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/lit/ - Literature

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8530789 No.8530789[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone want to throw down and rent an artist studio in Vancouver or Victoria? If we got 5 or six people together sleeping on the floors we could probably collectively feed ourselves and keep a roof over our heads.

BC is a melting pot just waiting to boil over. I'd rather make my mark on an emerging international metropolis with barely a hundred years of "history" than some stuffy European city that's become so strangulated by history that art just becomes static in the background.

If the point of art is to re-envision the world, its much easier to do that in an area without any strong ideological competitors and a repressed collective psyche. The pacific northwest is a mosaic of racial and class violence, cultural and social alienation, and sexual repression.

While so much of modern bourgeoisie art and philosophy is directed towards "identity politics" and "social justice", Cascadia offers a third position, that of creative anarchy. In the last several hundred years, first the dominating Native tribes here where massacred by the previously inferior tribes thanks to modern weapons and diseases, then those tribes were absorbed out by European settlers, who founded a new frontier culture and even a new language, Chinook Jargon. Then that culture was abolished by Anglo Canadian settlers, who are now being wrestled out of power by a newly emerging and more vitalic Asiatic elite. Our entire history is one of sustained and unwavering genocide, where the old is replaced by the new and the weak is left to flounder and die.

We can create a new art movement. An art of politics. A politics of art. A national identity in the making. A new race of man.

>> No.8530811

No thank you.

I believe the genocides were committed and justified by the white race

>> No.8530812

Or you can get mugged by crackheads and locked out by your landlord when most of you don't make the rent the second month. I'd bet on that. Have you ever lived in Vancouver or Victoria? I have.

>> No.8530845

Muh cascadia
Muh chinook jargon

Fuck why are anglo canadian regionalists so gay

Especially westerners who skimmed wikipedia after finally realizing they were the most cultureles place pn earth and cling on to any scrap they can

But yeah im in vic op hmu lol

>> No.8530856

Sounds like the makings of great art to me.

>> No.8530867

fock off cuck

>> No.8530882

>Implying I'm an Anglo faggot

When Italy was created they realized that they needed something to hold their new nation together and give meaning to their existence, and jumped headfirst into fascism, modernism, radical politics, and pointless warfare. We should do the same.

>> No.8530939
File: 60 KB, 560x378, DAnnunzio-Vittoriale-02-e1428026079406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to bed Mussolini

>> No.8530985
File: 438 KB, 1384x900, Russolo,_Carrà,_Marinetti,_Boccioni_and_Severini_in_front_of_Le_Figaro,_Paris,_9_February_1912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never form a squad and charge movie theaters and art galleries to beat up plebians

Why even live?

>> No.8531049

sure, I'm down

post this thread a few times around early to mid dec when my lease is up, I've got nothing better to do

>> No.8531079

Sounds great, where do I sign up?

>> No.8532017

How much money do you have?

If we pooled our resources we could do a pretty cheap communal living.

>> No.8532403
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I live in Vancouver. I've been writing a book about a NEET who organizes and performs a mass shooting at Metrotown with other three other 4chan users he meets on the internet. They all wear Pepe masks and nazi armbands, and they only kill non-white people. Before police arrive they kill themselves and three of them are discovered to be trans men and one is an Adonis of a man, a poet, and a fascist. This is the author of the novel - he is writing a record of the future told to him by his mother, a sea nymph with perfect foresight. Essentially, the novel follows him in the immediate time before the shooting for a few chapters, and then goes back a few months to the beginning of summer. Then it traces his development from a depressed wreck to a confident, fit 'chad' who gets absolutely debauched, constantly, this section riffs heavily on the Beats, miller, pynchon, deleuze, that kind of stuff. The chapters are all written from the perspective of his different relationships with drugs and states of Being as he vividly conceptualizes them over the course of this hot, humid summer. The main character is schizophrenically jumping from work to work, superficially, but they're influencing him tremendously. He discovers a deep and intense fetish for transwomen and starts sleeping with them frequently. He sees it as this act of depraved poetic romanticism to let a guy fuck him in the ass for a few grams of ketamine one night. He k-holes and the guy fucks him really hard, wrecks his asshole. A few months later, in the first weeks of fall, he gets a blood test because he's decided to start donating blood, it seems like a heroic, upright thing to do. a lab discovers that he has HIV. He gets utterly depressed. He quits his graduate studies that he recently started and hits his 'qt gf' that he started dating around the same time. he leaves him. he meets three people on 4chan. fin.

anyways I need a small bedroom with a lock on it in a reasonable neighborhood and I'm in to this idea.

>> No.8532416

Why don't we all squat in one of those empty houses?

If we all did it no one would murder or rape us, and when we get kicked out we'd just go to the next house. We'd be like a roving band of artists, and when we start getting famous we'll find some dumb rich literary Asian girls to support us financially/sexually.

>> No.8532419

set up cameras throughout the place and rent the place through revenue generated by youtube advertisements.

Hell I'd do it

>> No.8533405

vancouver is shitstain sity full of sinocanadian fuqqbois why you live there

>> No.8533424

I'm pretty sure the billionaires are already pushing out the millionaires in both those cities. Why don't you try a smaller town like Nanaimo?

>> No.8535076


did you read the OP? that's beside the point. Vancouver is totally affordable if you've decided to live in a gross crash house near commercial drive with 4 other guys. the point is that it is such a globalized, vacant, horrible city. the idea (and it's a relatively original one) is that its fertile ground, for this very reason, for a radical art movement.

anyways I'm totally down. keep making this thread.

>> No.8536497

This is one of the best threads I've ever seen on the internet in my life.

This just made living in Vancouver so much more unsettling for me. Inspirational in a way.

/lit/ meetup when? I love this city but I also despite it. Asian influence is reaching a tipping point.

>> No.8536734
File: 98 KB, 277x480, T-bird-KW-Pole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh cucscadia

>> No.8536745

Where's the books at, though?

>> No.8536763

post 1 random paragraph so I can see the quality of your writing

creative prremise btw!

>> No.8536767

memoir kun is that you?

>> No.8536768

Why so many BC bros here? New West here.

>> No.8536784
File: 48 KB, 550x336, 132322-004-B211B639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like cockscadia lmfao

>> No.8536789

Thats an idea.
We film ourselves flanneuring and bantering, post it on yourtube and sell art/writingclippings/whatever and between the five or so of us we'd be able to live a shitty bohemian lifestyle of poverty and discomfort.

>> No.8537009
File: 2.78 MB, 3024x4032, 1474533439437147405920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I'm chinook
>pic related

>> No.8537016
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Also sounds cool, but I'm stuck in school finishing my degree until may. It's in political science and I won't have a job after so I'm down.

Vancouver sounds gay and expensive though, let's live in SW Washington on the river it's dope

>> No.8537142
File: 104 KB, 462x634, 1469189944202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is either the worst or the greatest idea you guys had

>> No.8537606

vancouver anons what are your favorite books. i don't want to jump into something like this with the wrong kind of people.

i like murakami, 100 days of solitute, and john green's crash course history

>> No.8537618


the haida were fucking badasses

>> No.8538001


Now I'm at an ATM and I'm panicking. My heart is beating and I'm trying to remember what I spent money on. Money: plato's genie out of the bottle. pray your little heart but it wont be wrestled back. wrongfooted in the global market and you lose your shirt while a south american country loses their food supply. what to do if daddy gambles away our lives? what this means: truth is that money comes and money goes, so let us share indiscriminately and debauch until we find ourselves permanently disfigured, waking up drunk in an alley with frostbitten fingers on a cold February morning. Time is three parts illusion, only one part necessity, and the future is an absurd concept. So let us reforge hedonism irresistibly anew, wrought as a glowing idol to light the whole world's way to hell.

But let us not forget the supposed need for sustenance and shelter. As if the water were not free, excrement not edible - as if a single thing were necessary. The grand deception, us bandits standing up among the animals and spreading nonsense, speaking words. As if we were not automatons. History: the laughing fascist. I wish I could say: come with me, open your pores, open up your throat, taste everything, live like a beast off the land, until eventually ferment smells like feast. And when you do finally die after countless days it will seem as though you have slid into a feverish spiral of vomit, diarrhoea and muscular atrophy and you will sweat like a furnace though it be cold in the night, and time is stopped still, time running back and forth, and your mother murmuring to you from across the room while you beg for a glass of water.

In any case, too much talk of fascists will make your brainstem swell until you see lizardpeople lurking behind every painted face. What is needed is more language for the sunsets, more rhythmic recordings, more jokes and less explanations. Take this for example: I was at my parents' funeral. Both of them had died in a car crash. I stand to deliver a eulogy I had written. As I walk to the podium, I'm wondering why my parents, twenty-five years divorced, are being buried together. I'm sweating. I turn to face the crowd and say "Hey, everyone, how about a joke? What does the son say at his parents' funeral?... I don't know, because the punchline hasn't been delivered yet!" Silence falls, sudden gravitas. My father rises in his casket to warn me of an impending danger: the joke is a metastatic cancer that has destroyed its own centre. I turn around and suddenly see obese God Himself, lard spilling sloppy from the burst folds of his planetary form. I meet his eyes, cold blue and watery, and in a flash I see the cosmos swirling down a funnel, perhaps a great Universal Toilet. An Eternal Return to the Drain.

>> No.8538039


oh fuck this an older edit please disregard. shame desu

>> No.8538946

Not bad.

>> No.8539209

whats up, I already live in a gross house in east van with a bunch of musicians but I do want to wastefully spend my life tearing at the fabric of social sanity. I spend most of my time studying and I have talent for comedy.
the only thing i like enough to mention is oscar wilde

>> No.8539326

I would but I'm too poor even for Ukraine's standard

>tfw you will never live with fellow young /lit/izens while marathoning ulysses
Why even live

>> No.8539403

Cool idea