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File: 47 KB, 416x680, 1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8545979 No.8545979 [Reply] [Original]

All memes aside, what does /lit. actually think of 1984?

>> No.8545981

It's okay and that ending is pretty powerful. Also better prose than Brave New World.

>> No.8545993

it's a pretty good but not great novel. better than brave new world, in terms of writing and character. the love story is not outstanding, but it's believable enough. the last act of the book, which is the absolutely horrifying, is the high point of the book. nothing huxley did in bnw or island comes close to 1984's ending, artistically.

>> No.8546005

memes aside? it was entry level as fuck.

>> No.8546008

Alt right garbage.

>> No.8546009

Nothing special in terms of style, plotting or character, save a couple of well-constructed scenes like Room 101. The politics behind the book are completely moronic and have been obsoleted by trends post-1948 (no, the government is not going to go totalitarian and censor all of history, that's a way too fucking inefficient means of ensuring consent).

I spent most of my degree studying in the building that inspired the Ministry of Truth in 1984.

>> No.8546160

I like it. at first it seemed cartoonishly exaggerated but still on point, as I read more of real history it became clear that its not at all cartoonishly.

>> No.8546167
File: 224 KB, 1600x669, RT_North_Korean_rally_ml_160106_12x5_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no, the government is not going to go totalitarian and censor all of history, that's a way too fucking inefficient means of ensuring consent
just some of it

>> No.8547829

Worth reading. Pick up Animal Farm right after to continue the mood if you want. It's the baby's version of "How China Became What it is Today."

>> No.8547836

The world makes no fucking sense. Normies just go living like nothing has happened

Stupid writing. We see today that normies actually make use of the surveillance technology to grow their culture. See Pokemon Go, etc. They don't just fucking act as if it doesn't exist. Orwell was a good thinker and a bad literature writer.

>> No.8547904

Shit book. Good essay.

The writing was meh, but the ideas were triggering. I wouldn't read it again.

>> No.8547919

Didn't make me feel all that much in any direction or leave much of an impression on me. Homage to Catalonia is way better, even at expressing the same kinds of themes with Orwell's escape from the police.

>> No.8547944

>Alt right garbage
Are you serious?

>> No.8548359

I found the aspects that condemned revolutionaries to be pretty interesting

>> No.8549553

North Korea is an anachronism with no relevance to the politics of western countries.

>> No.8550408

It's a great book, the setting is ineresting and the ending is gripping. If I was to point out something lacking about it, it'd be that many of the characters don't feel all that fleshed out.

But I sometimes wonder if that wasn't an intentional choice by the author to further drive home the point that the totalitarian state subdues everyone's personality, even those who oppose it.

>> No.8550568

I only finished it because at the time I had a crush on my teacher who would gush about it.

>> No.8550652

its okay

>> No.8550654

Le literally the world right now

>> No.8550682

I think it's great and I've long been confused about lit's general reaction to it. I think the world Orwell created is incredibly interesting

I think haters don't like it because it's often required reading in HS and also because people ignore it simply as a work of fiction and always frame it strictly about whether it/Orwell is right or not. Can you evaluate it on its own and without its political allusions?

Also people always compare it alongside BNW which I think is unecessary

>> No.8550701

>Can you evaluate it on its own and without its political allusions

Yes lad: writing 6/10, story 3/10.

This was the first book I ever read though.

>> No.8550727

It's an essay not a book

>> No.8550866

You've missed at least half the point of the book. There's a reason that in modern times, when someone uses the term "Orwellian," it's in a context of language usage and not government censorship.

>> No.8550894

I think orwell was well aware of the hyperbole of the scenes he described in the book, no the government is not going to install t.v screens into everyones home that listen to and record everything they say. but it just might make a collective database of phone conversations of all its free citizens..you know for our security and freedom and such

#this machine pawns noobs

>> No.8550901

>no, the government is not going to go totalitarian and censor all of history, that's a way too fucking inefficient means of ensuring consent

It's literally the most efficient way you moron. Make a law, and make sure it's enforced. What the fuck do you suppose is more efficient than that?

>> No.8550909

>no the government is not going to install t.v screens into everyones home that listen to and record everything they say

If you already have a microphone and a connected Webcam, this is literally something the NSA can, and does to people.

You must've completely avoided the news when Snowden appeared.

>> No.8550910

You've missed the point of the book, which is that language would be governed by the state. Read Orwell's essay "You and the Atomic Bomb", he lays out the plot of 1984 as something he legitimately thought was going to happen.

>> No.8550921

Because governments can no longer control the flow of information as in a totalitarian society.

>> No.8550927

>Because governments can no longer control the flow of information as in a totalitarian society.

Sure they can.

>> No.8550936
File: 479 KB, 1083x769, da homos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1984 is just a poor man's Yurope

>> No.8550937

touche sir

>> No.8550942

Is it a little extreme and entry level? Yes. Is it a classic and a great way to get younger kids into reading and thinking about things outside there realm? Yes, because of this it is a classic

>> No.8550989

What is China?
What is Echelon?
What is Prism?