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8554042 No.8554042 [Reply] [Original]

Who /post-grad depression/ here?

I'm one year out of school and I feel so overwhelmingly inert and directionless. Feels like I have no real prospects. I have a part-time job and I send out applications to various full-time positions that I don't even really want, but at least seem tolerable. I'm losing interest in all of my hobbies and can barely motivate myself to do anything but drink beer and eat junk food. I have no idea what to do with myself.

Anyone have similar experiences, or maybe a book to recommend that might be helpful or at least cathartic?

>> No.8554062

Same boat except I paid $40,000 extra for 2 years of grad school that let me run away and live in the delusion that I could actually be successful in a world where knowing the right people matters more than knowing the right skills a little longer.

Graduated in June, not a single interview despite probably ~80 full job applications sent in since then.

>> No.8554064


You just have to find your niche. I can't believe how satisfying my life is after school. Get a job that requires the least amount of work possible, that pays not-shit (say 12-17/hr). Live a simple life, read all day, do whatever you want.

>> No.8554076

You sir, are the scum of society.

>> No.8554086

How's that? not him, I'm just legit curious about why you say that. Seems like a perfectly fine thing to do to me

>> No.8554094


I finished my MFA and was in a similar depressive state. I didn't want to be a professor and my novel was floundering in creative hell. I was stuck.

So I said fuck it and left academia altogether. Now I work at Home Depot. I wear an orange apron and show people where the rakes and shovels are. I'm not rich, but I'm not poor either. My life is very low stress.

I had put a great amount of pressure on myself to be the Next Great American Novelist, to justify my academic choices. All my friends were getting good jobs and spouses, and there I was fucking around in grad school complaining about other people's writing.

Now I just hike, smoke an occasional joint, and write for the joy of the words.

Ain't bad.

>> No.8554111
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>> No.8554121

I fear this while happen to me soon enough. I have 1-2 years left in my MFA.

We'll see what happens.

>> No.8554150

Anon, hopefully you are me in a year.

Do you have any complaints or general advice? I play on moving to a trailer near the beach if i can, or even living out of a van, getting a part time job paying about yours, getting a local library card and becoming an alumni member of my school's library.

>> No.8554197

Man, I work with the army reserves. Totally not popular on /lit/?

I work 3 days a week or so, got $2000 a year for school, only for being enrolled. In the summer, I make 15k or so. Throughout the year, another 12k or so. About $30 000 dollars a year for 2-3 days of work per week, about 5 hours each, and working all summer.

Tons of great jobs out there. Don't expect anything perfect.

>> No.8554202


When I went through that, the only thing I feared were other people's reactions to my choices. I feared disappointment.

Now I water plants with headphones on, make an honest living, and help high schoolers with their English papers. There's no shame in that.

Good luck, MFA-anon.

>> No.8554211
File: 262 KB, 900x600, 1-view-of-the-st-johns-newfoundland-from-signal-hill-perla-copernik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to college for a 1yr cert (1700/yr tuition)
>then going for another 4yrs at uni (3600/yr tuition)
hot damn its comfy here

>> No.8554451

comfiest city right here

>> No.8554463

>tfw ontario pleb
Are the maritimes the most /lit/ place in Canada?

>> No.8554469

post-grad depression is real. I had it very badly for about a year afterward, compounded by a breakup around the same time.

I was in your exact position. No prospects. No one would hire me. I stopped lifting. It all went down hill. Things are looking up though.

>> No.8554473

>implying it isn't buried in snow 8months of the year

>> No.8554474

sounds comfy to me

>> No.8554486

YOU are the scum of society

>> No.8554489

>You sir,
Have mercy my Lord, they know not what they do

>> No.8554507

Same here. Only solution is travel to another country never to return.

>> No.8554531


Only general advice is that public sector jobs are much cushier than private sector. I make maybe 30k a year but it's more than I could spend if I tried to buy everything I wanted. No car, no internet/cable, no drugs, no alcohol, no cigs will go a long way. I'm qualified for better jobs but I don't even apply. I have entire days where I do maybe 25 minutes of work in an 8 hour shift, the rest of the time reading or surfing the web. I could go on about benefits but people would think I'm bullshitting if they don't already.

>> No.8554537

>I'm qualified for better jobs but I don't even apply.
This is only ever true for so long desu senpai. That said, fuck private sector jobs mostly.

>> No.8554579
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What is your profession? Also, no net?

>> No.8554715

My friend lives across the country and is encouraging me to head over and live there. I'm tempted to. But the more I think on it, the more frightened I get of leaving my hometown, and the people I love here. I need some kind of change, definitely. But fear overcomes me every time I think of changing my life.

>> No.8554758

>I need some kind of change, definitely.
WWOOFing, Helpx, there are a couple of other things. Just go off and do some shit like that for a bit, make some maple syrup in a few months or go to the southern hemisphere and harvest or whatever else.

>> No.8554828


thats utterly beautiful

looks a little like copenhagen

>> No.8555217

I know what you mean, I got into a masters degree basically just to extend my student years

>> No.8555235

>Get a job that requires the least amount of work possible, that pays not-shit (say 12-17/hr).

Like what thought?

>> No.8555247
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Wagecucking sucks but there is no escape.

>> No.8555257

I felt the same. That I was going to let people down. That I had to live up to some sort of "standard" and that anything less than a certain number on a rectangle would mean I'd failed in life. Stopped that train, got a job working in a library. Very comfortable and soothing and it gives me time to stop thinking so hard. Not the best pay, but if you live alone like I do you can pretty much survive on the absolute minimum wage. I'm pleased.

>> No.8555269

>not staying a perpetual student

>> No.8555287

How do they actually stop this in countries where tuition is free? Do they just limit you to one degree or something?

>> No.8555290

in sweden you only get money for six years of studying

>> No.8555292

They don't

The limiting factor is that students can't pay for their accomodation and their basic needs forever

>> No.8555514
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>the only thing I feared were other people's reactions to my choices. I feared disappointment.
Yeah I can relate to that. I'm done with uni in a year or so, and I'm starting to think about that way of life more and more. I have the opportunity to make a carreer at the EU parliament but thinking that my life will be defined by my job is too damn depressing. But yeah, I fear disappointment from my relatives

>> No.8555637

>English degree
>6 figures starting
>work ~25 hour weeks, most of which is spent on 4chan

kek. state school plebs stay mad.

>implying major matters

>> No.8555640

And what mythical job is this memer?

>> No.8555647

hedge fund, with a very straightforward/conservative strategy since the investors are more concerned with preserving capital than achieving any outstanding returns.

>> No.8555663

You should have know that uni is the best time of your life and it only gets worse from there ;^)

>> No.8555732

>with a very straightforward/conservative strategy since the investors are more concerned with preserving capital than achieving any outstanding returns
Strategy number one: pay the English major less money.

>> No.8555743


>> No.8555765

Yeah it's real. I graduated with a double major and minor in a bunch of humanities bullshit. I kind of regret it. If I could do it over I would double major in History (which I love) and something financial.

Instead I'm currently in grad school for something that could (perhaps) land me a decent and somewhat interesting career. I fell ass backwards into an office job before school and I've worked full time which has been alleviating student loans. I make 35K and everyone here likes me and the higher ups may be able to help me with future job prospects once I graduate. I make enough to live very comfortably but I'm not really saving anything for the future or growing any financial assets. I suppose I'm ok with that because hopefully I can concentrate on that when my actual career starts.

To people freaking out, don't panic and try to stay level headed. Get some sort of bullshit administrative assistant job if you aren't sure what you want to do.

>> No.8555798


i dont think you understand how many people in finance have "useless" humanities degrees

>> No.8555887

No, I know. It's how many then go into useless but high paying jobs fresh out of college.

I'm not saying it isn't true, but if it is true then there's something important the guy isn't saying.

>> No.8556031

most of them get recruited out of elite schools

>> No.8556122

art history degree from harvard gets you more interviews/high paying job offers from prestige companies in tech and finance and consulting than any STEM degree from a random state/lower ranked school.

>> No.8556165


where did you go for undergrad?

>> No.8556183

Not that guy but a janitor at a school would fall under there. Sweep and listen to audiobooks/podcasts all night. Did it for two years and it was pretty great actually.

>> No.8556212

Yeah. My morning exercise routine used to keep me energized throughout the rest of the day. Now it feels like a burden. Lately I've been quitting halfway through.

>> No.8556268

How about OP's question about books that help you deal with "depression"?

>> No.8556270

op's a fag

>> No.8556332

not harvard but close

>> No.8556363
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I'm with you, buddy. Unfortunately, I can't even find a part time job. I want to get out and improve and do something fairly meaningful but it seems the only employers that are interested are restaurants looking for dishwashers. I have a fucking degree and loads of skills, if I go into a dishpit I'm a failure.

>> No.8556382

You want to go; only you're procrastinating.

>> No.8556405


cant you teach in high school or primary school or do you not want to? is there no demand for that?

Not American

>> No.8556406

I have no plans to becomint a novelist, but your story is comforting. Thank you for sharing.

>> No.8556418

That's not something I ever really wanted to do. I'd need an additional degree for it anyway.

>> No.8557002


>> No.8557015

found the mad state school pleb

>> No.8557118
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OP I feel completely demotivated like you.

>graduated summer 2015 from degree I hated
>living at home, working menial part time jobs for less than 20 hours per week but still feel like a wagie
>waste shitloads of my time on 4chan

>receive interview for investment bank interview in a few days
>on paper it's the type of job I've always wanted
>zero motivation to prepare for it

Of course I see the benefits but I'll still be a wagecuck doing boring and pointless work. Even Elon Musk does essentially pointless shit and I am many many magnitudes worse.

>> No.8557124

It's been a few months since I graduated and I feel the same.

I did as >>8554064 suggests and got an easy job as an English tutor in a secondary school.

The kids are fucking idiots, even in top set classes.The current exam spec discourages
simple shit like discussing meter, structure of prose or even terminology like lexis or semantics
in any of their analyses.

I live in a town of low socio-economic status so there's not a lot for a Lit grad to do other than education.
The only thing that keeps me enthused is the enrichment sessions I do after school. It's a small writing
group and only a few kids come regularly. You can guess the type of teens they are, beta-nerds who
love sci-fi, girls that have just discovered Plath, etc.

But the passion they have, having just discovered that they can explore literature and write for fun is
keeping me going. My own work may never be publishable, but maybe these kids might go on and be
part of the next literary movement. /Maybe/ I'm encourage that. Probably not but the fantasy keeps
me enthused. It's about finding your niche little idealist reasons to get out of bed and go to work.

>> No.8557653

he's kinda right though

I mean, I took intro to micro and macro, and a quantitative stats class in college, and it was enough to get me a junior summer internship at a consultant firm that hired me afterwards. A lot of people do that from my kind of school (Princeton). I majored in slavic.

>> No.8558412

I have been through all that biz, it's just not done that someone gets paid for nothing tho. The only real exception that I can think of is being closely related to someone who owns and/or runs the firm.

I know a few people that do evaluation type shit for investment but that's like no work for a few weeks followed by don't sleep don't eat just work weeks every so often, and even the super autistic ones I don't think would describe it as little work. They're cushy jobs if you like that kind of thing (I know a few in London with the whole private library and all accommodation shit paid for), but when your boss owns you they really own you. Hard to take holidays and such.

For the Slavic major, quant stats is really in demand right now in a number of sectors and quite a lot of people that probably should know it don't (including econ majors). So having any level of ability there is a real plus. And having a language cum anthropology major isn't a bad thing either. But I still doubt you do 20 hours of "work" a week and get paid 6 figures.

>> No.8558507

you literally don't know what you're talking about. just stop.

>> No.8558616

>m-muh dreams of shitty degree, no work and high pay
Fuck off schlub.

>> No.8558624

considering im literally
>20 hours of "work" a week and get paid 6 figures.

yeah ok.

>> No.8558626

holy... i want more...

>> No.8558633

I dropped out and still have depression. No jobs hiring that I could see myself at beyond a day either. Trying to get a small writing gig with my local newspaper but they'd rather keep dying and not hiring me or being successful at all on Facebook.

>> No.8558722

You're probably shit at applying for jobs. Go to job agencies.