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/lit/ - Literature

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8558391 No.8558391 [Reply] [Original]

How many languages can /lit/ speak?

>> No.8558397

Sólo dos! Español e inglés.

>> No.8558398

I can speak English, Ancient Greek, and Latin. That's it.

I refuse to ever learn Spanish or Portuguese. Dirt monkey languages.

>> No.8558399

Most of /lit/ can hardly speak english

>> No.8558400

Three. Not a big deal when you're not american

>> No.8558455

calm down, pseud

>> No.8558458

/lit/ barely speaks a single language

>> No.8558462

>2060 years after Caesar
>still reading aloud

>> No.8558464

>lo dice y aprendio latin

>> No.8559118

one 9/10, second 7/10, third 6/10, fourth 2/10

>> No.8559370

Which do you use more? What do you like to read in each?

I've thought about studying both and decided I could probably do one or the other. As I can read French, Latin seems easier, but I think Greek has the more interesting stuff.

>> No.8559400

Farsi, English and Danish

>> No.8559411


>> No.8559454

Some French

>> No.8559470

English, Spanish, and Italian. Currently learning German.

>> No.8559478

Du skulle have skrevet dansk forst. DF kommer efter dig nu.

>> No.8559485


>> No.8559490


>> No.8559500

DF er old-news, det er sku Nye borgerlige der prover at holde mig nede lige PT.

>> No.8559507

Russian, because I was born and raised there
German, because I moved there a long time ago
English, because it was taught since 2nd grade and is the most useful language

I might try to learn Latin or Ancient Greek, so I can get some ancient (demi)god pussy.

>> No.8559513

Lingua Latina non difficilis usu est

>> No.8559517

>"The Latin language is not difficult"
Don't speak any, but I'm sure, that's what it said. Hopefully you're right, if it's not that hard to learn I might actually motivate myself to do so.

>> No.8559518


>> No.8559521

Three Sprache, da budem iskren.

>> No.8559526

Klar på borgerkrigen?

>> No.8559534

All of them, desu. It suprises me, that people, who speak less than 100 languages don't forget to breathe.

>> No.8559607


Currently learning Hungarian.

I work as an interpreter for the EU.

>> No.8559612


>> No.8559613

and you go on /lit/.

Man, you'd think people like you would have better options.

>> No.8559619

Portuguese (Hue) and English

>> No.8559643


>> No.8559646

How do you study languages at an early stage? Which language gave you the most trouble so far?

>> No.8559656


>> No.8559673

>I work as an interpreter for the EU.
Almost memed me

>> No.8559704

I can speak English, German and Japanese. I can't read Japanese without rikaichan though, damn Kanji.

I also learned Latin in school because I didn't want to learn French but I forgot everything. Shouldn't be too hard to relearn or better remember what I knew but becoming fluent would be very hard. I also had 3 years of Spanish in school but since I never used that I also forgot most too.

>> No.8559707

Yeah, not difficult to use. People tend to overexaggerate how hard /learning/ it is
Potest fieri ut Latine homines loquantur

>> No.8559714

The fact he speaks Latin doesn't mean he uses Latin in the EU

>> No.8559719

EU delegates and everyone else here is boring, pay is good yet no reason to linger around, except for the food.

Dutch: native
English: school
Greek: school
Latin: school
Russian: self-taught by living in Russia for a year.
Polish: self-taught & local course
French: school
Italian: Mother is Italian
Swedish: Dad is Swedish
Finnish: Lived half my youth there

Dutch Gymnasium = Latin Greek as subjects in secondary edu.

My German is poor, looking to tackle that next, Hungarian is tricky so I'm devoting all my 'learning' time to it.

>> No.8559722

my languages

>> No.8559723

All of them

I am Timothy Doner AMA

>> No.8559738

My religion (Buddhism) teaches simplicity, and that's why I'm content to know only one language. To know another would be extravagant.

>> No.8559740

english, in my country you dont need to know any others.

>> No.8559741

Hebrew and English. Sort of learning German.

>> No.8559743

Salve, Latinista collega! Quomodo te habes? Quomodo invenisti modum tuum Latine loquendi?

>> No.8559780

why not german?

super impressive though fäm. how did you learn these? are you interpretator-level in all of them?

>> No.8559783
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>> No.8559794

>speaking even one language

>> No.8559799

Verene tu Latine loquiris? Vivâ voce?

>> No.8559802

Viva la vida loca!

>> No.8559816
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>> No.8559818
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>> No.8559956

danskjävlar :^)

>> No.8559969


Mandatory, it's part of the basic package in gymnasium.
Greek is optional I believe (not at my school) but most do it anyway.

Read: >>8559719

All but latin and Polish, neglected the latter for a while and latin sees little use these days.

Why no German?
Dropped it halfway in secondary school, you couldn't combine it with physics and chemistry for some strange reason.
I can hold a somewhat decent conversation in it but nowhere near the level at which I would like to.

>> No.8560119
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Puedo hablar un poco español. ¿Cómo es un libro de español que no es difícil pero un estudiante de la lengua? Also is it a good idea to study Spanish in college if you'd like to go to graduate school/law school anyways? Just feel like it would be more useful than an English degree, I read English on my own time

>> No.8560144

I'm fluent in Finnish, Estonian, Karelian, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, English, French

And can read and talk just a little bit of German, Russian and Italian

>> No.8560148

>speaking to people
Step up your game /lit/. Say nothing all the time. Some of you could really benefit from talking less.

>> No.8560152
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Fuckin fite me

>> No.8560161

>Finnish, Estonian, Karelian, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, English, French
So, three languages?

>> No.8560162

literally what tier
Not useless but not useful
god tier

Damn son, someone memed you really hard

>> No.8560165

/lit/ here

one. just english

>> No.8560166
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>> No.8560169

Name 1 (one) reason why norwegian isn't useless

Outside of visiting norway

>> No.8560173

>such thing as a useless language
Fils de pute

Three language families, eight languages

>> No.8560174


>> No.8560179


Sorry to ruin this thread by being the best

>> No.8560187

what to learn after English/French/Spanish? whatever appeals to me?

I was considering Russian

>> No.8560198

He wrote in Danish.

>> No.8560204

Italian and German. Or just German.Russian is not useful nowadays

>> No.8560221


"Only an idiot uses all his knows"

>> No.8560227

But why not spend the time used to learn those languages to learn something more useful, like German or French or Latin, there is a huge opportunity cost when one sets about learning a language

>> No.8560255

Literally the only languages I've had to "learn" of those were the scandi languages, all the others came through family and media

>> No.8560268
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Russian (stopped at cefr b2 but using it almost daily)
Dropped Korean after a semester, thinking about pursuing it on my own.

>> No.8560322

jävla danskar

>> No.8560334

this p r e t t y m u c h

>> No.8560340

Italiano e inglese. Rispettivamente, il linguaggio più interessante e ricco al mondo e quello più utile. Qualche infarinatura di latino e greco dai tempi del liceo.

>> No.8560400
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English, French, Arabic, and some Japanese.

>> No.8560404

japanese is more interesting than italian

>> No.8560408


How do you do this? I've attempted at learning the script but it doesn't fit in my brain

>> No.8560410

>and some
why spoiler?

>> No.8560420

My parents are Jordanian, so that's what I spoke at home as a kid.

>> No.8560430

Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Íslenska, English, Spanish, gonna learn German soon

>> No.8560446

Here is the official /lit/ trash tier languages list:
>modern greek

>> No.8560447

Because I'm a hopeless psued who watches too much anime for his own good.

>> No.8560455


aww you fell for the memes?

>> No.8560542

>communicating vocally

>> No.8560561

>Highschool German

>> No.8560620

Do some Bible reading with ancient Hebrew and see how all the semitic languages stay similar. I found that useful way back but I can barely remember anything at all about either now (but I have reasons for that that won't apply to you).

>> No.8560656


>I said it in Hebrew—I said it in Dutch—
>I said it in German and Greek;
>But I wholly forgot (and it vexes me much)
>That English is what you speak!

>> No.8560677

English, spanish and italian here

>> No.8560683

different poster, but just read french translations of latin works.

learn greek for sure. im planning on doing the same thing

>> No.8560712


It doesn't even have a written form
who are you trying to kid here?

>> No.8561145


>> No.8561389

Those threads always end up being disgusting attention whoring circlejerks. Knowing how to say Hallo, Adiós and Bonjour doesn't mean you can speak a fucking language.

>> No.8561458

Languages student here. I study Farsi, English native.

Kurdish (Kurmanci dialect)
Yiddish (can have a chat in)

I'm starting Bengali this year, which should make Hindi and Urdu (basically the same language) easy.

>> No.8561469

Three: English, French, and German
I know bits of other languages, but I can't speak any of them well at all.

>> No.8561476

Ass-blasted monolingual detected

>> No.8561503


>I refuse to ever learn Spanish or Portuguese. Dirt monkey languages.


>> No.8561598

The only one that matters. English.

>> No.8561636



I'm giving myself a .2 for my current level of Russian, but really I'm probably giiving myself too much there

>> No.8561763


Fluent in all. Know a bit of latin aswell.

>> No.8561782

اينجا زبان فارسى كيست ؟

>> No.8561804

Learning Spanish (in which I am somewhat proficient, although it is still very difficult for me to get through serious literature), German, and Latin. Learned a little Hebrew a year ago, but I'm sure I've forgotten virtually all of it.

>> No.8561817

Some Biblical Hebrew from childhood

>> No.8561821

Si tu ne peux pas lire cette phrase, tu es un pleb.

>> No.8561826 [DELETED] 


>> No.8561844

Everyone should speak


1 Romance Language
1 Asian Language

>> No.8561901

Tantummodo linguas loquor duas: Anglica et Latina. Me Latinam "loqui" dicere significat me de rebus cotidiernis ac aliis quibusdam colloqui posse. Semper melior fieri cupio, quamobrem vos, O /lit/igosi, voco ut mecum colloquamini!

>> No.8561910

*Anglicam ac Latinam, ignoscite mihi

>> No.8561932

>says random anon

>> No.8561938

Just English.

>> No.8562168

Las mejores obras están escritas en español.

>> No.8562225


>> No.8562276

what languages should I learn?

>> No.8562307



next will be:


>> No.8562315

Je n'ai pas pu la comprendre

>> No.8562327


With no specifical order

>> No.8562353


>> No.8562386
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>> No.8562402

Where's your ¡ ?

>> No.8562408

English Hindi Sanskrit Marathi Gujrati and a can understand Bengali.
Sorry no foreign language.

>> No.8562410

>People tend to overexaggerate how hard /learning/ it is
Really ? I'd like to learn it, but all the noun cases are intimidating as fuck. How do you go about learning it ?

>> No.8562419

I don't know how far being fluent in Cornish is going to get you in life.

>> No.8562472

Languages aren't parts for robocop.

If you became good at Cornish, you would need to develop a disciplined study routine, research effective methods of memorizing vocabulary and grammar, and have a high level of resourcefulness with the limited resources available for learning it.

Then you can literature, have easy access to all other languages, especially Celtic ones.

>> No.8562546

Portuguese, English and learning French

>> No.8562581

Currently English and Russian.
I can barely read in Russian, though I'm beginning to improve that.

Once I get decent at reading Cyrillic and can read much Russian literature easily, then I'll be learning Ukrainian.

"Why Ukrainian?" I hear some ask.
Well, that answer is evident in the existence of the base of the quality of Ukrainian literature throughout the ages, and to disregard most of it when I'm within reach of it is such a waste.

By all that, I mean that there's a girl I like who speaks Ukrainian and I'd sure need to improve myself so to get to her level. I, at the time of writing, have a pretty good physique on my side, though I feel that I've spent much of my youth in a wasteful manor while she seems to have developed into so much better of a person than me, and as it stands, I feel that she's out of my grasp. Though, I'm hoping to change that in the coming months as I have lots of free time and isolation away from work and friends.

>> No.8562587

Well, what's your intention?

Find a motivation for a language, then go out and learn it.

>> No.8562625

The alphabet is by far the easiest part, it takes a couple of hours to learn at most.

>> No.8562696


>> No.8563319

speak the same three exactly. which is your favourite? best?

>> No.8563381

Dutch, Croatian, English, basic German, learning French right now.

>> No.8563489

You get used to the script's fuckery.

If you don't want to be shat on, learn Lebanese Arabic senpai. Cleanest of the bunch

>> No.8564880
