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/lit/ - Literature

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8576043 No.8576043 [Reply] [Original]

What did you guys like best about this board?

>> No.8576048
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>> No.8576059

Got some great rec's, had a few laughs.

But it was sheer waste of time, so if this board gets completely overrun by plebs, I wouldn't mind

>> No.8576064

What the fuck?
I blame Hiroshimoot.

>> No.8576069

>unsure if the closing of this board would be the besr thing that could happen to me or if I would be just as shit and completely lonely

>> No.8576077
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>this board gets completely overrun by plebs

No please, this is the last bastion

>> No.8576083


This board greatly expanded my frame of reference in terms of great authors and works I hadn't heard of
It also gave me enough of a base that I can do that for myself now
It's been a couple of years or so since then though, and since then the board has definitely been an exercise in diminishing returns/never again finding the same high

>> No.8576088

i found gaddis because of /lit/ and i'm thankgul for that
overall 2/10 board these days though

>> No.8576092
File: 127 KB, 607x800, the_baron_rushing_into_eternity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we finally free? Thank Jesus.

>> No.8576097

He's just trying to ease the way for dirty adverts. Didn't he basically buy this to make money?

>> No.8576107

I agree with you. 2 years since i began to walk the patrician road. It helped me a lot to learn which authors to read. Nowdays it is hard to read actual good literature discussions.

>> No.8576117

bullying butters with love

>> No.8576120

But where do we migrate? ;_; pls don't leave me

>> No.8576125

What if memoirchan actually is writing a memoir and he won't finish it in time?

>> No.8576128

I found some of the best and obscure pieces of lit thanks to /lit/. I'm going to miss it if its really going.

>> No.8576129


There's always 2^3chan.

>> No.8576133
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>> No.8576139

>The board is overrun by genre fiction readers.

Vade retro

>> No.8576145

It's a slow board and would be easy to fix that.

>> No.8576148
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M-maybe we can fix them. But we should start as soon as possible.

>> No.8576157
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it's getting better all the time

>> No.8576167

What the fuck is this.

>> No.8576168

He didn't do it out of charity.

>> No.8576206

It's the multimillionaire drug tycoon who's streaming himself buying 4chan from goot.

>> No.8576220

This guy will turn lit into a "ask rowling anything for 5$" board.

>> No.8576226

Thanks alt right

>> No.8576231

4chan is worth pennies, he only bought it for the brand name that is worth something.

>> No.8576253

The left created this website, the right killed this website. The right kills all good things, you'll learn this in life eventually.

>> No.8576288
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Jesus Christ.

This is going to make reddit look like a symposium.

>> No.8576311

W-wait is this for real? That's just an edit, right guys?

>> No.8576319

Np, it's real.

>> No.8576337

The first 90 or so days here were very formative for me, and honestly invaluable. My perspective was shifted, widened, and it completely changed my approach to literature and introduced me to works I would never have otherwise explored.

That being said, after those 90ish days I got everything I need and I'm only here for dank memes, shitposting at newfags, and the occasional get. I've mined this place for everything of value, time to move on.
fuck all y'all,

>> No.8576341

You're probably in high school

>> No.8576360

I hate this board.

See you guys tomorrow.
In an hour.
In a few minutes.

>> No.8576371
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>caring about gets on on /lit/

>> No.8576374

> all this traffic from this board...

>> No.8576376

Oh god I just found the thread
Welp that was fun, pretty much all options seem like forced amputation, so unless some autist with more cash than brain decides to adopt the site we're fucked hard. Deleting, or merging slow boards would be the worst though- that's literally the best part of this place. Even though I think there are some which could
It's somehow tragic that the only way to set us free is to kill this place

>> No.8576382


Getting rid of /marx/ would be an excellent move. And fire all the janitors associated with this pisshole board

>> No.8576388
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>It's somehow tragic that the only way to set us free is to kill this place
>/pol/ getting free

This is disastrous, I don't know for who. The normal innocent people, or the social rejects of /pol/ having to face reality.

The internet was a mistake

>> No.8576393

>The internet was a mistake
naah, don't put it like that. We didn't use it in the right way. that's the problem here.

>> No.8576394
File: 202 KB, 373x345, 1469480714204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get rid of the people who disagree with me
>make it more like what I like even if the board isn't for me

>> No.8576408
File: 433 KB, 7823x4248, board traffic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well there would be some obvious candidates if you wanted to reduce traffic, but then you wouldn't have epic memes and edge that are going to be a huge source of revenue apparently

>> No.8576430

Personally I would cut mlp so we could be together with mu again.
Like the good ol' days.

>> No.8576490

I've never been there, but why is there a /v/ and a /vg/ anyway?

>> No.8576494

to keep video game generals out of /v/ obviously

>> No.8576496

of course they cannot shut down /b/. In the world outside of 4chan people think /b/ IS 4chan. And /pol/... oh well. you don't want those people anywhere else, to be honest. /pol/ is already leaking of course but we all should be glad that those people have a place of their own.

>> No.8576499
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where's the difference?

>> No.8576502

If they don't delete /lit/ then I'm going to kill myself

>> No.8576503

Honesty I want /pol/ to be cut just to see what would happen

Like throwing a rock at a hornet's nest knocking it down.

Except the hornets are autistic men

>> No.8576513

video game generals are entire threads dedicated to one game while /v/ is a board dedicated to talking about various games and game topics. If /vg/ were gone then all the /vg/ people would make threads on /v/ overwhelming /v/ with generals.

>> No.8576521 [DELETED] 
File: 274 KB, 404x636, trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> pic related would happen

>> No.8576530

Its mostly the porn boards serving thousands of high quality images that will likely be cut although we can still dream that /lit/ will be flushed.

>> No.8576534

Why would I want that. I want /his/ gone more

>> No.8576568


wouldnt that mean that we would eat /his/ since at least this would be the place for history books?

I dont want to see we wuzers, or what is more common here, people asking if ancient persians/egyptians/greeks/romans were norwegian looking blue eyed blondes . we dont have that much /pol/ here.

>> No.8576570

>Oh god I just found the thread
Which board?

>> No.8576588


>> No.8576598

Did he actually say how many boards he'd close and which ones?

>> No.8576612

I wanted to make a smaller alternative to 4chan at one time but realised it'd be a waste of money since it'd die.

>> No.8576614

When will it close down?

>> No.8576627

It's just a threat to make the lemmings buy 4chan passes

>> No.8576645

Also, why not some boards to text boards to cut down on hosting costs? We could be a text board with linked images if they were necessary.

Imageboards were pretty useless to begin with and just advocate retardation. Why respond to anything when you can just answer with a le smug peepeepoopoo face and le win the epic internet argument?

>> No.8576647

>go to uni
>meet an irl lit poster

well, at least i have that

>> No.8576660

Yeah, but assuming they don't buy more, he'll probably do it now that he said it's an option if only to rake in more ¥€$.

>> No.8576665

Agreed. Shifting to text only would instantly expel half the infantile riffraff.

>> No.8576673

Sometimes images are important. My proposal is that mobile phone OS are banned.

>> No.8576690

I guess I'll download all the archives, read 'em and feel like the guy in The Invention of Morel.

>> No.8576692

Linking would work in those rare few cases. It'd also discourage more obnoxious mobile posters since they love spamming images.

>> No.8576694

>It was just us being boys. Posting dank memes and messing around. I never had friends like that again. Jesus, does anyone?

>> No.8576695


I am posting from my phone right now whilst sitting on the couch right now. If you want images, why not link the image from another site? This board is primarily text based, as are most boards.

>> No.8576724

>mobile phone OS are banned.
How should that help?
Someone will find a workaround anyway.

>> No.8576731

How likely is it for /lit/ to get deleted. Does anyone have the stats for the monthly unique users, data used, etc.?

>> No.8576738
File: 235 KB, 610x1526, 1432441035042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a to-read list of about 500 books on ms word. At my current rate, I should be done in about ten years. But that's not really accurate because some of the entries on the list are placeholders for an author's collected work or even a whole school of writing. I'll probably be set for reading material until about 2040 or so. If I keep adding stuff to it I'll never be done and I'll have to bequeath the reading list to the cloned children my sex-robot bore me.

Thanks /lit/ =]

>> No.8576783

I sincerely doubt any board will be deleted. The small ones don't affect the traffic much individually, they'd have to be massacred to actually influence the financial balance, which would cause massive fights and exoduses. Deleting the big ones (b, pol) would be downright catastrophic for the site. Hiro doesn't want either result, if he's not dumb.

>> No.8576816

>Shifting to text only
ASCII David Foster Wallace spamming

>> No.8576834

Except /pol/ is not a containment board, it's a breeding ground. They are already leaking so there's no point in keeping it around. They could also combine boards like /sp/ and /asp/, and /w/ and /wg/.

They could also delete most of the porn boards because they are pointless and don't even start discussion.

>> No.8576917

Nothing is getting deleted. This is preparation to mitigate the outcry for whatever moneymaking scheme is about to come.

>> No.8576933
File: 24 KB, 660x495, 1465941835903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something about the chaos of 4chan's fine art boards that produces some of the best recommendations I'd never get anywhere else.

You were my greatest friends.

>> No.8576956

okay, and...? more ads won't kill this place, neither will signautres. you guys just like to overreact. if they close certain boards they'll close the biggest boards since they have the most posters.

>> No.8576974


This was the only place I could come and talk about books.

None of my friends like reading. No one in class likes reading.

I will forever remember this place and my time writing the first /lit/ book (the only good one) The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra.


>> No.8576981

yfw shkreli saves the day and donates one billion dollars to keep 4chan afloat


>> No.8577027

Who is this guy?

>> No.8577051

The guy who hiked prices on Daraprim from $13 to $750 a pill in US.

>> No.8577066

What a piece of shit.

>> No.8577078

without /lit/ i would have never pushed my boundaries and found better and deeper stories to write as opposed to the genre shit i had been so caught up in during the early years in my life. wish i could have stayed longer, gotten more recommendations

>> No.8577090

Same desu. Hopefully this storm passes and we can litpost for years to come.

>> No.8577109

You've probably never even heard of Daraprim

>> No.8577130

/r/literature is OK, but it's even slower than /lit/ and is still reddit.

>> No.8577218
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B-but where will we go?

>> No.8577263
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>> No.8577359
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>tfw /lit/ ends
>tfw no one to verbalize your sorrow to

>> No.8577374
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I see your zizek and raise you one

>> No.8577379

To life, maybe get a real job.

>> No.8577383
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>> No.8577411

lol he jacked the prices up for the pharmacies, not for the patients. media never reported that. he's a competent businessman and a high level troll that will either save us or destroy us.

>> No.8577424

B-but I do have a real job, and I come here to escape it

>> No.8577429

I have a real job. I come here to forget about it. Do you have any idea how comforting it is to see elitist memes about the Greeks and Pynchon after a long day of making reports in Excel, sending emails and reformatting Word documents?
I hardly see my friends anymore because of work and they all are going different directions with their lives (most don't have "real jobs" and a lot of them work weekends) so most of the fun/comradiere in my life comes from /lit/.

If this board gets deleted or ruined that's just more time I'll end up mindlessly scrolling through Facebook watching sharebait videos autoplay with the sound off.

Or I can just spend more time reading and further isolate myself from living human beings.

I'm aware of how lame this sounds, but I'll miss you, /lit/. It's been a good run.

>> No.8577436

And where do people get their pills again, dubsman?

>> No.8577467

I was unconsciously talking about myself, I guess.

>> No.8577481

First off, I really don't think any board will be axed. But I'll continue as if /lit/ is going to be one of the first to go.

/lit/ showed me what literature actually is. Before coming here I thought all books were just time-wasters like video games or movies are. I didn't get it at all and was a total pleb.
A few years ago I came up with some ideas for a book series without ever having been a reader. More and more ideas came to me but still I didn't know how to structure so much as a paragraph. Eventually I found /lit/ through my 4chan addiction. Started off with The Sun Also Rises, Gatsby, and A Clockwork Orange and I was totally enthralled. Two years later I have an enormous backlog and appreciation for the written word all thanks to /lit/.

The decline in discussion quality through this year has made me really sad. I wish a curse upon the fucker who brought the redditors and mobileposters. It's just about impossible to start a thread now and get replies longer than one sentence. If this truly is the end, at least we'll always have the time we've spent together.

>> No.8577522

That's true, you /pol/ dip

>> No.8577528

I think I may just stop browsing /lit/ now anyway, the thought of being free from this is scary enough to me that I realize it's probably an issue.
I don't like to brag about how long I've been here, but I've been on 4chan for a decade of life now, and /lit/ since about 6 months after it became a thing because I just didn't care to look at it for a while. But once I did I think it became one of the few net positives in life that came out of this board.
I learned what discerning taste was, and that it's okay to actually think critically about the classics. I got to see that literature was a lot more outside of school and the YA books I was reading, and that something to difficult to read could be rewarding. The level of intellectual rigor among the memes was different, not everybody was just trying to troll or post gore or CP all the time. /lit/ was my first blue board, my gateway off of /b/, out of that mindset and wanky quagmire.. I cut my teeth on writing some actual intelligible literary arguments on here, which in part is responsible for me taking college courses in lit and writing during my senior year of high school. To take it even further, it helped steer me on the course I'm on now. I went to school for literature and writing, and grad school, and a published writer, albeit in small publications.
Of course, I also internalized some of the insufferable pedantry and condescension but luckily rushing my freshman year helped get that shit out of me.

>> No.8577530

>I thought all books were just time-wasters like video games or movies are.

Aren't they, though? What is this that you get from books that you can't get from a great film?

>> No.8577551

/lit/ helped me get through the dark days of nobody to talk to about literature after I dropped out of graduate school to come home and help my family, it was my haven of books and memes about the books, and it helped me keep up the will to actually write while I was beating my brains out in a series of blue collar jobs and office jobs I hated.
The old cliche is true guys, all good things must come to an end. Threads got shittier, memes began to drown out discussion, our chart got popular with imgur and reddit more than once, and /pol/ served as a lightning rod drawing a certain type of thought to the site rather than to contain it. Even though /lit/ had its fair share of hostility and memes in the old days, this was new. The number of books winnowed out to a handful. I know that it's in part a good thing, the non-meme rec threads that pop up on occasion show that there are some broadly read /lit/ posters who aren't being spoonfed by the board (to a degree), but the common base of books is smaller.
Anyway, I realize this reads like a shitty nostalgic break-up/love letter to a board on 4chan. I'll hang around in this thread for a bit because I'm interested to see what other people have to say, but then I'll leave. It feels like putting down a family pet. Shit.

>> No.8577556

I love this board, man. For years I only go to /b/ and /gif/ to get muh dick hard. But for the last two years that I have been lurking this fuckin board I have been a better human being. And it's good.

>> No.8577562


Do you even read?

>> No.8577565

But who cares? I don't give a shit about what neil gaiman thinks and I don't want to have discussions that are just about how all white people are racists/sexists and how we need to throw away the western canon because there aren't enough trans black women

>> No.8577569


Yep. Books are a different type of entertainment to be sure, but Im wondering what you uniquely get out of them that make them so much greater.

>> No.8577577

Would anyone shed a tear if those 5 biggest boards were shut down?

>> No.8577581

Alas, all things must pass. DFW foresaw the future and offer himself

>> No.8577588

fuck you /int/ is a nice place

>> No.8577590

Movies do not replace books, and vice versa. Each art form offers something the others don't

>> No.8577593

The humor and the resilience to the hivemind.

We read books, or at least pretend to read books. This is what made the distinction between us and the rest of this gay ass site.

>> No.8577597

Same. I like that it exists though. People filter in that would have never been exposed to literature any other way. It creates a culture that is good for all of us. We all have similar taste in books. Maybe it creates consumers for the books some of us may create in the future.

I really hope we don't get deleted one way or the other.

>> No.8577607


>> No.8577615

If he hikes up prices for pharmacies it'll be more expensive for the people getting the pills from those pharmacies?

What is really ridiculous is how the United States is the only first world country where drug companies can do shit like that.

>> No.8577619

why don't you just go fucking back there then, faggot?

>> No.8577620

To the library, and step on it!

>> No.8577622

This is going to sound corny as fuck but here goes.

This board was here when I had to drop out of college. This board was here when mental illness set in. This board was here when I wanted to kill myself.

Things still aren't good, but this board set me on a path to read great works that I would have never experienced otherwise. Reading these works made life feel meaningful again and brought me some peace.

>> No.8577626

this thread is making me feel sad
youre the only friends i have left

>> No.8577630

well be fine

>> No.8577631

books have no barrier of medium to pass through to communicate their ideas to you. the words beam ideas and feeling directly into your head without the need for speakers, screens, etc. how are you on /lit/ without having this figured out?

>> No.8577635

So the board was there for you when you were low? How do you know it was a crutch supporting you and not a millstone dragging you down.

Get better friends because we are scum.

>> No.8577637

/lit/ wrote a book, let's just make a website.
(It'll be fun for 2 months or so)

>> No.8577665

I hope Pynchon makes one last post

>> No.8577682
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but im scum too

>> No.8577696

Maybe now its time to actually read books.

>> No.8577698

M-maybe they'll just delete /his/ instead of this board

I m-mean, they wouldn't just go and delete our board, would they?

Would they?

>> No.8577701

I'm thinking about writing a book.

>> No.8577710

I hope not. I like to shitpost on /pol/ and all, and /lit/'s level of complete and utter bullshitting is rediculous but I still like /lit/

>> No.8577721

>adds a bunch of shitty boards no one wants
>threatens to take them away again
stupid jap

>> No.8577737

Ask not what /lit/ can do for you, but what you can do for /lit/

>> No.8577761

;_; i'd like to be on this ride for a bit longer lads

>> No.8577762
File: 62 KB, 324x246, 1472849586327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pass user since 2016


>> No.8577773


thread theme

>> No.8577774
File: 73 KB, 234x226, 1339641409232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy. . .I want more

>> No.8577788


>> No.8577802

Same here. This board was here when I was stealing my roommate's underwear and jacking into them; when I was abusing DXM and self-harming everyday; when I attempted suicide several years ago. When I had zero people with whom to talk, some of the books recommendations I got here kept me from going loopy. Sometimes I lament the current state of /lit/ but I will always have fond memories of this place.

>> No.8577807
File: 204 KB, 294x324, ptsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8577896

dfwpics are an important part of our culture
I'd be fine with banning all other images

>> No.8577912

>how we need to throw away the western canon
No one said so.

>> No.8577945
File: 318 KB, 738x964, don-quixote-122[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you cannot understand the western canon if you imagine characters as black people.
>mfw Sancho now is black

>> No.8578005

If they delete /lit/ I'm going to kill myself.

>> No.8578007

If they do the opposite of deleting/not deleting /lit I'm going to kill myself.

>> No.8578009

You will be missed

>> No.8578016

I liked deep and edgy best to be honest.

>> No.8578025

/his/ is terrible and way worse than /lit/ surprisingly.

>> No.8578135

Did m00t ever poem?

>> No.8578217

Textboards are the future

>> No.8578243

Did I get here late? Fuck. Been lurking on and off for a few years.

>> No.8578253

no he just comes here to steal our gets

>> No.8578256

>waste of time

>> No.8578283

This. Though I would probably just resort to stirnerposting on his. Maybe if they closed both.

>> No.8578418

>/a/ gets more traffic than /tv/
>/mlp/ gets more traffic than this cesspool

>> No.8578431

/v/ tends to be toxic shitflinging, the /vg/ generals like /gsg/ and /twg/ are at least a community of people dedicated to a single game

>> No.8578437

are you an idiot.

>> No.8578443
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x1744, oliviawide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gotten enough recommendations from /lit/ to last me a lifetime. I'd miss the board's elitism, the memes, DFW reaction pics, all that stuff.

4chan isn't going to die though, Shkreli will save us.

>> No.8578460

i would feel really lonely :(( that's the only place where i can come to feel relaxed

>> No.8578622

>>8578443 et supra

If this thing about Mutant Skeksis taking over the site is true, then I'm genuinely out of here

>> No.8578632

So did Hiroyuki fuck everything up or was this inevitable ?

>> No.8578674

Do you think Hiro likes books

>> No.8578684

gotta figure there was a reason m00t wanted to sell this site in the first place

>> No.8578685


>> No.8578686

I bet he likes gook cook books

>> No.8578696


>> No.8578702

japs don't read

>> No.8578704

I don't want to go :(

>> No.8578710

There aren't many redeeming threads on /lit/ anymore. Half the content is friendless loser high schoolers or undergrads asking for recs on books so they can get into literature to distract themselves from their social ineptness. The rest is stale memeposters and pseuds incapable of voicing opinions because they're afraid of coming across as stupid in actual intellectual discourse and shattering their delusions of patricianhood.

>> No.8578713

Wich one is you?

>> No.8578722

Accurate. I care to discuss the matter no further, lest my delusions of patricianhood be shattered.

>> No.8578730

Neither, I'm /pol/ stopping by to redpill you sentimental marxist faggots

>> No.8578733

ah so its like the cancer of the board blaming it all on the common cold. feel free to kill yourself

>> No.8578743

>teenager moot running this site just fine
>dumb fucking gook moot fucking everything up in his first year

>> No.8578752

If you are actively hiding shit threads and doing your best to respond to good new threads you will get boat-fulls of good recommendations and discussion.

>> No.8578757

>friendless... undergrads asking for recs on books so they can get into literature to distract themselves from their social ineptness...

how cleanly you cut to my core

>> No.8578771

Yeah it was a joke. /Pol/ and Reddit are the cancer ruining this board, but there are still some good things left here.

>> No.8578777
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Someone needs to force moot back

>> No.8578798


Let's just infiltrate another site with our angry pretence and memes. Even if lit doesn't get the axe and other boards do we'll be flooded with alt right windowlickers.

>> No.8578805


>> No.8578813

That's an embarrassing typo....

>> No.8579079
File: 107 KB, 1116x714, 1456212807883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Half the content is friendless loser high schoolers asking for recs on books so they can get into literature to distract themselves from their social ineptness

damn, you hit the jackpot on me

>> No.8579346
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>Half the content is friendless loser high schoolers or undergrads asking for recs on books so they can get into literature to distract themselves from their social ineptness.


>> No.8579356

why so triggered, socialising is really a distraction from boredom. just like literature

>> No.8579372
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>people who have have friends are happy and I have books and am so unhappy it hurts

>> No.8579386

I loved how boring British and Australian posts remained consistent.

>> No.8579405

Novelty can wear off slowly, I think /lit/ has always been the same.

>> No.8579423

Shkreli is a pretty cool dood, I think he'll be okay

>> No.8579431

It's almost like most people in the West are white

>> No.8579444

I do not like it but you're right. When you gotta spend 5 minutes hiding shit threads before you find anything good, there is a serious problem.

>> No.8579465

Idk, I thought of Hal Incandenza as a bit of a spic despite his white family

>> No.8579470



>> No.8579527
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I will miss this place.
Despite everything.

>> No.8579546
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Stop copying my techniques. Also, this thread came first.

>> No.8579553

I was answering op's question.

>> No.8579575
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Why are you so retarded?

>> No.8579809

whoa, when did /int/ get so big

also has /x/ always been that small?

>> No.8579862

link to the video?

>> No.8579878

I only visit every once in a while. Everyone here only reads these specific type of books when I prefer modern young adult and children's literature. It's hard to start threads about the stuff I read.

>> No.8579897
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What possible difference could it make?

I find it "problematic" that literal cuckolds like Gaiman want to police my imagination.

>> No.8579900

This is pretty hard hitting, not exaggerating at all.

>> No.8579908
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>4chan is kill

>> No.8580442
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It's bizarre how "liberals" think that affirmative action should extend to the realm of fiction, that if I choose to write about men or white people I'm somehow disparaging women or non-whites. I don't hate women or non whites, I'm just exercising my artistic freedom to write about something that interests me. Maybe I haven't thought of any good stories that have black people in them yet. Maybe I don't want to do my black characters a disservice by writing about their struggles with shit prose, so I'm taking my time to get it right. Maybe I'm afraid of being attacked for "cultural appropriation." Maybe black people are as boring to me as white people are to the average Guardian subscriber. Deal with it.

It's even more bizarre to pretend that my inner life of imagination and fantasy should have a racial quota just like the BBC or Oxbridge. I wouldn't be surprised if Gaiman receives a lot criticism and censure over his "marriage" so it's a bit funny that he lecture people about their private thoughts. If I want to think about high impact sexual violence that's what I'm going to think about. If I want to think about the Force Publique Congo that's what I'm going to think about. Gayman and his whore of a wife aren't going to stop me from enjoying what I like in my own time.

>> No.8580479

Fantasy only started catching flak when all the kids who read Harry Potter grew up and found that much of fantasy was not pandering to them like everything else. That, and maybe GoT popularizing the genre, I think is what led to this outcry for more women, less racism, etc.

Now all that being said, you are absolutely correct that fiction owes nothing to these people. Sexy female characters written now get bitched about, because it isn't matching the fantasy that female readers want to project themselves on to. And if this is the case then that isn't the authors problem or even the genres problem, the reader just picked up the wrong book and couldn't handle that it wasn't written to their liking. Don't let anyone tell you what to imagine or what to write.

Also Tissot is fucking fantastic.

>> No.8580495

wait is this real? are we losing /lit/? someone please explain

>> No.8580509

If those faces are indication of how the people of the day actually felt, I am glad to know that they understood their exception and lucky place in the history of the world.

>> No.8580518


>> No.8580521

Oh, another /pol/ poster with a victim complex. At least you can type in complete sentences. No one is stopping you from enjoying what you want on your own time, and no one is "forcing" you to do anything regarding whatever you choose to write. There are a ton of discussions about diversity or lack thereof in genre fiction, yes, but it says more about you than them that you're crying about how people will say mean things about you if you talk about how much you like Belgian atrocities in Africa.

"Gayman and his whore of a wife." Gaiman and his wife both suck, but damn you sound like you're straight out of eleventh grade. It's a good thing no one actually pays enough attention to police your banal whining.

>> No.8580525

>this outcry
Yes. Their are rallies in the streets for more pandering to fans in young adult novels

>> No.8580526

not other poster, but dude shut the fuck up. you dont sound retarded. dont be prt of the problem just to be a contrarian.

>> No.8580534

same. someone plz explain

>> No.8580536

He's talking about the public, marketing aspect moreso than the personal aspect of writing fiction. How are all the tee hee nerd girls going to blog about his work and get him notoriety if he writes straight white men into his work? That is not what publishers want to pick up anymore.

>> No.8580542

Trust me, friend, straight white men aren't going anywhere in fiction.

>> No.8580548

Why do you care about books where the target audience is women you feel superior to? There have always been more shit books than good books.

>> No.8580549

I'm not a contrarian, I actually believe it's a good thing to have more diverse writers and characters in fiction, genre or otherwise. The thing is, unlike what the other poster was crying about, this doesn't actually erase your straight white men from fiction, which is why it's so obnoxious to hear people flip their shit when the word diversity is dropped.

And I know you can think of something more intelligent to say than that, buddy.

>> No.8580560

the obscure reccs that nobody has read before. its like uncharted territory. no one to debate me with my overall feel of a book, which is bad in a way as well, but i like to give me own view and not get shit on by triggers fanboys like with IJ and others

>> No.8580576

life is like climbing a ladder: each rung a new level of not caring. first poster cares about sjw fags, you care about him caring, other poster cared about you caring about first poster's caring. now you're im caring about your caring about him caring about you caring about first poster caring about sjws. we've almost reached the top.

>> No.8580626
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I was googling the names of the Sand Snakes for research purposes and stumbled across some bloggist criticizing the show because the actresses were "too white passing." It's fucking incredible; I wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth if I was a GoT fan as well as a SJW.


They almost certainly did. Every time they went to church they would have been reminded of the undeserved gifts that had been lavished upon them, and their moral duty to help uplift the dusky skinned races of the world who had not been as fortunate.


>It's a good thing no one actually pays enough attention to police your banal whining.

Right of course. That's why there are hugely popular movements to reduce free speech, to bar conservatives from university campuses, to censor the internet, because our "banal whining" is so insignificant. If men like me are really part of such a fringe group why is everybody so (negatively) interested in what we have to say? You lot care enough to police us all the time, and you know what, it's an honor. I wouldn't want "liberals" to agree with me. By the way, thanks Mrs. Clinton for giving us a nod in your speech, I'm sure my buddy Jared is going to sell a lot more books than he did in 2015.

>> No.8580646
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>What did you guys like best about this board?

i liked when stan would go on a rampage. he had great character and shitposting style. smart and genuinely witty.

no this isn't stan.

>> No.8580718

Not sure what you're trying to say. I don't care if the target audience is male or female. But I don't understand people who think poorly of a book with their only explanation being "I didn't agree with it" or even worse, "this book just wasn't for me." Yet they insist on plowing through it, only to decide that it's the author's problem that they didn't enjoy it.
>There have always been more shit books than good books.
No one is disputing that.

>> No.8580765

The fact that we could all as a brotherhood look down on all the other boards and realize how utterly inferior they were to us.

>> No.8581108

Do it

>> No.8581113
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the shitposting, which is the best part of literally every board.

If you disagree you are a nerd and probably homosexual

>> No.8581125

But what if you're a faggot nerd shitposter?

>> No.8581132

Then I would advise you to drink bleach Tbh

>> No.8581149
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It is usually on topic with comparably intelligent conversation as opposed to most other boards.

He never matured mentally or morally past age 15.

It would be better if this site was shut down instead of kept on life support as an unfunny joke.

>> No.8581176


Been browsing since November since 2007. Though I've certainly wasted tome here, 4chan has honestly enriched my life in a lot of tangible and lasting ways.

/b/ gave me the familiarity and practice to sift this mess for the gold.

/fit/ taught me about eating correctly and physical exercise, straight up and brutally honest without any bullshit body shaming faggotry or excuses.

/pol/ has enabled me to see politics and world events through different lenses, to want to ask questions and inform myself so I can form my own opinions, rather than to just accept the narratives I am given.

/lit/ has gone hand-in-hand with the above from a literary standpoint. Asides from great recommendations, this board has given me an appreciation for improving how I read and what I read. It has made me more comfortable about sharing writing and understanding that you need to write bullshit and read gold before you can get gud yourself.

/g/ taught my old room mate a ton of shit and I know so many othrr boards have done the same for other people. 4chan is like the embodiment of all the internet could be; a sum collection of mankind's faceless emotions and interests. The anonymity allows a level of honest discourse that, though frankly disturbing at times, is so unique and productive. Look at how each board has its own culture and associated memes. Look at the depths of depravity but also the heights of sentiment expressed in these humble pages. A true bastion of free speech and expression. And there's no grandstanding or virtue signalling that is tolerated for long; the masses of anonymous faggots drown out and wash away the kind of snowflakery you see on social media sites. People just truly ARE here. It's exactlt how the internet should be.

When this place is gone, for someday it surely will be, I will feel more than a little sad. Just like the nostalgia I feel for the early days of my netizenship. This place is the only part of the internet anymore that feels like it has a soul, the last hold out of that Wild West cyberspace of yore.

>> No.8581297

This is not inaccurate, but there is a value to providing literature recommendations that help others distract themselves from (or even, in the rare instance, overcome) their social ineptness.

Occasionally you get the odd useful or intellectually stimulating thread and discussion as well. Similar to a few other anons, I have (slightly) more money than sense, and wouldn't mind hosting an anonymous and censorship-free /lit/ equivalent elsewhere, but I doubt that very many here are actually likely to migrate to anything that isn't (sigh) reddit or (rolls eyes) 8-c-h-a-n.

>> No.8581340

On the contrary, since this and sometimes /his/ are the only boards I browse, I wouldn't mind paying some small fee for a carbon copy of /lit/, but with maybe a touch less shitposting. Purely literature.

>> No.8581352

>more people on [s4s] than /k/
also how did /trash/ get so popular?

>> No.8581407


I suppose I will play around with some imageboard set ups this weekend; I haven't hosted any before; the most I've done was host a forum system for about 150 users using vbulletin or something similar, but this was 5+ years ago. One can always start small and build up as demand dictates.

Honestly, I can't imagine the hosting and bandwith costs for something like /lit/ are enough to justify charging anyone anything, but I could be wrong.

>> No.8581421

/vg/ is honestly redundant.

I'm also noticing that all the pornography is conspicuously absent from this chart, that would be a rather obvious culprit in terms of bandwidth usage.

>> No.8581434

Yeah I don't think the bandwith would be much, but it would be nice for whoever is running the thing, who I assume would also be in charge of moderating it, to get a little something for their time and effort and.

>> No.8581453
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>unironically wanting less shitposting

>> No.8581464

That chart is probably by unique users, not total bandwidth.

And take it from a /v/ browser, /v/ was total shit before /vg/, it's just a different kind of total shit now. /lit/ never had to suffer under the pure hellcancer that is general threads.

>> No.8581475

>take it from a /v/ browser

I post on /int/ though, so I do know what life is like under generals. I don't mind though.

>> No.8581554

Porn boards are a LOT slower than you might think.

People are too busy fapping to post new content. And, sure, while the imagepost to textpost ratio is higher on them, there still just aren't that many posts on them. Period.

>> No.8581557

Still eats up tons of bandwidth, text posts don't.

>> No.8581567

Yes, but frequent text posts can eat up a ton of CPU usage, which can also impact speed.

>> No.8581636

The philosophy threads are shit.

There's no good original poetry or fiction posted here.

If you don't have a literary life outside of /lit/ that is sufficient, then how low on the totem pole of crap are you?

Bantz is predictable here. It's just a comfy safe place, yet the level of dialogue cannot hold one's interest—not one who is actually well-versed in the field of literature.

Occasionally there are bright spots, where like-minded actual literary minds meet and discuss ideas and concepts from literary fiction. However, this is a 1% chance occurrence.

To end this board would mean an end to 99% of sifting through crap.

I keep clicking on this bookmark out of habit, as I used to have more wonderful conversations, back and forths that were meaningful and smart.

Each time I see 99% of threads are trying to be cutesy and have the appeal of a pitiful brat. It's boring. I want to shitpost to commit mental violence to each of you, so you suffer as I do to your incompetence. Sometimes I do, but lately I stop midway of a mean, contradictory troll post in an attempt to trigger someone and tell myself that I don't really care.

That's how bad it's gotten. I used to care and try.

Anyway, the idea of this board being lost forever is like garbage being swept away: It sounds good.

tl;dr fuck you read it

>> No.8581654

>how did /trash/ get so popular
It's the place where true perverts can be left alone. There are a lot of perverts.

>> No.8581656


Looks like you cared again, anon, if only for a brief moment. Welcome back.

>> No.8581662

Well, that doesn't really cost money afaik, which is the real issue here.

>> No.8581665

So anyway, how many dicks did you suck today anon

>> No.8581683

Just your mom's.

>> No.8581694
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>this is ACTUALLY the best banter a self-proclaimed literary genius can come up with

>> No.8581695

Damn, stepped right into that one.

>> No.8582292

The way it mixed good fun and vulgarity with legitimate discussion of intellectual and literary topics. I can honestly say that I was directed towards several texts and philosophies that I would not have other wise found through this board. If this is the end, I want to give my thanks. I hope all of you get the best of luck.

>> No.8582363

So which board do we invade and demand a /lit/ general in? I vote /fit/

>> No.8582443

/gif/ allows webms with sound. which is great, but that's a ton of bandwidth. there was a different chart in the /qa/ thread and the big offenders were /b/, /pol/, /gif/ and the other porn boards and the wallpaper boards with the giant file sizes. probably /v/, too, but the point is the less-trafficked boards with big file sizes were closer to the "big" well-known boards in terms of bandwidth.

>> No.8582468

Did this actually happen?

>> No.8582569

As we speak, my network of pseudo-intellectuals is setting the stage for embassies all across 4chan

>> No.8582625

I have 52 threads hidden at the moment, and I'd guess about 30 are dumb frogposters.

>> No.8583111


>> No.8583129

/lit/ will always be home to me.

We need a code word or a search phrase to find whatever life raft we lash together down the line. I doubt we'll have a nice forewarning before things actually change.

>> No.8583464

Oh shit I never thought I'd actually see something I learned from my BM course in real life

>> No.8583491

4chan as a whole is too big anyways. It's a pop-culture 'thing' now. The average (read:stupid) person will flock here relentlessly until it's no longer a thing. There is better discussion on smaller chans and subreddits - with less trolls and people who are only there because they found the link on a popular site and want to troll.

It's time to move on.

>> No.8583513

This. Guys, what if we need to jump ship?

>> No.8583517

he said it's why he stopped hating gets in his last q&a because he got one here. i have my suspicions he's been stealing all the big ones ever since to fuck with us.

>> No.8583542


should drastically cut image size

>> No.8583548

Yeah holy shit man. Its really weird to me that 4chan has taken such a hard right swing. Used to be very liberal.

I miss it. People wouldn't obnoxiously insert politics into every post.

>> No.8583701

>It's time to move on.
p-pure ideology ; ;

>> No.8584036

Gaiman obviously wasn't talking about literature from decades or centuries ago. He's talking about modern lit, in our society that strives for genuine equality.

Nobody wants you to pretend Roskolnikov is black. Gaiman is just pointing out that its evident of deeper issues that when we default to characters being white when we read books written in the past few years.

>> No.8584061
File: 47 KB, 800x522, froggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go onto 4chan after reading this thread in the morning
>can't find /lit/
>holy shit have they deleted it since this morning
>fucking die
>turns out they've moved it to the "creative" section out of the "other" section
Swear I nearly had a panic attack. Didn't think I'd mind /lit/ being deleted but now I know how much I need you cunts.

>> No.8584081

your cute

>> No.8584095

>using the front page
What the fuck is your goddamn problem?

>> No.8584116

ty you too

why dont we use the front page?

>> No.8584132

think of all the books you could have read in the time it takes to go through the front page

>> No.8584159

>using the front page

I know this isn't /g/ but come on.

>> No.8584190

holy shit kek

>> No.8584200

Genuinely how would you get here if you don't use the front page? Is there a shortcut?

>> No.8584210

Dude, you can just type like whatever URL you want. Directly. 4chan.org/lit. Totally spaced out.

>> No.8584221

fuck that trek do i look like a scientist to you

The front page is nice and clean and easy, none of this url voodoo

>> No.8584237
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>> No.8584259

Do you want to have to explain that you browse this shithole, whenever someone sees your bookmarks?

Are you not even a little ashamed of hanging out on a siamese ex-castle-builders support group?

>> No.8584271

>whenever someone sees your bookmarks?
>showing other people your bookmarks
lewd t.b.h.

>> No.8584273

It's my home computer, no one gives a shit.

>> No.8584275

If someone judged the sites I go to id tell them to get off my computer

>> No.8584277
File: 159 KB, 700x609, russia mlady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its been a good one, thanks for the recommendations and DFW memes, and for making me buy infinte jest which i still have not opened.

>> No.8584279

>letting other people use your computer
you get what you deserve

>> No.8584291

so when you got folk round your place, d'you literally tell them "this is my computer, its my private safe place you cant come anywhere near it please shut your eyes"

fascinating my man

>> No.8584318

Polite guests just won't mess with your computer.

>> No.8584327

So if you invited me to your house and i start messing with your computer pressin buttons and shit

would you like fuck me up?

>> No.8584380

>just fine

>> No.8584387

Have you ever interacted with another human being? If someone did that I would bite my tongue and think them rude, and if they started looking into my history and questioning my bookmarks I'd say "excuse me" and close my laptop.

>> No.8584391

>[Citation needed]

>> No.8584401

nigga, its a simple question

I'm at your house, violating your rules

Buttons are pressed, I'm taking pictures of your history

You ask me to stop, but I'm keeping on

Are you gonna bite your tongue

or square up? Would you fuck me up man?

>> No.8584409

If it steals wikipedia memes then it is definitely shit.

>> No.8584417

At this point I'd call the police. Animal degenerates get into fights.

>> No.8584425

damn man

that's cold

>> No.8584475
File: 326 KB, 848x474, 1472184894200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This place was really valuable to me when I was younger. My interest in literature was originally unrefined and moving in every direction, but this board really got the ball rolling for me in a significant way.
Alot of the patrician snobbery was something I had to unlearn, but without it I couldn't say that I would've gotten this far in life or even in University if I didn't have this anchor in my life.
Thanks guys. It was an amazing ride.

>> No.8584512


>> No.8584516

/lit/ steals wikipedia memes

>> No.8584672

What a memester, am I rite xD?

>> No.8584740

>>he said it's why he stopped hating gets in his last q&a because he got one here

I remember that. he came to post something and hit quints. that was early days.

this was a cool board. I doubt it'll get the axe since it uses no bandwidth, but 4chan itself might die or implode.

I can't really imagine not checking in here daily anymore, but I might actually read more books if 4chan is kill. I dunno how I'm gonna discuss them anywhere else if I can't call out plebs for their faggoty opinions, though.