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8559282 No.8559282 [Reply] [Original]

Poverty is awesome. I mean it.

You may be wondering why poverty is so great, but for an aspiring writer it provides everything you could ever want. The frustration, the pressure to write, the free time to read and contemplate profound existential issues. I honestly don't know why I didn't become poor earlier in life. It's seriously the best decision I've ever made. My writing is more lucid, passionate and sincere. I am more focused and resolute to get my work published and widely read.

Any books on this subject?

>> No.8559299

>the free time to read and contemplate profound existential issues
Yeah, that's a poor people classic, that. Having time to read and contemplate. Not wasting time finding a place to sleep and getting something to eat, no, that's not what they do, the poor, they spend their time reading and contemplating, that's why they're all so smart.

>> No.8559304

I know you're only meming but kill yourself anyway.

>> No.8559312

I can only speak for myself, and my poverty allows me great freedom to write and read as I please. Look at the greats: H.P. Lovecraft, Henry Darger, I could go on. They all renounced a life of material wealth (lol) an instead pursued, as I am doing, a life of dignity creativity.

All in due time my anonymous acquaintance.

>> No.8559352

Where do you live? In a city, suburban apartment, rural shack, etc...

>> No.8559363

Is English your first language?

>> No.8559376

I occupy a studio apartment in a small city. I work 16 hours a week and barely make rent. I am living the dream of the aspiring artist. My wikipedia entry is going to be just so, so great.

>> No.8559386

may as well learn to invest online and live the NEET life reading faggot.


>> No.8559410

is this bait

>> No.8559546

So you can afford an apartment, presumably water, heating, electricity and internet too? You can afford some food every day? You're not that poor, son, you're just in love with the idea, for some reason. You're never been poor and I hope you never become truly poor.

>> No.8559637


the whole works of Leon Bloy. Especially, The blood of the poor, The woman who was poor, Pilgrim of the absolute, and his Diaries (he lived in extreme poverty)

>> No.8559645

Maybe thats what poor people in your third world country do but here they sit at home comfortable, eat McDonalds and don't have to work a day in their lives

>> No.8559663

Keep the Aspidistra Flying

>> No.8559815

So they aren't poor retard

>> No.8559826
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Capital Volume I

>> No.8559839

I always thought poor was at its heart, a relative term.

>> No.8559866

Scènes de la vie de bohème by Henri Murger

>> No.8559869

>being poor by choice
>not being forced to be poor


>> No.8559875


>> No.8559906

There is a difference between poverty and penury, my man.

Working to cover the very basics with little to no luxuries is poverty. If you can't even do that, then it's penury.

>> No.8559921

Jesus, what a sterile existence.

>> No.8559979

All poverty is by choice. The free market rewards those who work hard.

>> No.8560033

good meme

>> No.8560084

neoliberal thinking is so 1980's

>> No.8560108

>All poverty is by choice.
Nonsense. If it was by choice people wouldn't work so hard to get out of it.

>> No.8560140



>> No.8560156

>So they aren't poor retard

What a ridiculous fucking statement. By your standards no one has been poor since the invention of aggriculture

>> No.8560171

I don't think it's an exaggeration to suggest that no need to work for food and lodging + endless entertainment available = not poor

>> No.8560211

It absolutely is when thats the bottom floor of society, which is what poor means. Otherwise you just have some arbitrary ideal that can always be undermined by a lower standard

>> No.8560251

>free markets

>> No.8560252

A friend of mine once defined poor as being cold when it's cold outside, and hot when its hot outside. I've always thought this was a good definition. That and not having money to eat.

I spent most of my time reading or sleeping to ignore how hungry I was, and trying to score drugs while avoiding the niggers.
Maybe that's another good definition of poverty. Being surrounded by blacks.

The best thing about poverty is it forces you to live day by day.

>> No.8560291

Thats not a definition, thats sentimental granny wisdom

>> No.8560313

If you've ever lived in a house without proper insulation or starved it's a pretty good definition.

>> No.8560328

we aren't in the 19th century Russia when one could be a aristocratic down of his luck but stil full of high and noble sentiments. read less. being poor is a disgrace . always have been, except for few elected people or monks.

>> No.8560332

>he has a house

Thats not poor

>> No.8560337

All existence is sterile

>> No.8560342

>trying to score drugs
fuck off druggie

>> No.8560348

I'm dying with laughter imagining OP posting from his local library while, dirty and scruffy with a roaring belly as he scribbles notes on restaurant napkins he swiped McDonalds and a pen he scavenged from a school dumpster.

>> No.8560351

Nope, not when you're in love. OP leads a sad, lonely existence.

>> No.8560355

There's always a bottom floor of society, even in one in which the differences between top and bottom would be trivial. Your definitions are no less arbitrary.

>> No.8560372

>the bottom floor of society
poor is not a relative term, my man

>> No.8560429

Reminds of the idiotic pundits who tried arguing a few years ago that poor people weren't poor because they owned a TV and a microwave. Regardless of the fact that their income is below the poverty line, they don't know where there next meal will come from, the flu will kill them because they can't afford to go to a doctor, etc.

Here's a few scenarios where you have a house and can still be poor
>your "house" is a shitty RV or mobile home because that's all you can afford
>the only affordable houses are in economic deserts - far away from business centers with few economic opportunities
>the house was inherited, but you don't make enough to maintain it (say, keep the heat and electricity going)
>you were sold the house on fraudulent pretenses and are now buried in debt greater than the value of the house itself

You don't know what poor is. Maybe when you move out of Mom's house you'll see just how hard it is to live in the real world.

>> No.8560442

But there is no doubt about the deadening, debilitating effect of unemployment upon everybody, married or single, and upon men more than upon women. The best intellects will not stand up against it. Once or twice it has happened to me to meet unemployed men of genuine literary ability; there are others whom I haven't met but whose work I occasionally see in the magazines. Now and again, at long intervals, these men will produce an article or a short story which is quite obviously better than most of the stuff that gets whooped up by the blurb-reviewers. Why, then, do they make so little use of their talents? They have all the leisure in the world; why don't they sit down and write books? Because to write books you need not only comfort and solitude — and solitude is never easy to attain in a working-class home — you also need peace of mind. You can't settle to anything, you can't command the spirit of hope in which anything has got to be created, with that dull evil cloud of unemployment hanging over you.

From The Road To Wigan Pier by Orwell

>> No.8560966

How fucking sheltered can you be?

>> No.8560976

Good quote

>> No.8560991

I am fucking BAKA'ing harder than a BLM supporter at a white cop right now. You're not truly poor. I'm glad you've found a way to be happy and renounced material wealth but this is not poverty.

Smh desu

>> No.8561219

>Not wasting time finding a place to sleep and getting something to eat
Or getting their next drug fix, or finding their next mark.

>> No.8561246

poverty doesnt give you free time in the states, unless youre a neet who lives with parents- not very lit imo

>> No.8561254

>dude poor people are all addicts and thieves and undeserving of empathy or basic human kindness lmao

>> No.8561273


Poverty fucking sucks.
It's only great when you finally make it and you reflect back on those simple days when you were hungry, literally and figuratively, when your only worry was succeeding so you wouldn't have to starve to death or be homeless.

>> No.8561274

>H.P. Lovecraft
Autistic NEET shut-in who is only known because he was the first to write shitty genrefiction horror
>Henry Darger
Schizotypal childfucker doing everything he could not to act on his impulses

>> No.8561302

Well, some are mentally ill too. I'm not unkind to them, but I'm generally wary.

How useful is your empathy? Not much, if at all, I'd wager.

>> No.8561454

Renouncing materialism is different than being poor. My grampy lives in an alley in a third world country, but still makes more money in a year than most people make in a lifetime. Renouncing materialism is having the ability to surround yourself with earthly pleasures and choosing otherwise.

>> No.8562122

Have you even read the thread? OP is probably posting comfortably in his studio apartment posting through his Mac book Pro, drinking a shitty Starbucks black coffee because "us le poors amirite xD"

>> No.8562172
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Do you ever think maybe these guys have it right...?

>> No.8562182

I do desu senpai

>> No.8562184


came here to post this
think it's exactly what you're looking for

>> No.8562185

>tfw from modest background
>tfw current vocation means surrounded by pretty much 100% richfags
>tfw I have never hated the rich and upper-middle class more than I do now

>> No.8562189

I'm pretty poor honestly but I lead a decent NEET life. I have my PC, my tobacco pipe, my mom, my dog, my rabbit, my books, and my friends.

What more can I really ask for? I go outside and do strongman exercises so my puppy and I can be K9 SAR when she's old enough.

>> No.8562197
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>> No.8562420

>>Reminds of the idiotic pundits who tried arguing a few years ago that poor people weren't poor because they owned a TV and a microwave.
Well, it's true. If they're poor, how the fuck did they buy that?