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/lit/ - Literature

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854190 No.854190 [Reply] [Original]

I want to hear what /lit/ sounds like
Pick a passage from a book and read it.

Here Ill start,


>> No.854207


>> No.854214


>> No.854319

no one?

>> No.854324

OP, you have a hawt voice.

>> No.854357

umm.. Thanks I guess.

Anyone else?

>> No.854390

>I want to hear what /lit/ sounds like
>I want /lit/ to hear what I sounds like.

Nice voice OP. Absolutely no denying it.

>> No.854399

So me contributing to my own thread is bad in some way?

>> No.854458

hey OP wanna be in an Xbox Live Indie game I'm developing? I need one more voice and your voice is pretty darn cool

Egoraptor is in it already

>> No.854473

Whats the game about?

>> No.854487
File: 276 KB, 861x497, TITLE MENU XBOX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sci-fi arena survival, multiplayer online

don't have a voice for the robot yet, you could voice him as a classy robot

>> No.854490

I'll give it a shot i guess

>> No.854495

Sure Id give it a shot.

>> No.854497


awesome, email me here and I'll send you some lines

>> No.854509

>he thinks having egoraptor in something is an accomplishment.

>> No.854518

what book is that ?

>> No.854524

The Gun Seller

>> No.854528



>> No.854537

what book are you reading from op?

>> No.854560

I have a unique and pleasant accent. Here's me reading out a passage from my favourite book :3


>> No.854570

>yo nose itches
all the other ones I get...but how the fuck

>> No.854575


>> No.854576


how do i sound guys, never knew i sounded like this.

>> No.854577

Stevie without a breathing disability?

Gettin' a book. Will record in two clicks.

>> No.854580

OP's voice is pretty bad ass, I must say.

>> No.854592 [DELETED] 


I dunno, I read the first paragraph of Bradbury's There Will Come Soft Rains.

>> No.854603


Protip: Clipping your mic to chest hair is a brilliant idea.

>> No.854611

Hells yea mouth breather

>> No.854622

And someting in latin.

>> No.854628


I have a really soft voice, what.

>> No.854634

Classic american poetry


>> No.854655

Can hardly hear what you're saying.

lol. What accent is that?

>> No.854669

This isn't latin?

>> No.854687

OP, become a professional audio book reader. You'll make millions.

>> No.854692

A bit like a creep but maybe that just the quality of the recording.

>> No.854693

How does one get that job?

>> No.854701

No, that's ancient greek.

>> No.854702

nearly as i know, you pretty much have to already be famous. it's a celebrity guest thing.

>> No.854703


make a short audio showreel and send it round to audiobook publishers?

>> No.854711


>> No.854714


I don't think it's something you can get directly hired for. However, if you read a full book and were able to put a price tag on it, then you could have a free "demo" of your voice which would be great for racking in buyers. Get enough and expand. Rinse. Repeat. The only problem is copyright issues are gonna suck. I'm not too good on my copyright laws, but if you could legally do this it'd be a great idea. I know I'd pay book price for a reading like that. One question, what other voices can you do, how wide is your range in impersonating?

>> No.854718


>> No.854722


>> No.854733


>> No.854742

So, what's OP's opinion on how /lit/ sounds.

>> No.854828

A bunch of foreigners who just lost the game who mouth breath manually.

>> No.854848

Well your thread is stupid anyways, sexy voice butthead.

>> No.854884

Sure why not?

I'm no singer though. Also, out of breath because I just mowed the lawn. I ran out of gas. I, I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts. IT WASN'T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD.


>> No.854929

I really like your voice.

>> No.854945

Seconded ^_^

>> No.854957

Holy fuck, now, I'm so... I don't even know... This is like, incredibly stupid, but yet, it's kind of like... sex in my ears. I mean, ugh, wow, this is weird.

I think you should voice children's shows or something, Carlos. They would be confused.

>> No.854969

Thank you. I would love to get into voice acting in the event that my film making career/acting comeback doesn't go as planned.

>> No.854978


>> No.854995
File: 55 KB, 500x657, 1286514-tumblr_ktokc5dybh1qzeovdo1_500_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.854999


Is that some Dark Tower you just read?

>> No.855008

Indeed. Book 3: The Wastelands.

>> No.855020


Awesome. I read this in other language, and that's not a very remarkable passage...it's Eddie thinking, right?

I'm surprised that I remember this.

>> No.855106

Eddie dreaming, yes. He is dreaming of Jake.

>> No.855162

The fact that no one has read James Joyces dirty letters is both surprising and disappointing.

>> No.855166

Got a copy? I can give it a shot.

>> No.855186

That language is most definitely Greek.

>> No.855207

Heidi? o_O

>> No.855274

Here's me: http://vocaroo.com/?media=vcZdoOO08jGXujUdZ

>> No.855277

here we goo, http://vocaroo.com/?media=vAnjyMDmkaVrX62pu

>> No.855285

You are my hero.

>> No.855299


>> No.855370


I apologize for forgetting to step away from the mic to breath in.

>> No.855382

If you do this with old books whose copyright laws have expired you shouldn't have a problem

>> No.855404

What accent am I hearing?

>> No.855405
File: 325 KB, 881x1200, ff_conan_the_buccaneer_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.855488

I haven't a clue. I just talk funny like.


>> No.855552

Here's me


>> No.855556


Are you an old black man that works on a plantation?

>> No.855557

Please, what are you reading from? And your voice, it's just, oh my god. I played it 4 times and still lolling hard.

>> No.855560


Hey, a quote from my favorite book!

>> No.855563

Ew. This is terrible and you are terrible and /h/ is over there.

>> No.855585

Why thank ya' kindly.

>> No.855599

thats the creepiest shit i've ever heard, i think i love you

>> No.855602

You're my favorite. <3

>> No.855608

I'm better than you :3


>> No.855613
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>> No.855746


>> No.855773
File: 24 KB, 679x482, i-came-ghostbuster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.855775

needs more whores imo

>> No.855786
File: 188 KB, 484x359, 1276132738250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.855789


>> No.855797

I think I love you

>> No.855811


>> No.855812
File: 51 KB, 371x500, moar_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.855821

i have a stutter :(

>> No.855824

sucks to be you, faggot

>> No.855829


>> No.855842

Don't be such a jerk >:(

If you want to do one you should, I love hearing people's voices. It would be boring if we all sounded the same anyways.

>> No.855845



>> No.855857

If you have a mic I'd love to hear you stutter. I don't think I have ever actually hear someone stutter in my life.

>> No.855859


What does /lit/ think of my voice?

>> No.855860
File: 31 KB, 470x400, 1277698961029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.855863

holy shit, we need to show this to /x/ right away!

>> No.855871

Anyone? D:

>> No.855874


i'm so naughty

>> No.855875

Did I just take a time machine to 2008?

>> No.855877


Doin' it right.

>> No.855878

Is it wrong that I listened for about thirty seconds to see if she was going to start reading?

>> No.855885

I wish I had a mic...but my voice is terrible anyway. Consider yourself lucky.

>> No.855892

I guess I'll try

>> No.855893

Can I please have an opinion?

>> No.855895

What the fuck this is some freaky shit.

>> No.855900

ITT: We find out that /lit/ is full of slutty (wonderfully so) femanons.

>> No.855907

what is this i don't even

>> No.855915

quand je la suce, elle pête

>> No.855929

Only 30 seconds? Confirmed for homosex

>> No.855939

there ya go.
I can read more but this was the thing nearby

>> No.855947

My original Idea was for people to read from books but slutty c/lit/s is good too.

>> No.855959


Somewhat quieter than my normal talking voice. Don't want to disturb the sleepers.

>> No.855986

Bump for more readingfriends.

>> No.855991

Im not sure what your trying to convey here.

>> No.856024

>build up courage
>thread dies after you post


>> No.857181

bamp for more reading. more whores is fine too.

>> No.857402

Come on lit! Lend me your voices!