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8551150 No.8551150 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a primary teacher who is supposed to dress as a character from a book tomorrow. I haven't prepared anything and don't want to buy anything. Can anyone help out with an idea? It doesn't have to be anything special because I'm not trying to impress anyone here.

>> No.8551156 [DELETED] 

hang yourself in front of the students and say youre the main character from brave new world

>> No.8551175

Nude, The Emperor's New Clothes.

>> No.8551177

Put on a suit and say that you're some random character from a Dickens novel. Or that you're Stephen Dedalus or some shit.

>> No.8551233
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White shirt - Nick Carraway. Done.

>> No.8551240

These are being considered.

>> No.8551242

Make the kids think you are cool, dress like Dumbledore.

>> No.8551246

It's a good idea but I've left it to the last minute.

>> No.8551254

paint yourself black wear tribal clothing put a noose around your neck and say youre okonkwo

>> No.8551354

Flannel shirt, cut off the sleeves
Jeans, roll up pant legs
Find stick, wrap bandana around it
Straw hat

Huck Finn

>> No.8551371

red A- Hester Prynne

>> No.8551374

MAGA hat, flannel - Holden.

toplawls will be had.

>> No.8551418

Glasses with circular lenses
Bandana around forehead
Collared shirt
Oxford English Dictionary in hand
Start every sentence "But so"

Boom you're DFW m8

>> No.8551509

This one could actually work. Not sure if I can find a bandana before tomorrow though... Maybe a pillowcase on a broom handle...

>> No.8551789


dollar store?

>> No.8551796

Judge Holden, it's the only appropriate one

>> No.8551805

Be H. G. Wells' Invisible Man. Just don't show up and do the class over telephone.

>> No.8551811

Wish I could. Wouldn't go over too well with these pricks, I'm afraid.

>> No.8551814

Hitler from Mein Kampf

>> No.8551823

wear a yarmulke and say hi ho shalom to eery little fucker that enters your classroom like the good little goy herder he he ib4 pole

>> No.8551829


>> No.8551862

and but so a good idea was shared

>> No.8551904

Lmao yes. Tape some black fabrich under your nose

>> No.8551909

>our children are being taught by 4chaners

>> No.8551922
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>our children

>> No.8551925

'us' as in our society ya dip

>> No.8551940
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>mfw I have two kids to two different mothers

>> No.8551943
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>having only two baby mamas

>> No.8551944

Our society has fully absorbed 4chan as a quaint bit of edgy online rebellion. For those kids 4chan is the crappy website where their creepy uncle gets his lame memes and jokes from and their big sister, who is going through her shock mom phase, gets her colorful language and questionable links she puts on facebook.

>> No.8551950

so where are the youths hitting the dank nowadays?

>> No.8551964
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DFW, he's the main character of every book he's written.

>> No.8551966

And primary school children just love his work

>> No.8551974

Patrick Bateman

>> No.8551989

>doesn't even get dubs

>> No.8552002

Humbert Humbert

>> No.8553553

Do the easiest: be Gregor Samsa before his metamorphosis. Just put on office clothes.

>> No.8555176

plush pig costume. of course.

A pig is a jolly companion,
Boar, sow, barrow, or gilt—
A pig is a pal, who’ll boost your morale,
Though mountains may topple and tilt.
When they’ve blackballed, bamboozled, and burned you,
When they’ve turned on you, Tory and Whig,
Though you may be thrown over by Tabby or Rover,
You’ll never go wrong with a pig, a pig,
You’ll never go wrong with a pig!

>> No.8555179

gaia online

>> No.8555180

for best effect you should then sail off in a hot air balloon with a german loaded down with cardboard boxes full of pies, pursued by a P38 full of pissed-off army engineers.

>> No.8555242

Put some black shoe polish on your face and hands and claim you're Bigger Thomas from Native Son.

>> No.8555250
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>wear a turtleneck and boxers and round, yellow sunglasses
>say your france hanglebert
>"you dont know who france hanglebert is?"
>students shake their head
>"well he is the protagonist to my new pomo book that questions the standards in america by rebelling against the untitled patriarchy by spraying his cum over famous statues"

>> No.8555279


>> No.8555281

hahahhahahaahahaaa awesome

>> No.8556571
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Easy mode: Harry Potter

>draw scar on forehead
>wear round glasses
>don't be blonde

>> No.8556579

maybe bring a wand or a broom