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/lit/ - Literature

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8576315 No.8576315 [Reply] [Original]

Tips for learning Spanish? I fell for the no translations meme and decided to enrich myself a little bit so I've been doing duolingo, I've also picked up a couple Spanish readers with en face English translations. Unfortunately I live in the great white north and I don't know any Spanish speakers but I'm on the hunt.

Anyone have any specific books/online courses/tips to recommend? Also wondering if there are any broad-strokes concepts that would help to understand the language on a more theoretical level that I'm missing with online courses that work by rote, more or less.

>> No.8576369

Duolingo will get you some of the basics but it's not a very efficient way of learning. I recommend you take a course and find some books to study spanish (though I can't help you with that)

>> No.8576370

Something I find quite """fun""":
Take a world news article in the language
Try to translate it and work out the key points
Read a news article about the same thing in your own language
Did you get the right information?
Then maybe translate the one in your language into the language you're learning using some key phrases/vocab from the first article.

>> No.8577892

My american flatmate used Rosetta Stone to learn Swedish crazy fast. He also lived in Sweden and took classes in Swedish, though.

>> No.8577952


it was probably the latter factors that really did it for him.

luckily spanish is #1 easiest language to learn

>> No.8577956

The easiest language to learn is actually english, I most people in my circles know it almost intrinsicly.

>> No.8577959

learn your sentence again, lmao faggot.

>> No.8577962

>The easiest language to learn is actually english, I most people in my circles know it almost intrinsicly.
So what's your excuse for not learning it?

>> No.8577966

>learn your sentence again
Am I in a meme storm?

>> No.8579365

>I most
You made mistakes in writing out that sentence. that's what they mean.

>> No.8579368

Take classes. Do an immersion class or program if you can. Just Duolingo won't be enough-- you need practice actually speaking and listening with people.

>> No.8579905

Yes, obviously. He was learning the language much faster than his classmates thanks to it, though.

>> No.8579956

I grew up in a bilingual household.
I fell out of practice but I want to get back into it as an adult.
My intense shame has prevented me from admitting this fault to my hispanoblante friends.
What Spanish literature will help me grow some cojones and get back into my culture?