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8549510 No.8549510 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw every pleb can pronounce Quixote somewhat correctly but thinks quixotic is pronounced "quick zah tick" instead of "kee hoe teak"

>> No.8549514

The difference is that quixotic is a word in English whereas Quixote is foreign name.

>> No.8549528
File: 44 KB, 624x420, rs-11666-130824-radiohead-4-624-1377372007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thom had this hairline in 1997 and he still has hair
>i'm losing my hair at 18

>> No.8549616

vocaroo your "QUIXOTE'' pronunciation.

>> No.8549628

who gives a shit

>> No.8549632


>> No.8549648

I looked this up because I thought it was kwee ahtick. Apparently we are both wrong though

>> No.8550451

>>these amerifats desu

>> No.8550462

"dawn qui ho te" spanish name
"que zoh tick" - english adjective

wow so hard

>> No.8550574

Quixote is pronounced "quick zot" fyi OP

>> No.8550799

It's only in the last 100 years or so that English speakers have started pronouncing it like it would be in Old Castilian (or some approximate thereof) rather than /kiˈxote/

>> No.8552672


the proper way to say it is "KEE-HOE-TAY""

>> No.8552676


>> No.8552687

There is no correct way to say these words, language adapts to the speakers.

>> No.8552694

that's not a manlet, you idiot

manlets are very buff and short.

>> No.8552760

is right
>t. Cervantes

>> No.8552778


>> No.8552785

you know what i mean

>> No.8552788
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>he doesn't know the proper old castillian pronounciation

>> No.8552980

Fuck no you dildo.
You'd sound like a spoiled american girl.
t.Native Spanish-Speaker

>> No.8553000


haaa ha ha you cant do it

>> No.8553010

Special emphasis on the "HOH", like a harsh "h".

>> No.8553011


>> No.8553179

It's pronounced "unrealistic"

>> No.8553193
File: 397 KB, 793x899, seas2chakotay6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chakotay with a Q

>> No.8553194

Why would you use the old pronunciation? So spics can't laugh at you for being unable to pronounce the kh sound of the x?

>> No.8553200

English isn't read phonetically and letters used for one set of sounds in one word doesn't always correlated to another, even if the word is related you fucking cuck.

Off the top of my head, the A in "German" is pronounced differently than the A in "Germanic."

>> No.8553201

cuz ur a bald faggot lmao

>> No.8553202

>why would you use the old pronunciation
Because that's how it's pronounced

>> No.8553224


>> No.8553227

jueputas gringos jaja

>> No.8553257
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so glad i learned spenish

>> No.8553273

If you wanna be accurate thays how Cervantes probably said it