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/lit/ - Literature

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8535560 No.8535560 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: /lit/ confessions.

I'll start.

The last book I enjoyed thoroughly was Herman Wouk's "The Caine Mutiny", and that was back in 2013.

>> No.8535575

I read the first two Hitchhikier's Guide books more than ten years ago, and then never finished reading the rest because the publisher changed the cover and spine, and it annoyed me that they wouldn't match when put on a shelf.

>> No.8535613
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Holy shit, that kind of stuff bothers the piss out of me

>publishers use garbage-ass cover and spine
>expect me to put it on my shelf


>> No.8536068

I will read and listen to music at the same time.

I had tried to play a video game and read. But I stopped when I clocked myself on the cheek with my controller.

>> No.8536102

To make matters worse, the books themselves were slightly, but noticeably bigger, so they in no way matched the two I already had.

>> No.8536107

I'm rereading Molloy right now I enjoy it. Beckett is a very funny lad.

Anyways, I had sex with my sister.

>> No.8536408

i attempt to flirt with girls who work at bookstores, but i always fall flat on my face because they never get the literary jokes i make. i think i may be too obscure though, who remembers a brief stop made in southern indiana in lolita anyway

>> No.8536411

What about Amazon or ebay, friend? I know they weren't as big 10 years ago, but you may be able to find editions that don't trigger your autism.

>> No.8536419

I began flirting with my neighbor's young daughter by reading to her in English, sometimes before she slept.

>> No.8536472

Oh, I found a used leather bound collection on the cheap about three days ago, but that was still over ten years later. I just finished rereading The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, so I'm caught up with my college self.

>> No.8536473

I'm starting to enjoy On The Road

>> No.8536479

I sometimes stop reading books halfway trough and then pick them up again months later.

>> No.8536482

i can only read while listening to music

>> No.8536492
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>> No.8536587

Oh god where do I start?
>I unironically enjoy Harry Potter
>Even though I love the smell of books I enjoy reading on my kindle more due to convenience in both reading and acquisition
>I like stuff like "urban magic/fantasy" but sadly most of those books are beyond terrible
>I've never read most of what /lit/ considers "essential"
>and I read more manga than normal books.

>> No.8536614

Also: I'm an indecisive fucking mess. I have no Idea what to read next. I spend hours debating with myself about reading wilde or gaiman, Nabokov or Dostoevsky and in the end I go to bed not having read any of them.

>> No.8536619

i like children's books

>> No.8536643

I had sex with an IJ paperback.

>> No.8536660

Im new to reading and i didnt start with the greeks
Fuck the memes

>> No.8536673

Me too.

I'm about to start the Laura Wilder books.

>> No.8536684

this one just happened, but it happens regularly enough:

>think about reading
>shitpost on 4chan for two hours instead

fuck me, i could have gotten a good 85-100 pages deep into something

>> No.8536711
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I...I... subvocalize. I'm so ashamed ;_;

>> No.8536726

I hate reading. Don't remember the last time I've enjoyed any book of any kind.

Despite this, I want to be a writer. I'm really bad.

>> No.8536755
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I have an autistically color-coded spreadsheet detailing the books, video games, movies, and TV shows I want to experience. I only add something onto it if someone on 4chan recommends it. Book section is about 5% complete and vidya gaym section is about 40%. Should have it all done by 2020.

>> No.8536760

Started reading while smoking.
Now I am addicted to it.

>> No.8536787

I can make myself extremely happy at will through spiritual means and no "great work" has replicated it yet. I think literature hasn't really begun because of this.

>> No.8536792

I dont know how to read. Every book i've consumed has been read to me by a person or i've listened to an audio book.

>> No.8536799

All of my orgasms suck.

Physically they're okay but I never lose cohesion and give in to them. They just sort of happen.

>> No.8536813


I am too much of a coward to try to become a writer.

1. I hate publicity and any sort of media attention. If I published a novel and it was successful there would be tons of media attention and I hate that. Is it possible to make a living as a writer using a pen name or do you need to use your real name?

2. Writing is my second passion behind astronomy. But I am majoring in something unrelated that I don't even like for reasons I don't even know.

3. I'm an alcoholic. I like to drink hard liquor while I read.

4. Writing is probably one of the few things I am actually good at. I have always received praise from people I have shown my writing to, professors, etc. They tell me I have a "way with words" and this is probably in the top 5 nicest things anyone has ever said to me. I'm a miserable loser who will probably die by 50.

>> No.8536821

>1. I hate publicity and any sort of media attention. If I published a novel and it was successful there would be tons of media attention and I hate that. Is it possible to make a living as a writer using a pen name or do you need to use your real name?

this is the same logic that girls who go to the gym but dont lift weights because they're scared they'll get too muscular use

>> No.8536827


I don't care

>> No.8536852

Bitch I read aloud to myself.

>> No.8536868

You should care. Being critical of the self is the most important trait you can have. You aren't cut out to be shit with that little pussy attitude, let alone a writer.

>> No.8536936


I. Don't. Care. I hate myself and don't want any publicity. Embracing fame is for vapid empty people.

>> No.8536939

fucking kek

god you're embarrassing

>> No.8536947



>> No.8537015

You will never write anything worth reading.

>> No.8537020

You yourself are empty and vapid. Quit pretending that anything you have to say would ever warrant fame.

>> No.8537030


I never said it definitely would. But if you publish a book, it's a possibility.


You won't either, stupid faggot.

>> No.8537039

Yeah there's also technically a possibility that you'll have a relationship with a woman, but usually its considered a waste of time to entertain notions that are so unlikely to happen.

>> No.8537040

If it makes you feel any better, I can't be a writer because I'm uncreative and untalented.

>> No.8537050

At least you're honest about it. There's nothing worse than someone who earnestly believes they are top shit, but will just provide retarded excuses like "im lazy" or """""i'm scared of getting famous"""" as to why they have nothing to show for it.

>> No.8537051

You can't be a writer because you're fucking lazy and have nothing to say.

>> No.8537070

i tech niggers how to read shakespeare

>> No.8537077


I've posted my writing in threads on /lit/ and they always get very positive feedback. Same goes for the writing I have given professors in the past (a couple who happen to even be published fyi). I will take that feedback over some overly negative projecting faggot like you any day.

>> No.8537078


I already have though, multiple times. Relationships are a joke. Again I feel like you are more so describing your own love life here.

>> No.8537087

nothing like the ol classic "its not me, its EVERYONE" line

>gets some positive feedback
>now thinks he's certain to be the Next Big Thing
you are such an overly self assured faggot its insane

>> No.8537098


Nah you're just putting words in my mouth. I know in terms of writing style and content it's good enough to get majority positive feedback most of the time. I am not saying I absolutely WILL become famous for sure, but hypothetically if it did happen, I would not like the publicity and loss of privacy that comes along with it. You're taking this argument to autistic levels of debate it's ridiculous.

And yeah relationships especially in college are a joke. You really believe in cliche Cinderella love stories that happen in real life you inexperienced faggot?

>> No.8537102


get a life bro. It's obv something in your personal life is going wrong so you come on here to vent and attack people but you should go to bed

>> No.8537103

Mods please delete this board.

>> No.8537130

>Nah you're just putting words in my mouth.
>You really believe in cliche Cinderella love stories that happen in real life you inexperienced faggot?

yeah you clearly don't have the chops to be a writer, fucking idiot you can't even stay consistent in a post on fucking 4chan

>> No.8537140


It was a question though, not a statement. I am not putting any words in your mouth.

>> No.8537262

I don't believe in mods any more

>> No.8537274
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>> No.8537485

not illegal bub
plus we're together now so it's cool, people have said they wanted to write a book on it a few times

>> No.8537638
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I started with the greeks

>> No.8538677

God can you fuck off

Go make your own life better in some way. That's what I'm about to do. Bye

>> No.8538687

White Noise was nowhere near as good as the hype led me to believe. All style, no substance.

He should just write poetry.

>> No.8538714

I should clarify that I did like the book overall. I don't mean to say it was terrible when I say it disappointed. His prose is good, but its not good enough in want of substance. So much of the book is empty. He has the occasional insight, and neat observation, and it can be funny at times too. Some parts are absolutely brilliant, but I think this is a high-school tier book; it's good, but you need to read it when you're young. I liked Delillo's falling man much better actually.

One of the best parts was when Jack was telling his dad about what Murray said to him and he replied "What is he, a Jew?" Made me bust a gut laughing.

>> No.8539166

t-there is some good ones.. /lit/ would probably like oyasumi punpun.

>> No.8539612

Stop pretending /lit/ is some gatekeeper to good media, most of them wouldnt know a good story if it fucked them in the ass.

>> No.8539958

I'm reading jane eyre, and so far it's really fucking good. The language is a bit dull at times, but other times it's beautiful. Never thought I would enjoy it this much

>> No.8539971

I haven't read anything since high school three years ago
I'm still posting on this board and there's nothing any of you can do to stop me

>> No.8540017

I enjoyed pun pun, familia

>> No.8541061

I once knew a camgirl who was asking for manga recommendations since she was feeling pretty depressed and wanted something to keep her mind of things.
I recommended her Oyasumi Punpun and I don't think I've ever seen her again after that.

>> No.8541265


>> No.8541292
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>"knew a camgirl"

>> No.8541341

Good lord I relate to this
>Reading Moby Dick
>Raised to new heights of ecstasy by Melville's prose
>How to top this off?
>Stop reading and shitpost
I have become everything I hate...

>> No.8541384

share it

>> No.8541389

It's been six years since I've read my last book.
Trying to get back into reading because my grammer is starting to suffer.

Unrelated, but what are /lit/s thoughts on YA lit?

>> No.8541409

>YA lit
Might as well spend your time playing WoW.

>> No.8542014

just use a pseudonym

>> No.8542020

I want to eat books, but I can't even read them.

>> No.8542024

Punpun is one of my favourite works of fiction ever.

>> No.8542215

As in: I regularly visited her cam and talked to her a bunch about non-sexwork related stuff. She was quite geeky actually. Was a fan of the Shin Megami Tensei series (so clearly not a "fake gamer gurl"

>> No.8542280

Literally nothing wrong with this. Speed reading is a pure meme and the best way to read and comprehend is to just sub vocalize but just faster than the rate at which you would actually speak. It just takes some practice my dude.

>> No.8542285

Did you really read the COMPLETE works?? Jesus man.

>> No.8542286

i used to shit on fantasy all the time but then i read gene wolfe's the wizard knight which is now my favorite book.