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/lit/ - Literature

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8545917 No.8545917 [Reply] [Original]

Alright Gentlemen, how do we destroy the Harry Potter books?

>> No.8545942


>> No.8546081

>go back in time
>teach JK Rowling how to write

Done. Those ghastly books would never have been written.

>> No.8546107

What woukd she have written instead?

>> No.8546118

>go back to 1997
>go to the harry potter printing press
>replace all the text with Harry Blooms 'How to Read and Why'

boom, generation fixed

>> No.8546138

>Why men are better than girls are and girls are just stupid whores who could never write bestsellers: A Memior

By Jk Rowling and Anon

You get it? Anon doesn't know a fucking thing about reading either, and he only thinks he's better than Rowling because he's seen other great writers who are better. He couldn't find his own dick when it comes to writing, but you know, this woman invented a poorly written but deeply fun fantasy world and he can't stand it.

I mean Wizard schools? The reason that your patron writing saints that you dickride didn't write this book, it's because its for kids. There's a reason its simplistic and an easy read, it's for kids.

>> No.8546155

>Le corrupted generation meme

Such a bullshit meme.

As if children were flocking to the book stores to get a copy of Crime and Punishment and then suddenly Rowling used Wizard magic to get kids reading her shitty books.

Yep, I remember I could never finish Notes from the Underground because someone showed me that Harry was a Wizard!

>> No.8546162

>Harry was a Wizard!
Fucking spoiled a book I'm never going to read. Thanks

>> No.8546194

Why would you destroy it? It the series that got many kids into reading in the first place. Sure some of them never got out of the young adult section but at least they're reading. Stop being a shitty elitist, their existence doesn't negatively affect you at all.

>> No.8546205
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put pic related on a sticker
put the stcker on the books
it worked for me and this thread

>> No.8546249


I'm only but a mouthpiece for the Master

>> No.8546255

>At least they are reading.

Were you in school when the series was developing?

America is a place were many of the educators are essentially babysitters who care less about readying a kid for the big leauges and more about making sure they don't say the F word. They don't even know the origin of the word or why people shouldnt say it.

They apply this practice to anything else.

Sex and violence is more if it's in a book.
Pokemon was a positive learning tool if you could convince the teacher about the basic math required to play it.
Reading anything, unless explicitly decided inappropriate, was a sign that a child would go far and was a smart kid. Didn't matter what about the book, as long as the kid was reading, he was smart, and if it had a lot of pages, he was super smart.

Harry Potter came out and it was a fun fantasy world for kids, and it offered more than the basic kids stuff, people thought it would make children want to read. Then a cultural buzz appeared around the book and you basically had to read it if you wanted that smart moniker attached to your name by these stupid fucking teachers who again, didnt read much themselves.

Half the kids lied about reading it. The other half thought they were young Kafka's for reading it. Kids didn't want to fucking read because parents were too fucktardedly dumb to read themselves. Why should I read if the adults don't?

All in all its not being an elitist to criticize the book. It isn't good and its overrated by stupid people who think it's intelligent just because it's a book.

The elitism comes from the fact that we are on lit and most people who are angry at Rowling here only have an unpublished pseudo memoir about their life and how everyone else sucks.

>> No.8546447

>unpublished pseudo memoir about their life
The life of the Reddit cuckservitive, Atheism defended?

>> No.8546469

This isn't fucking Reddit though.

It would be more like

"Objectively girls are literally stupid monster whores controlled by jews and if you don't absolutely control their lives then a nigger will cuck you: The Memoir and Manifesto" by anon.

>> No.8546560

>Were you in school when the series was developing?

I was In grade 5 when the first book came out. The teacher read a couple chapters to use because his kid had really liked. We loved it and a couple weeks later when the scholastic book fair showed up practically every kid in class bought it.

I'm Canadian so maybe its just a different culture, or maybe my school was the exception but we read because we enjoyed it not because we were forced into it or because we thought it would make us smarter or whatever.

I mean ever outside of harry potter there were tons of books and series that we would read, discuss, and pass around amongst ourselves. However Harry potter was I believe the one that started it.

>> No.8546681

Yeah, I thought it was dumb because one of my teachers force fed it to us, but when you sat down and read it by yourself, it was palatable to my young, tarded mind.

>> No.8546703

meanwhile, at the Plebeian League; how do we edit old books to be easier? make them into text messages? make them into text messages.

>> No.8546741

where art thou romeo --MODERN TRANSLATION-> Juliet: Hey *winky face**poop face*

>> No.8546760

>The reason that your patron writing saints that you dickride didn't write this book, it's because its for kids.
M8 I have hope of procreating one day, and therefore I can be am elitist fuck about kids books. I want my future babbies to read the good shit.

And I was like the perfect age demographic for HP when they came out and was elitist about them then p much.

I'm not a massive fan of Harold Bloom either, but he's right that Harry Potter is unimaginative crap and is like a gateway drug to Stephen King. Just as I won't be feeding kids solely fast food, they won't only read something like Harry Potter.

>> No.8546761

All things will fade in time. Most people remember it but it's not the cultural landmark it was a decade ago.

>> No.8546766

A Harold Bloom modern classic *ok hand* *up graph"

>> No.8546774

>*winky face**poop face*
Didn't realize that was meaningful nevermind so profound.

>> No.8546779
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>to be remembered for speaking out against Harry Potter and Stephan King

>> No.8546797
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They can't keep getting away with this!!

>> No.8546801
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Looking at some shit I feel like the Brett guy that makes these is a pedophile.

>> No.8546837

"girl i got some bad news" is my favorite shakesphere quote! #shakespherian

>> No.8546846
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What the fuck?

I was like 8 when the first book came out. I read each one as it was released and I barely even talked about it with anyone. Potterfaggotry as we know it today is a post-High Internet abomination, so there wasn't really a reason at the time for me to care.

Literally nothing that happened in my life as a student was a result of having read Harry Potter. The only cultural sensation I remember about it was people thinking it was satanic, like they did with pokemon.

>> No.8546851

I feel like holding up a copy of OMG Shakespeare is all the counterargument necessary to such claims as "socialism killed 100M people and is therefore bad"

>> No.8546855

You can't destroy the HP books. There are too many of them.

>> No.8546858

and his blistering review of DFWs corpse

>> No.8546886

Lol look at him being afraid of the vastness of the internet.

>> No.8546968

He is absolutely and unequivocally correct desu.

In the face of an infinite source of information, it can take many years (if at all) for a young person with a developing academic pedigree to even begin to locate knowledge that is actually useful and meaningful.

There are people trapped in vortexes such as online gaming that will come out 10 years from now not a bit wiser for the experience.

Hard to say if things were better for the development of deep insight prior to the internet, but they are certainly rather difficult now -- without proper guidance, at least. Who does that guidance come from? After one or two generations raised by the internet, who CAN it come from?

>> No.8546990

I will be that guidance. I shall start a Cult and (to some) I shall become a god (for a nominal fee)

>> No.8546993

And what the fuck do you know about anything? How do we know that you are not just another millennial who became "educated" through the internet but has in fact learned nothing?

>> No.8547011

>And what the fuck do you know about anything? How do we know that you are not just another millennial who became "educated" through the internet but has in fact learned nothing?

Because I don't browse reddit. *tips hat**poop face*

>> No.8548348

With effort.

>> No.8549693

Exactly. I was young enough for the first one that my mom read it to me. I then read each one as they came out and have fond memories of doing so, especially that first book. It was never a topic of discussion or a social center at all until the movies came out.

If kids want to read HP, they should feel free. They were fun a comfy reads. The only problem with them is the adults that still think it is the pinnacle of literature.

>> No.8549965

Replace it with another YA monomyth. Somebody email Gasbro

>> No.8549971

>Somebody email Gasbro
I'll do it, but I won't be happy about it.

>> No.8549975


>not Bloom, generation fixed

Opportunity only knocks one, anon.

>> No.8550057
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working on it.

>> No.8550465


You must be fun at parties

>> No.8550507


>>M8 I have hope of procreating one day
No you don't.

>>I can be am elitist fuck about kids books
>>I was like the perfect age demographic for HP when they came out and was elitist about them then p much.
>>and is like a gateway drug to Stephen King.

I can't decide if you are an autistic pseud or a teenage pseud, probably both.

My tips for you:
1. Stop saying 'like' so much, it makes you look unintelligent. (Saying it is a pitiful habit, but writing it the way you do is downright disgusting)

2. Stop being an elitist when you can't even write properly and are obviously just regurgitating what you have heard from others.

3. Don't be one of those fucks that tries to control what content their kids consume, as long as it is age appropriate leave them alone.

>> No.8550546
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Is this bait or did you just stumble over here from tumbler?

>> No.8550570

the point is that the last generation's view on literature has been perverted by books like harry potter. it's popular for people with no demands of literature other than escaping their boring lives. People don't read anything better nowadays but a generation whose favorite book is harry potter absorbs the same amount of ideas as people who sit in front of a tv all day.

>> No.8550614


>>hurr durr if you call out my obvious autism you are just a tumbler fag.

Is this bait or did you just stumble over here from /r9k/?

These books are literally made for children and you are imposing your /lit/ standards upon them. It's absolutely absurd.

>> No.8550624
File: 330 KB, 1600x1050, harold-bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>show a modicum of intelligence raising you above the herdmasses
>"m-muh you must be fun at parties! h-heh, time to go waste my bottomfeeder life rubbing against women's asses and doing cheap designer drugs as the strobe lights put me into an hypnotic trance..."

>> No.8550635

HP books are genuinely good, better than the vast majority of fantasy. Rowling writes great dialogue and humorous, unpretentious worldbuilding. Only contrarians can hate it so much.

>> No.8550667


>>show a modicum of intelligence raising you above the herdmasses

Is this what you honestly think is happening?

You aren't intelligent for criticizing a childrens book. I'm making fun of you because you THINK that makes you intelligent when really you're just a pretentious loser who picks on what others like, because it's only in these fleeting moments that you get the opportunity to feel superior in your otherwise mediocre existence. This is why no one wants you around.

On a side note there is nothing wrong with rubbing against women's asses, and I don't go to raves or do designer drugs. Good try though.

>> No.8550680

Palpable ressentiment and slave morality, although I, too, see nothing wrong in rubbing against women's asses.

>> No.8550688

Yes. I too praise the Female Posterior.

>> No.8550691
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>read the first book in high school
>it wasn't "cool" yet, I remember a girl making fun of me for reading it
>then it gets huge
>saw a couple of the movies
>now several friends are obsessed with Potter
>are shocked when I tell them I've only read the first
>my plebe sister who never reads has read them all
>has never read anything since

>> No.8550699

>Rowling writes great dialogue
lol, found the girl or faggot

>> No.8550954

>Only contrarians can hate it so much.
Nope, we see though the BS that she made and pointed out her expanding the YA genre is ruining the current gen.

>> No.8552016

I'm pretty sure Cursed Child is destroying Harry Potter on its own. Last I heard, even HP fans were either mocking or being pissed at how terrible it is.

>> No.8552025

>These books are literally made for children
The biggest fans tend to be women in their thirties and numales who haven't grown up.

Bloom was right about almost everything

>> No.8552070

Time Travel in Stories that are not specifically about it or have the mechanic throughout the series is almost always a Jump the Shark moment. In particular are the ones that visit moments in it's own mythology that were both fundamental to the construction of the story, but forever locked out from a direct narrative.

At least, that's what I noticed with many forms of media.

>> No.8552073

That's not a contradiction. Children are indeed the intended audience. It's just that you end up having some unintended audience in the fanbase.

Just look at /a/.

>> No.8552089
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we let some terrible fanfiction get made into the next book, which will then be a play and probably another series of films
...oh wait

>> No.8552137
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How do we Euthanize the unintended audience? I don't think Ostracism will do since Twitter seems to have stemmed that form of punishment.

Could we convince Governments that such fans are essentially Brain Dead and their continued existance is a drain on society?

>> No.8553210
File: 170 KB, 1200x600, HP15_Q4_Square_LS_Pottermore[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone post the excerpts from the Cucked Child, please.

>> No.8553267

Harry: Ginnzy, where's the Bull!?
Ginny: Oy 'ove, he's right under yer Nickers!
Harry: Blimy! And Look, he's not prepped!
Bull: Well comeon then Harry, it's not gonna work itself!

>> No.8553282


>JK Rowling is successful beyond almost any other writer
>"she's bad cuz ppl liek her :("
>this is what the piss-poor pseudointellectuals of /lit/ actually believe

>> No.8553288

Why would we want to? HP and all YAshit serve an important purpose, bad books draw idiots away from literature.

>> No.8553290

No, I love the HP books. Cursed Child is a fucking abomination though.

>> No.8553299

Is it because Harry prepped the Bull?

>> No.8553306


>> No.8553323
File: 1011 KB, 449x183, LE4IxPt[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the Cursed Child screnshots!

>> No.8553366
File: 136 KB, 1032x984, das ei man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat face when cursed

>> No.8553375

What the hell am I looking at, besides autism?

>> No.8553514

This is not exactly a new phenomenon.

>> No.8554380

>not knowing who gaskun is

>> No.8554413

Is this that "anime" you guys keep talking about? I guess they never talk about that reddit, which is totally where I'm always hanging out.

I'm going to go with autism either way. No worries though fâm, it looks pretty weaponized.

>> No.8554790
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looking through the ol archive, gaskun is 40 yo gas station attendant writing autistic sci fi series derivative of the autistic authors he likes (seemingly Ayn Rand, Tolkien and Frank Herbert mostly). He same fags a lot in order to push his self published novels on here and pretend he isn't a fat ass nerd (he is like ball in baggy clothes with stick limbs). This thing seems to be a faked "4chan has doxxed me" thing he posted a couple of times before and deleted.

He claims to have a girlfriend in medical research. Has someone created a kind of Frankenstein monster of the worst parts of /lit/ tripfags? The age and manchildness of Shitehawk, the fanfics of D&E, the samefagging of BB and the dramatic turn of Quentin all in one man.

>> No.8555490

>sci fi series
oh god not another one.

>> No.8555533

Kids do not have enough experience, or in honesty intelligence, to recognise good writing from bad when the difference is subtle. And with Rowling it is subtle. People hate it, but it's very good in certain key ways; the world and the plot are "charming" -- escapist by engaging curiosity -- and feed right into each other. This children can notice, and this children will like. The prose is beyond shit, yes, but children don't usually notice this because it's subtle and because you need to see good prose to know mediocre prose.

The simple fact is that it's not genre fiction. It's got ideas, it explores them well enough, and it's even now unique. It's not for anyone over the age of ten, and ten is stretching it, but it's not bad for those below it.

Besides, it works very well as an introduction to reading. No, it doesn't force you into King.

>> No.8555583

>The biggest fans tend to be women in their thirties and numales who haven't grown up.
Only literally. The vast majority of readers were not adults.

>> No.8555629

>Be someone who lurks /lit/

>Watch in disbelief as they are unable to accept any other books except ones that are about what someone insane thought about the world.

>Expect kids to read them too.


>> No.8555639


Try to write something better. Oh, you can't. So, J.K Rowling is incommensurably better than you. Everyone that judge badly a thing should consider what he himself could do. This is the main reason because critics are worthless parasites.

>> No.8555644

/lit/ like most other boards are just places to try and impress other people. Only tangentially related to literature.

>> No.8555740

>The simple fact is that it's not genre fiction.
No, it is very much genre fiction. Rowling has spoken about it as if she invented the tired tropes she was using and I assume this is what's confusing you, but it's really very basic genre fiction. That it has a bunch of nazi allegories shoe horned in makes it really quite bad genre fiction, but I don't begrudge anyone reading shit. Just don't only or mostly read shit.

>> No.8556259

>No, it is very much genre fiction.
>nazi allegories
You have a bad memory, or were not an attentive child (I'm assuming you read this as a child). There's a lot more to it than superficial politics.

>> No.8556339

What's worse, Nazis or Forced "Don't be a Nazi" allegory?

>> No.8557715

>Being this upset with Time Travel
Get over yourself. It was a good Play.

>> No.8558053

>You have a bad memory, or were not an attentive child
There are interviews where she outright states it was a late addition that happened to fit. She was really quite ignorant of a lot of the working of Nazi Germany (the Thunderbolt scar is a fucking shitty choice too if you really desperately want to believe there were nazi allegories from the start), to the degree she wasn't aware of some basic racial purity laws shit (I'm from England and went to a comp and still got taught about that shit in school so no idea where she fucked up there).

When it was kind of innocent genocide in the books it seemed a lot more Saturday morning cartoon from the 80s. That sort of thing trying to then make really very serious points through cack handed parallels late on and mid stream was just, I dunno, really really ridiculously bad. People seem to like it but it's in bad taste imo.

>> No.8558816

we let plebs read them

force children to read them in school

make 14 year olds find the symbolic significance in Voldemort's wand being so unusually long

>> No.8558938

I wasn't talking about the Nazi thing. I don't think anyone could dispute the Nazi thing.

>> No.8558969

At least you got my age right. Thanks senpai!

>> No.8559578

Is it true you can manipulate Gases of all kinds?

>> No.8559615

Why does Voldemort have a daughter? Did Hermione actually die?

>> No.8559651

rowling is pretty fucking stupid, she will never be known for anything but harry pothead.
She tried to go all "om a serious writer too" with that post potter book no one read.
Really what she should do is embrace her retarded mantle of shitty queen of genre fiction.
She needs to delve into fantasy, write some game of thrones type shit.
It would be perfect, the audience that read her shit is older, they want something more mature, and fantasy would be familiar to the people who liked harry potter.

>> No.8559689

>Why does Voldemort have a daughter?
Because even Snakes need sum lovin
>Did Hermione actually die?
Yes, she was memed to death by a Meme Eater

>> No.8559934

My problem is with the Nazi thing tho. It's just sort of stuck in later really as superficial politics. While I don't think her pure/mud blood shit is amazing (in fact this really puts me off Harry Potter as a pre teen book, I'd much rather young children not have concepts of racial purity thrust upon them), that it then gets bad nazi allegory stuck on top doesn't help it.

>> No.8559950

Oh, Harold Bloom is the one Fry and Laurie model their critics after?

never knew.

>> No.8559972

what he says about Harry Potter that's falsifiable has been falsified. The rest is opinion.

>> No.8560076
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>Literal Deus Ex Machina in the play
Kill me.

>> No.8560749

No but I can write serious amounts of sci fi. Perhaps if you posted a temporary email address I could be pursueded into sending you a free digital copy of the first. Book in the series? I'm always trying to gather more reviews

>> No.8561509

Jew Kike Rowling did it by herself the moment she put her name in that fanfic-tier eight book.

>> No.8561605

>Jew Kike Rowling
Ecks Dee