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8534981 No.8534981[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you absolutely roast some Marxist pseud in an argument on 4chan
What are some books that will help me do this more often? Big props to this bad boy

>> No.8534993

Not Cool: A Guid To The Hipster Elite (And Their War On You) by Greg Gutfeld

Ive read it even has pictures and political cartoons innit. I'm sure you'll enjoy it waiting for your mom to finish buying gardening supplies at Home Depot

>> No.8535018

I think Marx was right, OP.

Also, there is no such thing as cultural Marxism. Ann Coulter is a talentless hack.

>> No.8535019

I don't understand why it would be bad for someone's mom to be buying gardening supplies. Did some tranny refugee get fired from Home Depot, or get stung by a bee in someone's garden?

>> No.8535030


burger overdose

>> No.8535067

I wasn't insinuating it is a fault of your mom to be at Home Depot with you

>> No.8535074


He was a liberal leftist nu-male cuck.

>> No.8535087

No he wasn't. Go back to homeschooling yourself at /pol/

>> No.8535096

Do people actually unironically like Marx, I mean, he wasn't as bad as actual communists, but he was kind of a huge loser.

>> No.8535097
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>> No.8535104

Which female Naruto would Adolf Hitler have redpilled sex with?

>> No.8535106


>> No.8535116

I'm redpilled, retard

>> No.8535147

Like many writers, Marx only appeals to people from the same background as him, i.e. white upper middle class losers who failed at every aspect of their life despite having all of the advantages they could possibly ask for

>> No.8535149

>I don't know the difference between economic liberalism and social liberalism
>I'm actually smug and proud about my ignorance

>> No.8535154

I said I wasn't insinuating what you insinuated. I'm sorry you didn't understand that post I just made. Hit me up if you need more help btw

>> No.8535155

-isms are always born in failure.

>> No.8535165

I'm not saying he's wrong, I'm just pointing out why people like him.

>> No.8535171

Empirically wrong.

>> No.8535172

marx was pretty socially conservative

>> No.8535174

But what you said is wrong. marxism tends to appeal to colonially oppressed brown/yellow/tan people who have been making pennies while their western overlords made bank more than anything else.

>> No.8535199

Maybe by "it's 2016!" Marxist pseud standards, but to rational people it's obvious that he supported socially progressive causes like the end of inequalities and hierarchies.

>> No.8535202

lol that has never happened without it being pushed on them by white people

$10,000.00 says you are white

>> No.8535209

Why would I be at Home Depot with my mom..?

>> No.8535212

I unironically like him. If you're going to critique him, you've got to do better than

>> No.8535215

engles was the one who pushed more of the liberal purely social stuff. all of marx's work was in relation to economic structures not social ones.

>> No.8535221


>tfw you hide /pol/ threads

>> No.8535222
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Aside from obvious choices like ho chi minh, che, fidel, allende, mossadegh etc there were tons of african mugabe type strongmen who were happy to disenfranchise their educated elite and create an agrarian "paradise".

The only extent that you are right is that they read marx and took money from the soviets.

>> No.8535228

he was a NEET who stole other peoples ideas and packaged them together. he personally is responsible for basically no original thought and gets credit for everything despite being a glorified journalist

>> No.8535237

Oddly specific and personal reference...

>> No.8535238

Yes (((white people)))

>> No.8535241

>he was a neet

Aside from throwing everyone who agrees with your ideology here under the bus, it's not an argument you can make on a fair basis because so were most prominent 19th to 20th century capitalist philosophers. On top of those adding to his work throughout the years, being the direct opposites of NEETs usually

>> No.8535243

le epic shitposting on unmoderated board me may, fuckin' dank dude

>> No.8535244


>> No.8535249

summer is over these kinds of threads should be finished already

>> No.8535255


But you do have to admit that all of those were nationalist movements infected with communism because the Soviet Union was the only country that would finance them. I don't deny that the Soviet Union itself was following the general idea of communism, and that the West was defending the Old Guard while the Soviet Union was establishing a new one, but to claim that these were homegrown communist movements is disingenuous. A bunch of farmers did not read Marx and decide to seize the means of production.

>> No.8535257


Wow...these books just play right into underachiever victim mentality and insecurity, don't they?

>> No.8535266

>read Marx and decide to seize the means of production
That's basically what happened in Mao's case, it was too early in te lifetime of the USSR

>> No.8535294

Okay, I'l give you Mao, but even he didn't really get going without foreign Soviet support later on.

>> No.8535295

Well seeing as how it's now socially unacceptable to express conservative viewpoints in the US it makes a lot of sense.

>> No.8535304

>every time he pushes this meme he changes the wording to concede more and more
Feels good

>> No.8535311

It isn't the conservative view points that make people annoyed by Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter. When you are socially obnoxious rich contrarian media attention whores, people tend not to like you. You should be sympathetic to this more than anyone as you more than likely have throughout your entire life parroted your parents and relatives about the liberal media conspiracies at work. You do not like them because they shove ideology down their throat and the hypocrisy of rich media figures. It should be important you realize that everyone doesn't like that.

>> No.8535315

I don't even know what you're trying to say. Maybe if you try and use arguments instead of memeing all day you'll actually get somewhere in life.

>> No.8535323

It might be easier to understand if you had a high school reading level, sweetie

>> No.8535331

You're being just as smug

>> No.8535332

Yeah the only issue is that the leftists at CNN and MSNBC do the exact same thing with their viewpoints, and no both of my parents are fucking liberals stop making assumptions unless you plan on looking really stupid one day.

>> No.8535334

Sorry you can't understand a basic post. Does mommy have tendies for you at least?

>> No.8535337


>> No.8535340
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Lmao nice arguments ;)

>> No.8535346

Please don't reply to me if you're too dumb to read my posts first

>> No.8535354
File: 386 KB, 667x670, whynot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communists and Nazis ruin this board I fucking hate both of you

>> No.8535357
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Lmoa nice response ;)

>> No.8535362

>/pol/ saving you from your Nihilism addiction

>> No.8535364

At least commiez make far less bait threads like these

>> No.8535371

don't post unless you stop being a dingus

>> No.8535410

At least the communists have actually read a fucking book

>> No.8535422
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White, middle class, homeowning suburb dwellers are so oppressed. As are billionaires, and poor, proud whites who just want someone to beat on.
>Wh-wh-why won't they just let me oppress people? What's this country coming to?

>> No.8535436

>Believing oppression is a valid description of inequality.

>> No.8535442

Well seeing as every other country that had it's white working class replaced with idiots due to globalist policies (South Africa, Rhodesia, etc. ) went to complete shit, it makes a lot of sense to see why whites would want to preserve that. Why would a working class white guy like me want to use my labor to support my displacement?

>> No.8535445

Content of their reading is shit. Its like giving credit to desert terrorist for reading the entire Koran. They are still subhumans no matter what book you throw them, if any reading Communist bullshit makes you less intelligent and intellectual.

>> No.8535446

Yeah, they worked hard to earn daddy's money

>> No.8535450
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I'm a Nazi, yet I've read far more books than you. My IQ is also higher than yours, and I highly doubt you've slept with as many women as I have.

>> No.8535451

>Why would a working class white guy like me want to use my labor to support my displacement?
Because the ideology you otherwise support supports aggressive weeding out of the weak. If you cannot come up with a way to make yourself useful and hyper talented in today's world, you aren't living up to the standard you otherwise accept the role of and support. Which is hypocrisy.

>> No.8535459

He's back

>> No.8535460

Your whole post has the prose of an undereducated cuck. I feel bad for you people sometimes.

>> No.8535462

>people being more successful than me is LITERALLY persecution

I never left

>> No.8535464

I know you never leave your house

>> No.8535465

>this entire thread
What the fuck happened to this board?

>> No.8535469

I am a third world citizen. Non native speaker, the fact you did got the idea proves how shitty English is.

>Moby dick
>literally 9th grade level reading
>studied in American universities

>> No.8535471

cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck

>> No.8535472

I understand what you're saying and I'm trying. Thanks for the motivation.

>> No.8535479

Uh, maybe you should learn how to speak English before talking about how easy it is.

>> No.8535505
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>> No.8535511

>Hard work should be the source of wealth
This is the kind of stupidity I'd express from someone who unironically used the term "oppression".

>> No.8535521

I can use the bastardized French anytime I want. Holy shit, you are literally a Grammar Nazi.

Stop OPPRESSING ME, you cis white male!

>> No.8535524
File: 19 KB, 367x332, allofusaredone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you fucking Nazis who are morons and admit it, yet still think they are better for some reason, and fucking commies who are morons but won't admit it because they managed to read all of Less Than Nothing without drooling on every single page and now think they are intellectuals.

Any comfy critique threads or literature discussions are pushed aside to make room for fucking /his/-tier Philosophy 101 "debates", or /pol/-fags coming in and posting low-tier bait, that is prolonged 300 posts by the "intelligentsia" who are so smart they can dismantle any beliefs that don't coincide with their own (read: being smug dickheads until the normal people get tired and leave), but somehow not smart enough to not respond to the obvious bait.

Seriously fuck you guys, you've pretty much driven off anyone who wasn't far-left or far-right and just wanted to read and write and talk about reading and writing with some cool guys like them.

/tv/ is better than us now.

>> No.8535533
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/tv/ works for us now. In fact our operations managed to put Sam Hyde on mainstream media.

We are looking to the same with you. Quit nihilism and work for our superior board. We could give you the glory and fame. We need more red-pilled contemporary books.