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8543735 No.8543735 [Reply] [Original]

lads, i'm looking for books that touch upon the most timeless of themes: masculinity, honour, ethnic pride,free market economics, tradition, male brotherhood, being a Warrior or fighting for one's race.

>> No.8543739
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>> No.8543740

the iliad

>> No.8543741

read Clifford the Big Red Dog

>> No.8543866

Extreme Ownership

>> No.8544685

good one

>> No.8544731

My diary desu

>> No.8544743
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>free market economics

The people you're satirizing don't like free market economics.

>> No.8544799
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>free market economics

>> No.8544801

uncle tom's cabin
the narrative of the life of Frederick douglas
up from slavery
huck finn

honestly though you sound like an oblivious douche.

>> No.8544808

Great generic art station viking fantasy artwork OP

Do you play D&D?

>> No.8544827

You sound Spooked a/f.

I'd call you "mate" sarcastically, but I wouldn't want you to mistake my attitude for anything but hostility.

>> No.8544828
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U mad?

>> No.8544830


>concentric walls
>spiky rocks pointed upwards outside walls
>high elevation

What the fuck are these guys defending themselves from? Giants? These guys are pretty serious about defense but where the fuck are they gonna find water?

The Outlaws of the Marsh is what your are looking for.

>> No.8544836
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>> No.8544843
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>> No.8544845

Really boring book desu.

>> No.8544846
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>> No.8544848


>> No.8544855

Yet another shit thread brought to you by Nimble America

>> No.8544864


>> No.8544865

I also like playing Warband.

>> No.8544880

It's Mount and Blade: Warband's main menu background image

>> No.8544881
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>> No.8544916
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>free market economics

>> No.8545091

I guess The Turner Diaries?

>> No.8545315

Woah that cover is so badass. I feel spooked just by looking at it. You know, When I think masculinity, I think skulls. First thing that comes to mind. I bet the guy who wrote it is a true alpha male and gets tons of pussy.

>> No.8545378

>Free market economics
One of these things are not like the other.

>Fighting for one's race
No one though in explicitly racial terms until the late 1800s, so not exactly a "timeless theme"

>> No.8545382

boipucci maybe

>> No.8545386

Youre retarded as fuck

>> No.8545456

>judging a book by its cover

>> No.8545463

the knight in panther's skin

>> No.8545473

Are you a 13 year old? GTFO.

>> No.8545601

He do ficki ficki in man's sho-shoo hole, BaBa.

>> No.8545640

>fighting for ones race
Other than rhodesia and KKK that has never happened. Le race warrior meme is some recent american shit. You only got nationalism.

>> No.8545645

if you want a good manly viking novel read the long ships

>> No.8545760

Some times people dig very deep holes in the ground and find water.

>> No.8545801
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>> No.8545805
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>fighting for one's race.

>> No.8545810

I'm happy you've managed to hate tumblr's identity politics to offer us poor masses who aren't like you another form of terrible identity politics. You surely are the savior of the white race by having an unwarranted sense of self importance like everyone else intolerable.

>> No.8545814

things fall apart

>> No.8545863

if you are thinking of just the white race, maybe

other races have fought for themselves. the japs for example

in fact it's going on right now #blacklivesmatter

>> No.8545874
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This thread is now about making fun of OP and how spooked he is.

>> No.8545879

Race is a older concept, and the way they used before is nearer to the truth than the way it is used now by these "nationalists" who are all materialists desu.

>> No.8545884

>someone wants to read about masculinity
>only want to show hostility
what's wrong with masculinity?

>> No.8545891

Your entire argument is what books justifies my misanthropy and narcism combined

You sound very ready to argue with someone I think

>> No.8545899

I was asking what's wrong with masculinity, or honor, or pride. There's no need to get upset over fictional stories

>> No.8545924

Caring obsessively about everything you are and not everything you could do is not honorful or prideful. You haven't an ounce of chivalry in you, it's dead.

Don't pretend you are a "nice guy" you are just the intolerable opposite

>> No.8546482

No, but clearly Jack Donovan is.

>> No.8546490

The Tain Bo Cuailnge

>> No.8546496

When did I say I was chivalrous or a nice guy? You're putting words in my mouth, while not even trying to respond to my question.
I'll ask again. What's wrong with a fictitious story about a warrior, that has strong bonds with his fellow soldiers?

>> No.8546562

Don Quixote or Moby Dick, not 100% spot on what you're looking for word for word but you're not going to find exactly what you're looking for anywhere unless of course you feel up for writing it yourself. At least with those two books the masculinity, honor, pride, tradition, and male bonding is present in spades and they're better than any of the trash you'll get recommended.

>> No.8546899

I'm understanding the subtext of what you're saying whether you meant it or not.

>What's wrong with a fictitious story about a warrior, that has strong bonds with his fellow soldiers?

When it's about a narcacistic figure fighting imaginary windmills, trying to be everything knightly and everything he isn't it is relatable. When one puts their Quixotic drive towards the race of other people, as if they are better, becoming something continuously worse and self destructive it's a tragedy.

I find something totally Quixotic about the Internet white nationalist, if only their beliefs were ever so destructive to themselves and others around them.

If you want to "protect your race", one day you'll have to understand that it doesn't take the ideas you've read to do it. You've communicated these ideas throughout history in the most thuggish ways. Hell's Angels, the Klan, the fact we took so long to communicate have been so pointlessly cruel. And these ideas have only become more cruel, without thinking of any of the consequences for so many people. Both white and not.

The modern lot of you cannot be separated from what you believe, but there is literature that wants your specific "brand" of nationalism.

It's all genre scifi schlock, but it exists

>> No.8546926


>> No.8546978

You sound very ready to argue with someone I think

>> No.8546982

I'm willing to admit it.

>> No.8546991

So you're so intelligent you know what I'm thinking?
Are you saying that a story about a warrior is inherently awful? Masculinity is narcissistic? Being proud of your country or city or heritage is racist? A brotherhood can only be formed when their doing horrible things while saying they're good?
A story about a soldier conscripted into service and fighting alongside his townsfolk is a white nationalist intent on ending other races?

>> No.8547006


>> No.8547014

>So you're so intelligent you know what I'm thinking?

I wasn't insinuating this, but I think I know subtext when I see it. Quit playing lawyer on the internet and own up to it.

>Are you saying that a story about a warrior is inherently awful?

What you think of one is. You are no "warrior". Never were. Never will be.

>Masculinity is narcissistic?

Nope. Only what you perceive yourself in this context. I know what you are. And you are narcissistic. Many of you are, swathes.

> Being proud of your country or city or heritage is racist?

Being proud of its most deplorable negative aspects is. If the Soviets decided to segregate the victims of gulags after their release, you would scream and shout and use it as fuel to the fire where ideas you disagree with cannot ever be said, or argued for. Based on the actions of a single nation. But that's going off tangent.

You respect shit all for the better accomplishments, and not the ones you uphold to be edgy, nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humor.

>A brotherhood can only be formed when their doing horrible things while saying they're good?

I never actually ssaid or implies this.

>A story about a soldier conscripted into service and fighting alongside his townsfolk is a white nationalist intent on ending other races?

You don't want to read that.

Besides which even in the backpedal, everything you're describing is basically "What propaganda is best"

>> No.8547031

What would you say If I told you I was literally in the military and enjoy reading fantasy novels?
That's what I've been talking about the entire time. You're so intent on labeling everything propaganda you seem to have forgotten that some people read for pleasure. I like reading about training. I like reading about camaraderie. I like reading about strong men and women defending their homes. Not everything has to have some deep underlying meaning.

>> No.8547049

>What would you say If I told you I was literally in the military and enjoy reading fantasy novels?

Do you want a pat on the back?

>That's what I've been talking about the entire time.

You're looking for it with political intent This entire thread is political tap dancing, and I very much understand you want these things with political intent.

>I like reading about strong men and women defending their homes. Not everything has to have some deep underlying meaning.

Everything you are looking for is not what service to a nation is. The soon to be long gone vets of World War II, is this. The people who never wanted to go to Vietnam, is this. And all of them, knowing the kind of crowd you now want to associate with, would smack the smugness off your face.

If you truly want novels of these things they can never be about the negatives outweighing the positives, and the insecurity more than the pride.

You've never been in a true war. You're likely some pencil pusher.

>> No.8547058


>> No.8547079

The thing is that I'm not looking at it with political intent.
First of all, don't say a thing about what I've done, or the kind of people I've met. You think I haven't met veterans who served in Vietnam? You have such a massive ego you think you know what soldiers think, that YOU know what they would say.
I'm not even thinking about anything political in my previous posts. You're nitpicking a sentence I wrote and freaking out over it.

>> No.8547085

We both know exactly what you are.

>> No.8547099

What am I? An asshole? A white supremacist? A racist? A smug, shitposting douche bag? I just like to read some books where a kid and some of his friends go on an adventure.

>> No.8547110

>What am I? An asshole? A white supremacist? A racist? A smug, shitposting douche bag? I just like to read some books where a kid and some of his friends go on an adventure.

Someone with an agenda that otheriwse wants to strip the board of what it once was into a shit flinging war of high school students while everyone educated who just wants to discuss literature leaves. This is clearly a rhetorical thread meant to bring out a certain kind of response. Don't worry, there are many of you here.

>> No.8547116

Better be quiet man, I'll kiss you right on the fucking cheekbone. I'm not trying to sling shit, you're just grumpy

>> No.8547120

I don't think shills are all that muscular. So I doubt I have to worry about it. I'd be more expectant of a literal kiss on the cheek.

>> No.8547127


Gender Trouble by Judith Butler

>> No.8547128

You'd be surprised
I literally was talking about a kiss. It's a no homo joke, but you didn't get it

>> No.8547164

You want to read what war can be? Read it from people who have been to war. It's never something to be proud of. The consequences outweigh the benefits. Someone as green as you goes into real war for the faux values you want, you come out with shell shock.

Read about Vietnam and both World Wars.

>> No.8549277

T. insecure 20-something guy who has to compensate for not feeling manly enough and thinks that it's other 'races' fault that he doesn't have any success with women

>> No.8549301

>missing the point: the response novel

>> No.8549500

> I don't understand satire, the post

>> No.8549508
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Ethnicity: real

Race: made up meme originating from Americans that lack any sort of ethnical identity

>> No.8549523

OP, if you arent baiting this book unironically fits all of your requirements.