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/lit/ - Literature

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856154 No.856154 [Reply] [Original]

I've been thinking a lot about the demographic trends in Western societies lately /lit/. I have come to the conclusion that something serious needs to be done about the rapid breeding of certain undesirable groups, such as poor blacks and serious muslims. I know that isn't PC, but I can't see a way for Western values to survive unless we take drastic action. Muslims are opposed to freedom and justice because of their religion, and poor blacks bleed the public treasury dry and commit massive amounts of crime. There is no way for us so sustain the population growth of these groups.

I support sterilizing everyone on welfare and limiting every couple to two children (force them to abort and sterilize them if they try to have another). We should couple that with classes designed to break Muslim children out of Islam (fuck their parents).

>> No.856157

so you're a racist xenophobe.. k

>> No.856161

Just like Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Tito, Mussolini etc... so maybe you are the one who's blinded by liberals ?

>> No.856163

All for the anti-Islamic public classes. Scratch that--anti-religious. There should be mandatory critical thinking & skepticism courses in public education. Secularism is the logical result. (And before butthurt Christfags cry about it: no matter how 'logical' modern theological apologetic has become, it's all fundamentally based on an illogical, even anti-logical premise.)

>> No.856162

Hitler was very liberal on social issues, actually. It goes without saying that the commies were leftists.

>> No.856164


>> No.856167

I've got no problem with that. I guess I just see fundamentalists Christians as a less serious problem.

>> No.856168

yeah so liberal that he had death camps for homosexuals, niggers and handicapped people

its called a FASCIST party for a reason

>> No.856169

Looks like you have no idea what was considered liberal then and now.

>> No.856170


>> No.856173

is this a troll or what?

>> No.856175

so liberal he supported a, expansive social safety net , protecting the environment at the expense of industry, and free public education etc

>> No.856177

Classy trolling, op.

>> No.856181

But we are talking about killing jews/niggers/fags etc not about saving environment. Are you that fucking dumb ?

>> No.856183

You want to tell me that only liberals care about the society ? Like other parties wouldn't do the same

>> No.856186

Maybe you were talking about that. You seem to have a problem understanding that other people were not following your train of thought.

>> No.856187


If you want the islam to gtfo from western culture, you should say the same about christianity and other dumb ass religions.

>> No.856191

Some positions are liberal and some are conservative. Those are liberal positions if we use the standard of our own society. I support many of those positions, but that's just the way it fucking it is. Hermann Goering was a brilliant ballroom dancer despite being a mass murderer. Hitler had some good ideas despite being a mass murdering nutcase.

>> No.856196

>Implying the west was not built on Christian values

keep trolling atheistfag

>> No.856206

>>856168 yeah so liberal that he had death camps for homosexuals, niggers and handicapped people

All for the betterment of the greater whole of society. Fascists were politically left: death camps and other atrocities, no matter how much you want it to be so, are not a solely conservative phenomena.

Grow up.

>> No.856209


The west was built on Enlightenment values

>> No.856214


>> No.856216

>implying Christianity did not play a major role in the enlightenment

wtf am i reading.jpg

>> No.856218

Shut up you dumb faggot. This thread is more interesting than anything your retarded ass has ever posted.

>> No.856219


The Enlightenment was a reaction against those values

>> No.856221

not saying they were, but saying hitler was socially a leftist is ridiculous

>> No.856222

>a way for Western values to survive
the west is the worst culture of them all, and the most deluded for thinking its the best, the sooner it ends the better

>> No.856231

I lol'd
This is what kids nowadays are thinking. If government cares about society (healthcare/education/social support) it's leftist. But when right wing does the same no one speaks about it. Why because they are just doing it the way it should be done

>> No.856233


I agree, I can't wait for female circumcision to come in style

>> No.856234

Except it' not considering he supported leftist policies. Please go away idiot.

>> No.856240

>arguing facists are of the left

>> No.856241

Since when leftist scum have monopoly for caring about their society ?
It's the other way around

>> No.856244

And this is why he wanted to wipe all commies from the face of the earth.

Go back to school

>> No.856245

I agree

>> No.856247

Do you think throwing around the term fascist is enough to win the argument for you, hmm? I listed several leftist policies he supported. Calling him a "fascist" won't make his support of those policies vanish from history. You aren't an exploding Tardis.

>> No.856250

Liberals in America wanted to wipe out the commies too. Assuming that leftist = commie is retarded.

>> No.856251

>I listed several leftist policies he supported
you didn't

>> No.856252


You do know what liberalism means right? It means you support personal rights and freedom.

Although I agree with you that death/concentration camps aren't a strictly fascist phenomena (Japanese camps in the US for example) it's technically impossible for a liberal to support camps whose sole purpose is the systematic destruction of homosexuals and jews, among others. It's just a glaring contradiction.

I suppose you're talking about Hitler's socialistic tendencies what with the volkswagen and the likes, but Hitler was no liberal, and no liberal could ever commit crimes of the same genre.

Socialists and communists might, liberals can't.

Grow up.

>> No.856253

hurr george bush kept welfare he was a leftist

>> No.856257

And this is why americans gave commies tanks, ships, money, food, aircrafts, gasoline, supplies etc ? Oh I also forgot about giving them half of the europe. Already forgot a trend in hollywood for commie praising movies ?

>> No.856265

>implying that all policies which are considered liberal now are related to the original definition of the term that stopped being relevant AGES ago

Do you think that American liberals wanting to restrict the right of business owners to discriminate or restrict hate speech is representative of their desire to protect freedom? The term liberal has changed and now applies to a number of policy positions and ideals that are unified by any specific theme.

>> No.856266

It's all a spectrum. Liberals support more social spending than conservatives. Hitler was on the liberal end of the spectrum (that's why I used the term expansive social safety net).

>> No.856268

oh look its 1950-80

>> No.856270

>more social spending than conservatives
Don't forget about giving free houses for immigrants
Conservatives are spending money more efficient.

>> No.856271

oh look it's a retard

>> No.856277

Good work guys, thanks to your efforts in this thread america is becoming a better place.

>> No.856279

yes you are. TOLD.

>> No.856285

>right wing is best wing

oldfag is correct

>> No.856324

no matter how much I'm enjoying this, it doesn't really sound like a literary discussion to me.

>> No.856331


Hmm you're right, maybe I should've been more specific. My views may be a bit outdated.


>> No.856426

You know guys, we could also like ehm, you know, educate people.

in b4 we do, because every progressive approach is countered by a shitton of right wing nutcases who yell communism and do everything to boycot it then say "look it doesn't work"

>> No.856592

>Hi lit, I am a white supremacist.

Fucking no, and goddamn summerfags.

>> No.857412

I'm okay with people being against religion and for society to wean itself off religion in the way you describe, just so long as they don't single out one in particular

>> No.858160

I'm glad this came up because it gives me opportunity for a favorite rant, viz. free speech.

Free speech allows us to debate ideas, to argue courses and consequences, to convince and persuade, without resort to force.

If you oppose Islam, make your reasons known. If you think the poor shouldn't breed (I will point out that Abraham Lincoln would not have been conceived under this dictum), persuade the poor.

If however your first alternative is to arms, to force, to bullying, threats, terror, then you fail as an intellectual, as an advocate, as a citizen in a democratic republic, as a full human being.

It's pretty simple: you have a duty to contend for the right - in words. Anything else sentences us to tyranny - and I mean the ugly kind that tears out your fingernails for thinking the wrong thoughts.


>> No.858514

this is /lit/ fuck people post this crap in any other channel not /lit/

>> No.858965

This isn't a tv station.

>> No.858991
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>> No.859158

that may work in theroy but in the piratical world the only thing certain groups understand is physical harm. Else the UN would be better at they're job.

>> No.859163

Sorry that last post was meant for 858160

>> No.859169

that's enormously stupid. there are tools and methods for affecting the world besides brute bestial force and meaningless words. like diplomacy, education, cultural acclimatization, you know, things like that.

>> No.859190


>> No.859355

>Implying the west was not built on Christian values

actually, pagan

>> No.859360

I love it when /new/ comes in here. No, really.