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8573740 No.8573740 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, post your political views and your religious views.

You don't have to be a strict adherent to an ideology, just state your general disposition (e.g. generally libertarian with exceptions, usually liberal but agree with conservatives on x and y, my own religion based on my spiritual experiences, socially conservative socialist, etc). Be as detailed as you want.

I'm not doing a gay StrawPoll site, so post here.

>> No.8573748

redpilled/woke brocialist atheist

>> No.8573749

Make a poll or GTFO

>> No.8573757

I'm a devout Catholic who tries to follow the Church's teachings as far as they go. I truly believe in Jesus Christ and the Church he founded, and my political views are shaped accordingly.

To that end, I basically have no home in American politics. The Democrats hate the unborn and the Republicans hate the poor. The Libertarians are too callous and the Greens are too atheist. I'm not sure who I can vote for at this point. What am I to do? I may just not vote. I feel like Chesterton when he critiqued both Labour and the Tories in his day. There's no good fit for Christians in the American political schema, at least, not real Christians.

>> No.8573758

Generally libertarian

Spiritual agnostic

>> No.8573761

my nigga

>> No.8573770

I'm an atheist, but I wish there were religious states (i.e. a Catholic state, an Islamic state, there's already a Jewish state).

That way people could live somewhere with like-minded people and do their thing. Also Muslims will stop killing each other it.

>> No.8573773

Left Libertarian Anarchist. unsure, but interested in pantheism and russian cosmists like feodorov and andrey platonov

>> No.8573779

* killing each other over it

>> No.8573780

I believe in an omnipotent, abstract, and immanent God that isn't benevolent or "loving" but has plans for everything. All politics seems like horseshit to me.

>> No.8573803


>> No.8573812


>> No.8573814

I'm around the same as well. Born into an Orthodox Christian family and began studying it within the last 2 years. I really don't have a definitive political ideology. If someone were to ask me, I would say I am non-affiliated politically. I do have some socialist leanings.

Maybe I would say I am a Platonist or something, but people would think I'm weird for saying that.

>> No.8573816

I have the exact same political views as Ben Carson while he is sleeping

(these are NOT the same views he has while he's awake)

>> No.8573818

MGTOW. AnarchoCapitalist. Diversity is a codeword for white genocide. I'm into volkisch paganism

>> No.8573821


>> No.8573822

Spiritual Christian (no church)

meme politics

>> No.8573829


Oh wait


Disregard. Worse than natsoc 2bh

>> No.8573839

I'm libertarian agnostic but I've become interested in Christian-Anarchism lately, it's all very fascinating.

>> No.8573849

Religious Views: Agnostic, can accept a creator or high power given proof beyond faith and feelings, but will not accept the angels and demons hullabaloo or almost any major religious teachings.

Political Views: Anti-political, in the sense that progress towards the betterment of mankind cannot be achieved until we dissolve the petty and tribalistic "parties" and work systematically to truly understand how to effectively and efficiently manage the state, and deploy those strategies.

>> No.8573853

I was going to post in this thread but then this post reflects my ideas so exactly I'm convinced I wrote it and forgot.

>> No.8573862
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since OP won't make it


>> No.8573864

>Political Views: Anti-political
> work systematically to truly understand how to effectively and efficiently manage the state, and deploy those strategies.

That sounds political, also extremely vague and meaningless. So yea, political

>> No.8573866

politics is a fucking joke

>> No.8573870

>how to effectively and efficiently manage the state
the state is shit. smash the state. smash capitalism

>> No.8573872

This post is not just a joke making fun of internet buzzwords btw

>> No.8573873

Liberal/progressive economic views and conservative (generally) social views.

>> No.8573877

>smash capitalism

>smash the exchange of limited resources

lol wut

>stuck in economic/social dichotomy
>stuck in conservative/liberal dichotomy

lmao at ur life

>> No.8573885
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>defines capitalism as 'the exchange of limited resources'

>> No.8573891

I want to like anarcho-capitalism, but it kind of seems very sketchy or risky. I guess I need to research more.

>> No.8573892

Wasn't giving a definition famalam, just highlighting one of your implied premises

>> No.8573896

Capitalism - An economic system of trading currency, goods or services for goods and services

>> No.8573898

I was unsure how to succinctly title my views, and to go deeper into them, they are less a polical ideology and more an objection to political ideology in general. In essence, as I understand it, all political ideologies are based on different ideas of what the problems of the state are and how to approach them, the problem I see with this is that it is entirely based on conjecture and opinion, which to a certain degree it must always be. Nevertheless I have concluded that our failing in the discussion and creation of political ideology is that we rely far too much on this need for opinion, to such a degree that we have not only reached (in the US anyway) such a point of contrarianism and tribalism that proper and meaningful discussion is impossible, but also neglected or outright ignored the problems that would collapse the State if left to fester. It would be a great help to first root out those issues that would destroy the state, and then move on to matters of opinion.

>> No.8573904

Neoliberal globalist and social conservative
>tfw agree with some elements of ancaps and marx but not spooked enough to vote for them

>> No.8573906

it's utter autism. an arbitrary moral system based on property worship. I get how it may appeal to post-protestant american plebs bred on muh lockean freedom, but in practice, ancap world would be a bureaucratic feudal dystopia. private militias hunting down fugitive debt peons. and you'll probably be one of the peons

>> No.8573907
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I feel much the same way. I'm not a Christian though, I wish I had faith but I just don't.


The world's resources aren't distributed evenly though, one state would feel shortchanged or simply become greedy and then there would be killing all over again. Remember what happened when gold was discovered in the Transvaal Republic? Many such cases!

>> No.8573909

Oh, and practising Catholic

>> No.8573910

You can't have politics without opinion, unless you were to base it completely on Kantian ethics. You could try, but theres a reason no one has tried before. It's far too systematic complex and system of law for your average retard to understand it, let alone make it work.

>> No.8573913

Wouldn't that violate the NAP?

>> No.8573920

it's based on the private ownership of capital and the means of production. modern finantialized rentier capitalism is a pretty recent phenomenon and as far as you can get from the quaint jeffersonian yeoman utopia most libertarians have in mind.

>> No.8573929
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This has nothing to do with books. Anyone who answered OP is an egocentric faggot.

>> No.8573932

technically, you are violating the NAP. By running away, you are stealing the services owed by right to your creditor. also the NAP allows for physical removal:
>In a covenant concluded among proprietor and community tenants for the purpose of protecting their private property, no such thing as a right to free (unlimited) speech exists, not even to unlimited speech on one's own tenant-property. One may say innumerable things and promote almost any idea under the sun, but naturally no one is permitted to advocate ideas contrary to the very purpose of the covenant of preserving and protecting private property, such as democracy and communism. There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and expelled from society. Likewise, in a covenant founded for the purpose of protecting family and kin, there can be no tolerance toward those habitually promoting lifestyles incompatible with this goal. They – the advocates of alternative, non-family and kin-centered lifestyles such as, for instance, individual hedonism, parasitism, nature-environment worship, homosexuality, or communism – will have to be physically removed from society, too, if one is to maintain a libertarian order.

>> No.8573938
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Religious views: Atheist. Was convinced, for a while, that 'cultural Christianity' wasn't so bad (and actually pretty good) due to the writing of Roger Scruton/etc. Nietzsche since talked me out of that, however. Cultural Christianity is pretty much nothing more than a futile and ironic religious rennaissance in the growing face of sincere Islam, coupled with LARP'ing. Disgusting and insincere desu.

Political views: Anti-political. If pressed, I'd profess an admiration for enlightened monarchy/despotism/Machiavellianism à la Napoleon/Caesar/Friedrich der Große. Politics as we generally know it now is a small matter for small people. If someone tells me they're "passionate" about politics, for example, I make justified assumptions about the extent of their intellectual poverty.

>> No.8573944

Depending on the context, I'm either for a constitutional monarchy or total anarchy

>> No.8573951


>it's based on the private ownership of capital and the means of production.

You have yet to explain why this is a problem, or why we should even listen to Marx or his cultists post-19th century.

>> No.8573955


>> No.8573979
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I actually kind of hate giving a label to the way I believe in my faith, but here goes:
Agnostic Pannentheist Exhilist
The only reason I hate naming it is because it makes me come as a a pseudo-intellectual, but I really am just those things, I refuse to identify with anything else.

In more fleshed out terms, I do indeed believe in a God, however I do not believe that God is not as portrayed by existing religions. I don't think of his as a man, or someone who is neither specifically living or hating, but like a computer. A intelligent or atleast somewhat intelligent entity that spun everything into existence and functionality at the beginning of time, something that planned everything out and 'built' everything, but is not a god as a god would be depicted. If there is an afterlife where you see this god, it would not be a man on a throne or a bright faceless figure or something neither angelic-like nor demon-like, but perhaps just a glowing orb or a dimension itself.
I also believe that God is above the universe, but at the same time is within everything in the universe. No, not like the force or bullshit like that, and nothing pagan or tribal polytheist either. Moreso like it determines everything. Like although it may have spun everything into existence in the beginning, it guides everything in the present as well via interactions with other objects and force made in the beginning.
Then there's that "exhilist" word part. That's actually a term I've kind of made up myself. Sort of. It's basically Existential Nihilism, but it isn't at all. Basically, Nihilism is the belief that nothing matters, not morals nor our existence in and of itself. Existentialism is the idea that only what exists matters (in terms of when the word is used as a label instead of a category, and in terms of religion, not human philosophy). Existential Nihilism is the belief that nothing that exists matters, like a, "No one exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everyone is going to die," kind of philosophy. Exhilism, my term, is basically a, "The universe doesn't give a shit about us and can dump on us whenever however it wants to." Humanity has always had this perception of self importance, which can be deconstructed with truths derived from Nihilism. Exhilism basically just uses those truths, without being complete Nihilism. Exhilism says, "Yeah, things do matter; life, morals, whatever may exists outside of reality and the universe; but what does exist physically doesn't matter." It's almost like really passive Nihilism that isn't just Atheism. I believe our world can be ended any second by one of the billions of possible undetectable and instantaneous astronomical cataclysms that occurs trillions of times every second, the universe does not give a shit about us, and what does exist does not matter. Anything can be built, anything can be destroyed.

Anywho, as for politics, I do follow with politics, but I avoid discussing it like the plague.

>> No.8573986

Also holy hell, posting on a mobile because I'm away from home and don't feel like going on 4chan on a public library, if anyone needs a translation for any of my autocorrect butchered semi-sensical rambling, just ask.

>> No.8573991


>if anyone needs a translation for any of my autocorrect butchered semi-sensical rambling, just ask.

I, uh, I think we're fine actually...

Don't strain yourself.

>> No.8573992

Atheist. The supernatural is absurd in a modern context. Agnosticism is an epistemic disposition not a statement of belief.

Libertarian/ Conservative. The government's only job is to protect Rights and Property of and provide safety to her citizens. The right to bear arms is the only thing truly standing in the way of tyranny.

>> No.8573996
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>> No.8573998

What's the picture mean?

>> No.8574007

How the..? I'm 99% sure it's impossible to get high into authoritarian without bullshitting answers, because the test is ridiculous strewed towards the libertarian axis.

>> No.8574010


This. I always get in the Reagan/Thatcherite section of the blue square, even though I'm much more socially conservative than they ever were.

>> No.8574015

I've seen a lot higher

>> No.8574022

it's a problem because a better world is possible. capitalism-- specially modern, spectacle-driven, financial capitalism--is a really wasteful, senseless system.

>> No.8574024

>The right to bear arms is the only thing truly standing in the way of tyranny.
yet in no way does it do that.

For occupying Miami however, it's pretty stellar

>> No.8574028


>a better world is possible

First, not really. 'Progress' is one of the most loaded, stupid terms in all of history. Secondly, I'm sure you just happen to think that your 19th century ideology, pertaining specifically to the industrial revolution is what leads to it?

Nah m8. Maybe Communism has never been tried, but every attempt to implement it has been so god-awful that we can safely conclude it isn't worth trying.

>> No.8574034

Socialist libertarian.

>> No.8574036

Monarchist, Orthodox and practising

>> No.8574045

Old Left, anti-Modern, investigating the idea of practicing religion, increasingly entertain the idea of God as creator of the world and also of humans who have a meaningful position within the architecture of being.

>> No.8574046

misanthrope (the non-edgy kind) sunni muslim mystic, western admirer, United States Founding Fathers Fanboy.

i feel kinship to William Blake. my beliefs on God are: 1- there is no natural religion 2-all religions are one 3-every person is a prophet for their souls 3- sola fide is garbage tier theology

I like Christianity very much also of course. Politically other than the founding fathers, my main guides are Jesus, Muhammed, Chesterton, Hobbes, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Sartre, Marcus Aurelius, Dostoevsky.

I hate communists with a passion. Contemprary US politics is a joke because the GOP and Democratic Parties are private entities that do not have the obligation to be democratic at all.

>> No.8574048


That seems like such a clumsy and contradictory array of beliefs that I'm inclined to think you're not at all serious about any of them.

>> No.8574050

I never said the word 'progress'. capitalism as it exists today is obsessed with 'progress' it depends on unsustainable future growth and technological advancement. its ideological buzzwords often riff on the theme of 'progress' think 'innovation', 'disruption' etc. muh enlightened propietarianism isn't an eternal truth, but actually a quite recent innovation

>> No.8574051


i was very sincere my friend, which parts seem contradictory to you? i wouldn't mind explaining further

>> No.8574058


capitalism today is obsessed with the creation of wealth, which is effictive like no other economic system in the human history. look at the millions of Chinese peasants moving to low middle class in a single generation. look at the poor classes of US having two televisions per house and iphones

>> No.8574059
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>> No.8574063
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>> No.8574070

Existential Christianity.

>> No.8574077


I don't really support any party politically. On paper I suppose I may lean a little more to the left towards socialism due to my views regarding wealth, imperialism, resources and things but I dislike identity politics and how the (new neoliberal) left is led by SJW's who scream racism. My university campus is full of these clueless "revolutionaries" who scream about feminism, consent, racism, etc even though they are completely delusional and don't even have any idea of how the world works. I overheard one the other day saying in the US Clinton should be president "because she is a woman." That's it. No analysis of her policies, no concerns about her corruption and lies, just she is a woman therefore make her the president! live in Canada so I am tempted to support the NDP, but I can't agree with all their policies so I just don't vote. Overall though I am getting fed up with living here. Not all, but many Westerners are incredibly entitled, arrogant and completely clueless in regards to their countries overseas activities.

Religiously I struggle between deism and agnosticism.

>> No.8574081


I probably disagree with whatever general framework you're using to situate them.

For example, you probably consider mysticism to be an essentially universal intersection of human thought which has aspects compatible with (or present within) atheism. I would gather that you extend this to some kind of ethical position about all human action being both evil and good and, in the grand scheme of things, morally equal.

>> No.8574089


The SJW diatribe seems a bit overdone. If hysterics in politics annoys you, why all the wing-flapping?

>> No.8574093


What do you mean by wing flapping exactly? I don't really change my political views much if that is what you are insinuating. I am tired of seeing people using supposedly tolerant political positions in order to disguise their authoritarian attitudes and views.

>> No.8574094

I prefer ethno states, i just want policies in place to deny non-whites from having access to white people, the infrastructure, technology, medicine, welfare and entertainment. Non whites keep hijacking it all and constantly leech off it like parasites. They have their own home and we need ours.

What makes white people so good that they have to take care of non whites?

>> No.8574096


Fuck off back to >>>/pol/. Your entire worldview is biased, skewed and totally moronic.

>> No.8574097

>Political Views: Anti-political, in the sense that progress towards the betterment of mankind cannot be achieved until we dissolve the petty and tribalistic "parties"

You cannot have that with a people of various (((diversity))) that have different biological behavior patterns and IQ levels. Birds of a feather will always flock together. It will always be undermined in their favour.

>> No.8574101


fencesitters? or just just not politically inclined around in public?

>> No.8574104



>What do you mean by wing flapping exactly?

histrionics, hysterics, gesturing, making noise etc.

>> No.8574105


i don't think all human action is both evil and good nor morally equal. all good comes from God who is omnibenevolent, and humans use their free will and moral agency during their life.

i think most atheists are atheists because they are terrified that an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God may not share their moral values (which is mostly western secular middle class liberal individualist philosophy that is so easy) exactly so they reduce him to be a magic man who lives in the sky, then dismiss the magic man for not having the qualities of God e.g. if God exists why are there children with cancer haha checkmate believers!.

>> No.8574106


I don't do any of that.

>> No.8574109


Like, I'm saying, if someone asks you your general political disposition, and this question entices you into a diatribe about SJWs, then don't you think it might be dominating too large a space in your thinking?

I can imagine quite a few items of greater consequence than a well-meaning but poorly read portion of today's college student population.

>> No.8574112

>What makes white people so good that they have to take care of non whites?

In ethnically homogenous countries, white people leech off the system. It has nothing to do with race, it just has to do with class. There will always be a relatively poor class with some criminal elements who will use welfare if it is available. Its just that in a lot of multi-ethnic countries, non white people are often shoved into the lower class.

Do you think in countries full of only black people or other "non-whites" that they all just leech off the government? No, it works the same. There are classes who work and accumulate the most wealth, and underclasses.

Often they will split into ethnic groups that you wouldn't even recognise. Someone in Rwanda might ask why tutsis leech off hutus. They might ask why hutu people are so good that they have to take care of tutsis. But they all have dark skin.

>> No.8574114
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>/pol/ boogeyman
sure thing buddy

>Your entire worldview is biased, skewed and totally moronic.

how so?, I work in bio psychology and it pretty made a realist that behavior patterns dictate how successful a nation is from sociology and also on an industrial and economical scale.

If you take a look at the socialistic elements of how the Nordic countries were doing, theyw ere doing quite fine until the homogenous racial element dropped below 97% and began to face problems of supporting the populace.

>> No.8574115


>Like, I'm saying, if someone asks you your general political disposition, and this question entices you into a diatribe about SJWs, then don't you think it might be dominating too large a space in your thinking?

The problem is that SJWs are dominating too large a space in my university.

>> No.8574116 [DELETED] 

I sympathize most with social anarchists but see the present need for a central government to ensure people's safety and well-being. I don't see how small self-organized communities could provide people with the amenities that many of us currently enjoy, and that I'm not willing to part with, unless they were to work nonstop. Only with major advancements in robotics or major technological regression could I see social anarchism becoming feasible. What I'd like to see is a mostly decentralized socialist state with a weak central branch of government whose job it is to uphold fundamental human rights.

I'm an atheist.

>> No.8574118

agnostic crypto anarchist.

Not trying to be an edgy faggot, honest answer.

>> No.8574120


Ah. Good question. The answer however is no. The reason I brought up my dislike of SJW's/identity politics is because I wanted to differentiate my views from theirs. You see, whenever I mention I lean to the left on a place like 4chan (especially /pol/) I will be berated and called a cuck because that is pretty much the reputation the new left has created. Plus I've been drinking and decided to go on a pointless rant.

>> No.8574122

Many are political lobbyists who've managed to put harmful policies in place. There are also those who harass people constantly over trivial things or for disagreeing with them. Calling them "well-meaning" (when virtually everyone is so) is sugarcoating a potentially destructive force in society.

>> No.8574123


>it just has to do with class

It's funny to see that mental gymnastics that Marxists will go to in order to ensure that class remains the eternal primum mobile. Sorry pal, your 19th century ideology isn't cut out for the modern world.

>> No.8574124

How can so many people be agnostic in here?

What's your rationale for being agnostic? It's imo the worst opinion to have. Either commit to being an atheist or have some faith.

>> No.8574125

economics =/= capitalism

>> No.8574126
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>Do you think in countries full of only black people or other "non-whites" that they all just leech off the government?

they leech off international aid, which is primarily funded by whites (which are the most charitable)

When whites where in Africa, Rhodesia was once dubbed the breadbasket of its nation and the surrounding countries

>> No.8574127

l find it surprising/depressing how a huge percentage of people in here base their whole worldview on ressentiment towards le SJW, even to the point of basically supporting their own enslavement because at least those sjws will be so pissed haha

>> No.8574128

what does crypto mean?

>> No.8574129


I don't go that far, but it's retarded to pretend that SJWs aren't a problem in today's political climate.

>> No.8574130


You totally misunderstood agnosticism. It doesn't need any rationale at all. Read Sextus Empiricus.

>> No.8574134

>they leech off international aid, which is primarily funded by whites (which are the most charitable)

This is objectively false though. Most countries in Africa don't receive foreign aid.

It's just sociology 101. Most countries have a very sizeable underclass, even homogenous ones.

The poor people who receive welfare in Australia for instance are largely white.

You always know you're swallowing an ideology hard when everything else looks like ideology to you.

>> No.8574138


Interesting post.


>how so?

You have no evidence to support your claims yet try to pass off your claims as fact.

>If you take a look at the socialistic elements of how the Nordic countries were doing, theyw ere doing quite fine until the homogenous racial element dropped below 97% and began to face problems of supporting the populace.

Correlation does not equal causation friendo. There are various potential variables. If you work as a bio-psychologist you should know these basic scientific principles that are the fabric of any competent scientist. Attributing problems a country may face to the native population dropping below 97% is just stemming from your own racially biased views.

>> No.8574139


>The poor people who receive welfare in Australia for instance are largely white.

This is what happens when you limit yourself to raw data, at the expense of proportions.

Protip: Aboriginals leech of welfare at a much higher rate, proportionally speaking.

The same is true in other countries. More 'whites' may be on welfare in (some) white countries, but that's because there's way more of them. Proportionally speaking, shitskins/etc leech welfare at a much higher rate.

>> No.8574143


>Attributing problems a country may face to the native population dropping below 97% is just stemming from your own racially biased views.

Even if he attributes the issues solely to this, you're just as bad for denying that it plays any part at all.

Homogeneity is a key factor in any country, and one that certain sides of the political spectrum are always happy to ignore.

>> No.8574145


>If you take a look at the socialistic elements of how the Nordic countries were doing, theyw ere doing quite fine until the homogenous racial element dropped below 97% and began to face problems of supporting the populace.

Dane here.

Our welfare state is quite fine.

>> No.8574147

I sympathize most with social anarchists but see the present need for a central government to ensure people's safety and well-being. I don't see how small self-organized communities could provide people with the amenities that many of us currently enjoy, and that I'm not willing to part with, unless they were to work nonstop. Only with major advancements in robotics or major technological regression could I see social anarchism becoming feasible. What I'd like to see is a mostly decentralized socialist state with a weak central branch of government whose job it is to uphold fundamental human rights. I'm not familiar with all of the political categories. Maybe there's a word for what I've described.

As for social issues, I think identity politics only solidify divisions and rivalries between peoples. Positive discrimination, while stemming from what I see as very good intentions, does not rectify past wrongdoings and only leads to resentment among those who are left out. I'd like to see more universal, inclusive movements, joining all of the oppressed peoples together.

I'm an atheist.

>> No.8574148


Swedes can't say the same.

Danes are fortunate to have a centre-right (and other right-wing parties) that aren't taking any of the EU's shit regarding forced acceptance of refugees/etc.

>> No.8574149


Ah okay I gotchya. You should definitely check out Seyyed Hosein Nasr, or other Traditionalists like Guenon or Schuon (who are to be contrasted with other so-called Traditionalists like Aldous Huxley or Evola).

I would generally caution against the use of comparative religion that fails to respect the difficulty and complexity of the ideas as they developed within the tradition; there is a great temptation of too hastily assembling little glimpses of knowledge into a mismatched template.

I am not pretending to be well read on all the figures you named, but mentioning Suffism and the "Founding Fathers" in the same breath certainly gets me worried. From what I know they are deeply unrelated.

I also strongly suspect that any believing and practicing Muslim has more insight into Suffism than a westerner who's, for example, read Rumi and all his biographies.

One must pass through blind obedience on the way to mystical insight. At least I think so, having never experienced either.

>> No.8574152

>le rape capital of the world meem

>> No.8574153

Means I can't make my mind up. I'm liberal leftist leaning I guess, I'd probably say I'm close to anarcho syndicalism

>> No.8574155


Not a meme, but it's always refreshing to encounter people who think that Sweden is doing 100% fine. Same goes for Germany, and to some extent France.

>> No.8574156


>biased, skewed, and totally moronic

dreadful word choice for someone posting on a literature board

>> No.8574158


can totally moronic be a meme?

>> No.8574165


>Even if he attributes the issues solely to this, you're just as bad for denying that it plays any part at all.

Except I never outright denied it you're just putting words in my mouth. But if we are on the topic, show me a scientific study that concludes the key factor of a successful nation is dependent upon the percentage of the homogeneous population.

I will assume that you won't be able to find anything and just scream about anti racist being codeword for anti white.

The reality is that success of a nation probably does not depend on homogeneity but rather culture. If you look at the differences between first generation and second or third generation immigrants, you will find that when people are better integrated into a culture their race does not matter and they are just as productive and successful.

>> No.8574167

if anything they are a by-product of hyperindividualized consumer society where politics works primarily as catharsis. Basically, they approach politics as consumers, unlike the 60s revolutionaries, they spend their time appealing to institutional power. they tacitly accept the validity of a fraudulent american university system, they just feel unsatisfied by the product. performative politics does not really threaten the power structure, much less 'western civilisation' or 'enligthenment rationality' or whatever spooks you happen to be into. diversity consulting is a multi-million dollar business, even aerospace contractors and the military have adopted muh diversity discourse in recent years. I remember seeing an article in a midbrow liberal publication lionizing female drone operators as the epitome of the independent woman.

>> No.8574168

>not a meme
Are you fucking retarded? I know that niggers cause trouble and should be hung on sight but are you seriously trying to tell me that Sweden is the rape capital of the world just because the memers on /pol/ told you so?

>> No.8574169

Voting Hillary from the beginning, I'm more or less a Democrat I suppose. I'm a Muslim, but not a Muslim from the cultural shithole that is most of the middle east, fuck the Hadith, and my views on God are a little different. I just find Muslim practices feel the best spiritually for me.

>> No.8574170


Dreadful punctuation for someone posting on a literature board.

>> No.8574172

trolled hard

>> No.8574173


Your 97% figure is still unsupported. In fact, Denmark is around 89% ethnic Danes, 11% immigrants and descendants.

And honestly, I think Sweden went way overboard. You can only absorb so many. But you can absorb them. We did in the 70's with turkish guest workers who ended up staying and in the 90's with ex-yugoslavians.

>> No.8574174


politics are potato excrement, ideology destroyed our planet, and I'm waiting to be downloaded into my bostonian robot body.

>> No.8574186

Neoliberal free trade enthusiast with slightly left-wing social views. Basically Hillary Clinton gets me 100%.

>> No.8574188




>> No.8574193


any punctuation left out was unnecessary. did you need a majuscule letter at the start of my sentence to know it was the start of a sentence? did you need a period at the end of my sentence to know it was the end of my sentence? words matter most, friend

>> No.8574197


wow thank you so much for the recommendations my friend! the OP asked both religion and politics, that's why i put Sufi mysticism with the founding fathers.

of course ego death and complete submission to God is a critical part of my life, but i think most people misunderstand or shallowly understand what that is, not implying you of course. it doesn't mean complete withdrawal from the worldly life, God put us here to live and experience, it means approaching things in your heart and mind from the divine perspective instead of mortal perspective. Learned Men (or Enlightened Men or Moral Men) have a responsibility to take action for the rest of the humanity. That's why the founding fathers are so admirable. They served the people and built an amazing country. George Washington refused kingship! a better example would be Abraham Lincoln, he went to war that was certain to kill hundreds of thousands and cause much suffering even when he was not decided on the issue of slavery in 1861 but because he was elected by the people and it was his DUTY to preserve the Union.

These are very admirable men indeed!

>> No.8574204

Devout Catholic. Going to mass in 40 minutes.
Politically I'm an aristotelian-thomist (my focus on the tradition is contemporary, Alasdair MacIntyre and Edward Feser are my niggas), outside the two my favorite political writers being Hilaire Belloc, F. A. Hayek, Alexander Solzhenitsyn in the parts where he gets political.
I'm not an American so there is a party I can vote for. It never gets more than 1%, but at least I'm not voting for 'conservative' cucks who listen to the EU in everything and wash their hands like Pontius Pilate for gay marriage, abortion, corruption, gender ideology. There's also our party which literally used to be the communist party and they are just as bad, if not worse.

>> No.8574206
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my religion of kek and i am a national socialist.

lefties are gonna have to change up their narrative nowadays, they won in the past by playing the victim and now there are less elements less footing for them to garner pity.

Everyone is sick of them, the cultural marxists message has become stale.

>> No.8574207
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Anarchist, Marxist, Syndicalist with a little Ancom

Anything /pol/ says I will disagree with and ruin threads over time and again. Until they get more and more autistic about it.

>> No.8574209

Keep up the good work, comrade.

>> No.8574210
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>lefties are gonna have to change up their narrative nowadays, they won in the past by playing the victim and now there are less elements less footing for them to garner pity

Nobody gives a fuck about your plight of being socially awkward. Nobody cared about shut in nerds in the past, they won't in the future.

But keep screaming until you end up in a home at 50

>> No.8574211

how childish and a cowardly fencesitter as well.

>> No.8574216
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>butthurt blm sjw lefty marxist

>> No.8574218

you must smell bad

>> No.8574219

For every strawman you post, I will post the faces of what the nu-right have been for the past 4+ years.

Are you sure you want to continue down this path.

>> No.8574221
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>> No.8574223
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>> No.8574228
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anti-revisionist Marxist Leninism Mao Tse-Tung Thought, postironically. Mao did nothing wrong. I really like dialectics.

>> No.8574232

Those aren't real leftists. Those are Immigrant Leftists: millions of "left-leaning" neoliberal dregs that the bourgeoisie used to the flood the real leftists and overwhelm their actual voice and ability to organise.

They don't want you reading Adorno. They want you reading an interpreter of an interpreter of an interpreter of an interpreter, all of whom were state-paid, bourgeois, rich faggots, and whose writings never amounted to a fucking iota of praxis.

All of whom vote in droves for globalist neoliberal shills, and whose students are easily thought-controlled to to vote for said shills, because they think the only distinction between "noble left" and "boogeyman right" is who uses the most gender-neutral pronouns. Their categories of critique have been narrowed down to Tumblr caricatures of post-'68 caricatures of authentic leftist thought.

Leftism isn't your enemy. The world-straddling capitalist bloc that is capable of conspiring to smother the soul of leftism and stop it from ever being a threat again is your enemy.

>> No.8574243

Christian existentialist (non-denominational till I find a church) former agnostic atheist

Libertarian with some paleoconservative tendencies.

>> No.8574246
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Roman Catholic

Right Wing

>> No.8574249

Left wing 'men' are weak,they have low testosterone and like to watch their women get fucked by big black cocks. Right wing men are Strong, and always ready to fight for the Honor of their women

>> No.8574250

surprise that the tastes in politics and religion here are as bad as the taste in literature, music, film, art, etc. thankfully 20-somethings don't have a say in anything

>> No.8574254
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>> No.8574258



>> No.8574260


Can confirm identity politics =bourgeois distraction to sabotage left

>> No.8574263

Why are all right wing men all about testosterone and family values when nobody wants to fuck them because they're ugly

It's self defeating

>> No.8574264
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>Blowing out anyone
Friendly tip: repeatedly calling people classcucks is not a good argument

>> No.8574266
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>> No.8574267

>talk about yourself thread
>instant 150 replies

this fucking literature board

>> No.8574271

>Using 4chan as a representation of right wing people
Are you dumb?

>> No.8574272

The right wanted the board to die.

>> No.8574273

nice one man

>> No.8574276
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Nobody is really right wing unless they're young or middle aged plus.

The young demographic posts here.

The ugly one.

>> No.8574277

Nor is posting image macros of autists

>> No.8574278

>false-flagging your opponents as narutards
typical commie

>> No.8574284

>America representing the world
>4chan representing anything
It's like me going to bodybuilding.com and arguing that everyone who is right wing is ripped

>> No.8574288
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Isn't that most of the argumentation the right has at this point. Pointing out that one goober looking protester?

If they can, I certainly can.

>> No.8574290

Europeans are probably going to fall into the same categories, don't put yourself on a pedestal.

>> No.8574295

that's not even that cringeworthy.


>> No.8574296

>Wahh it's not fair one time someone replied to my autistic sperg out about the Labor theory of value being correct with a smug anime girl wahh I'm never making a serious argument again

>> No.8574300 [DELETED] 
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>Wahh it's not fair one time someone replied to my autistic sperg out about the Labor theory of value being correct with a smug anime girl wahh I'm never making a serious argument or rebuttal again

>> No.8574303
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>that's not even that cringeworthy.

That's exactly the point I was trying to make about you. You don't think it is.

>> No.8574305
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Er, yes. Cultural homogeneity matters. Even if you don't believe that racial/ethnic homogeneity matters, you have to concede that much.

That is why multicultural is doomed to fail, as in America. Roosevelt provided a prime example when he rightly railed against 'hyphenated' Americans.


>The world-straddling capitalist bloc that is capable of conspiring to smother the soul of leftism and stop it from ever being a threat again is your enemy.

We agree on that enemy. I don't agree with the Left's solution(s) however, so they are also my enemy. Pic related.

>> No.8574307

Before you call someone autistic, look at yourself in the mirror. Reflect on your choices in life, and after that, don't fuck up posting when it is just incredibly easy.

>> No.8574308

A true patrician

>> No.8574309
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>people who unironically buy into evola

>> No.8574312


No, multiculturalism is not doomed to fail. Multiculturalism has been around for thousands of years and it is totally possible for a multicultural society to be successful and the people co-existing. Doomed to fail in AMERICA and America alone, perhaps you are right. But in general? No.

>> No.8574319


Multiculturalism can be nothing more than a phase in the age-old process by which which varying cultures compete for supremacy, until at last one culture comes to prevail and dominate. If the less fortunate cultures are lucky, the culture that came out on top will appropriate some of the things they happen to like.

The idea of multiculturalism as many cultures, typically very different and often incompatible, existing independently and distinctly from one another, and on an equal footing no less, is a fantasy.


>People who dismiss Evola because /pol/acks who don't read him claim to like him

>> No.8574321

>>>People who dismiss Evola because /pol/acks who don't read him claim to like him

No I'm dismissing Evola because he was batshit and he's irrelevant. And because the people who like him are people nobody wants to associate with.

>> No.8574323


If Evola wrote more stuff like what's in your pic, I think I would actually read him. So far I've only seen him in like 3 memes.

>> No.8574327

He believed in the lost continent of Hyperborea. You are far better off finding philosophical influences elsewhere. Not waste your time on tripe.

>> No.8574328


>Multiculturalism can be nothing more than a phase in the age-old process by which which varying cultures compete for supremacy, until at last one culture comes to prevail and dominate. If the less fortunate cultures are lucky, the culture that came out on top will appropriate some of the things they happen to like.

Wrong. This is primitive, and tribalistic thinking. Really goes to show what the mentality of white supremacists is like.

>> No.8574329

>often incompatible, existing independently and distinctly from one another, and on an equal footing no less, is a fantasy.

yes and the reality of it is different. cultures aren't static and there still is a dominant culture within the borders of a multicultural state. besides, due to the proliferation of quick international travel the world better get used to multiculturalism since there's no real way of living without it

>> No.8574330


>No I'm dismissing Evola because he was batshit and he's irrelevant.

Only batshit in terms of the esoteric stuff desu.

As for irrelevance, you're conflating relevance for legitimacy/authority/etc. Marx is certainly 'relevant' in the modern age, with such a huge cult following armed with a considerable corpus of 'work', but that doesn't make the theories any less moronic.

>> No.8574333
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Who can I read that hates both capitalism and left-wing garbage?

>> No.8574343


>Wrong. This is primitive, and tribalistic thinking

And these are ad homina.

>Really goes to show what the mentality of white supremacists is like.

Not a white supremacist, though. It's the same worldwide.


>cultures aren't static

Never said they were, although it could be argued that the prevailing culture becomes pretty static after having prevailed for long enough.

>there still is a dominant culture within the borders of a multicultural state

Which is my point. You have to look at the bigger picture, however. As the world becomes more interconnected, with even greater levels of cultural osmosis, there will soon cease to be wholly original/unique cultures to incorporate and appropriate into other cultures.

If nationalism fails and globalism succeeds, as will probably be the case, we will inevitably progress toward fewer and yet more dominant cultures, possibly even a single/global culture - which, let's face it, is what your stereotypical hyper-egalitarians do (or did) dream of, at least until identity politics thought it was a good idea to start emphasizing Human differences like race/etc all over again in the late 2000's.

>> No.8574349


Except it is primitive and tribalistic thinking. Humans are not animals, there are always ways people can peacefully coexist.

>Not a white supremacist, though.

Then whatever alt right/nationalist/racialist movement you belong to. Either way >>>/pol/

>> No.8574353
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>there are always ways people can peacefully coexist
>peacefully coexist

I resent being accused of Alt-Rightism/Nationalism/Racialism from a fucking Last Man.

>> No.8574354

>Linking to /pol/
I sure hope you've done your part and saged this thread

>> No.8574360


You come off as one. Grow up edgelord.

>> No.8574362
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There's nothing to suggest that as one culture achieves the status of the dominant culture, peaceful coexistence among mankind ceases to exist.

Generally speaking, up to and including the present day, most people peacefully and willingly give up certain cultural traits (food/music/dress/language/etc) as they assimilate themselves into the dominant/prevailing culture. This is done for many reasons: typically, the economic and social advantages to be garnered by catering oneself to the prevailing/dominant culture of wherever one finds oneself ASAP. Narry a blow is struck.

>> No.8574370

>but I wish there were religious states (i.e. a Catholic state, an Islamic state, there's already a Jewish state).
Hate to break it to you, but there are a lot of Islamic states, bro.

>> No.8574371

I'm a nationalist, traditionalist liberal. I support a mixed economy and an end to the war on drugs and think that welfare programs should always err on the side of generosity but other than that I'm probably pretty close to an alt-righter.

>inb4 druggie/NEET
only one of those things is true.

>> No.8574373

>but that doesn't make the theories any less moronic.

Compared to the literal perma virgin who believed in lost continents, I would say Marx is fucking Aristotle compared to Evola. If you think Marx is an awful philosopher, consider the fact Evola sucks cock

>> No.8574375

>no radical centrism

>> No.8574376

The right being so fucking psychotic is just going to make the radical left stronger.

>> No.8574377


Thing is I don't actually care about Evola that much. If anything, he was a fucking neo-Platonist. I find his equal condemnation of capitalism and socialism/etc to be admirable, however.

In this regard I'm quite different from many/most internet/college Lefties/Marxists, who consider Marx their infallible lord and saviour. Worse are the modern-day weasels like Hobsbawm/Chomsky/etc, even if the latter isn't really Marxist.

>> No.8574378

Tippity-tap, I'm tipping my hat.

>> No.8574379


Psychotic how? Meming a Trump presidency?

>> No.8574380

>who consider Marx their infallible lord and saviour

You have no idea how any of this works do you

>> No.8574383

If you need to ask how or why, you're too far gone.

>> No.8574385


If you want to deny that there's a concerted effort to keep Marx relevant in the 21st century, so be it.

>> No.8574387

>I can imagine quite a few items of greater consequence than a well-meaning but poorly read portion of today's college student population.

There's literally nothing of greater consequence because these people will become the future economic ruling class and the future politicians.

>> No.8574389

>>If you want to deny that there's a concerted effort to keep Marx relevant in the 21st century, so be it.

No I didn't actually mean that. You're digging yourself into a deeper hole just implying I meant that.

>> No.8574392


>> No.8574393

>There's literally nothing of greater consequence because these people will become the future economic ruling class and the future politicians.

I'm more worried about the trust fund baby from Idaho running for office off his econ degree. Seems more likely.

America doesn't like socialism and never has.

>> No.8574397


What did you mean, then?

>> No.8574398

Socially Conservative, Economically social democrat. I am very moderate though.

Lapsed/Bad Catholic with sympathies for traditional Catholicism / Eastern Orthodoxy

>> No.8574399

We critique Marx and Engels all the fucking time. Half our time is spent on discourse and critique.

To say that we worship a golden centaur state of Karl Marx bowing before his mighty beard is fucking stupid

>> No.8574403


>We critique Marx and Engels all the fucking time.

With the exception of Foucault, I've never seen much criticism beyond the wishy-washy kind that pretends to critique Marx, only to conclude with a cheer and say that he was right all along.

>> No.8574408

>I've never seen much criticism beyond the wishy-washy kind that pretends to critique Marx

That's because you're not in Marxist circles and haven't a clue what the discourse, as shitty as it may be, is.

>> No.8574412
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>That's because you're not in Marxist circles and haven't a clue what the discourse, as shitty as it may be, is.

They rarely have enough people for a circle. A triangle or a square, maybe.

>> No.8574413

>They rarely have enough people for a circle. A triangle or a square, maybe.

Evola has the fan base of a brony meet up.

>> No.8574415


Sick burn

>> No.8574416


I am in agreement with you saying the right because so far gone will only make the radical left stronger. But Hilary and Trump are equally as bad. Actually Hilary is probably worse she was one of the main culprits who is responsible for the killing of a great leader, Gaddafi. All because he challenged the authority of the US currency. There is no democracy in the USA. The people do not have leaders, they only have rulers. Their opinions do not matter.

>> No.8574417


being* sorry I am tired and pretty drunk

>> No.8574430

I'm about to go to church with my wife and daughter. Enjoy your fap, lad!

>> No.8574432


>The people do not have leaders, they only have rulers.

Most people deserve to be ruled desu.

>> No.8574435

Depends on my mood

>> No.8574447

>political beliefs

>> No.8574450

Might makes right. Today that's the state and the jews. Tomorrow who knows. Anarchy and chaos is what we have, and this is what has emerged. WHO CARES.

>> No.8574468

I am internally very conservative with and outwardly very liberal.

Religious views are uninteresting.

>> No.8574471


>> No.8574496

What the fuck is potato excrement?