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/lit/ - Literature

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8571528 No.8571528 [Reply] [Original]

How much time do you need to read 300 pages?

>> No.8571531

300 minutes

>> No.8571532

3000 seconds

>> No.8571538

Depends, 300 pages of what?

>> No.8571541
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>his reading progress is temporally dependent

>> No.8571542

3 weeks

>> No.8571551

I dunno, six hours spread over three days, I guess.

A casual pace.

>> No.8571563

Bulky philosophical text or intense technical verbatim

>> No.8571584

Zero seconds, zero hours, zero days.

I only read graphic erotica and self help manuals.

>> No.8571601

>he still subvocalizes

1WPM reading ability lmao

>> No.8571677


Depends what I'm reading.

Something for fun like a Grisham novel, probably 3-4 hours.

>> No.8571720

Just thought I would drop a comment that fixating on reading speed can be pretty detrimental (especially because you can't really change it except by reading more and concentrating better, neither of which are aided by being concerned with speed).

>> No.8571734

How many words are on those pages? How complicated is the writing? Page count is only useful as a determiner of how long something takes after you've established what you're reading. 300 pages of Stephen King reads much, much faster than 300 pages of Foucault. You could in fact probably read several King novels in the time it would take you to read one book by Foucault.

>> No.8571960

Who times themselves? Doesn't that distract from the main reason to read in the first place?

>> No.8571981
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Being concerned with anything about the piece you're reading that isn't the symbols on the page themselves makes you a pleb.

>> No.8572023

Any good reading speed tests that /lit/ takes?

>> No.8572026

If it takes me a month to read 300 pages should I kill myself?

>> No.8572065

Depends on how difficult the book is and/or how interesting.

A super difficult yet interesting book like Beyond Good and Evil might take me 3 minutes per page.

A boring and easy book like China Boy will usually take me 2 minutes per page.

>> No.8572185
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10 pages a day? Come on.. Set bigger goals for yourself. You're only playing yourself

>> No.8572285

My rate was around 3 minutes per page, so 15 hours.

I think I managed to cut down to 2 minutes so 10 hours then, I had to get my brain to stop obsessively rereading shit it already understood. I've had stretches of like 1 minute a page, but I don't know what makes me read faster some times than others.

These figures were obtained with the same book, so it's not like I'm just reading lighter shit when I go faster.

>> No.8572290


what a fucking dumb thread.

>> No.8572296


>> No.8572486

i don't bother

>> No.8572502

Average books? 1 minute per page.
5-10 seconds per page if speed reading.

LOTR or Bible style pages?
I still have nightmares over how long those pages where

>> No.8572513

>there are people so superficial they literally time how many words per minute they read
This board is so fucking sad.

>> No.8572544

currently i´m reading out loud at a slow speed of about 3-4 hours around for 300 pages i´d like also to mention that that´s not hard literature

>> No.8572558

you don´t have to time that
you just keep in mind how long you were reading and calculate the rest which is perfectly fine if you want to look like an idiot wasting his time

>> No.8572561

What a faggot.

>> No.8572566

You can't improve your reading speed just by reading if you don't have a will to read faster and it's still hard if you don't know what to focus on to improve your reading speed.

>> No.8572571

>You go to bed
>You read for half an hour
>If you think about it, you did go from Page X to Page Y
Huh, isn't basic insight amazing?
How much of a sub human do you have to be, to fail such basic awareness?

>> No.8572592

Same, desu.

>> No.8572731

Fucking Foucault though.
Literally everyone hated him when I was studying political science. Absolutely fucking everyone. Most of the time, the information wasn't even particularly insightful, just stupidly dense to read. I'm drunk enough to get mad about this shit now.

Also, should I read some contemporary African lit or The Sorrows of Young Werther next, boys?

>> No.8572734

3 days, I try to average 100 pages a day.

>> No.8572738

Werther's Original

>> No.8572783

Not too much for reading it in German as I'm not capable of speaking it fluently quite yet. Could do it with a simpler text, but no way with this.

>> No.8573533

6-9 hours