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/lit/ - Literature

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8586302 No.8586302[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the best works on white people oppressing, subjugating, and enslaving blacks?

Preferably ones that go into great detail about how horrifically they were treated, i.e. the honest sheer brutality of the whole thing.

>> No.8586329

Trick question. It was jews and other blacks that enslaved the blacks and sold them off.

>> No.8586363

Give recs or fuck off, retard

>> No.8586373

The Arab slave trade is much more interesting imo


Also the black Egyptian kangs enslaving Jews in the OT

>> No.8586374

White Cargo

The story of how most slaves in the new world were originally white, mostly sub-human irish and scotts who weren't treated well just because they were white because the idea of white didn't really exist until 1970 or so. Of you were latin or catholic, or anything different than WASP, then you were inhuman and enslaving you was ok.

Then in the 1600s, the idea of permanent slavery was brought to the new world by a freed african servant named Anthony Johnson. He petitioned the courts to make all his slaves permanently slaves, unheard of in the new world, but common in Angola, where he was from. The courts granted this, thinking it a stupid concept, because it was common to make someone a slave for 7 years, knowing full well the life expectancy of a slave was only 5 years or so in the new world. So the length of time never mattered, as slaves didn't live long anyway.

It wasn't until 1800 or so that most slaves in the new world were actually black, when life expectancy of slaves increased, and changes in compensation for slave owners started to favor the idea of keeping your slaves alive for a long time, as previous slave owners were paid upfront the full amount, and were free to work slaves to death. The legal precedent set before, and the growing ease of transporting slaves from africa made this possible.

Always find it funny how nobody wants to talk about how white slaves suffered, just blacks. But whatever, was a good read for me.

Also check out: The invention of the white race.

>> No.8586376

Global rule 16 - All request threads for adult content belong on /r/, and all request threads for work-safe content belong on /wsr/, unless otherwise noted.

>> No.8586384

Are you being deliberately obtuse?

>> No.8586389


>> No.8586390

What-- What did you call me?

>> No.8586397

You should look into that

>> No.8586403


>> No.8586404

my diary 2bh

>> No.8586408

It's pathological

>> No.8586410

There was a book I read about Leopold II of Belgium, can't remember the name of it but just look him up, pretty brutal shit

>> No.8586413

Thanks, man.

>> No.8586434

Do you know what that word means?

>> No.8586441

Of course

>> No.8586447

well then explain it, and how it's applicable

>> No.8586452

The Dream of the Celt, by Mario Vargas Llosa. Also, check out Roger Casement's work.

>> No.8586455

You seemed very intent on derailing this thread. Why do you think that is?

>> No.8586464

Well maybe because this thread would have been dead a long time ago if I didn't. Also I'm just bored basically. I'll stop posting and let this shitfest die though.

>> No.8586466

That sounds like just what I'm looking for. Thank you

>> No.8586477
File: 81 KB, 500x449, Facebook-1f92de.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prosperity is made up, equality means dragging rich people down not raising poor people up, families are bad and so is having children despite ageing population, parents made drugs illegal because they are mean spirited and oppressive not because they are bad for your health and livelihood, white people didn't end slavery and own less slaves in America proportionately to blacks, Muslims don't still own slaves and condone paedophilia and enslave women, black lives do in fact matter, there is a war on women in the west, white and Asian pride are racist because whites and Asians are not historically cohesive groups but lots of discrete nations, black pride is not racist even though the same is true for black people, it's OK to mock white men and attack them physically or verbally, if you are anything other than submissive to others as a white male you are as likeable and innocent as a rapist and serial killer, race doesn't exist because it's a social construct but racism which is an abstract subjective idea does exist and so does the white race of which the males are evil.
People actually believe all of these memes and they have successful careers in the public eye, post graduate degrees, and discuss their ideas at dinner parties with important people.
It's not just teenagers with colourful hair.
The idea of a rational adult has been destroyed by cultural relativism and non-judgementalism.

>> No.8586484

Give recs or fuck off

>> No.8586488
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This thread is fucking pathetic

OP read Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass An American Slave it's a great autobiography written by a former slave.

Also the autobiography of Olaudah Equiano cant remember the title but if you search his name youll find it

What the fuck happened to /lit/ jesus

>> No.8586489

Is this the cuckold general, my fellow miscegenator?

>> No.8586491

People replied to rec threads too much and they took over

>> No.8586493

Shut up nigger faggot.

>> No.8586495

There's been a bunch of mass influxes in the past few months. The biggest change was tumblr.

>> No.8586502

The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification
of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior.
This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of
mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests.
Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles,
and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type.
But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism.
Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power.
Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be
of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help.

>> No.8586518

After dealing with blacks on another level than slavery a distinction of race needed to be made

>> No.8586521

scrolled through the first page, not a single thread worth replying to, replying to this one because it was on top at the time

>> No.8586525

Looking at this thread, I'd hardly blame tumblr. There are like 2 recommendations and 20 posts of triggered redpillers

>> No.8586533

Stop believing in quasi-spiritual historical narratives and applying moral standards to history.
Nature is about dominating your environment and reproducing genetically.
That's it.
The first life lesson you learn as a child is 'life isn't fair'.
If you want to dedicate your time and effort to making life fair for people that's absolutely fine but if you really believe what you're doing isn't just another agenda, but is morally correct in some cosmic sense, then you are a victim of rhetoric and appeals to emotion by the over zealous politicised contemporary media.
People are just animals.
This isn't an anti-religious statement, as I am actually Jewish, it is just a fact you need to observe in order to have a realistic view of the world.
The reason white nationalists believe in what they do is because they feel a primal sense of community which compels them to protect and value other whites over non-whites.
Anti-racists feel the same sense of community but universally with all races.
You're both trying as hard as you can to be good people but unfortunately that's all anyone can do.
No one can see the future and no one knows what's best for everyone.

>> No.8586569

well...not really. The distinction was made as sort of a propaganda tool before white slavery really died out. This was because white slaves were starting to cause lots of uprisings and revolts in the new world, mainly because they were treated worse than the african permanent slaves.

In indentured servitude, and corporal servitude (forcing convicts and other social undesirables to be slaves, the most common method of servitude), the slave master would be paid up front with money and land to compensate them for transporting a slave to the new world. Any work they got out of the slave after that was a bonus. They would habitually mistreat these servants, and it was common to work them to death.

Permanent black slaves were treated better as they were bought by the slave master, rather than the slave master being paid for them. This meant they were investments, and in theory it was in the slave master's interest to take care of them and treat them better.

This obviously caused a lot of conflict, and the general idea of racism as we know it grew out of this. Slave masters, and governments, started pushing the idea that because these servants were white, from a superior culture, and one day would be freed (they probably wouldn't, but that's a whole other topic) then that made the racially and morally superior to the african slave.

The idea kind of stuck, slave masters hoping this would quell rebellion amongst white slaves, but it didn't, it just made them racist dicks. In short white slavery ended because it caused too many problems, and black slaves seemed more accepting of slavery, as it was common in their original cultures.

Not defending slavery by any means, but just describing what really happened.

>> No.8586599

Foundational background texts for this are Peter Kolchin's American Slavery and Kenneth Stampp's The Peculiar Institution: Slavery in the Ante-Bellum South

The Black Jacobins - C L R James. History of the Haitian Revolution, opening chapters look at the racializated structure of Haitian society.

Capitalism and Slavery - Eric Williams. Written by the first president of Trinidad and Tobago this book looks at how the trans-Atlantic slave trade was used to finance the development of Western European Nations. Useful for demonstrating how it's form was essentially different from the Arabic slave trade and the role of economic forces in its abolition.

The Slave Ship: A Human History - Marcus Reddiker. Obviously enough this one looks at slave ships, examining how they were engineered for maximum efficiency.

New York Burning: Liberty, Slavery, and Conspiracy in Eighteenth-Century Manhattan -Jill Lepore. Interesting background on the position of slavery in New York before the anti-black riots of the early 17th century.

>> No.8586602

Moral compassion is as limited and bourgeois as this post.

>> No.8586605

Cheers! Much appreciated

>> No.8586612
File: 57 KB, 479x719, 1784702c7d30c5b2aaec0c430cf1bdb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up.

>> No.8586626
File: 90 KB, 650x841, triggery diggery doo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the time you guys used to get so triggered you had to have public safe spaces?

>> No.8586637
File: 209 KB, 500x750, o7emze7FMn1tb6vkvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up

>> No.8586699


this book is trash. thoroughly debunked.

>> No.8586705

citation needed

>> No.8586710


kindred by octavia butler.
uncle toms cabin
and if you want primary sources, just literally google "slave narratives"

>> No.8586748



>> No.8586757


A reddit article that agrees with everything the books says, but makes the point that it still shouldn't be considered white slavery.

Blows that argument right out of the water.