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/lit/ - Literature

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8552350 No.8552350 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8552355

stephen king pls go

>> No.8552358

if you use maybe more than 2 adverbs a page you're a guaranteed hack.

>> No.8552369

>itt Community College creative writing

>> No.8552371

What's wrong with adverbs?

And what does King have to do with that?

>> No.8552377

they make writing sound shitty and amateurish.

There are exceptions, like "slowly" or "calmly"

>> No.8552380

How do you avoid them?

>> No.8552384


>> No.8552387

That gave me a good chuckle. I truly have a shit sense of humor

>> No.8552388
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>> No.8552395

Most great authors really don't give a shit about some stupid rules and conventions thought up by schoolteachers with unwarranted senses of self importance. Yeah, you should avoid becoming a Rowling but there's no reason to pitch the adverb into the trash just because someone memed you into believing that they are the mark of an amateur.

>> No.8552396

constructing sentences in a way so they don't need them

>> No.8552401

they often, but not always, sound like shit. So the only rule you need is: don't use them when they sound like shit. Which is often.

>> No.8552410
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>> No.8552413

Surely you don't seriously think that anon. Adverbs are such a wonderfully versatile tool. I really, truly think you should entirely reconsider your opinion

>> No.8552420
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>> No.8552421

Don't read, don't write don't talk, don't think.

>> No.8552425


if you're GS, his community college jibe still applies.

>> No.8552430

I'm a grad student

>> No.8552431
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>> No.8552440
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>> No.8552515

whats wrong with a comparison in prose? it's poetic.

>> No.8552539
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>> No.8552574

>masters at columbia
>thinking it means anything except you gave them $50k

w e w l a d

>> No.8552608

>'Adverb' is a noun.

>> No.8552624

>'noun' is a noun

>> No.8552883
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>> No.8552941

See how terrible this post sounds? proving OP's point

>> No.8553152

>trying to imprison something in words

>> No.8553160

That's edited I can tell by the pixels

No but seriously post face while holding up card and also timestamp and then I'll believe you

>> No.8553264
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>writing with a narrative in mind and not just stringing together pretty words

>> No.8553298


>going to an objectively better school than most of you
>b-b-but ur spending muney :(
>this is how jealous /lit/ is

>> No.8553332
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>> No.8553336
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>> No.8553343

columbia undergrad is fine. it's no harvard but it's very very good.

columbia masters is one of the most transparent money grabs in all of the ivy league.

t. yale undergrad, harvard grad (phd, not masters shit), did a year at oxford for kicks

get bent

>> No.8553367

I never said anything about money, I'm asking you to prove it for sure

I'm applying for Yale and Columbia and if you're legit I want to ask a few questions

>> No.8553371

>get bent
Yeah, you sure went to Harvard.

>> No.8553374

>this jealous

>> No.8553377

>I show that your claim is likely false
>LOL jelly
If you did go to Harvard indeed, it was to Harvard's detriment.

>> No.8553380

careful not to choke on all that jealousy buddy

>> No.8553383

you're pathetic. you're probably going to work for me one day.

>> No.8553387

You're both pathetic.c

t. MIT degree, in a real field.

>> No.8553389
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>muh jealousy >:D
>your one argument fails to impress anyone
>you use it again
Fedora-tier debate: the post

>> No.8553394


>> No.8553395

I'm not seeing any proof
Any jackoff can claim they're going to these schools but really this is statistically probably far more people than would usually appear in this thread

>> No.8553556

metaphors are only worthwhile if its an extended metaphor.

>> No.8553584
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is there anything more plebby about being elitist about what SCHOOL you went to. fucking americans fäm. going to columbia or yale or havard or mit isnt an achievement in its own right - its a means to achieve greater things latter you delusional fucks.

you got spooked into spending thousands of pounds to boast on 4chan about your school.

all you fucks are just going "stop boasting about that uni. btw i went to this uni", you hypocritical cunts.

stop asking for proof fâm, its not particularly rare to get into a good school. also theres super high confirmation bias - people only reply to uni circle jerks if they went somewhere decent.

>> No.8553588

p.s. if you want to out-boast about your uni make a university thread. no problem with that.

>> No.8553601

pls dont this board is underage and high school/undergrad enough as is

>> No.8553611

oh great, another idiot who thinks they know something about higher education in the USA.

it's not like a willingness to pay more is what gets you into a school like Harvard- it's (overhwelmingly) merit based.

second, it's not like you pay more to go to a school like harvard- its about the same as any private school, in fact ivies etc are often cheaper because they have a shit ton of money to give out as scholarships.

>> No.8553618

i subscribe to Containment Theory in 4chanology. i dont particularly mind shit threads because this is a slow board.

>> No.8553633
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> forming words with letters

>> No.8553665

OP here. I *deeply* regret making this thread. I ask everyone to sage if they must reply.

>> No.8553684

well, i admit im from bongistan - but ive read some pretty reputably studies/articles about how much of a moneygrab american university complex has become.

american university selection is - compared to european (incl. british) - much less merit-based. e.g. legacy preference and affirmative action is illegal in uk (and i think EU). also qualifications from age 16-18 is almost entirely how admission is determined, rather than extra-circulars and SAT like in america.

and saying that harvard is no more a money-grab than any other private school is hardly a great position.

but im not entirely sure how much american uni is a scam, certainly not as sure as i am that boasting about your uni is pleb-tier garbage.

>> No.8553740


You're all pathetic. t. Cambridge PhD student

>> No.8553752

>the inferior oxford


>> No.8553755


>> No.8553758

>replying to dubs with dubs
Hey girl whatchu doin l8ter?

>> No.8553763

the moneygrab is mostly the shitty privates and state schools.

getting even a modest financial aid package makes going to an elite school worth it for most people.

>> No.8553809

did you hear about oxford being 1st in the world, according to times? bullshit or no

>> No.8553853
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>> No.8553859
