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/lit/ - Literature

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8561004 No.8561004[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books you can recommend for a redpilled loser with no prospects and a life deprived of romantic love?

>> No.8561014

yes, the books you would enjoy reading. without specifics that's the best i can do, frogposter

>> No.8561033
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my diary, desu

>> No.8561045

I saw a redpill analysis of the brothers karamazov, it made me want to remove my own head

>> No.8561056

No you're pretty much already at peak-insufferability.

>> No.8561059

First you need to get rid of the miasma of cynicism and nihilism that being on this website has convinced you is a """"redpill"""". You can do this by getting really, really unironically, faggily into DFW, like ForTheLoveOfRyan-tier into Wallace, in an unself-concious, unreflecting way, or by immersing yourself in Romantic poetry and channelling your natural tendency towards miserablism away from your hatred of women and minorities and towards more socially acceptable sources of existential misery, like the kinds of Romantic miseries expressed by Keats and Shelley et al.

Doing either of these for long enough will allow you to relate to women like a normal human being which should motivate you to actually pine for human intimacy in a way which you in your current "redpilled" state are incapable of doing.

And please don't bitch about how you can't. You swallowed the ideology of /pol/ and /r9k/ unquestioningly, because it appealed to your most basic fears. Now you can swallow these other, far more beneficial ideologies because they appeal to your most basic desires. You can't get through life without doping yourself up with certain untruths, but you can pick your untruths a lot more wisely than you're doing now.

Alternatively, if you stubbornly want to stick to your smug, shallow, isolated ideology, then I'd recommend T.S Eliot as the "redpilled" (read: isolated, bitter, resentful of the modern world, but a great poet nonetheless, in fact as a consequence) poet par excellence. Read the Waste Land and then his later work, then become a christfag so you don't kill yourself.

>> No.8561076
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No don't do it. You'd be better off dead than living a life informed by lack of irony and a love of dfw.


>> No.8561105
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I heard Pound was redpilled should I not go to him instead?

>> No.8561125


>> No.8561132

This is why /lit/ is the best board.

>> No.8561134

Why do you want him not kill himself?

>> No.8561149

>most basic fears
>i found out hollywood, federal governments are fronts for pedophile satanic worship


>> No.8561169

Whatever happened to the Draperposter? He was my favorite nazi.

>> No.8561176
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>> No.8561183


>> No.8561213

The attitudes towards women and minorities on /pol9k/ are informed by deep-rooted insecurities. They think women are nymphomaniacs who will cheat on men the first chance they get, only because they cannot see how a woman could ever accept them and love them. This is plainly a fear experienced by everyone, that they are deep down in the very substance of their being, unlovable, which is why so many people on this site get sucked into it so quickly. It's a terrifically parasitic ideology.

>> No.8561221


Can we just block users of /pol/ and /r9k/? They never have anything to say beyond stupid shit.

>> No.8561264

Nah, Pound is the less redpilled than Eliot despite appearances. Pound lived life, got on with everyone, was a functional human being, then got sucked into fascist ideology. I don't believe he felt those things about the Jews truly in his being; he only fell for the Elders of Zion meme, which is understandable given how little info was available back then (something few take into account when considering the political views of people in the past).

The sickness was in Eliot from the beginning. You can tell that this was a man, who felt from the moment he was born that life and the world of the living was something he had stumbled into unknowingly, that he was truly different from others. You know those shitposts where the OP asks "which author would have browsed 4chan if they were alive today?" Eliot for me is the only one I can confidently say, would have been on /pol/ and /r9k/, complaining about the modern world, about women and blacks and jews. While Pound's anti-semitism was cerebral (he believed in a conspiracy theory which motivated his dislike), Eliot's was affective, irrational, inherent; it was deep in him. He felt repulsed by jews ("The rats are underneath the piles. / The jew is underneath the lot.") in a way that frightened him, which is why when the time came, unlike Pound the idealist, he didn't give his support to Hitler, out of a fear of the part of himself that made doing so tempting.

The Waste Land is the highest that conservative literature can aspire to (I don't mean this as a slight particularly). It captures all those notions of decline and decay and "the fall of Western Civilization" better than anything Pound wrote. Pound could never conceive that hopelessness that let Eliot write the Waste Land. He had too much life in him. The truly "redpilled" are not a part of the world of the living and they never will be. They are isolated in their very nature; they find /pol9k/ and it helps them articulate this feeling of radical alienation, but the rot was always there.

And that, you frog-posting fuck, is the why you should read Eliot instead of Pound, if you, stuck in your little redpilled hole, insist on digging down.

>> No.8561265

infinite jest

>> No.8561267

It's called reality

>> No.8561278

o o f t

>> No.8561294

It's really not. Your reality and the reality of most people are completely different things. Similar, but different.

Anyways what do you want from having a world view like that, a pat on the back?

>> No.8561298

the bible
ignore trip
wow nice meme haha xd
post it or lie
>hash tags
pick one
human decency
he killed himself actually
wow good post fag
semi true
nothing wrong with frogs
wow nice post bro

>> No.8561300

Neetbux desu

>> No.8561305
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Erich Fromm - The Art of Loving

>> No.8561306

Awful post

You do know eventually you're going to go crazy from putting yourself in solitary confinement. And you can't live off that forever, since you have no retirement plan.

You are going to end up 76 at inpatient in a wheel chair dead eyed looking at suicidal youths. Because the times at 25, 27, 34, 46, 51, 54,55,56,57,58,60,68, 76 you tried to commit suicide all failed and you couldn't go through with it and just sobbed on yourself about where it all went wrong.

Is this what you really want

>> No.8561310

He's a Frankfurt schooler and the redpill advises against those people

>> No.8561313

>awful post

not an argument

>> No.8561315

If all women are worthless whores and everyone but a few are brainwashed by liberal Marxists who want to genocide my kind, then I don't see how participating in that charade is going to help much

>> No.8561321

Except quite literally none of what you believe is factual or remotely accurate. You have been deceived by jokes and in a self fulfilling spiral of self destruction. If you don't end it soon, you won't recognize who you are anymore.

>> No.8561327

TURN BACK. Being redpilled ruined my life. I'm insecure, angry, jealous and apathetic

>> No.8561329

How did so many idiots on the internet think "hmmmm being a nazi.....oh boy....this seems like a really good idea....."

It's so baffling. What did you think would happen?

>> No.8561330



First of all, get rid of this delusion that a cynical, unpopular viewpoint must by its nature be true and enlightened. You've just traded one set of tinted glasses for another.

>> No.8561333

What is the true redpill?

>> No.8561337

Honestly? Marxist theory or Capitalist theory, these are two ultimate conclusions about the way to organize mankind. Fascism and "National Socialism", are two in between ideas that want what both have but are truly unwieldy and inconvenient; when you can have one or the other.

But beyond this really just not caring about politics because you are an insignificant ant in a world you can't change in any way.

>> No.8561338

There is none. There is no right or wrong view. Live your life and stop being an useful idiot. And no, those two aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.8561339

Race realism
Biological facts about sex (gender is man or woman)
White nationalism
Anti degeneracy (no gays etc)
Racial segregation
Traditional gender roles

>> No.8561342

This is mean. He's asking for help, not help digging a bigger hole for himself

>> No.8561344

>Traditional gender roles
Which tradition?

>> No.8561350


There is no redpill. However, most people would benefit from the realization that they are insignificant. And that this is liberating, not depressing. You have at best 60-70 adult, productive years. Spending those years concerned about what strangers think of you, or panicking over homosexuals, is a disgraceful waste.

>> No.8561354

There's going to be a lot of grandfather looking fuckers in care wards in the future with their hands in their heads asking why oh why did I become a nazi on the internet

>> No.8561355

>care wards in the future
an optimist

>> No.8561358

The only one that matters. The one that created Western civilization

>> No.8561359

Great post, please never leave this board

>> No.8561361

I'm not the person you're responding to, but I'm shy, overly emotional, insecure, and paralyzingly self conscious. I could never keep friends long and I haven't had any for four years now. The loneliness physically hurts and makes it hard to sleep. I cannot say very much about my life without whining about it, and I find it all embarrassing so I try to act aloof. There is nothing good about me, other than some intelligence that has amounted to almost nothing. I'm not sure what I'm expecting from you right now.

>> No.8561362
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Good show, anon.

>> No.8561363

And which one was that?

>> No.8561364

>or panicking over homosexuals
What about celebrating homosexuality, and demanding homosexuals be more prominent in society even though they're kind of annoying?

>> No.8561365

White culture

>> No.8561369

When and where did 'white culture' start?

>> No.8561371

Things were far worse at the beginning of World War I. But we have it easier to panic now, because we can grab every bit of information at a time and get scared and mad at it.

What the "redpill" is, is basically, going overload on this and sucking up every single convincing but really untrue fact about the way the world is and shooting up with it until you being an uncomfortable paranoid mess who think your neighbor Sarah down the street is a whore and the local jewish household is keeping tabs on you, and the black family down the street might shoot you dead.

And you're so scared of everything you won't communicate with anyone but the drug you need, which is the internet. You're addicted to the outrage it gives you.

You were such a scared boy growing up, that you clung to what overall structural narrative you could to make it all make sense. And you chose the heroin of it all. And you're self destructing and coming down from that high, but like any user you don't want to quit, you want to keep main lining.

What you have to do is just, stop.

It's that easy. Just stop.

>> No.8561378

I'm not who you think I am. I was thinking more climate change collapse of welfare state and so on.

>> No.8561379

You should see a psychiatrist, honestly. You need help to deal with that, ignoring it won't do you any good.

>> No.8561383

Tip, m'laddie.

>> No.8561386

Climate Change will have awful consequences, but I don't see anything worse happening than what's already predicted. We're far away from that happening anyways. By best estimates the worst starts when we're too old to do shit or already dead.

>> No.8561388

>I could never keep friends long
>made friends to begin with

>> No.8561390

>guys i'm like ~so~ being socrates right now

>> No.8561391

What did I say that wasn't true?

>> No.8561395

With Christianity and the Greeks. Died when the cultural Marxists took over in the 60s.
Peaked with the Roman Empire and the 50s United States

>> No.8561398

The Greek states had different gender roles.

>> No.8561400


Celebrating homosexuals is harmless in the long run, as is the entire wave of minority acknowledgement which is currently cresting. Homosexuals are people. I can't even fathom the sort of mental gymnastics that would be requested to leap from "gays are getting a lot of spotlight lately" to "this will surely UNRAVEL ALL OF SOCIETY"

>> No.8561403

I've seen a parade of psychiatrists. I would literally rather shoot myself in the head than go back on antidepressants. Antipsychotics are unacceptable for side effects, benzos for addiction.

>> No.8561410

Women took care of children, men took care of politics. The way it ought to be

>> No.8561412

Im the first guy, but that other anon is pretty much in my same situation.
Everybody I know who takes pills looks soulless.
My mom and some of my friends have the same look in their eyes, call me delusional or whatever but Im not taking that shit.

>> No.8561414

I have a severe anxiety and depression problem too, anon. And I was at this point once. But honestly, what worked for me is lexipro, seroquel, xanax, adderall. Not happy, but not clawing my eyes out anxious and depressed about what other girls thought of me.

I've been on different things before, but it's worth it. I'm in more pain off it then I am on it.

Denying yourself help won't do you any favors. It's either get help, or continue what you're doing. And what you're doing is doing you less favors.

>> No.8561420

>My mom and some of my friends have the same look in their eyes, call me delusional or whatever but Im not taking that shit.

You are jumping to conclusions. You probably don't look better right now. They look "soulless" because they're depressed. That's what you look like depressed, sucked out of energy and tired. What they look like doesn't matter, it's that they're more stable than they would be otherwise.

>> No.8561421

>Celebrating homosexuals is harmless in the long run,
You said panicking over homosexuals is a waste. I'm saying that celebrating them is a waste too. And hating gay people can be just as harmless as celebrating them, possibly less.
>Homosexuals are people.
So are pedophiles. Who cares?
>I can't even fathom the sort of mental gymnastics that would be requested to leap from "gays are getting a lot of spotlight lately" to "this will surely UNRAVEL ALL OF SOCIETY"
I'm just tired of hearing about them and I'm tired of the way they've become protected from criticism and ridicule.

>> No.8561427

Here's a question that isn't from someone who isn't completely hopeless and resentful: what books can I read that will help me get a gf?

>> No.8561428

>I'm just tired of hearing about them and I'm tired of the way they've become protected from criticism and ridicule.

You've walled yourself up in similar ways towards your own ideology you've been pulled into.

>> No.8561434

Years of social experience in puberty you've missed when you needed to develop properly.

>> No.8561437


Hating gay people in private may be harmless, but hating them openly hurts THEM. It's why we react negatively to extremists who point at white men as evil. Because it's hate, and unfounded, and harmful.

>So are pedophiles

Yes, so are pedophiles. A pedophile cannot help what he is, he only ever becomes a problem when he loses control of himself and hurts someone. And even then, this is a vapid comparison. A problem pedophile would prey upon the weak and unwilling, while homosexuals are consenting adults.

>> No.8561444

Antidepressants permanently gave me erectile dysfunction and turn me into a zombie. I know benzos work, but not well for long. Ritalin or Adderall would help, although I've never seen a psychiatrist willing to use either for depression or anxiety.

That regimen reminds me of a Vietnam GI from Dispatches who took opiates by the fistful from one pocket and meth from the other. "One to clear the path and the other to send him down it", or something like that.

>> No.8561450

Meant say "isn't from someone who IS completely hopeless and resentful". Someone please shoot me.

Yeah, well, it's too late for that isn't it? In my defense, I didn't have much of an opportunity: my parents were controlling and I was regularly bullied.

>> No.8561451

Honestly, being depressed makes you a zombie as well. Just work continuously to get a set of meds that work.

You're hurting just as much now as you were then.

>> No.8561452

>post it or lie

here's the body of it:

The Main Female Characters:
Grushenka, in my opinion, is a capricious tart, whose early experience with a man left her emotionally used up and damaged. She's a demure and submissive little beauty, who sees no dishonor in using her feminine wiles to play Dimitri Karamazov and his father against one another for her own amusement--even when it's clear that her actions are driving them to physical violence and the brink of murder. In TRP terminology, she solely pursues the course of action that gives her the strongest tingles, even when this leads to glaring and irrational contradictions in what she's previously said she'll do. She hamsters away all of these paradoxes almost as well as Katya does, but stops short of solipsism, as she displays slightly more personal integrity than Katya (continually thankful to her financial benefactors, for example). At one point, in a shocking reversal, she swans off with an old flame because his sudden reappearance gives her stronger tingles, and only loses interest in him when he fails some shit tests and doesn't display alpha enough characteristics during a card game.

Katya is perhaps even more dishonorable than Grushenka, though she acts with more outward class and reservation. If Grushenka is a fickle HB8 than Katya is a manipulative and entitled princess, perhaps even a 'strong and independent woman' (Dimitri, also romantically involved with her at one point, describes her harshly as "arrogant, haughty, and domineering", and a "hard, cruel woman, who knows how to hate".) Still, to win her favor at one point in the past, Dimitri have her 4,500 roubles to save her ailing father (equivalent, perhaps, to $10,000 in our time). This endears him to her, but her dishonor leads to her betraying Dimitri in a critical moment, providing some crucial evidence against him in court all to protect a new lover. She also attempts to out-wile Grushenka by inviting her over and befriending her. When Grushenka sees through her manipulative facade she becomes enraged and a catfight ensues. The behavior between the two should be especially familiar to anyone who has observed that women understand women--and this causes them to hate each other.

[the male characters of course are all unanimously virtuous]

>> No.8561459

>Yeah, well, it's too late for that isn't it? In my defense, I didn't have much of an opportunity: my parents were controlling and I was regularly bullied.

There are girls who would still like you. It just depends, you can't be a shut in forever. It'll probably be someone like you.

>> No.8561462

>human decency

>> No.8561466

Ever considered that men are just naturally virtuous while women are roastwhores?

>> No.8561468

>someone like you

>> No.8561470


No book will magically grant you a gf. Consider the following:

Girls, like you, are fucked up, insecure, and riddled with doubts.
Every goddamn person you meet is fundamentally lonely.
No girl is going to scrutinize you as hard as you scrutinize yourself when trying to approach them.
Love is stability. Love is safety. Love is feeling accepted. Love is respect.

Meet girls. Put yourself out there. Make yourself vulnerable, and remember that they are just as fucking fragile as you are. Perhaps more so.

>> No.8561483

No, I'm hurting much more. On antidepressants I had more volition but also more apathy. Suicidal misery is something.

Thank you for replying to me. I've been running to feel better recently. It doesn't fix everything but it makes all this a bit more tolerable. I'm not any closer to making friends or being a part of anything, but it makes some difference.

>> No.8561494


Other anon here. For what it's worth, my depression made me apathetic and anti-depressants pulled me out of it. Gave me the lust for action.

>> No.8561495

Anything to help a friend in need.

>> No.8561502

I'm not your friend.

>> No.8561510

Well, I was trying to make you feel any better. But ok, bud.

>> No.8561511

That other person isn't me. Take care.

>> No.8561530


Ah, my bad. I obviously meant to quote this post: >>8561427

I apol

>> No.8561534

>>8561511 was meant for
I'm confused.

>> No.8561539
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>> No.8561561


>> No.8561568

Good post

>> No.8561570

Any books that will help me get the balls to take the logical step of an heroing?

>> No.8561573

the myth of sissyphus

>> No.8561920

These exist for positive outcomes for all parties involved. If it is a made up idea, it is beneficial.

>> No.8561928

What brand?

>> No.8561937

Solid, sound advice. I know you can't expect too much on 4chan but a higher incidence of these tier posts would be very much appreciated.

>> No.8561940

What Men Live By by Leo Tolstoy

>> No.8561994

>redpilled loser with no prospects and a life deprived of romantic love?

At least you're self aware.

>> No.8562071

The problem would lie in finding such a girl. I'm extremely introverted and not on any social media. Companionship is what I'm after, not interaction, in regards to both friends and romance.

>> No.8562252

Posts like this are the only reason I still visit this site.

>> No.8562268

Women were also seen as cold, calculating, and rational. Men were emotional, fickle, and promiscuous.

>> No.8562387

Jesus you fucking people.
YouTube real social dynamics. Fix your retardation. Please.

>> No.8562409


>> No.8562416

>its a dudebro PUA

>> No.8562426

Correct. If people want to be crying faggot hard cases that can barely interact with society fine but its a waste of life especially for a white male in a western country. You can actually become a happy person, if you want to.

>> No.8562435

oh fuck off. Depression is a health condition, not a magical social virus you contract. It's medical.

>> No.8562443

Fine i agree medical is different but largely clean nutrition and meditation goes a long way no?

>> No.8562445

>largely clean nutrition and meditation goes a long way no?

They effect brain chemistry in about 00.00% and what you're describing is called the placebo effect. Nutrition might "help" in the most infinitesimal ways.

Don't talk confidently on subjects you know shit all of.

>> No.8562450

Are you kidding me. Fuck off

>> No.8562458

>implying that truth doesn't exist

fuck off

>> No.8562469

Outside of medical depression/anxiety im talking about. Medical cases clearly it may need medication.

>> No.8562474


>"""""White Culture""""""
>a good portion of the greek philosophical canon was closer to turkniggers than to whites
>indo-aryans, the root of """"""western""""""" civilization were "shitskins"
>a good amount of the philosophical canon was only preserved because of muslim and byzantine and eastern orthodox tradition (read: roaches or slavs)

you should kill yourself

>> No.8562487


best advice

>> No.8562490


I love you, anon

keep doing what ur doing

>> No.8562493

Adorno's pill was so red he went and became a commie

>> No.8562494




>> No.8562511

totally incorrect and bizarrely anachronistic

indo-aryans were and remain light-skinned

slavs are indo-europeans..

>> No.8562521


>indo-aryans were and remain light-skinned

so what? lightskinned people can't be shitskins now? what about Assad? he's called a shitskin on the regular on /pol/, that nigger is more pale than I am and I'm German

>slavs are indo-europeans..

I never said otherwise, but for a /pol/ack a slav is not part of "White Tradition"

Anything else you got to say?