and Homer?" THOSE are the kinds of people you're comparing him to when you compare him to the best authors. And I'm sorry but when you compare "Watchmen" to "Notes from the Underground" then Moore looks like a fucking joke.

>> No.8598106

Those are literally the best two listed though

>> No.8598124

Maybe if you are a disgusting pleb.

>> No.8598143

I enjoyed it but It's nothing fantastic. Great art style though

>> No.8598162

Can you give an intelligent, or at least coherent, explanation as to why you dislike them?

>> No.8598371
File: 112 KB, 500x667, O8SgINA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little disappointed that nobody has mentioned Cowboy Henk yet

>> No.8598374

Oh fuck right off. SAGE.

>> No.8598379

>Comics are such an under-appreciated art form the fact that most of those that do appreciate them don't even see them as an art form is just sad.
The same can be said for all mediums. Many people don't apply critical thinking to what they're partaking in, usually because they don't want to and enjoy them for different reasons.

>> No.8598381

Lsd dream simulator

>> No.8598417


Eat rat poison and tell me it's not a steak ya fuckn weapon

>> No.8598418

Early Marvel, Swamp Thing and Hellboy.

Bullshit, it's simply another form of story telling. Same argument cab be used against film and would sound even more ignorant.

>> No.8598473

Being this mad, ever
Grow up.

>> No.8598595
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>Early Marvel

I'm glad you put the 'early' qualifier there.

>> No.8598604

They are literally not, >>8598016 From Hell is literally the best and Hellblazer is literally the worst.

>> No.8598626

That comic was canceled soon after if I remember.

>> No.8598634

>even though 95% of /co/ users probably don't know who Chris Ware is

i've brought it up in threads like this before, but seriously, wtf made this happen? I have threads saved from there from at least 2010 that mention at least fucking gaiman and I picked up The Boys after a thread bitching about Ennis' bitching about superheroes.

Are all these people just busy with grad school now? I...I have no one to talk to about nice things...;_;

>> No.8598647

>Why does /lit/ hate comics so much?
i don't know

>> No.8598653

>at least fucking gaiman and
Gaiman and Ennis? I'm not saying they're bad (at comics), but if Gaiman and Ennis are your criteria for a cultured comic book community, you're as clueless as they are. And they still talk about those two. Probably.

>> No.8598681

>wtf made this happen?
Same thing thats happening here.

>> No.8598701

They didn't qualify for the fucking babby cup. Who would associate with a board like that?

>> No.8598749


not saying that at all, just that /co/ is at a point now when they don't even know who those are

>> No.8598844
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>The Bus
MY man.
I'm re-reading Berserk while reading Gormenghast.
IS pic related /lit/?

>> No.8599009

Brian K. Vaughan is such an autistic and cliched writer that if I were Fiona Staples, I'd be at least a little upset to have my art associated with him.

>> No.8599059

Say what you will about his writing, but the dragon sucking his own dick isn't a cliché (or wasn't) (yet)

>> No.8599066

Kairo and Antichamber are awe-inspiring

>> No.8599239


Have you ever read Jack Vance's 'Tales of the Dying Earth?' Because that's exactly what Nier felt like to me. Only beautiful prose is replaced all the elements that make a game, and in my opinion each one is executed masterfully.

It feels fantastic to handle on top of looking and sounding amazing and what's more is that all of these separate elements come together to support the main story, which is surprisingly thoughtful and moving.

>> No.8599269

TF, I read saga.