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File: 33 KB, 375x500, daniel_dennett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
853482 No.853482 [Reply] [Original]

>Dennett is not fond of re-working an idea he's once committed to paper. As a result, a ten page section from one of his previous publications in, say, the Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism will be plopped down nearly verbatim in his book (indeed that particular passage made yet a third appearance in another of his books, Consciousness Explained). A surprising portion of Dennett's book consists of snippets from previous papers stapled together. The result is not seamless prose.

That sounds terrible.

>> No.853485

>A writer who doesn't revise

I'm sorry but revision is pretty much the entire god damn process.

>> No.853630

God damn that's lazy.

>> No.853634


He's not bucking the trend, he's FUCKING THE TREND

>> No.853646

what is more likely is that, while he was writing his book, he took a portion of it and published it as a short article. this is a good way to get reviewers for your book, and a good way to promote yourself. and to get paid on it twice.

>> No.853659

>A writer who doesn't revise
Must be a poetry fag.

>> No.853669

Yeah, but the same passage has been in one paper and in two books. I have a had time believing that what he wrote was so perfect that it couldn't possibly be improved or revised.

>> No.853671

lol....but revision corrupts the purity of inspiration

>> No.853685


I doubt the Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism payed him for his contribution.

>> No.853692
File: 17 KB, 407x331, hitchens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.853908

What's crazy about this is that Dennett is a philosopher! I've written essays on the subject, it's not that fucking easy. You have to revise, and revise, and revise... It's not a one and done process.

I knew that Dennett was sloppy, and now I think I know why he's sloppy.

>> No.853930
File: 21 KB, 505x339, James_Randi_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like an evil James Randi.

>> No.853948


Bullshit. Randi looks like Santa Claus. His beard is badass, but Dennett's is more badass.

>> No.853958
File: 126 KB, 384x480, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did someone mention badass facial hair?

>> No.853964

took a class at tufts with this guy. talked to the TA and he said that he gives an automatic B down if you quote anything from his in class lectures. there went my recommendation letter.

>> No.853968


Did you ever engage with him (speak with him, write an email to him or something)? I'm curious what Dennett's like as a teacher...

>> No.853978

I agree, that sounds pretty awful.

>> No.853981


the classes were all stacked so he had no time cause he was the star prof or whatever. office hours u had to come prepared and know what the hell u were talking about. but otherwise if u went to argue a grade or just to chat u were shit outta luck, the guy is really nice in person out of the academic world but otherwise he will fucking bury u if u dont know what ure talking about. the 15 min i spent in his office talking about my final paper was the longest 15 min of my life.

>> No.854035

Can any of these new-atheist clowns actually write?

>> No.854283


Wow. I like some of his work, but the thought of being a student under him would really intimidate me--I can't imagine disputing or discussing a grade with the man!

>> No.854288


Not really, no (from what I can tell). I don't care for them (all of the stuff I like by Dennett relates to his work in the philosophy of mind--his atheistic work is rubbish in my opinion).