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/lit/ - Literature

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8539440 No.8539440 [Reply] [Original]

>last 5 books you read

And then other anons try to decipher which kind of person you are.

>> No.8539453

The Waves
To The Lighthouse
Wuthering Heights
Swann's Way

>> No.8539458

Didn't someone point out in a previous thread that this is pointless? That is unless people give an indication of whether they liked the book or not. I'd sooner guess what kind of person someone is by the next five books they want to read.

>> No.8539462

24. Just Kids (Patti Smith memoir), On Writing (Stephen King memoir), A Moveable Feast (Hemingway memoir), Fifteen Dogs (Andre Alexis), The Girl Who Was Saturday Night (Heather O'Neill).

Bonus: currently reading IJ

>> No.8539464

Wait- it just occurred to me that's wrong because the sort of books a person is willing to pick up in the first place could be telling. Sorry OP.

>> No.8539465


The Ego and It's Own
Infinite Jest
Mein Kampf
The God Delusion
Bottom's Dream

>> No.8539469


>> No.8539471


Starting with the most recent
>The Concept of the Political by Carl Schmitt
>Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard
>The World as Will and Representation by Ol' Schopey
>Selected Works 1943-1978 by Onorato Damen
>Essays on the Materialist Conception of History by Antonio Labriola

>> No.8539472

>On Writing

That seems interesting. How'd you like it?

>> No.8539476

>the iliad
>notes from the underground
>walden & civil disobedience

>> No.8539477


Brave New World
The Fountainhead
The Sound and the Fury

>> No.8539487
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>half of Crime and Punishment
>The Lawless Roads
>The Power and The Glory
>Histories, Herodotus
>The Odyssey

>> No.8539491
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>> No.8539494


>> No.8539496


>Agape Agape, Gaddis
I read this to get a taste of Gaddis's style before jumping into one of his doorstoppers, but I don't think it gave a great first impression. I'm giving Gaddis the BOTD and will probably still attempt one of his more well-known works.
>Huckleberry Finn, Twain
Loved it. One of the comfiest books I've ever read, and Huck is probably the most charming and endearing narrator I can think of.
>Infinite Jest, Wallace
Yes, I actually read it. Yes, it was actually good.
>Factotum, Bukowski
"He's a pretty good read, but who would wanna be such an asshole?"
>Stoner, Williams
It's true, this is a damn near perfect novel.

>> No.8539497


Notre-Dame de Paris
Moby Dick
Le Suicide
Surveiller et punir
Malaise dans la civilisation

>> No.8539501

I am gonna assume you just kicked off a dystopian phase going off 1984 and BNW being in your last 5 books read


The Flying Troutmen
Breakfast of Champions
Child 44
Paddy Clarke, ha ha ha
Tuesdays with Morrie

>> No.8539502

Hoped it'd be a little more technical but it was a pretty great (and light) read. The tl;dr from the book is "work hard, write a lot" with some colourful anecdotes about King's childhood, big literary breaks, and drug use. Honestly never read anything from his oeuvre (usually stick to the classics) but he seems like a pretty cool guy and I'll probably read Carrie as a post-IJ vacation.

>> No.8539504


>> No.8539505


>> No.8539506
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>Swan Lake
>Dwarf Nose
>Saint George and the Dragon
>The School for Cats
>The Sleeping Beauty

ignoring kid books
>A Terrace in Rome Pascal Quignard
>Prose Edda
>Pybrac by Pierre Louys
>The Professor Is In: The Essential Guide To Turning Your Ph.D. Into a Job
>Pride and Prejudice

>> No.8539507
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>> No.8539510

I'm really just trying to educate myself on classics.

>> No.8539516


White Noise
Madame Bovary
Native Son
Teddy Roosevelt's autobiography
The Ballad of the Sad Cafe

>> No.8539518

replace Wuthering Heights with Pride and Prejudice and that was me over the summer

>> No.8539526
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Thanks, anon. I'll definitely check this out. Maybe it will rekindle my dream to become a writer.

>> No.8539531


>Dostoy - Notes/Double

yfw this is now a /lit/ horoscope thread

>> No.8539538

Cuentos Completos 2, Julio Cortázar.
El Túnel, Ernesto Sabato.
L'Étranger, Albert Camus.
For Whom the Bells Toll, Ernest Hemingway.
Norwegian Wood, Haruki Murakami.

>> No.8539546

If that's your goal, definitely read Just Kids! Way more entertaining, literary, and inspiring. (I had no idea who Patti Smith was before reading it.)

>> No.8539550

American Gods
Ready player one
Do androids dream of electric sheep
The Lions of Al-Rassan

>> No.8539552


>The Tragedy of Great Power Politics
>The Evolution of Cooperation
>After Hegemony
>Thinkers of the New Left
>After Virtue

>> No.8539558

You are probably homosexual, you dirty Frenchman.


1) Hamlet for the umpteenth time.

2) The Two Noble Kinsmen

3) Charles Bukowski, King of the Underground: From Obscurity to Literary Icon

4) Biographies of Rabelais, Shakespeare, Marlowe

5) The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.8539563


>Daisy Miller
>The Romance of Tristan & Iseult
>Epic of Gilgamesh
>Exquisite Corpse
>Fear & Trembling

>> No.8539564
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>> No.8539568

Why don't the ages surprise me..

>> No.8539570

Man's Fate
The Thief's Journal
Journey to the End of the Night
The Easter Parade

>> No.8539577

>Dead Souls
>The Power of Myth

>> No.8539581

>French culture == high culture

>> No.8539585
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The Fall
Animal Farm
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Crime and Punishment
The Unbearable Lightness of Being

By the way, any recommendations are welcomed

>> No.8539593

you seem like a smart dude who wants to get into real literature.

>> No.8539602


>Lolita (not joking)
>The fundation
>The aleph
>On the will in nature

>> No.8539603

Finding yourself.

Read Brothers K

>Portrait of an Artist
>The Everlasting Man
>Titus Andronicus
>Taming of the Shrew

>> No.8539610

The Immortality is my favorite Milan's book.

>> No.8539620


The Book of the City of Ladies
The Present and the Past
The Penguin Book of Sick Verse
The King's English
Some Tame Gazelle

>> No.8539627

Don't rush into Brothers Karamazov and instead continue to read a variety of writers. Read a version of Robinson Crusoe without the irregular printing style and spellings of the 18th century to see an example of an early novel. Bear in mind that most of the great Russian writers were influenced by the great English and French writers. The Red and The Black by Stendhal is a well-paced, psychological novel that a fan of Dostoevsky would appreciate.

>> No.8539629

Why would you joke? It's a wonderful book.

>> No.8539639

Am I right in guessing that you've read most of Shakespeare's plays? I'm in the middle of The Two Noble Kinsmen, the only play by him I haven't read. I feel like going back to some of the big tragedies soon after. A performance of Hamlet at Stratford-upon-Avon this past summer got me hooked again.

>> No.8539648

why would they

>> No.8539660

>Mrs. Dalloway
>Crime and Punishment
>Invisible Cities
>The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
>To the Lighthouse

>> No.8539667


Lolita (reread)
Leningrad: the 900 days
Kissinger's on China
A Voyage to Arcturus
The Flight to Lucifer

>> No.8539671

Nope. I've only read six, but I'm making my way through them all right now. Any suggestions on order?

>> No.8539687


Currently reading the bible and moby dick, last books read were polybius histories, epic of gilgamesh, and some cicero

>> No.8539693

The Foundation
The Stranger
Ham on Rye
The Sociological Imagination
Second Stage Lensman

>> No.8539694


The Odyssey
Fragments of Sappho
Hell's Angels
The Iliad
Ham on Rye

>> No.8539706
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>the road
>nine stories
>atlas shrugged
>a collection of short stories by Kafka
>the bad girl


>> No.8539721

Well, half the time the book is mentioned here is whit meme intentions so...

Wonderful indeed my friend. One of the best readings i've had this year. Planning on getting more into nabokov also, any suggestions?

>> No.8539722

Just finished stoner 10 minutes ago and nearly cried at the end. Also huck finn is maximum comfy, I just wanna live on a raft. Also I'm halfway through IJ. Are we friends now?

>> No.8539725


>> No.8539729

This is 4chan dude. Even on an "intelligent" board like /lit/ it's still going to be teenagers and young 20s.

>> No.8539736



that's not how you spell pedantic

>> No.8539739

I'll be your friend :3
Wanna build a raft and get into some hi jinx together?

>> No.8539741

>Why don't the ages surprise me..
Because this is the median population, oldfags are almost all gone. 4chan is mainstream. Fucking pepe is on Fox news.

>> No.8539742


>The Possibility of An Island
>The Idiot
>Capitalism & Schizophrenia
>Critique of Pure Reason

was embarrassed to like Ham on Rye

>> No.8539746

Thank you, will try to find The Red and The Black and progressively get into Dostoyevski

Will read it, I liked The Unbearable Lightness of Being

>> No.8539747

you take pride in your tumblr's aesthetic, you're also probably a good person to date but after several months your emotional needs become tiresome.

You're pretty chill, enjoy your life even though you don't always feel like you do, and comfortable with the idea of commitment to another person

you think you're much more intelligent than you actually are and you feel frustration but you're unaware of the source

You're sad and seek refuge in knowledge because being an intelligent person makes you feel good about yourself but not good enough to not be sad

You're going through something, mentally. An agnostic-atheist, perhaps.

You are confident in yourself and yet constantly question the validity of your own opinion about yourself. You also have a hard time empathizing people's feelings, even if you understand them.

You are also sad and seeking refuge in intellectualism. You're considering that maybe the warmth that intelligence doesn't provide you may be found in seeking God.

You're genuinely chill, and although you aren't really fulfilled as a human, you aren't worried about it. Likes Modest Mouse, obvs. Has a reddit account.

you're reconsidering art school

unjustifiably smug, slightly misanthropic

goal-oriented femanon having a difficult time with adulthood but not with life in general

puberty was not kind to you

you feel a vague kernel of potential in your gut, you believe that you have it in your to rise above your peers. One day that kernel will go off like black powder and people will see. You're also p sad.

you eat beans with like everything

you're posing as a Redditor. Here's your (you)

you're identifying with the things I've said of other people, but think yourself above them.

actual redditor

you have a genuine interest in philosophy and literature, but little else

books don't effect your social standing, but you think they do

That goes double for you, hipster teen

relatively new to /lit/ but you find ot exciting. You hope not to come off as pretentious

also reddit

you have an eye for the aesthetic. you're also white.

>> No.8539751

I liked it. You had to wade through some of the more cringe parts to get to the good stuff, though.

>> No.8539775


>> No.8539781
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>goal-oriented femanon having a difficult time with adulthood but not with life in general

Thanks anon, that's entirely accurate. I would've thought you knew me.

>> No.8539786
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I'm >>8539476

More of an agnostic-theist, and if there is something I'm going through, mentally, is the growing feeling that I need to abandon society and live like Thoreau did

>> No.8539793

>The trial
>No longer human

>> No.8539798


>Too Loud a Solitude
>Conversation in the Cathedral
>Digging Up Mother

>> No.8539802

That is why the quotes are there, also, even in our worst, when the competition are a board dedicated to being politically incorrect, a board about video games, a board about anime, a shit tonne of porn boards and a board dedicated to NEET culture, yea, we are in the more intelligent bracket

>> No.8539812

>unjustifiably smug
actually, crippling inferiority complex

>slightly misanthropic
cant argue that one

>> No.8539824


>The Murders in the Rue Morgue
>Mio, My Son
>Heart of Darkness
>The Call of Cthulhu (I've been reading his works chronologically)
>The Man With the Twisted Lip

I also read some Kafka shorts this summer, I especially enjoyed The Metamorphosis. Also read The Road, it was good too.
If I had to guess something about you, it'd be that you're slowly giving up.

>> No.8539833

I don't know about those last couple books but I liked the foundation series immensely


>> No.8539840


>The Glass Menagerie
>Civilization and Its Discontents
>The Secret Agent
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>Homage to Catalonia

>> No.8539842

1. Jesus son
2. End zone
3. Great jones street
4. Melancholy of resistance
5. Steps by jerzy k

>> No.8539844

if this were a facebook post i would like it or something probably, unironically

>> No.8539847

I wouldn't want you anywhere near my little sister, anon.

>> No.8539864

>Jesus' Son

Pseud worskshop core but I still loved it.

>> No.8539868
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>You are also sad and seeking refuge in intellectualism. You're considering that maybe the warmth that intelligence doesn't provide you may be found in seeking God.

>> No.8539885

27yo cis fucking white man.

Dubliners (re-read)
The Melancholy of Resistance
Blood Meridian
Runaway Horses

Apart from Japanese lit which I have a deep interest in, I'm kind of embarrassed how obviously /lit/ influenced my list is.

Currently reading a Japanese short story collection not in translation because I'm a galactic weeb, clearly.

>> No.8539900

someone decipher me already

>> No.8539907


>Blood Meridian
>Prior Analytics
>Quantum Non-Locality and Relativity: Metaphysical Intimations of Modern Physics

>> No.8539909

Kierkegaard - Fear and Trembling
Camus - The Plague
Souseki - Kokoro
Dostoevsky - Crime and Punishment
Marcus Aurelius - Meditations

>> No.8539916

Age is 24

>> No.8539938


In no particular order:

>Richard III
>The Merchant of Venice
>Bhagavad Gita
>Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
>Asterios Polyp

Currently reading: Antony and Cleopatra

>> No.8539960


The Republic, Metaphysics, Nichomachean Ethics, The Catcher in the Rye, Politics

>> No.8540011


no particular order

Old Man and the Sea
Animal Farm
No Longer Human
AA Big Book first 164

>> No.8540037

Kosinski - The Painted Bird
Boll - The Clown
Lagerkvist - Barabbas
Bellow - Seize the Day
Pearl Poet - Collected Works (Middle English)

>> No.8540042

>Notes From Underground
>Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
>Crime and Punishment
>Roadside Picnic
>The Gambler

>> No.8540050


The Ego and His Own
The Day of the Locust
The Executioner's Song
Tao Te Ching

>> No.8540053

What were your thoughts/feelings on Fear and Trembling? Just picked it up today, and am curious to hear a first person account on it.

>> No.8540069


El divan del Tamarit - Federico Garcia Lorca
Poeta en Nueva York - Federico Garcia Lorca
Romancero Gitano - Federico Garcia Lorca
Poema del cante jondo - Federico Garcia Lorca
The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka

You are a social outcast, who is on the verge of retreating to nature away from all the noise.

You are young, and starting to realize that the world does not have the answers for your questions.

A romantic,a poet in formation. You will write a poetic masterpiece, but will be always unhappy as your idea of love will never be fulfilled.

I'm also 24, and reading the plague. Coincidentally, I'm planning on reading meditations after. I must find some type of meaning throughout this pile of shit that is currently my life, or at least learn to accept it for what it is.

If you continue reading Dostoevsky, you will become a priest by age 35.

>> No.8540089


The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon
Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
Time Out of Joint by Philip K Dick
Ubik by Philip K Dick
Every Song Ever by Ben Ratliff

>> No.8540102

What are you doing

>> No.8540107

>AA Big Book first 164

Wtf. I'm 22, in rehab, and have also been assigned the first 164 pages of the BB. Strange. Are you also in In or Outpatient treatment my friend?

>> No.8540117

>Moby Dick
>A Handmaids Tale
>Epic of Gilgamesh
>Marauders of Gor
>A Game of Thrones

>> No.8540144

It looks like you're just getting into reading, which also could mean that you don't have a strong passion or sense of identity and therefore feel the need to validate yourself, through intellectual means, in order to achieve self-satisfiion of sorts (in a not necessarily negative way (self-satisfaction is key for contentment)).

>Quantum Non-Locality...

How is it? My friend explained the bare bones of Bell's Theorem to me the other day, as well as the potential implications of the lack of hidden variables in QM (non-determinism and all that jazz) and it got me interested in the subject. Looking for a relatively accessible but thorough and in depth book on the topic.

Your the type of person who didn't receive enough attention as a child—and you don't know who you are.

Galactic weeb.

Was Underworld worth the time?

Has 4 year old child because that's the only reason I can imagine for a 22 year old would read SkyLark.

Didn't read all of your replies, but I'm assuming you're a slightly jaundiced cat owner with a superiority<->inferiority complex with a name that starts with A. But then again who isn't.

You killed your son.

>> No.8540159
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Canción De Tumba - Julian Herbert
Justine - Lawrence Durrell
Hölderlin selected poems
Sculpting in Time - Andrei Tarkovsky
November - Flaubert

You're trying to find meaning in your life, you've lost your path and it's been hard to try to feel motivated again. Also amazing taste
Recently discovered russian lit and find everything Dostoievsky wrote eerily relatable
American and finally started getting into serious literature
You're deeply troubled about your feelings and thoughs
Going through an existential crisis and trying to find enlightenment from different sources
Don't know what to major yet
You have a handful of friends but feel alone most of the time
Your ideal for love is not conventional and have a hard time relating with people in general. Also a kissless virgin
Life's not going the way you expect it as a teenager
You have a vivid imagination and love epic tales because of the lore and amazing setting you recreate in your mind

>> No.8540166

>Was Underworld worth the time?

I think so. Actually decently breezy read for the length. Read it in a much shorter time than other books of similar length.

It leaves some things to be desired, but what doesn't.

>> No.8540169

You like Iron Maiden and playing RPGs on your game consoles.

Inner-city, politically-aware yuppie, but you feel disconnected from your social liberal peers and are slowly falling down the hole of reactionary socialism or conservatism.

You live a very coordinated, sober life and hope one day to become an actor in the theatre.

Aspiring patrician suffering from big-fish, small-pond syndrome in his third-rate postgrad department.

You picked up reading books to impress a hipster qt in highschool but accidentally became patrician.

Supreme sperglord (psh, nothing personnel).

You exclusively wear mom jeans and sneakers, and have a vast comic book collection.

Virginia Woolf - Orlando
J.G. Ballard - Drowned World
David Lewis - Counterfactuals
Robert Stalnaker - Inquiry

>> No.8540175

>You're genuinely chill, and although you aren't really fulfilled as a human, you aren't worried about it ... Has a reddit account.
Spot on
>Likes Modest Mouse, obvs.
Nah, I just happen to agree with that lyric. My brother plays them all the time, which is how I knew it offhand.

>> No.8540184 [DELETED] 

Despite the fact that you probably purposefully spelled 'personal' incorrectly (unless you're dyslexic or just stupid) and I'm actually mentioning it: in life outside this board and the internet as a whole, I've found the use of the term 'sperglord' or any casual reference to asperger's as pertaining to non-sufferers as often indicative of highly socially inept individuals. I still love you though.

>Deeply troubled...

Pretty close. I'm in rehab and seriously patching my life up. While my thoughts remain at peace, my feelings whirl and whirl. I've met really cool people however. And for that, I'm happy.

>> No.8540185

1. Court And Politics In Papal Rome, 1492 - 1700
2. Jerusalem In Medieval Narrative
3. Several plays by Middleton
4. Jude The Obscure
5. Brideshead Revisited

>> No.8540186

>Infinite Jest.
>The Brothers Karamazov.
>Notes From Underground.
>The Picture of Dorian Gray.

>> No.8540188

Despite the fact that you probably purposefully spelled 'personal' incorrectly (unless you're dyslexic or just stupid) and I'm actually mentioning it: in life outside this board and the internet as a whole, I've found that the use of the term 'sperglord' or any casual reference to asperger's as pertaining to non-sufferers is often indicative of highly socially inept individuals and should therefore be avoided as much as possible. I still love you though.

>Deeply troubled...

Pretty close. I'm in rehab and seriously patching my life up. While my thoughts remain at peace, my feelings whirl and whirl. I've met really cool people however. And for that, I'm happy.

>> No.8540190

In The Heart of The Heart of The Country
Agapē Agape
A Frolic of His Own
Carpenter's Gothic
The Recognitions

I basically read everything by Gaddis back to back in the past few months.

>> No.8540191

The Brothers Karamazov
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
The Trial (Kafka)
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Anna Karenina

>> No.8540204

It's time to grow up son...

>> No.8540207

>>>8540042 (You)
>If you continue reading Dostoevsky, you will become a priest by age 35.
You are correct, I am already feeling it. How do I make it stop?

>> No.8540208

As I said, it was nothing personnel, kid.

>> No.8540211

The shadow line. Joseph Conrad
The sound and the fury
Magic mountain
Mice and men

>> No.8540212

I don't read

>> No.8540214

>Our Lady of Fatima
>Marx in His Own Words
>The Sun Also Rises
>Introduction to Christianity

judge me

>> No.8540216
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The Mysterious Stranger
Woodcraft and Camping
Blood Meridian
Roughing It

In retrospect I really look like one red-blooded American motherfucker.

>> No.8540218

The Jews - Hilaire Belloc
The International Jew - Henry Ford
On the Jews and their lies - Martin Luther
Judaism and Freemasonry - Adnan Oktar
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - Anon

>> No.8540227

if you're looking for a primer on Bell's Theorem and its philosophical implications without any of that dastardly pop-sci then I would definitely recommend the book. It's also a good jumping off point if you're interested in general philosophy of physics.

>> No.8540229


The Pale King
Chimera (Barth)
The Corrections
The Crying of Lot 49

Liked them all, though The Corrections the least. Also please recommend me novels

>> No.8540230

>You live a very coordinated, sober life and hope one day to become an actor in the theatre

I try to live a life like that, but I wouldn't call qualify it as "very" coordinated. As for the second part, I enjoy drama and acting, but I am not sure I would want to become an actor.

All in all, sort of accurate description.

>> No.8540241


The First Philosophers
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The Myth of Sisyphus
The Plague

>> No.8540242

that's a nicely depressing run of books

>> No.8540243

Cool beans.

>> No.8540251


The Conquest of Bread
Sketches From a Hunter's Album
No Longer Human
The Crusades Through Arab Eyes
The Flowers of Evil

>> No.8540252

witcher book
the tower of the swallow
day watch
night watch
twilight watch
>muh escapism

>> No.8540258


>Crime and Punishment
Great novel, absolutely based characterization
>The Frying of Latke 49
It's nice, very Pinchin and all, but compared to GR it felt a but underwhelming
>Of Mice and Men
Absolutely based, want to pick up Steinbeck's novels now
Superb prose and most of all every story felt so real
>Gravity's Rainbow
My favorite novel desu

>> No.8540262



Excuse me for being skeptical...

>> No.8540275


The gospel of matthew
The gospel of mark
White noise
The Stranger

>> No.8540280

>Gravity's Rainbow is my favorite novel!! XD

Why do you lie on the internet?

>> No.8540286


The Aeneid
Plato: Five Dialogues
On the Road

>> No.8540288

Italo Calvino Mr Palomar
Han Kang The Vegetarian
Chris Moore The Hoarse Oaths of Fife
Fyodor Dostoyevsky The Brothers Karamazov
Alfred Bester Starburst

>> No.8540289

Not me, but GR is a pretty inventive and highly entertaining novel for which I see no reason why someone can't place it as their favorite novel (other than the fact that they think it might be too difficult to thoroughly enjoy, in which case it would say more about that than the self-proclaimed GR admirer).

>> No.8540294

SPLC operative

>> No.8540296

you've realized /lit/ memes are fun

you probably play a lot of video games or have some other geek hobby that you know you should grow out of

getting memed hard


Martin luther is based. and 100% right mind you. I'll recommend that you read Paul Hellyer's book the money mafia. He more-or-less names the jew.

you seem like a cool dude. not even kidding. Try butcher's crossing if you haven't read it yet.

Pretty unique for 18.

if you like tolstoy and dosto try reading oblomov. I like your taste

Some of the best memes this board has. I love all those books

You seem like a very interesting anon. Tell me about Jude the Obscure (without spoilers if possible)

>> No.8540297

party scene was a dead end

>> No.8540310


Cursed Days
Collected Stories of Ivan Bunin
Elementary Particles
Why Evolution is True
The Village

>> No.8540315

>last five books
Diplomacy, by Kissinger
The World According to Garp
The Name of the Rose
History of Modern Libya
Libya Since the Revolution

I cannot recall the authors of the last two.

>> No.8540316

My point is that 20 is very, very young and GR is undeniably a recondite and turgid novel written by a now elderly postmodernist of the silent generation. Add in that GR is the meme universally praised novel on /lit/--he's tryhard posturing unless proven otherwise m8.

>> No.8540323

Nah, you can still read GR at 20. If you really think it's turgid the problem is more on your end.

>> No.8540325


Secret of the Veda
Ressentiment by Scheler
Sherlock Holmes
Story of Philosophy

>> No.8540337

Why would I lie on an anonymous imageboard? Stop projecting.

>> No.8540341

Naked Lunch
Crime and Punishment

>> No.8540346

Molloy Trilogy
Ada, or Ardor
Franny and Zooey
The Order of Things

>> No.8540356

never partied, but nice try

>> No.8540367

In no particular order:
>"Demons", Fyodor Dostoyevsky
>"A Hero of Our Time", Mikhail Lermontov
>"Laurus", Evgeniy Vodolazkin
>"Captain Michalis - Liberty and Death", Nikolas Kazantzakis
>"Broken April", Ismail Kadare

>> No.8540371


>Both Flesh and Not - DFW (reread)
>Chuck Klosterman IV (lent to me)
>Ham on Rye (lent to me)
>Omega Minor - Paul Verhaeghen
>Atlas Shrugged

Currently trying to read Mason & Dixon again, but I've never really been into Pynchon. Also going through the short stories of Gabriel Garcia Marquez with ambivalence.

>> No.8540379

I didn't care for Demons; how did you like it? I've been wondering if the translation I had ruined it for me. And I've been neglecting mother Russia lately - could you recommend a few titles?

>> No.8540387


Cloud Atlas
Good-bye to All That
The Glenn Gould Reader
Testimony (Shostakovich)
Spain in Our Hearts

>> No.8540389
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Well, I'm not native Russian myself, but I didn't have a problem with my translation in particular. What I enjoyed most about it(and why it is my favorite Dostoyevsky work) is the fact that it's more of an allegory for the Russian society as a whole instead of dealing simply with certain archetypes. Good book if you have the patience.

If you already read Dostoyevsky, Lermontov and the contemporary Vodolazkin(out of his two novels only "Laurus" being really a masterpiece, although "Solovyov and Larionov" is still a decent read in and of itself); you can never go wrong with Bulgakov or Tolstoy.

>> No.8540396

Thank you. I will pick up Laurus. I'm a short story mongerer so I've only been through (all of) Chekhov, (most of) Dostoeyevsky, and (some of) Tolstoy. I've really been itching for more Russian lit and you've given me a place to start. Cheers.

>> No.8540397

En el estado - Juan Benet
Trilogía de Madrid - Francisco Umbral
La vida es sueño/El alcalde de Zalamea - Calderón de la Barca
Julius Caesar - Shakespeare
Histories - Herodotus

>> No.8540401

Most welcome, senpai.

>> No.8540406

>Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard
nice how was it i was just about to start it

>> No.8540433


Oblomow (translated to German) -Goncharov
The bell jar -Plath
Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen -Heine
a collection of Heine's poems from reclam
Stoner- Williams

>> No.8540469


The Butcher Boy
The Catcher in the Rye
Blood Meridian
No Country for Old Men
Child of God

>> No.8540483

>gravitys rainbow
>as i lay dying
>portrait of the artist as a young man (reread v3)
>catch 22

>> No.8540507

>Anxiety of Influence
>Ultime Lettere di Jacopo Ortis
>The Perfect Wagnerite
>Mussolini's autobiography
>Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.8540522
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19 years old

Last 5 books that I've enjoyed

>Stoner by John Williams
>Lyrical and Critical Essays by Albert Camus
>Anatomy of An Epidemic by Robert Whitaker
>Wealth of Nations
>The Power of Habit

also included a pic of myself for relativity's sake

>> No.8540527

The Bottoms - Joe R Lansdale
Filth - Irvine Welsh
Fup - Jim Dodge
The Stench of Honolulu - Jack Handey
Anna Karenina - GI Wonder.

>> No.8540528

I tried it a few months ago, but the use of Abraham in the first third put me off (why do I give a shit about a character who was probably intended to be nothing more than a device conveying a simple message?) and I stopped until a week or so ago.

If you have the same reaction, just push through. His ethical ideas, especially how the aesthetic and the ethical oppose and complete one another, are incredibly sharp and after a while he stops even referring to God and discusses the divine in terms of a very Camus-y thing he calls the "absurd".

Based, but read it along with some YouTube lectures.

>> No.8540533

I forgot oops, also that was going off my kindle list. I read Oku no hosomichi bumping Anna Karenina off the list.

>> No.8540535

Read Epictetus' Discourses and check YouTube for lectures on it. I started reading during an existential crisis, and the Discourses and Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals snapped me out of it pretty quickly.

I haven't read it yet, but Siddhartha also looks like it could be life-changing.

>> No.8540540
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Life and Fate, Vasily Grossman
Infantry Attacks, Erwin Rommel
The Trouble With Being Born, E.M. Cioran
The Black Riders and Other Lines, Stephen Crane
Sonnets to Orpheus, Ranier Maria Rilke

>> No.8540546


Finnegan's Wake
All the Pretty Horses

>> No.8540549

Good Meme ©®√

>> No.8540751
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31 as of yesterday. Feeling like I don't want to be 31 and two days.
>last 5 books you read
- Bolaño's The Savage Detectives (currently. In spanish. Hating it)
- Warren Ellis' Crooked Little Vein
- Jin's Kagerou Daze v1 (in English. Thanks, Viz)
- Jennet Conant's The Irregulars - Roald Dahl and the British Spy Ring in Wartime Washington
- Bolaño's 2666 (I think? In spanish. Loved it)

>> No.8540763

Book of Negroes
Wealth of Nations
Secuity Analysis
Propaganda - Bernays

>> No.8540769

happy birthday anon

>> No.8540779

Blood meridian
Paradise lost

Just started reading not too long ago and this is my attempt to catch up with lit memes

>> No.8540780

I'm recently 19.

Great Expectations ~ Charles Dickens
Mrs Dalloway ~ Virginia Woolf
A Visit From The Goon Squad ~ Jeniffer Egan
The Feast of the Goat ~ Mario Llosa
Gods of Metal ~ Eric Schlosser

>> No.8540819


The black company
Ready Player One
Stormlight Archives
Wind up bird chronicle
The long way to a small angry planet

>> No.8540825

Have you actually been enjoying them this way? Because that seems like a very bad way to read. By all means read the greats, but don't just go through them like a checklist, pursue aspects of them you found interesting, genres you really like, read a whole lot of an author's work after one another. Read for pleasure!

>> No.8540831


Throne of Bones
Summa Elvetica
Mere Christianity
History of the Catholic Church
Childhood's end

>> No.8540835

My Diary t b h
My Diary desu
Le Journal d'un Enfant
My Diary desu 2
My Diary T o B e H o n e s t

>> No.8540844

>Book of Negroes
What are your thoughts on it? I know that I read that book at around the same age, probably a bit earlier.

>> No.8540882

Hipster girl with a child-like mentality and attitude to life.

>> No.8540884

finds the aesthetic of western christianity delightful

>> No.8540892

normie who reads books. hopefully doesnt post on social media about it

>> No.8540893

A wild sheep chase - Murakami
The master and margarita- Bulgakov
A dog's heart - Bulgakov
What I talk about when - Murakami
Libro de sueños - Borges

>> No.8540901
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The Idiot
Gerry Adams: Before the Dawn
The Republic
Chronographia of Michael Psellos

>> No.8540907


Aristotle - Metaphysics
Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Love in the Time of Cholera
Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologiae
Milan Kundera - The Joke
Robert Musil - The Man Without Qualities

>> No.8540910


No Longer Human
Notes From Underground
The Book of Disquiet
One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.8540928


Heidegger's Introduction to Metaphysics
Poems of Yeats
Livy's History of Rome 1 - 5
War and peace

>> No.8540933

>Animal Farm
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>Crime and Punishment
You sound like someone I know, what country do you live in?

>> No.8540938

Interested in politics and probably a bit of a redpiller

Newbie but good choices

Pleb but hopefully not too serious about it

Insecure and bored about life but hiding behind memes

Into heavy lit but not too pretentious about it

Likes a serious, sort-of dark but intellectually insightful, clear sort of literature (hard to explain it)

A bit depressed

Slightly Alt right and depressed

New into lit but good picks

Like dark, south-western American books

Ambitious novice and progressing quickly

New into literature, still trying to understand it but enjoying it a bit

>> No.8540939


Billy Bathgate
Ham on Rye
Outer Dark
Breakfast of Champions

>> No.8540946
File: 21 KB, 550x216, doZdXf6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tain
Early Greek Philosophy
The Taming of the Shrew
Oswald Mosley: My Life
The Speeches of Oliver Cromwell

>> No.8540957

>The Odyssey - Homer
>The Aeneid - Virgil
>On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason - Schopenhauer
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - Joyce
>The Philosophy of Schopenhauer - Magee

>> No.8540997

The Politically Incorrect Guide of Philosophy
The Politically Incorrect Guide of Brazilian History
Animal Farm
<something i was forced to read about 8 years ago in high school>

>> No.8541010

a history of language
the antichrist
elveda gülsarı (farewell gulsary)
gazoz ağacı

>> No.8541011


>> No.8541013

The Master and Margarita
the Buried Giant
Under the Volcano
Gravity's Rainbow
The Quiet American (reread)

>> No.8541044


America-Franz Kafka
Mythologies-Roland Barthes
Skylark-Dezső Kosztolányi
Satantango-Laszlo Krasznahorkai
Les Misreables-Victor Hugo

Current read is Infinite Jest, around 400 or so pages in.


>> No.8541050


Pale Fire
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Catch 22
The Old Man and the Sea

>> No.8541051



The Book of Lambspring

The Eye in the Pyramid

Ride the Tiger

If on a Winter Night a Traveler

Foucault's Pendulum

>> No.8541054

The map and the territory
The stranger
The Sirens of Titan

>> No.8541059

The Saudis by Sandra Mackay
The Innocents Abroad by Twain
Moby Dick
Wheel and Pinion cutting in Horology
The Road to Serfdom by Hayek

>> No.8541076

Sadly, in México

>> No.8541098
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Rien de moi
Les Fleurs du Mal (re-read for the fifth time)
After Dark
The Aleph and Other Stories

Borges is the fucking man. This guy's mind does not operate on the same plane of existence as us common men. The content that he is able to express on paper is unlike anything I've ever seen before. The Library of Babel was fucking sick as well.

>> No.8541116


Change (Mo Yan)
Inherent Vice
The River Between
Weep Not, Child
The Hunting of the Snark

>> No.8541120

You'd be a typical pretentious wanannabee artist type but you're too lazy and self aware.
You agree with /pol/ but don't really care.
You were conceived by the memes.

>> No.8541123


>> No.8541130

Lions of all rassan
A mother and two daughters
Horus rising
Do androids dream of electric sheep

>> No.8541136


>> No.8541142

Jack by Ulf Lundell
Twillight Eyes by Dean Koontz
Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets
Servants of the Twillight by Dean Koontz
Harry Potter and the Sorcerors Stone

I'm reading Harry Potter for the first time in my life because they were a big deal of my GFs childhood

>> No.8541146

It's a good book, first half is about his past, second half about actual writing. Then there is a bonus story about him getting hit by the car - buretty interesting

>> No.8541148


>Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
>The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
>American Gods

>> No.8541149


Waiting for Godot
Absalom, Absalom!
Brave New World

>> No.8541157

Is Jack just as bad as one would think?

>> No.8541178

I actually haven't finished it, but it's just him doing drugs, fucking young women while claiming to be all in love with this "mysterious" chick he comes by time to time and hanging with his friends. It probably portrayed a lot of thoughts and stuff that young in Sweden during the 70s were thinking.
I think it can be kinda hilarious and comfy to read time to time, but then it seems like he intentionally wants to write dialogues and thoughts in a confusing and "hysterical" way as possible - so I'm not a fan of doing long reading sessions of that book

>> No.8541193


Mrs. Dalloway
The Screwtape Letters
Collection of Joseph Conrad sea tales
Complete works of Byron

>> No.8541205

Keeping in mind my own preferences I'll take that as a yes. Thanks for the description.

>> No.8541229

>Waiting for Godot
Mien nigga, thoughts?

>> No.8541239

Vacuum Diagrams
Xeelee: Endurance

>> No.8541241

oh, and 30

>> No.8541245


>Re-read Prometheus Bound
>Re-read Seven Against Thebes
>A Faint Heart
>The Women of Trachis


It's an incredibly beautiful book.

"Now Abraham can say the most beautiful things any language can muster about how he loves Isaac. But this is not what he has in mind, that being the deeper thought that he would have to sacrifice Isaac because it was a trial. This no one can understand, and so no one can but misunderstand the former. Of this distress the tragic hero knows nothing. In the first place he has the consolation that all counter-arguments have been done justice to, that he has been able to give Clytemnestra, Iphigenia, Achilles, the Chorus, every living being, every voice from the heart of humankind, every intelligent, every anxious, every accusing, every compassionate thought an opportunity to stand up against him. He can be sure that all that it is possible to say against him has been said, unsparingly, mercilessly – and to contend with the whole world is a comfort, but to contend with oneself dreadful."

>> No.8541294
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>The Catcher in the Rye
>Notes from Underground
>The Overcoat (if it counts)

>> No.8541300


Did you start reading seriously recently?

>> No.8541307

Clearly not.

>> No.8541308

(>>8540928 (You))
Wait, conceived or convinced? Either way is pretty much true.

>> No.8541313
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I meant conceived.

>> No.8541318

Somewhat recently, yeah.

>> No.8541342

A portrait of the artist as a young man (On page 80 or so)
The Metamorphosis (Swedish)
From Russia with Love

>> No.8541353

Thus Spoke Zarathrusta;
And, most recently: The Prince.

>> No.8541355

Latest first:
The old man and the sea
Faust I
Nichts (nothing)
Chess novella
Collection of Kafkas short stories

>> No.8541356

Very true. Strip away memes and I am nothing.

>> No.8541357

Nog för att vårt utbildningssystem gått åt helvete men du borde väl i alla fall kunna räkna till fem.

>> No.8541365

The Stranger - Camus
1984 - Orwell (reread)
Candide - Voltaire
On the Road - Jack Kerouac
Factotum - Charles Bukowski

Currently reading What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, Welcome to the Monkey House, Dubliners, and Notes from the Underground.

>> No.8541374

Kommer ju knappast ihåg ordningen på det jag har läst förutom de få senaste.

ps. begå självmord

>> No.8541379

Generic White 22 yo Liberal Arts Cuck

I fucking challenge you to finish Notes from the Underground.

>> No.8541406


The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
ASOUE reread (only counting as one book)
My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Crying of Lot 49

I'm not full /lit/ at all, I just read books I am recommended by people and browse here to realize how much of a pleb I am. I'll get there when I get smart enough to actually appreciate top tier lit

>> No.8541436

nah, man, start reading some serious lit as well. pick something that at least somewhat interesting to you and start reading, be it philosophy or fiction, joyce or le pynchmeme. it's ok not to get everything on your first read, just make sure it challenges you to think (which is what will make you "smart enought to actually appreciate top tier lit") and you're having at least some fun. it's also ok to mix it with genre trash despite what faggots will say here.

>> No.8541438
File: 41 KB, 480x640, oh jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Infinite Jest
>No Longer Human
>The Night Circus
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>The Windup Girl

Rec me books pls
Preferably books that read lushly

>> No.8541442

>probably thinks a handmaids tale is a fantasy novel.
>doesn't realize the juxtaposition of a dystopian analysis of feminism and a pulpy plainly misogynistic fantasy makes for an intense reading sequence
>thinks reading Gilgamesh is about the story and not a study in how Sumerian texts can be interpreted into a very simple poem
>can't enjoy well written fantasy every now and again

Fucking pleb

>> No.8541448

>guy with long hair
cut your hair dude, you'd look cuter with it short or something.
style it up in one of those bangy kpop digs, yknow

>> No.8541450

sorry, no recs, but is the night circus any good?

>> No.8541460


>Picture of Dorian Gray
>Snow Country
>The Jungle
>Five Modern No Plays

I'm of fan of the Japanese lit from Kawabata and Mishima, I'm planning to read Spring Snow, Beauty and Sadness, and Confessions of a Mask, anyone have other reccs.?

>> No.8541461

>ps. begå självmord

>> No.8541469

That's not a guy.

>> No.8541474

yup. the writing so far hasn't gotten stagnant or anything. plus she describes most things in detail, it's nice.

>> No.8541482

pynchon i started reading because of /lit/. I started with Crying of Lot 49 since it looked easy. I bought Gravity's Rainbow too, but I think I am going to read V. next. I just don't have infinite time to read since I'm college, so I like shorter books

>> No.8541487


>Brideshead Revisited
>The Illiad
>Critics of the Enlightenment
>The Name of the Rose
>Memoirs from Beyond the Tomb

>> No.8541493


The Guns of August
Hunt for the Red October
Full House: The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin
Napoleon: The End of Glory

>> No.8541499


>The Shock Doctrine
>Sixty Stories (Barthelme)
>The Broom of the System
>Some Brief Introduction to Foucault

>> No.8541502

>Down and Out in Paris and London
>On the Road

>> No.8541508


The Upanishads
The Death of Ivan Ilyich
Homage To Catalonia
A collection of Rumi's poetry
The Sacred And The Profane

>> No.8541513


>The Death of Ivan Ilyich

Thanks for ruining the story anon.

>> No.8541524

It's a Russian book, anon.
Ivan always dies.

>> No.8541536

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Thus it spoke Zaratrusta
Orfism and Magic
War and Peace

>> No.8541538


>Jag kommer ihåg fyra böcker men absolut inte fem


>> No.8541539

Confessions of an English Opium Eater ( De Quincey)
The Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare)
Ulysses (Joyce)
Notes From Underground (Dostoevsky)
The Sketch Book of Geoffery Crayon, Gent. (Irving)

>> No.8541549

Brave New World
A Confederacy of Dunces
Moby Dick
The Metamorphosis
Lord of The Flies

i'm new here, i'm sure you can tell :))

>> No.8541553

22 y/o btw

>> No.8541558

>attention whoring thread
>will soon count 300 replies

>> No.8541562

The Man Who Was Thursday---G.K. Chesterton
The Secret History---Donna Tartt
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer---Patrick Suskind
Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom: China, The West, and the Epic Story of a Taiping Civil War---Stephen R. Platt
Life Along the Silk Road---Susan Whitfield

>> No.8541570


Currently reading Bottom's Dream

>> No.8541577

I think you're quite like me, I've also read recently those you've written!

>> No.8541583


>> No.8541587


>> No.8541592

>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>Politics (Aristotle)
>The Brothers Karamazov
>Paradise Lost

>> No.8541594

wanna fuck? i've always fantasized about having a twin, dominating him with physical and emotional force, and ramming him mercilessly in the ass.

>> No.8541596

>Nabokov, 'King, Queen,Knave'
>Nabokov, 'Camera Obscura'
>Sartre, 'Nausea'
>Joyce, 'A portrait of an artist as a young man'
>Fight club (disliked it immensely)

>> No.8541598


The History of Religions
Anna Karenina
The World as Will and Representation
The critique of pure reason
Notes from the underground

>> No.8541601

Moby Dick
Dandelion Wine
Essays and Aphorisms Schopenhauer
Snow Country Kawabata
>tfw neglecting reading lately
reading is comparable to other vices anyway

>> No.8541610


a world lit only by fire

endless war - ralph peters

american psycho

the five ages of the universe

the postmodern condition

>> No.8541619

Currently 18 months without Alcohol and 10 months with weed. Did not go to rehab, I just read Infinite Jest and it planted the seed, in my head about my addictions. Not even meming

>> No.8541636
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The Naked Ape (just started)
Rendezvous with Rama
Thousand Cranes
No Place to Hide
The Red Pony

if /co/ counts, then stick Flex Mentallo in there someplace too

>> No.8541641

Can someone guess me (>>8541116)? I made a seperate post with guesses so I'm not just asking without giving.

>> No.8541652

>No Place to Hide
I should specify that I mean the David J. Bradley's book, nothing to do with Snowden

>> No.8541654

Why would that be a challenge? I'll probably finish it today. I read all of those books this month. I also have a bachelor's in physics.

>> No.8541662

I've been getting a little burnt out, it reaches back farther than this, so I think you're right as I'll take a week from reading sometimes despite legitimately enjoying it. Thanks for the advice, I'll try to keep it in mind.

>> No.8541676

You want attention

>> No.8541681
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Yes but can I be Jim ;)

>> No.8541684

The Rumours by Hugo Claus
Roads to Santiago by Cees Nooteboom
The Man Without Qualities by Robert Musil
Blindness by José Saramago
Minima Moralia by Theodor W. Adorno

>> No.8541690
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>Minima Moralia by Theodor W. Adorno

>> No.8541693


But don't forget, Ivan lives on inside of you.

>> No.8541695

You seem like an absolutely unbearable faggot.

>> No.8541703

Half right.

>> No.8541706

Wuthering Heights
Books 1 - 4 of Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun. (I want to finish them all so I don't forget what's going on, as he brings back characters and past concepts a lot.)

After that my plan is to read Infinite Jest, which I've started, then Gravity's Rainbow and the Stories of a Dying Earth (forgot the exact name) series.

Trying to get a lot of meme-lit out of the way.

>> No.8541709

Gulag Archipelago, Volume 1, Solzhenitsyn
Gulag Archipelago, Volume 2, Solzhenitsyn
Endgame, Beckett
History of Philosophy, Volume 1, Copleston
Waiting for Godot, Beckett
I recently turned 22

>> No.8541713

It's Hardy's last novel, it was received quite poorly, and it's a commonplace that he stopped writing them for that reason. I'd read it before but not with Brideshead, which is an homage to Jude in certain (spoiler-y) respects. They're both essential as far as I'm concerned but Hardy's become a preoccupation of mine so I won't generalize.

>> No.8541717

The Stranger
The Bell Jar
Marilyn Manson Autobiography
myth of sisyphos

>> No.8541722

New to reading, no defined taste atm. Will take 2-3 years to find his thing in literature.

>> No.8541725

Tales of Dying Earth.
I'm assuming you'll go for 2-3 volumes at first, instead of the full collection.

>> No.8541731

>plato - apology, phaedo, republic, witkiewicz - insatiability, proust -swann way

>> No.8541768

I'm not entirely sure, I honestly haven't looked into ToDE that much. I downloaded it off that e-book finding service for my kindle and it has been sitting there- it isn't like the Foundation series in that it is long as all hell and drops in quality every book, is it?

>> No.8541771

It's a series of mostly unrelated short stories set in the same setting.
The writing is miles better than Asimov.

>> No.8541773


The Road
Catch 22
My Struggle (Knausgaard novels)
Blood Meridian

>> No.8541796

Sounds like my cup of tea. Thanks man.

>> No.8541802


The Catcher in the Rye
The Stand

Reading The Remains of the Day right now

>> No.8541816


>Finnegans Wake - James Joyce
>Stoner - John Williams
>Moby Dick - Herman Melville
>One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel García Márquez
>Old Goriot - Honoré de Balzac

>> No.8541830


>Brief Interviews With Hideous Men
>Seven Eves
>100 Days of Solitude
>On With the Story (re-read, feel like this collection is v underrated)
>Heart of Darkness (re-read)

>> No.8541844


>The Cement Garden
>The Castle
>The Haunting of Hill House
>Solar Bones
>The Secret History

Probably going to read another McEwan book next, perhaps some of his short stories.

>> No.8541906


Nightwood, Djuna Barnes
Literary Theory: An Introduction, Terry Eagleton
Watt, Samuel Beckett
Snow White, Donald Barthelme
If on a winter's night a traveler, Italo Calvino

Just starting to get your feet wet. Good taste for your "age". Hunger and Remains of the Day are both great.

You seem like a cool dude.

Wow. You are a very ambitious 19 year old reading Critique of Pure Reason. Gotta give you credit.

How is Sixty Stories? Anyway, cool taste.


Not a heavy reader or just started reading.


Cares about the quality of discussion on this site and actually contributes instead of just posting a diary entry without saying anything about anyone else.

>> No.8541939


My Antonia
Brave New World
The Sun Also Rises
I finished Lolita last night.

>> No.8541946


The Aleph and Other Stories
Homage to Catalonia
A Room of One's Own
Death Of An Old Goat
Wolfgang Weingart: My Way to Typography

>> No.8542011

The Iliad
A Brief History Of Ancient Greece
Blood Meridian
The Myth of Sisyphus


>> No.8542046


A Game of Thrones
A Clash of Kings
The Girl on the Train
Sharp Objects
Quantum Break Zero State

>> No.8542050

reported :^)

>> No.8542057

Fuck off, wizard. Kys

>> No.8542064
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>> No.8542070

Spring Snow
The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea
War and Peace
Master and Margarita

>> No.8542076

Full retard

>> No.8542079
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>I only read sophisticated books for sophisticated people such as myself

>> No.8542091


Nah dude. Not that guy but you're just a scrub.

>> No.8542104
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>> No.8542117
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>Cellist of Sarajevo
>Who Goes There?
>The Stranger
>Catcher in the Rye

I'm just getting back into reading, but I'm really enjoying it.
I've been taking so many little quirks writers have and incorporating it into my own work.
My last non-fiction story sounded just like Holden Caulfield.

>> No.8542131


>> No.8542135

wew lad

>> No.8542143

>The Tartar Steppe
>Fahrenheit 451
>Martian Cronicles
>Flowers for Algernon
I tried reading Anna Karenina but got bored.
I don't read books often, I just came to this board today out of curiosity, pls no bully

>> No.8542145

Honestly, pretty based for a non reader.

>> No.8542149

the ghost pirates
the path of heaven
x's for eyes
the primarchs


>> No.8542161

>reading lolita at 16
not much point there lad

>> No.8542162


>Murder on the Orient Express
>The Wee Free Men
>Guards Guards
>Small Gods

Usually more of a horror genre reader but this year for some reason I've felt attracted to Pratchett's satirical fantasy and might take a pick into more mysteries like Christie's.

>> No.8542164


>> No.8542188


Moon Palace
The Road
The Bell Jar
Slaughterhouse Five
Inherent Vice

>> No.8542193
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>La Rochefoucauld: Maxims
>Sophocles: Antigone
>Epicurus: Misc.
>Herodotus: Histories
>Nietzsche: Genealogy; Twilight; Ecce; Wagners; etc... [have read these many times]
>Stendhal: Red and Black

>> No.8542240
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The Broom of The System
Under The Volcano
The Origins of Totalitarianism
Studies in Pessimism
Eugene Onegin

>> No.8542433


La Nausea - Sartre
Crime and Punishment - Dostoevskij
The Catcher in the Rye - Salinger
Animal Farm - Orwell
The White Nights - Dostoevskij

>> No.8542442


The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories
Drawing of the Three
The Big Picture - Sean Carroll
Wealth, Poverty and Politics - Thomas Sowell
The Prince

>> No.8542480

pls contribute, don't just post your list without commenting on others

Good taste for your age, ask one of your English "professors" for recommendations on classic lit you might like. You'll have a nice leg up once you start college if you're more familiar with the classics.

Seems like you're still figuring out what you like, but good taste in general

What a random selection of books. Other than Seven Eves (second half was shit), solid reads. Also agreed that On With the Story is overrated.

I think you mean 100 Years of Solitude though.

Don't know if you've read the Odyssey, but if you haven't check that out next (obvi since you've read the Iliad).


What do you mean just getting back into reading? If you didn't read most of those in High School, you should sue your old school district - The Stranger and the Catcher in the Rye for sure are books that you shouldn't have graduated without reading.

At least you got around to them though. All good books.

Martian Chronicles fuck yeah.

Good taste for somebody who is not big into reading.

>> No.8542719

>If you didn't read most of those in High School, you should sue your old school district
We had different classics.
Fahrenheit, Crucible, Brave New World, the Pearl to name a few.

>> No.8542746

The Painted Girls
Pillars of the Earth
The Alienist
World War Z
The Last Juror

>> No.8542817

>you seem like a cool dude.
Hey, thanks bro. Made my day. I heard it's one of the best westerns of all time so I'm definitely gonna check it out.

>> No.8543054

Kek, we read Fahrenheigh, Crucible, and BNW in school too. The Steinbeck we read was Grapes of Wrath.

P basic books duder. I

>> No.8543479

How was Nausea for you?