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8587914 No.8587914 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't the idea of a spook, itself a spook?

>> No.8587935


>> No.8588097

I don't know, Schubert. But you don't have much time, so try to finish that symphony before syphilis fucks your shit up beyond repair.

>> No.8588111

daily reminder string quintet in c >>>>>any of late beethoven quartets

>> No.8588124

The true patrician choice. Repeating digits for ratification.

>> No.8588127


>> No.8588131

No. It's only a spook if it affects your decisions. That you're aware God doesn't exist doesn't necessarily mean you're going to go around debating Christians; if you do, it's because you're spooked by something else (like truth). Things aren't spooks in and of themselves, it's you that makes them so by feeling obligated to them.

>> No.8588147

>That you're aware God doesn't exist

No one can be 'aware' of this at any given moment.

>> No.8588160

though I'll concede that op. 111 >>>last 3 schubert sonatas

>> No.8588249

>babby's first classical

>> No.8588270

late thoven aint entry lvl m8

>> No.8588273

no, it's not, but i doubt you have the underlying knowledge and years of careful study necessary to appreciate even their barest surface, beyond their "reputation"

and autistically ranking late beethoven and late schubert and drawing inane comparisons is -definitely- entry level pseudery.

>> No.8588288

musicians (artists generally) have always ranked the masters, the fuck u on. read schumann's diaries for fucks sake.

source: 5 years of comp at wien universität für musik darstellende kunst

>> No.8588398

This is what Kierkegaard was getting at

>> No.8588406

Also Symphony No.9 in C>>>>any Brahms symphony


>> No.8588423

Pseud contrarian opinion, right here.

>> No.8588565

Your point being?

>> No.8589585

they're natural geniuses with oodles of talent. you're a nobody trying desperately to cling to a vestige of a bygone lifestyle, with no discernible talent to boot.

>> No.8590341

schubert sonatas >>>>> anything else

>> No.8590371
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who /onlyonecomposer/ here?