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8549377 No.8549377 [Reply] [Original]

>have a big backlog of books to read
>go out and buy more
Help me

>> No.8549390

>you'll never run out of books to read

What's wrong with this!

>> No.8549401

Thanks for the rare.

>> No.8549411

>already trying to learn two languages
>buy wheelock's Latin learner

>> No.8549465

Just think of yourself as a collector rather than a reader. Your problem is solved.

>> No.8549466
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Have you tried reading the books?

>> No.8549475
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>buying books

>> No.8549569
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>try to read only short books so i can finish a round number of them by New Years
>keep buying and starting dry, 500+ page books

>> No.8551147

>learning more than a language at a time
How retarded can someone be?

>> No.8551184 [DELETED] 

Im focusing mostly on Spanish and just learning the alphabet for Persian

>> No.8551195

>low on money
>buy a book I already read and didn't like just because I pirated it before

>> No.8551198

Why would you ever learn Persian? Spanish literature isn't that great either and you will never learn enough spanish to understand Don Quijote anyways so where's the point?

>> No.8551206

I just like learning new alphabets, even if I don't learn their languages
And I live in California so there's a lot of Mexicans

>> No.8551212
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>mother gives you lunch money
>you spend it at the used bookstore

>> No.8552003

I don't know about you guys but I have the problem that I find new interesting stuff every week. I might buy a book about the Eichmann trial but suddenly all I care about is the history of Japan, so I get a new book. But then I decide to finally tackle Heideggers work, so I'm off to the bookstore again. What can I do to stay focused on one thing?

>> No.8553263

>I might buy a book about the Eichmann trial
so you read hannah arendt

>> No.8553517

Yep, and her correspondence with Joachim Fest as well, pretty interesting stuff.

>> No.8553576

I have to be in the mood.
Stop buying books for a minutes. Sit down with a stack of your books and let it be quiet. Pick up one book after another and read the first chapter until you find the one that makes you want to keep reading.

>> No.8553634

*for a minute

>> No.8554412
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read your damn books

>just finished moby dick today
>feels good man

>> No.8554475 [DELETED] 

i buy them faster than i can read

>> No.8554499

This pretty much.
I would just make sure not to buy enough that you're discouraged by the backlog you've built up.

>> No.8554506

So do I, just make sure you actually read them. I got books for christmas last year that I still haven't read, but then I might also read a book the same day I got it

>> No.8554629

I have a couple hundred in my backlog...

>> No.8554633

Less than a dollar each at goodwill. What, do you shoplift them?

>> No.8554777

I promised not to loan another book from the library until the year ends.

I felt so relieved I sat down and read 200 pages in a day

>> No.8554792

I got bogged down 300 pages into IJ and absolutely dreaded every time I picked it up. Recently I bought 7 cheap books on a whim and I'm happily enjoying not reading IJ

>> No.8554879


>> No.8554919

I actually just dumped about $500 on books in the past month. I finished my amazon list. Feels pretty good.

>> No.8555087

Start by reading instead of frogposting on a tibetan theatre forum.

>> No.8555553

But I couldn't afford a big lunch in exchange
Only a small one.