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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 41 KB, 638x638, FB_IMG_1475267362083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8568187 No.8568187[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Really makes u think

>> No.8568195

Makes me think about that billionaire lady ceo who was just evaluated at 0 bucks because she's a fraud.

Wait what?

>> No.8568196

Facebook ------------>

>> No.8568203

wtf I love women now?

>> No.8568204
File: 39 KB, 613x451, Pure Ideology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh charity

Literally perpetuating human suffering.

>> No.8568205
File: 172 KB, 440x440, when you experience pure ideology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You've a moral responsibility when you've been given far more than you need, to do wise things with it and give intelligently."

>> No.8568208
File: 161 KB, 964x1388, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a morally good thing to do.

>> No.8568212

replying to these images is pure ideology

>> No.8568219

>7 seconds apart

Nice Zizekmind.

>> No.8568220

every paroting idiot in here saying "muh ideologoy" is full of shit. They're the first ones hat would beg and receive whatever scraps they could get if they were helpless.

If that macro is right, then good for her for helping people out.

>> No.8568223
File: 504 KB, 454x600, 1463827736143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post

>> No.8568242

>write some shitty kid books
>make gorillions
>these shitty books will generate you and your children and their children gorillions forever

>> No.8568250
File: 458 KB, 1280x800, surprised meme man can't handle all this ideology and I've never even read his books, everything I know about him comes from posts on the literature section of an anime imageboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey is this the ideology thread?

>> No.8568256

Without charity they would either just die or end up destroying the whole system, all what charity does is perpetuate what already is. You will never end starvation by just giving somebody food and feeling smug about it.

>> No.8568272

Yeah we should just skip directly to the smugness.

>> No.8568273

What a white libertarian piece of shit thing to say.

>> No.8568275

theres a lot of ideology itt
we need some despooking

>> No.8568276

yeah, it's called being right

>> No.8568277

It's a socialist principle, faggot.

>> No.8568279

Go back to /b/ or Xbox Live or wherever it is you ancap children dwell.

>> No.8568280

IS she the most insufferable cunt in literature?

>> No.8568284

Do some of you unironically think like this.
>it's better to let suffering continue because if we try to help even one bit, they'll go back to suffering
Ffs they're already suffering to begin with so why is it wrong to help even a little? What are you Marxists'?

>> No.8568285

How is that even remotely libertarian you illiterate weasel

His point is that charity is not a solution to suffering or poverty wealth distribution is. So JK shouldn't be giving her money to whatever charities she personally feels like to keep poor people at a base level of subsistence. It should nearly all be taken from her and properly rationed out so that no one would need charity in the first place.

>> No.8568286

>The majority of people spoil their lives by an unhealthy and exaggerated altruism – are forced, indeed, so to spoil them. They find themselves surrounded by hideous poverty, by hideous ugliness, by hideous starvation. It is inevitable that they should be strongly moved by all this. The emotions of man are stirred more quickly than man’s intelligence; and, as I pointed out some time ago in an article on the function of criticism, it is much more easy to have sympathy with suffering than it is to have sympathy with thought. Accordingly, with admirable, though misdirected intentions, they very seriously and very sentimentally set themselves to the task of remedying the evils that they see. But their remedies do not cure the disease: they merely prolong it. Indeed, their remedies are part of the disease.

>They try to solve the problem of poverty, for instance, by keeping the poor alive; or, in the case of a very advanced school, by amusing the poor.

>But this is not a solution: it is an aggravation of the difficulty. The proper aim is to try and reconstruct society on such a basis that poverty will be impossible. And the altruistic virtues have really prevented the carrying out of this aim. Just as the worst slave-owners were those who were kind to their slaves, and so prevented the horror of the system being realised by those who suffered from it, and understood by those who contemplated it, so, in the present state of things in England, the people who do most harm are the people who try to do most good; and at last we have had the spectacle of men who have really studied the problem and know the life – educated men who live in the East End – coming forward and imploring the community to restrain its altruistic impulses of charity, benevolence, and the like. They do so on the ground that such charity degrades and demoralises. They are perfectly right. Charity creates a multitude of sins.

- Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man Under Socialism

>> No.8568289

not an argument

>> No.8568294

Fuck off Molyneux.

>> No.8568298

He said the content of a post was libertarian.

I said it was not and provided evidence to confirm my claim.

Hence: an argument.

Let me know if you'd like me to use smaller words in the future.

>> No.8568301


Please go back to your containment board. >>>/pol/

>> No.8568316

Rich people give to charity all the time, usually to evade taxes or to schmooze with other rich people for status boosts by going to regular events and galas and dinners so they can all be seen there.

For the longest time I thought they just did it out of cynicism but it turns out they actually think they're saintly liberal guardians of the downtrodden because they use a small fraction of their income, hell, a small fraction of their luxury spending, a small fraction of the money they sign over to family member's names (also to evade taxes), to evade taxes.

Rich people should be gassed.

>> No.8568320
File: 39 KB, 650x348, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you Marxist "intellectuals" need to learn more about your putrid ideology.
Marxism was created by Zionist Jews who shoved this idea of a utopian state down the throats of the people in order to further their agenda & thus make it easier to introduce an all powerful , one world government which will be lead by their ''Messiah", which any intelligent man of Christian faith knows that that man that the Jews await is in fact the antichrist.
> A state, is called the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly lieth it also; and this lie creepeth from its mouth: "I, the state, am the people."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.8568325
File: 346 KB, 451x451, Ayn-Rand-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If she thinks giving to charity makes her happy, then so be it. She is simply giving away money she does not feel she's earned and needs. There is no one who can tell her how she should waste away the money she's earned but herself.

More like perpetuating human dependency which causes suffering.

>> No.8568404

/lit/ has really gone to shit.

>> No.8568405

Marx was raised a Christian and catches flak today among SJW academics for making anti-Semitic remarks in his personal correspondences

Thanks for knowing literally nothing. Btw Nietzsche compliments Jews throughout his works and consistently argues they're way smarter than Germans.

>> No.8568474

Not an argument. Now leave, the men are talking.
Marx was allegedly a Christian, sure. But he has Jewish roots and had deep respect for the Rothschilds, which is strange considering he was against the bourgeois.
Also care to cite where exactly Marx makes anti-Semitic statements?

>> No.8568483

>Morally good

Why didn't you just say that's a moral thing to do?

>> No.8568492

>given far more than you need
>new Potter film, books, attractions, reprints, wands, costumes

>> No.8568499

What have you done for charity, friend?

>> No.8568505

Just out of curiosity, why is she getting acclaim for doing this?

Most other super successful authors do the same. King has been giving away about 90% of his income since the 90s, for one.

>> No.8568512

I donate £5 per month to:


I dont brag about it. Youre the third person I've actually told in the months I've been doing it.

>> No.8568514


>> No.8568517

Define [by her donations] "charity."

I'll decide what I think of her then, and not a moment sooner.

>> No.8568522

Why did she not invest the money, so that 30 years later she could give a far greater sum to charitable causes?

>> No.8568534

Thank you. American here and this is the one hard geopolitical opinion I have. Politics and real world issues are a giant freakshow to me. I see no point in debating new policy when the western world has enough billionaires to feed, clothe, and educate the world and still walk away disgustingly rich. You and your kids and their kids can retire on ten million. If you're sitting on billions it's your responsibility to give back.

>> No.8568554

idk man
why didn't she just use it to buy out the UK media and propagandise for the labour party 24/7 so comrade corbyn gets elected who could do a lot more for the poor than charity?

>> No.8568556
File: 268 KB, 1000x338, engels family.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Libertarians are the biggest proponents of charity. Charity is their answer to everything. Charity is inherently reactionary and creates noting but poverty.
Why didn't Jesus invest one penny for mankind? At 5% compound interest it would have increased to a greater sum of monetary wealth than containable in 150 million planets the size of Earth made of solid gold! We'd all be rich!

>> No.8568569

Thanks man, that pic literally blinded me.

>> No.8568576


>> No.8568585


>> No.8568586

Doesn't that exempt her from paying tax?

>> No.8568592

I suck homeless dicks for free

>> No.8568599

What's your point, OP? That a mediocre writer can't be a good person?

>> No.8568601
File: 272 KB, 679x923, Lev_Nikolayevich_Tolstoy_1848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your favourite charities.

inb4 my patreon desu

>> No.8568607

question that doesnt deserve it's own thread so I'll ask it in this cancerous one: I'm working on a story right now, is a kid (2-5 yrs old) drowning in a pool a cliche?

>> No.8568608

You could Google it if you really wanted. I notice you don't cite anything to do with the Rothschilds (your kind never does).

I don't think of anti-Semitism as an endorsement of someone's philosophical work. You have no business on this board. Stay on /pol/ where an opinion requires no background in anything. You're pathetic.

>> No.8568614

Don't worry about cliches, and being "original". Just write your story and post it here.

>> No.8568620

thanks, I needed that. will do

>> No.8568649

>a kid (2-5 yrs old) drowning in a pool a cliche?
is that your story?

>> No.8568668
File: 276 KB, 1095x973, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My source is pic-related, delve deeper into it if you can handle, but your kind always turns the blind eye. There's my source, where's yours?
Also, why so much sentiment, friend? Are we not having a civilized discussion as men? Are you unable to, or are you perhaps a Jew yourself which is why you got offended easily?
> You're pathetic.
Great contribution to this discussion, but if anyone is pathetic it is you for turning to offenses instead of using your intellect.
Also, I don't browse /pol/ so nice try, what I do instead, is something called research. Give it a try sometime, pal .

>> No.8568669

I don't see anything wrong with what Rowling did, and every continentalfag in this thread is only confirming why their "branch" of "philosophy" is the laughingstock of higher order thought.

>> No.8568688




>> No.8568693
File: 34 KB, 400x300, 1428209692647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For a guy with no sources, you are really smug and passive agressive

>> No.8568734

Nice arguments.
Are (you) samefags retarded? I clearly stated that one could look into it if one chooses to. I'm not going to hold anyone's hand through the process. Go on google and do your own research instead of asking someone to spoon-feed it to you.

>> No.8568735

>loses "billionaire" status
>in order to buy metric fucktons of other status

I used to like her books. I really, really did, you have no idea. Like, autism obsessed levels. I passed through it quite naturally while retaining a fondness as for something which brought much joy, as did Legend of Zelda and, later, as my tastes grew, theology. But goddamn does JK Rowling ever keep sticking her dick into Harry Potter, and won't leave it the fuck alone. She's worse than George Lucas. It's really fucked up how much this was actually a creation of the fanbase itself, who interacted with her to shit and completely broke down the separation of the story from the author. By the time of the "Dumbledore is gay" comment (which wouldn't have bothered me so much even if there had at least been some intertextual evidence - which there was none), I gave up trying to like Harry Potter.

She completely took that fantasy world I could so easily get caught up in. Now that is gone. JK Rowling ruined Harry Potter.

>> No.8568746

Tbh what else is she really in a position to do with such an insane amount of money, she is ultimately just a very normal woman.

>> No.8568749

Harry Potter was always shit and you're a girl if you ever thought otherwise so post your feet and get out.

>> No.8568761


that shit is tight af yo

>> No.8568769

I actually believe that. It's lame to rub it in everyone's faces, though.

>> No.8568772


to clarify I mean the picture, not what >>8568556 wrote

>> No.8568781

Have you uh, read Marx? I think it would prove to be more valuable than charts with random uncited facts?

>> No.8568789

So prove me wrong then since you're so well-read on Marx. Go ahead, dismantle my statements.

>> No.8568797

What? youre not making any fucking sense. how does charity as a whole perpetuate "what already is"? Im fucking walking away from this damn computer and when I get back you better not be here you little bitch I's kill youse.

>> No.8568799

>Charity reactionary


>> No.8568850

As an affluent jew myself who often dines in nice resturants and is a product of an educational system funded by rich jews I can tell you that the JIDF, the Zionists, any and all of these hairbrained organizations you claim to be out there in the world, manipulating the economy and politics for their own personal gain, these organizations simply do not exist. My families wealth comes from a long line of hard work, that only allowed itself to flourish into a highly above average income when they emmigrated to America. You, born in the south (probably) had a hardworking great grandfather, who told his son that he didn't need to graduate high-school to make a living, and then that man told his son he didn't need to attend college, leading to you, the first educated man in your line. And you decided, with your hick values still deeply imbued, to take up literature as your hobby. And you, whose education might lead to a long line of affluent, well educated men and women who are just as well off as my family is now, will still preach about anti-semitism online because your father told you those kikes must have an edge in the world somehow, and he was right, but now you have that same edge. So don't come on here yelling about how jews controlled this or jews manipulated that, and instead focus on how you can improve yourself to a level in society when you'll realize that none of these things you once believed were ever true.

>> No.8568864


>> No.8568884


This is not how a discussion about literature is supposed to work...

I haven't read much but check out The German Ideology at one point in his discussion on the division of labor he mentions "the separation of production and commerce, the formation of a special class of merchants; a separation which, in the towns bequeathed by a former period, had been handed (among other things with the Jews)" I don't really read Marx as an anti-semite but he sometimes makes the play of associating Jews with elements of capitalism and it's not hard to read between those lines.

>> No.8568901
File: 86 KB, 1024x682, linkola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should end starvation by allowing people to die as they naturally would in the most dignified manner possible instead of giving them vaccines and providing for them so that they can lead a miserable hollow existence while destroying the earth.

>> No.8569004


Pure Ideology

>> No.8569008

no, it's part of it though. backstory

>> No.8569065

Westerners use more resources and just leech and judge everything. Whites are despicable creatures

>> No.8569376

This completely uncited image.jpg doesn't even demonstrate that Marx had "deep respect for the Rothschilds" lmao

The guy literally advocated for their deaths do you know anything about Marxism???

Unless you have proof of Marx's "respect" consider yourself completely BTFO

Now pick your jimmies up off the floor and head on back to /pol/. Go on, get!

>> No.8569383
File: 146 KB, 960x540, pentti linkola mörkökorpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't disagree.

Working to displace primitive peoples and to help them westernize is certainly not something we should be doing regardless.

>> No.8569588

Not an argument

>> No.8569601


>> No.8569616

Never heard something like that. Also, promises don't make original a story, develop of the stories are the ones who do it

>> No.8570134

>literally advocated for their deaths
Care to cite where you got the evidence? And like I said earlier, I'm not going to do the research for you, are you that incompetent that you can't do a quick Google search or do you need someone to hold your hand through the process? Communism is great for bankers since they loan money to the all powerful state & considering that Marx was a Free Mason of Jewish background, he was definitely in the Zionist scheme. It's you leftists that are going to be the death of humanity with all your degenerate views.

>> No.8570139

LMAO at all these people talking about preferences and group values like they're real solid objects/intrinsically a part of reality.
People are literally animals and morality is just a fancy word for 'doing what's best for the health and prosperity of your community'.
Pseudo-spiritual fucking morons I bet you're all paying for a degree in naval gazing delusion too.

>> No.8570141

Found the woman

>> No.8570146

pure ideology

>> No.8570147

Ahaha because I'm not a quasi-spiritual virgin who's scared of the real world without his stories to protect him, I am a woman?
Am I also cringe if I do something graceful and in vogue, and fedora if I be really down to Earth and accepting of others?
Learn to insult people accurately moron.

>> No.8570150

>rationing out wealth would render charity unnecessary
my sides

>> No.8570151

>helping the poor is egoistic and stupid
>we should instead end poverty

ok but how

>> No.8570165


>> No.8570209

>My families wealth comes from a long line of hard work
read: swindling the goy

>> No.8570259

>implying it's not a hard work to swindle the goy

>> No.8571164


>> No.8571172

>What are you Marxists'?


>> No.8571176


>> No.8571180

wait a second you're not really ayn rand

>> No.8573016

sticky this shit

>> No.8573025

I wish every time I wrote off late night take out as a business expense I would get praise.

>> No.8573051

Do not ruin Nietzsche with your anti semitism. Don't you ever dare post Nietzsche again ubermensch.

>> No.8573618

Thanks, I know.
Also, I genuinely hope this is bait.

>> No.8573639

You have to distinguish between Fabianism, which really was a band aid on certain social woes in order to try and win votes for whigs and kill the labour movement, and other forms of socialism.

>> No.8573654

Now that's what I call pure ideology.

>> No.8573808

Is this the best thread on /lit/ right now?

>> No.8573856

Should I care about communism?

>> No.8573886
File: 50 KB, 634x742, walker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She came upon her billion(s) differently from the way most others do, and in a way that was incredibly liquid.

A typical billionaire built a functioning business, and it he somehow ended up with a spare billion, he would invest it in his own business to expand it (and grow the billion into many more) or invest it in another business. Once you get to a billion, you tend to also know how to manage a billion.

Rowling, however wrote a few books and became a billionaire through that and licencing a movie, etc. She, on her own, has no idea what to do with a billion dollars.

And unlike the other billionaire whose money is all tied up in equity and non-cash equivalents (buildings, etc) such that he can't easily cash out without losing a lot the control that allows those assets to be worth billions, Rowling's money is essentially all in cash or cash equivalents. She quiet literally can write a check for practically any amount.

>> No.8573900

What's with the picture? J.K Rowling can be a black girl

>> No.8574409

>giving money to charity
>giving intelligently
J.K, I...