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8569348 No.8569348 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of philosophy will point out the absurdness in not being able to talk to girls? I already got the looks, the body and the voice, and I just can't talk to attractive women. Book recs?

>> No.8569351

>I already got the looks, the body and the voice

>> No.8569355

Not being able to talk to girls has nothing to do with girls though.

>> No.8569356

Epictetus's discourses. Maybe he can slap some sense into your beta ass.

>> No.8569362

Post pics OP

>> No.8569366

"if you are unwilling to endure your own suffering even for an hour, and continually forestall all possible misfortune, if you regard as deserving of annihilation, any suffering and pain generally as evil, as detestable, and as blots on existence, well, you have then, besides your religion of compassion, yet another religion in your heart (and this is perhaps the mother of the former) - the religion of smug ease. Ah, how little you know of the happiness of man, you comfortable and good-natured ones! For happiness and misfortune are brother and sister, and twins, who grow tall together, or, as with you, remain small together!"
― Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science

>> No.8569378
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The true answer is simple.

OP is a delusional INCEL with SUBHUMAN genetics, he either lacks one of all of the following; FACE, HEIGHT and FRAME, which is LITERALLY the ONLY thing that matters in ATTRACTING GIRLS.

This is why CHAD can eat PIZZA and have NO JOB and have 90IQ and be AUTISTIC and STILL get to CUM INSIDE STACY, because he has GENETICALLY SUPERIOR SEED

>> No.8569390

Stop jacking off.

>> No.8569483

I post in /soc/ and always get 7s and above. Anyway, that's not the point of discussion.
Will look up.

>> No.8569492


just talk to as many attractive women as you can for a year. I promise you by the end of that year you will be able to talk to them just fine. maybe drink a few beers if that helps.

>> No.8569494
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/soc/ is full of delusional autists that couldn't perform an accurate craniometric and facial aesthetic analysis to save their lives. If they did they'd know how ugly they themselves are, so they continue their delusion to save themselves from despair.

Post your face on lookism if you want an accurate rating.

>> No.8569497
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>> No.8569499
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>> No.8569547

>giving a shit about stacy

>> No.8569555
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>> No.8570321

Elliot Rodger - My Twisted World

>> No.8570336

The edge is evolving...

>> No.8570339

7 on soc is 4 irl

>> No.8570370

the people who typically post in those soc threads do so because they need validation, something they lack in day to day life, just like yourself.
Its a very particular type of person who ends up there casually. so, they're views and what they consider attractive are not going to be in line with the rest of society.

your methodology of going about these things also comes off as desperate, which is very unattractive

>> No.8570911

I'm pretty sure the dude in the pic is legit

His dad made up the whole facial posture thing and if you look at that dude he has a very long skinny face while his son who he raised with all that "swallow right" memery has a giant jaw

>> No.8570935

>Genetically superior

Literally nigger teir.
The real Chad is 6 foot 3, genetically driven to succeed and had a high iq without much study.
His body is perfect genetically and he works out from natural drive.
His body pheromones are pleasant to the subconscious and animals.

His charisma is natural.

Real chads don't even crave sofa and pop because they're brains reward system is wired differently.

Most losers don't realize, even if you got access to high quality girls your brain would rather jerk off because it's already been socially programmed to believe it's not good enough to breed with high quality stock

>> No.8570947

>a high iq without much study

>> No.8570969


Damn, son, you're too pathetic.

>> No.8570977
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This is correct. Anyone else remember being a Chad until they discovered masturbation at age 12? I was king when I was a kid. I played every sport, tallest kid in class, never studied but had perfect grades, read thousands of pages every week. Not even joking I was the man. But years of jerking off to low quality porn on the wii internet browser crippled my natural charisma to a neat irreparable degree. I've been working on it, and to some effect, too. I recommend deleting all of your social media, blocking porn, and of course, blocking 4chan. Only then can you develop that natural ability to succeed which we all knew as youth.

>> No.8570981

it's not like you can take a fuck ton of pics untill you get one where you look like a 7

>> No.8570983

You were always a loser. Even moreso than anyone else, since you peaked at LOOOOL10yearsold

>> No.8570990

that's a classic nietz melodramatic blogpost.
he was always unable to live his own philosophy.

>> No.8571002

That was the point of my post anon

>> No.8571024

No, it wasn't. You blame porn and wanking for turning you into a loser which isn't the truth as you always were one.

>> No.8571153
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This was an amazing experience reading while depressed a long time ago, but when you're already comfy, it does nothing for you. Is this supposed to make me seek out suffering now?

>> No.8571156

Stoicism. Stop worrying about the girls and they'll stop looking at you like a little bitch.

>> No.8571166

Stoicism is literally "nu-male: the philosophy"

>> No.8571171

protip: using nu-male unironically means you're a numale

>inb4 paradox
i'm being ironic

>> No.8571174

The numale "modern movement" shit may be, but the actual books hold up.

>> No.8571193


Just when you thought Nietzsche couldn't be more of a neckbeard.

>> No.8572408
File: 23 KB, 333x500, strange_085_anonib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"numales" are autistics?
I thought they were more like liberal Chads

>> No.8572413

What goes around always eventually comes around ;3

>> No.8572422
File: 356 KB, 592x800, Kobo H2O.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the religion of smug ease
literally me

>> No.8572423

Doesn't day to day life already point out how absurd it is to not be able to speak with half of the people on the planet?

>> No.8572428

Nietzsche always hit me hard when I was more edgy and confused but now I often think 'alright little professor get it out of your system I know you can hear Paul REEEEE fuck your oneitis in the next room'.

>> No.8572431
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>> No.8572432

Oddly retro too, I thought Happy Bunny was an exinct meme.

>> No.8572438

We need her now more than ever

>> No.8572442

The Book of Pook

>> No.8573798

The first problem is thinking you better read a book about it.

>> No.8573806


>> No.8573855

Are you Indian?

>> No.8573861

More like normie betanerds