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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 40 KB, 640x427, Elfriede-Jelinek-56465515x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8530782 No.8530782 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think?
I think she's the most 4chan of female authors, she has a femanon-aura.

She's the contemporary, female, more realistic and less edgelord Marquis de Sade.

>> No.8530788

Let's just say I'm redpilled and hear won't waste my time on women.

Especially someone who writes about their disgusting sexuality

>> No.8530795

You're obviosly the same person who started a thread about her just a month aago

>> No.8530799

I have Micheal in my shelf. I haven't read it properly yet but my impression from reading random pages makes me look forward to it. And she does seem like a femanon.

>> No.8530801

I have made a thread about her before but it was further back I believe Are you the anon who bought her books due to it? Did you enjoy them?

>> No.8530803

Anyone else kinda want to see her BLACKED?

>> No.8530824


>> No.8531050

She's brutal and she totally changed what I thought about Austria in the contemporary era. I haven't read her for a while (mostly just after she won The Prize), but she's not someone I can (or want to) forget

>> No.8531057

>translated GR
confirmed /lit/ chick

>> No.8531063

>all these numales praising a women

>> No.8531074

>a women

>> No.8531089

>more realistic and less edgelord Sade
So she lacks what makes his writing interesting, great.





>> No.8531095

No, she succeeds where he fails.

>> No.8531133

Is flannery oconner a worthwhile female writer? Is she the only one?

>> No.8531188

she's a meme but I like Zadie Smith, as entertainment anyways

>> No.8531251


The Piano Teacher was one of the few books I put down because it was too depressing. I just wanted the protagonist to hurry up and let somebody rape her so I could masturbate but all she did was kick strangers in the shins and cry.

>> No.8531260

Male detected

>> No.8531333

you'd be surprised

>> No.8531597

Sounds more like a femanon, actually.

>> No.8531999

It's all a metaphor for evil Nazi youth, isn't it?

>> No.8532025

Yeah, so the literature board is a bad place to try and redpill if you don't have a working grasp of spelling, grammar or syntax. You're just proving the rest of us right in thinking that shit is for mental infants.

>> No.8532036

Which in turn is just a metaphor for the intrinsic sadistic nature of men

>> No.8532054

Pretty much, yes

>> No.8532058


>> No.8532693
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>the difficulty in reading Elfriede Jelinek is that there is no sympathetic narrative voice for the reader to find respite in and identify with
>it's waking up from the the narcissism of reading

>> No.8532705

what's her best work?
I've seen the Piano Teacher movie, is the book more extreme than that?

>> No.8532803

She said Peter Handke deserved the Nobel Prize more than her and that she only won it because she's a female lol.

>> No.8532814


>> No.8532818

Peter Handke is a crybaby who writes terrible navel-gazing pulp and threw a hissyfit when society didn't give him enough attention. Good riddance!

>> No.8533070

Is saying "a women" instead of "a woman" some sort of meme now? My little /lit/ cant be this uneducated.

>> No.8533172

all women are the same. the concept of an individual """""woman""""" doesn't deserve or require a word of its own.

>> No.8533218

>30 posts
>only 2 people seem to have read her

/lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.8533221

It's not a meme, it's just something that severely mentally retarded people do, like mixing up your and you're

>> No.8533520

>is the book more extreme than that?
I haven't read it, but I've heard it's time times more.

>> No.8533568


Christ. I'm a kissless virgin but this is just pure edge. Were you raised by a single mother?

>> No.8533576

>time times more

>> No.8533585

I'm redpilled, retard.

>> No.8533588

There are two kinds of women
-the woman who loves sex and money
-the woman who loves money and sex

>> No.8533592
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>> No.8533601

I prefer the latter. Sex is a chore.

>> No.8533606

bring some creativity to your sexism or >>>/reddit/

>> No.8533752

All females are basically just hedonists.

>> No.8533759

sex is like 5 or 10 (varies by person obviously, but closer to average) of motivating factors for most women

>> No.8534630


>> No.8535259

> more realistic and less edgelord Marquis de Sade

But does she still write about the perverted stuff that de Sade wrote about?

>> No.8535283

yes but more in a brutal reality of life for women/the cruelty of men/the world (no it's not all men=evil, plenty of awful fucked up women) and not the o isn't this fun way, from what I've read and heard

watch the piano teacher at least

>> No.8535306

haneke is a hipster faggot

>> No.8535795

Haneke is by far the best contemporary director. Fight me bitch

>> No.8535814

He's the Tarantino of ''''''''''art'''''''''' film.

>> No.8535902

>calling a 74 year old man a hipster

>> No.8536087
File: 401 KB, 1080x1440, 1473411622470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes I'm a man. So are >90% of 4chan users in general. But almost all the erotica with good rapey bits is written by women. On literotica the "non-consent, reluctance" genre is quite popular, and it seems like women write most of it. They are also better at it on average, for example I instantly know when a story was authored by a man because the narrative will come to screeching halt in order for a minute description of a character's bra size, color, and style, not to mention the shape of her ass and an inventory of her clothing. So irritating. Aside from the founder himself, BDSM is dominated by female writers as well. Women seem to really go in for this kind of thing, for example on pornhub:

>Women also show a strong preference for sado-maschistic adult video viewing, with the terms 'rough sex' and 'bondage' both appearing in the top 16 search terms for women, but not for men
>A 1988 study by Pelletier and Herold found that over half of their female respondents had fantasies of forced sex

So therefore I don't feel bad about fapping to rapey stories in books considering that most women have done the exact same thing.

>> No.8536255

not while Godard is still making movies

>> No.8536737
File: 221 KB, 1920x1072, 1445680972449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a woman's life revolves around sex, but most of the sex that she has is mediocre

>> No.8536744

women love submissive sex because they love their fantasy of dissolving their ego, because they spend their life being the most egotistic creatures on earth (sometimes even after their menopause)

>> No.8536752
File: 162 KB, 960x960, 1456138494193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get a pure qtpie like her

>> No.8536780

wtf I love Elfriede now

>> No.8536814
File: 26 KB, 400x321, 1424086110857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my biggest fear senpai

I'm gonna write under a male pseudonym for this reason

>> No.8536816

Why not just initials?

>> No.8536820

kinda pretentious t.b.h

>> No.8536828

Connotationwise it seems more associated with fantasy authors, but I guess you meant that it's pretentious in and of itself.

>> No.8536888
File: 419 KB, 600x803, snared in lycra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For some of them, sure. In a lot of the stories I read the man is obsessed with his captive, he devotes an inordinate amount of time alternately brutalizing her or caring for her, and she rarely has to compete with a harem of other girls. He specifically chose her to kidnap, rape, and enslave, he saw something special in her. In a way he's more slavishly devoted than any she's ever had sex with. Oh, and he's always handsome, urbane, and self possessed and if he has any weakness it's some neurosis or over attachment. I'm sure if I ever abducted any one of these heroines they would die of despair before I even had them stripped, bathed, and perfumed. The eunuch guards would be out of a job. Such is life I guess.

>> No.8536905

for fuck sake, a woman is not ''redpilled'''''because she claims that she is praised only because she is a woman, that's like saying a man is based because he has two arms. stop making things easier for women.

>> No.8536906


>> No.8537124

I read Bukowskis post office yesterday and masturbated to the scene where he rapes a crazy girl.

>> No.8537128

>alternately brutalising or caring for her
This is my ultimate fantasy desu, having some girl locked up in my basement and one day beating her and spraying her with a hose pipe and the next bringing her hot meals and stroking her hair and telling her how beautiful she is.

>> No.8537233


>> No.8537437

I disagree with the ''finding something special in her''. I do not think that women want to be special. Women love to think that they are without ego, but OK they want only them to be without ego. Women love to be Jesus, in one word, but there must be only one Jesus while still dreaming that ''other people should become Jesus too''

the point is that women dream of finding a man as egotistical as them, but who at the same display and is pure devotion, because egotist crave devotion. Of course the devotion is towards a unique woman [which feeds the egotism of this woman]. The woman would like intimacy with a man, but in reality it always fail. [women find intimacy with their children]. THe intimacy that women seek with male adults is where the Women want to alleviate the suffering of the adult, and if the guy must hurt her in passing so that she can dissolve her self then so be it [plus ideally she gets physical pleasure so all is well since there is always sex sooner or later and the guy knows how to fuck her properly [for once in her life] without asking her what she wants beforehand]
Of course this male adult must be handsome and be good in bed and be rich [so that the woman is not bored in bed nor outside of bed]. THe only occasion where a woman let go of her sexuality is when she finds a cause wherein she can sacrifice herself.

>> No.8537440


the problem of women is that indeed men are devoted [men do not even dream of being devoted], but they are not egotistical. Men need to be valued, and the best valuation comes always from a woman. THe very few men who do not need to be valued are narcissistic [=they do not care about other problems and pleasures, they do not judge other people], but not egotistical [=they do not care about avoiding pain and getting pleasure]. Women confuse this narcissism with their egotism and they always get disappointed that the man will not attend to her properly, while still being in aw before an expectational man, precisely because this guy is not like other men and being a narcissist, seen form a woman POV, is like being compassionate [like say rescuing somebody from a fire, but not asking for a thank you and leaving right after] . This confusion leads men to think that ''women love assholes'', precisely because for devoted men, being a narcissist is perceived as being egotistical.
Women do not need to be valued, and the devotion that they seek is not the same as men. The devotion that men seek is where they are better than most people, but not really the best, in order to leave room for personal improvement. Ideally, the best man is the most effective tool solving a big problem and ideally being thanked by good men for this.

Women do not care about improvement of themselves.
WOmen want improvement of whoever they find destitute and these persons should become as potent as women are [or as women think they are]. Of course, women do not really do anything to make other people potent and the few women who take action will always agree to have some fun on the side while doing it.
These women love the ''rich chad doctor who does not care about money, but still is super rich to provide materially for the woman'' so that the woman can justify being super rich.

Anyway, devotion for a man is achieved when the person valuing them is of course not in need to be valued by the man, unlike here >>8537128 where the man himself create the situation bringing valuation, since In reality, no women will be retarded enough to agree to be captive and feed the fantasy of man like this...
of course the man knows that this situation is totally contrived and sooner or later, he understands that he fucks up. It is like being acknowledged or praised by hacks. TO be admired by people you think are lower than you.

>> No.8537463

She looks like a qt chubfu in that pic. In reality she's 700 years old and nasty as fuck. I was going to read her too.

>> No.8537490

saved for cringe thread

>> No.8537867


Yeah, she's great. Definitely not the only 'worthwhile' one though.

>> No.8537926
File: 115 KB, 1445x799, 1468409972929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women love assholes because the drama that assholes create is the best cure about the boredom that women feel. For women, there is nothing more boring than to be fucked over and over by the same man, even if he is good at the beginning.

>> No.8537964

Janet Frame is spectacular and she's a woman

>> No.8538005

>/lit/ doesn't understand time and couldn't tell that picture was from 40+ years ago

>/lit/ has to ruin every thread with babbling on about their gross sexual fantasies that no one cares about or ever will care about

>/lit/ will die alone and never have a fulfilling or positive lasting relationship with another human being and will wonder why

>> No.8538014


>> No.8538160

Ya I forgot black and white photos don't exist anymore:/

>> No.8538274

nothing to do with it being in black and white, only an idiot would think it was taken recently, everything about her look indicates otherwise

>> No.8538284

That's nice lad. I'll be sure to enlarge the image and look at the cuffs next time. Oy vey.

>> No.8538536

Patricia Highsmith is an inspiration to us all

>> No.8538653

she might have hated women even more than /lit/ does (also other races, also jewish people)

>> No.8538704


Me too desu. You always hurt the one you love. . .


I care about your sexual fantasies anon. Please share them with the group, we're all anonymous here.

>> No.8539266
File: 70 KB, 1000x750, 1451558127807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that guys like to delete their porn folder after their ''''''gf'''''''''' requests it

>> No.8539276



>> No.8539449

never read anything she's written completely by herself but her gr translation is great

>> No.8539466

You use brackets in place of parentheses, you incorrectly define words (still not sure what you think narcissism is), and the more you explain the less clear your message becomes. You also seem not to be a native English speaker.


>> No.8539573

that's literally just an abusive relationship
or if negotiated, a fucked up s+m one

>> No.8540355
File: 334 KB, 930x571, 1459999993719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this mean?

>> No.8540383

this is also a board where I implied that the earth only has 8000 people alive and it was accepted immediately

>> No.8540400


That's Mary Elizabeth Winstead's husband, right? Why he is taunting her with softcore porn (by woman standards) is beyond me. Honestly Riley Stearns is one lucky guy I don't understand how he managed to win MEW's hand in marriage. There's hope for us all.

>> No.8540582

>There's hope for us all.
there is always hope to be a cuck

>> No.8540592
File: 127 KB, 649x919, 1468632311729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that women do know what they want, and that they do not want you.

>> No.8540601

Read Simone de Bouvouir on what women are all about. No one's ever put it better, not even Shopenhauer ;)

>> No.8541150
File: 582 KB, 1636x1227, 1469211352247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I find some pure christian girls like them?

>> No.8541156

You may want to consider church related activites for young people. Most parishes have them. You'll find both pure girls and sluts there.

>> No.8541603

There is nothing wrong with pleasing girls, In fact, nobody knows what else to do with their life.

>> No.8542015
File: 61 KB, 619x413, mattress girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>some aid workers said that allegations should have been kept private

Unlike when a man commits a sex crime, right? I hope those British women enjoy being tried under Civil Law.

>> No.8542868

sexual tourism by (usually middle aged) white European women is a big thing, or way bigger compared to how it's never talked about (maybe because they're "dating" adult men, but it's still exploitation)

>> No.8542873

>its a thinly veiled daily thread about women in literature

501(c)4 Non-Profit Nimble America

>> No.8543797

>>No, she succeeds where he fails.
such as where?

>> No.8544019


I've read that street kids are more likely to be abused by older women than by men. But aren't most of the hookers in SE Asia of legal age? Why would the relative age of the victims mitigate anything? It's appalling what you can get away with if you're not white or male. I wish I was 1/8 Iroquois or something just so I could claim those sweet gov't bennies.

>> No.8544021

Reminder that some men choose to marry a ONS