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8554870 No.8554870 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that Jane Austen is one of the greatest writers in the history of the English language, but /lit/ won't read her because she's a girl and girls are icky.

>> No.8554881

Daily reminder she was literally a NEET who died a virgin.

>> No.8554887

That just makes it even MORE baffling that /lit/ doesn't like her.

>> No.8554889 [DELETED] 

daily reminder that english authors are generally boring and shitty because that damned island has no culture

>> No.8554890

I won't read her because I hate writing that lacks aesthetic vigor and whose best quality is some overly safe and riddled satire of upper class life.

>> No.8554898

>overly safe
>lacks aesthetic vigor
>Invented free indirect style, invented an entire way of narrating.

>> No.8554900

That's pretty hot desu

>> No.8554901

also /lit/ should like her because nabokov liked her, deciding she was 'great' after reading mansfield park and teaching it in his courses (after previously dismissing all other female writers)
she has gay sex jokes

>> No.8554902

Change "island" to "language and the people who speak it"

>> No.8554906

Fuck off. She's nothing compared to either Virginia Woolf or most of the men in the English canon

>> No.8554907 [DELETED] 

nabakovs recommendations are meme tier

>> No.8554912

Nabokov hated her initially, but then later conceded that Mansfield Park is a masterpiece

>> No.8554914

Austen is my waifu

>> No.8554916


>> No.8554918

>girls are icky


>> No.8554932

what's she write about? how to clean the oven and fold bed sheets?

>> No.8554938


read northanger abbey

she's been ruined by costume dressup shows and LARPers, she's one of the funniest writers i've ever read

mansfield park is probably her most accomplished work

>> No.8554943

You'd be hard pressed to find a serious literary academic who didn't love or at least enjoy Austen.

>> No.8555009

I honestly think that Emma is one of the best novels written in the English language

>> No.8555015

I don't want to read about vaginas

>> No.8555018

Mansfield Park > Emma > Sense & Sensibility > Northanger Abbey > Pride & Prejudice > Persuasion

>> No.8555027

But OP I did read her and was bored to death.

Female writers are a bad meme.

>> No.8555114

>>That just makes it even MORE baffling that /lit/ doesn't like her.
no it does not. she regretted it. she did not do it on purpose. also a women who has no good sex regularly oozes her hysteria

>> No.8555119

Northanger Abbey is underrated.
People who dismiss Austen as "girly stuff" don't know she was taking the piss on her contemporaries.

>> No.8555140

>People who dismiss Austen as "girly stuff" don't know she was taking the piss on her contemporaries.

I honestly don't think many men under 25 or so age would be able to appreciate her writing. I certainly didn't when I first read her, and I wrote her off as girl marriage feelsy rubbish.

Even in my English class at uni most of the girls hated her.

Then, later, more mature, I experienced the fucking awesomeness of Austen. Some of the most legitimately witty writing ever, just brilliant stuff.

>> No.8555148

>she regretted it. she did not do it on purpose

>> No.8555468

Emily Brontë, on the other hand...