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8589289 No.8589289 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on the Foundation series?

>> No.8589376

Book one was an enjoyable read, book two was meh then the third I just had to put it down

>> No.8589399

Loved it

>> No.8589445

I really enjoyed it, shame it doesn't have an actual ending!

>> No.8589448

Asimov himself confessed it wasn't much more than The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire in space.

>> No.8589460

you say that like it's a bad thing.
anyways OP they're good stuff. You can probably skip the two sequels and the two prequels, though. Just stick to the original trilogy unless you're really jonsin' for more.

>> No.8590036

Very much enjoyed the series, and it got me into Asimov, as a kid.

>> No.8591167
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Breddy gud, nice psychohistorical ruse cruises. Third book isn't as weak as everyone says but it's still largely wrapping up shit from the second and then a wild goose chase.

>> No.8591211

The first book was okay, the second sucked. There's too much going on and it's hard to keep track of all the random factions, and the time period.

>> No.8592357

yes. i do say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.8592538

William Shatner reads Foundation by Isaac Asimov

