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/lit/ - Literature

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8582581 No.8582581[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ here, how does /lit/ dress?
how does one dress for the literary lifestyle?

>> No.8582590

I wear a vintage black overcoat, fingerless gloves, a long white shirt filled at the cuffs and slightly long so it pokes from the end of my sleeve, black denim jeans, black shoes and I walk with a slight stoop and regularly cough into a white satin handkerchief pretending I am coughing up blood. Feels so literary but I have never had a girlfriend.

>> No.8582621

Man I stay up all night and then in the morning I nurse a huge lukewarm disgusting old black coffee, hunched over my kitchen table, and scowl at my mom when she offers me breakfast

Feel fucking lit af for about 8 minutes. Also I don't bathe

>> No.8582627

most effay writers

william gaddis
L Ron Hubbard
james joyce
90s era DFW
young ezra pound
lol Oscar wilde weeeew
young rimbaud kek
2000s thomas pynchon

>> No.8582633

I just wear clothes man I don't give a fuck

>> No.8582643
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I dress like these guys

>> No.8582644

Wow it's like you don't even want to get published

>> No.8582658
File: 64 KB, 758x450, yohji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently wearing: slim-fit tweed jacket, black v-neck t-shirt, black Frank & Oak pants, pic related shoes

>> No.8582668
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>> No.8582672

I wear Valentino suits.

>> No.8582683

holy shit that's awful

>> No.8582685

I wish i could wear sweaters every day.
It´s fucking hot in here

>> No.8582687

Like that, but without the glasses because I am not a celebrity or a model

>> No.8582690

Tracksuit and buzzcut.

Bourgeois cunts the lot of yous.

>> No.8582692

jesus christ what an awful outfit

>> No.8582695
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>not dressing like Russian politicians from the communist era

Do you even lit??

Seriously tho it's my fave aesthetic.

>> No.8582696
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Wear the same clothes every day.

>> No.8582699

How have you not killed yourself

>> No.8582702

Black jeans and shirts, No logos. Combat boots

>> No.8582703
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>> No.8582704

Thinking about it, will do it once I know afterwards I can write a short story on it, publish it, then Go back to being dead

>> No.8582707

seinfeld aint got shit on this

>> No.8582709
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Where you live, anon?

>> No.8582716

sweater without coat lasts about a week in colder climates

>> No.8582719
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It was
>PhD law student core
In the 90s

>> No.8582720

post urs faggot

>> No.8582727

I dress like a soccer loving version of Turtle from entourage

>> No.8582728
File: 121 KB, 750x561, putput.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you've had a few and your friend takes his AK out at the party

>> No.8582732
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God bless you for sharing this

>> No.8582744
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This one is
>marrying a woman that your mom hates because she has the same name as your ex girlfriend

Putin could have been lit af if it wasn't for Yeltsin

>> No.8582752

I live on the coastal region where it´s hot always. Temperatures never go below 25 celsius and the sunlight is cancerous. I could only wear sweaters or hoodies early in the morning or at night, when it gets a bi colder.
I could move to the Andes mountains where it´s way colder, but until i graduate i can do nothing.

>> No.8582753
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>effay politicians

Make way for best friendship

>> No.8582760
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Anon, I...


>> No.8582761
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>> No.8582762

Goodwill sweaters, flannels/button-ups, sleeves rolled on a lighter button-up in the summer
Slim fit jeans, dark blue or black always
Low-profile sneakers such as vans or boots in the winter. Clarks desert mali are what I rock.

>> No.8582774
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I live in perpetual darkness. North East Canada. We're way past sweater weather. We're mostly can't leave your house or you'll die weather. The worst part is, I used to live south west. I remember warmth. Be thankful for the sun, you never know when they'll take it away from you.

omg!! Anon, I was looking everywhere for this pic!! Bless you. Yeah, that's surkov when he was still working in banking PR in the 1990s. I don't always agree with his politics, but he is seriously fucking lit. Unfortunately, his books are hard to come by.

Wish I could contact him somehow, but since he doesn't work officially at the Kremlin anymore he is hard to find.

>> No.8582775

i'm not too choosy, but I wear just black clothes(cotton preferably) and maybe white or some dark blue but rarely

>> No.8582776

Because it only works in the sweet spot between summer (too hot for sweater) and autumn (too cold and wet to go without jacket/coat).

>> No.8582778

what color the jacket and the pants?

>> No.8582783

There is no literary lifestyle. Writers are hermit loners by profession. People that spend time looking like a writer in public instead of writing aren't writing much, are they?


>> No.8582786

Here's something you might like, I know it's a tumblr link but he recites Allen Ginsberg in English.


>tfw Russians sound like newfies

>> No.8582801

Most writers just wear whatever they want, even famous writers typically aren't in the public eye enough to care that much.

I live in Texas, so usually blue or black jeans, brown or black boots, and a button up. If I have an important meeting at work or a date I'll throw on a casual blazer (properly tailored ofc).

If its cold I'll throw on a sweater or wear a heavier jacket, but I'm living in Houston right now so it never really gets too cold.

>> No.8582823

Clothing choice has little to do with the literary capabilities and or understandings of any one person.

>> No.8582842

We \know/ that, now what colour are your briefs mate?

>> No.8582853

so? you don't have to be a writer to like the style
>wearing jeans if you aren't a 19th century coal miner
>wearing pyjamas if you aren't Hindoo
>wearing tennis shoes if you don't play Tennis

>> No.8582901

I guess the grass is always greener on the other side

>> No.8582910

>tfw no grass because it's too cold


>> No.8582920


Not even memeing that adequately described my mornings right now. I'm a fucking shitty person and desperately need a job

>> No.8582928

jacket is grey patterned tweed
pants are black

>> No.8582959
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Why is fashion such a superficial and unintelligent form of art? Is it because you're literally expressing yourself in the form of commercial products, so thus it naturally attracts morons who think you can buy intelligence and beauty? Is it because fashion fundamentally values image and posturing over content? Is it because it rewards social presentation and conformity to trends over independent critical thought?

It's a point of fact that only pseuds care about fashion, and those misguided pseuds uniformly have offensively terrible taste in art. I personally wear nothing but jumpsuits except on formal occasions.

>> No.8582973


Nobody I've known who has been very into fashion view it all that deeply, although I don't know any designers.

They're all either cynically trying to use it to improve their image or view it as a means of expression.

I don't like the idea of expressing yourself through commercialised products. It feels like you're buying yourself a personality.

>> No.8582979
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>> No.8582999

I've been to Houston, it's the least /fa/ city ever

>> No.8583022

Cool. It doesn't really try to be, if you're looking for traditionally /fa/ go to Austin or the nicer parts of Dallas.

Tbh not giving a shit about being /fa/ is more /fa/ than /fa/ will ever be.

>> No.8583047

>Why is fashion such a superficial and unintelligent form of art
it's not art, it's commerce and entertainment
nothing could be more trivial than the rags you throw on

>> No.8583050

>w-w-we weren't trying so it doesn't count, and our cargo shorts and graphic T's actually make us super fashionable!

>> No.8583056


>> No.8583067
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True, true.

>> No.8583088
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>> No.8583094

And don't forget to wash them once a week.

>> No.8583098


>> No.8583103

that cap isnt even close
same for the shoes

>> No.8583123

U make one

>> No.8583130


>> No.8583151
File: 399 KB, 980x1306, IMG_0402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dress cute but I don't read

>> No.8583188

>nothing more trivial than clothes
sounds like youve never been in a survival situation.

>> No.8583213

Oh hey McGill.

>> No.8583226

Pleats & tweed.

>> No.8583233

True I wear a red wool flannel w/ grey karakul hat.

>> No.8583246

It's fun to shit on fashion but don't dress like a fucking embarrassment. Having obviously spent a lot money on clothes and keeping up with the trends is extremely unflattering but I fucking hate being around people who look like they bought all their clothes (and then had their hair cut) at a Walmart. It makes me physically ill.

>> No.8583292

mostly flamboastin

I wear long khaki pants year round, with non-tapered legs, I wear these awful cloth pseudo-moccasins, some slip on solid color vans, or my crumbly top-siders, all of them stained by various things

then for the trunk a nice cotton undershirt, a plaid cotton button-up or solid color pullover which except for on the most heated days of summer I accompany with any number of comfortable front cut sweaters or jackets of varying material and density

and though all of my clothes are of a fine quality I wear them into a state of perceptible ruin, and with a casual air that borders on the slovenly and would falter to it if I were fatter

never a hat, sometimes a scarf

>> No.8583363


>> No.8583368


>how does /lit/ dress?

Like a slob who hates shopping more than anything. Some baggy hoodies, and loose chinos are always part of my wardrobe. Also a ton of baggy shirts and running shoes.
Coincidentally intersects with the STEM student-core and working driver-core.

>> No.8583458

For me, generally menswear that seems to betray me as a lapsed goth. I still get that mutual-freak-nod from kids in my town :/