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8527715 No.8527715[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the most alpha philosophy?

>> No.8527730

it's something greek certainly

>> No.8527734

Technically feminism, since being the so-called "alpha male" is about having the best access to breeding rights, and women are only attracted to feminist men these days.

>> No.8527741
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>> No.8527746

define alpha

>> No.8527753

It's when you're insecure about latent homosexuality/masochism/femininity etc. then try to cover it up by weightlifting, and also reading Nietzsche and Jack Donovan.

>> No.8527763

>only attracted to feminist men

top keks

>> No.8527771


>> No.8527775


>> No.8527785

Ah, I see. Though Nietzsche doesn't really seem like it fits then.

>> No.8527788

no, it's when you see those things in the modern world, begin to feel insecure because you have no frame of reference (or dad), so you decide that being a man isn't enough anymore - you'll have to drastically overcompensate by having frequent conversations with your friends about masculinity, aesthetics, nutrition, virility, guns, big ass trucks, etc.

>> No.8527789

He didnt specify they actually read Nietzsche

>> No.8527799

If you're thinking of having a wank sometime, you can lay on your back, lift your hips up over your head, until your legs are folded over your torso and you form a human C, and jerk off directly over your face.

>> No.8527854


>> No.8527863

>you have no frame of reference (or dad)
Seems legit, look at Emerson and Nietzsche's lives. Harsh philosophies, no fathers in their lives. Nietzsche, incidentally, loved Emerson too.

>> No.8527884


>> No.8527977

nah m8, Romans

greeks were too focused on Metaphysics and that distracted or informed a lot of their philosophy

>> No.8527995

dat alphabet doe

>> No.8527996

ITT: butthurt nu-males.

>> No.8528027

Transcendental nihilism.

>> No.8528032

>define alpha
It's a buzzword. It has zero meaning

>> No.8528064



>> No.8528082


>> No.8528088

Cynicism, easily

>> No.8528114

Forgot to post link:


Any other worldview is "woo-woo".

>> No.8528117

No, it clearly means >>8527854

>> No.8528120

Ralph Waldo Emerson's view
Transcendentalism, Individualism...

>> No.8528233
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>> No.8528245

Tie between Epicurus (I WILL DIE BEFORE I LET YOU CUT MY BEARD) and Machiavelli.

>> No.8528275


>> No.8528787


end of thread

>> No.8528789


>> No.8528791


Every loser is addicted to lifting weights and working their glamour muscles. It's pretty sad. They should just chop some wood. Not shitting you, it's a full body workout.

I'm surprised there's not something in a city or a gay little suburb where they have "manly" things like that.

>> No.8529218

>women are only attracted to feminist men these days.

Rofl. Get off Tumlbr.

>> No.8529222


Objectivism is literally the ideological manifestation of a rich kid in a tantrum after being BTFO'd by Lenin.

>> No.8529227


If you think chopping wood will get you as physically strong or muscular as doing squats, push presses, deadlifts, floor presses, overhead presses, cleans, pull ups, etc. You're an idiot. And that is an understatement, you fucking memester.

>> No.8529239

If we executed everyone who uses the word "male" as a noun when referring to men, we would probably get rid of most of the absolute worst elements of both "sides"

>> No.8529255

I'd say the love child of Nietzsche, and Hemingway, tutored by Max Stirner and the Bodhidharma, and regularly verbally abused by Diogenes of Sinope. That dude would create the philosophy you seek.

>> No.8529261


>> No.8529306

This. The less false hope the more alpha.

>> No.8529327

woah don't drag freddy into this

>> No.8529354


>> No.8529357

The one that tells you to worry about more important things than how to appear strong to women at your community college

>> No.8529381

A man needs a woman like a bird needs a motorcycle.

>> No.8529415
File: 34 KB, 404x600, Philosophy intensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True Cynicism, in the fashion of diogenes, is incredibly courageous. Do not mistake the modern phenomenon of saying "fuck you" to social conventions/norms/etc for what Cynicism is actually about. Read Diogenes and the other Cynics, like Crates/etc.

Above all though, Nietzsche's philosophy is incredibly alpha. One of the biggest memes of our time is the widespread belief that Nietzsche was some sort of freedom-loving individualist like those milquetoast Classical Liberals/etc. This could not be further from the truth. In fact, I don't think I could accurately sum it up in one post, and I don't particularly want to given that there are 100+ self-professed Nietzsche '''''experts'''''' on /lit/ at any one time.

>> No.8529428


You want to promote Cynicism and tell people to "read Diogenes". For fuck's sake man.

All that's left of cynicism are meme stories from centuries after the cynics were long dead and gone.

>> No.8529433
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The thing with Nietzche is that he's incredibly unclear, and even academics often disagree on what he's trying to say. The result is that people can twist or extract parts to back their own conclusions up, so the "appeal to nietzche" on pretty much any topic is worthless.

>> No.8529435

Women are attracted to feminist men so they can have some friendzoned cuck to drink Starbucks with.

Then they go out at night and fuck Chad from Sigma Chi and the beta boy feminist is left to cry wondering what he did wrong

>> No.8529440

>Women are attracted to feminist men so they can have some friendzoned cuck to drink Starbucks with.

Yes everyone actually wants to date the loser who votes for Trump and is every stereotype of a creep.

>Then they go out at night and fuck Chad from Sigma Chi and the beta boy feminist is left to cry wondering what he did wrong

Nobody gives a fuck about these things except possibly white girls and even then they are few and far between.

>> No.8529442
File: 36 KB, 607x608, Hyde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Read Diogenes, figuratively speaking. I'm aware that there are only the meme stories, but they still have value. We don't trash Aesop's Fables because they're just maymays.


>The thing with Nietzche is that he's incredibly unclear

I wouldn't say unclear, but it's certainly fair to say that some of his views are incredibly multifaceted. You can find one seemingly clear aphorism, and then several others which serve either to add certain conditions to it, or disclaimers.

I've been reading his work for about 1-2 years now, and he's really far less ambiguous than people suggest.

>> No.8529447


if you believe in dichotomies you are already lost and should probably go to one of your frogboards

>> No.8529451


glad to see there are at least there are SOME good users left

what? me? I just come here to redpill the masses, I don't read

>> No.8529454


Holy shit /lit/ has been overrun by children.

Nobody cares that girls don't like you and you don't need these big social theories to explain why you can't get laid, the simplest answer is right in front of your face: you're uninteresting, and you don't know how to talk to people, probably because you spent all your high school years interacting with screens and still do.

>> No.8529461

>Holy shit /lit/ has been overrun by children.

No it hasn't.

>Nobody cares that girls don't like you and you don't need these big social theories to explain why you can't get laid, the simplest answer is right in front of your face:

Reply to one anon at a time because I'm not actually a dude and I have a cooter coochie vagina not penis it's a cunt.

And what you said is utter bullshit. Nobody gives a fuck about what you think "ALPHA MEHN" are. They are douche bags and stereotypical and clueless. Almost as clueless as you.

The only bitches who fall for this shit are dumbass blondes

>> No.8529478


I don't think about people as "alpha" because I'm not an autist.

Sorry to have offended you so much by mistaking you for a manchild :-)

>> No.8529484

How are people plainly stating the obvious that women don't care manchildren

>> No.8529555

You are mentally ill.

>> No.8529566

Seriously I don't see how this post >>8529381 is even relevant to your retarded tirade

>> No.8529580

Learning how to die.

>> No.8529585

Peopele who say "alpha" and "beta" unironically are almost as bad as people who believe in the patriarchy conspiracy theory.

>> No.8529591

Thank God we have you though

>> No.8529606

I have the correct beliefs and opinions about the world.

>> No.8529612

>the way of homos

>> No.8529615

National Socialism + Positive Christianity
not even joking

>> No.8529623

>women are only attracted to feminist men these days.
hahah, that's actually the opposite of truth

>> No.8529625

>National Socialism + Positive Christianity

In what sense do you mean "alpha". If you mean so socially isolated that you only have yourself to blame for the misfortune of your life by alienating everyone you come in contact with that's pretty fucking alpha dude high five

>> No.8529649

I'm >>8529461

And it really isn't. The idea of the typical antifeminist is someone who listens to youtube podcasts and posts on shitholes like this place who are filled with more high school kids than ever looking to be edgy, or people who never grow past that phase.

I think it would be accurate to say most women today are testing the waters of their own homosexuality. That's a legitimate point to make about college age women, there's a lot of homoeroticism. More than that of "alpha men".

But in terms of looking for datable men, and attractive, charming, smart, sociable person who keeps up with a variety of topics and listens to music that isn't shit or "I only listen to classical music" is ideal. And beyond this, that's to say that people are even looking to date now, men or women. That's not the case and most people want to be on the internet all day and if there has to be a relationship it has to be super affectionate and lovey dovey and cliche to an appealing degree.

Basically everything that makes you cringe as socially inept is true and you're just socially inept and projecting shit onto other people. Alpha and Beta is a pretty funny thing to mock however, the material people who believe it churn out is endless.

>> No.8529677
File: 35 KB, 500x463, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>and listens to music that isn't shit or "I only listen to classical music" is ideal

If I told the average girl that my favourite piece of music is the 2nd movement of Beethoven's 7th Symphony in A-Minor, she'd look at me as though I were speaking fucking German itself.

Wherever these patrician girls are, I must know.

>Basically everything that makes you cringe as socially inept is true

The only thing that makes me cringe are the overwhelmingly plebeian tastes of the plebeians who surround me. They don't read books, they watch superhero movies, they listen to pop music, etc. That's 99% of the reason why I'm not even looking for a relationship nowadays.

>> No.8529686

>The idea of the typical antifeminist is someone who listens to youtube podcasts and posts on shitholes like this place who are filled with more high school kids than ever looking to be edgy, or people who never grow past that phase.
Uh yeah this is a common "idea" and not someone who spends too much time looking at obscure internet communities cares or even knows about.

>I think it would be accurate to say most women today are testing the waters of their own homosexuality.
Yeah that's new.

>But in terms of looking for datable men, and attractive, charming, smart, sociable person who keeps up with a variety of topics and listens to music that isn't shit or "I only listen to classical music" is ideal.
Thanks for your personal opinion. No one gives a shit.

>And beyond this, that's to say that people are even looking to date now, men or women. That's not the case and most people want to be on the internet all day and if there has to be a relationship it has to be super affectionate and lovey dovey and cliche to an appealing degree.
Lol you're one to talk about projecting.

>Alpha and Beta is a pretty funny thing to mock however, the material people who believe it churn out is endless.
I agree with this part.

>> No.8529698

>If I told the average girl that my favourite piece of music is the 2nd movement of Beethoven's 7th Symphony in A-Minor, she'd look at me as though I were speaking fucking German itself.

I meant the opposite, sorry if that didn't come across. Nobody wants to date you because you're around the edge of 15 year old who thinks he's as smart as he was promised he was and adult who's committed to look like a fool if he otherwise doesn't have an interest in musical arrangement or instrumentation, really play an instrument whatsoever.

You'll find more who can who do the opposite. I very much doubt you could play the piano, or the clarinet, or the flute, or any string instrument. Anything really.

The difference is other people can and you are basically looking for praise for approaching the art of music making from such a stubborn view point where everything except antique production is valuable.

>Thanks for your personal opinion. No one gives a shit.

Honestly why are you offended.

>Lol you're one to talk about projecting.

How was the quote you made anything that could remotely be called projecting. It was me saying most college aged people are single....this is correct. When it does exist it just takes its excess and makes it cute.

How is that projection at all.

>> No.8529707

My favorite composers are Ondrej Adamek, Iannis Xenakis, Alberto Ginastera, Sylvano Bussotti, Beat Furrer, Armando Corridore, Pierre Jodlowski, Philippe Hurel, Joel-Francois Durand, Yoshihisa Taira, Marc Andre, Richard Barrett, Niccolo Castiglioni, Salvatore Sciarrino, Romuald Grinblat and Iancu Dumitrescu. Hbu?

>> No.8529710
File: 512 KB, 160x160, Implying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a 23 year old patrician. Sorry that I don't have any interest in plebeian roasties like yourself.

>Implying you have to play an instrument to appreciate X genre of music

>The difference is other people can and you are basically looking for praise for approaching the art of music making from such a stubborn view point where everything except antique production is valuable.

No, I'm just looking for someone with whom I don't feel the need to dumb myself down with. I'm asking too much in this day and age, I know. Don't worry, though, I'm sure you'll find someone with whom to watch Marvel movies and listen to Rihanna/etc.

>> No.8529731

That's interesting and fantastic but that doesn't make you cultured or impressive.It makes you pretentious because you don't truly listen to the music for the right reasons. I suppose you can't really have a "wrong" reason to listen to music, but in order to get credit from a girl on /lit/ and not for a greater understanding of music, how it's changed and how its instrumented, how it's composed, I think is listening to a genre of music for the wrong reasons.

You aren't getting a compliment.

>No, I'm just looking for someone with whom I don't feel the need to dumb myself down with.

If you think listening to classical music alone makes you smart I have unfortunate news. This alone doesn't make you intelligent. It makes you likely stupid for making something beautiful otherwise a shallow sense of vanity. :v)

>> No.8529741

I'm actually fucking a trumpet player right now, cunt. Get on my level.

>> No.8529748

So was I actually, but I'm not into the amount of saliva involved. Good luck working that spit valve senpai.

>> No.8529782

Diogenes of Sinope obviously.

"Stand out of my light, motherfucker."

>> No.8529817


>If you think listening to classical music alone makes you smart

Nope, I was just addressing one of the plebeian standards you claim that women hold, and sadly it is probably correct.

>> No.8529831

>posting this with an LotR reaction image
Wtf. Talk about hypocrisy.

>> No.8529834

>Nope, I was just addressing one of the plebeian standards you claim that women hold, and sadly it is probably correct.

Limiting the amount of music to in order to not be a pleb is 2010 and before era. You missed the pretentious boat, now there's basically no justifiable reason to listen to a certain genre of music just because it makes you not a pleb. I'm interested in when you maturate into your idm phase.

>> No.8529839

What the fuck si this post even trying to say? Type slower, retard.

>> No.8529867

The only music worth listening to is Petzold's, whom Bach famously plagiarized.

>> No.8529870


You hardly ever meet anyone in your life outside of graduate school who reads the same stuff you do, it's more important that someone's interested in anything at all besides consuming pop culture/gossiping, and intelligent enough to have a decent conversation about something they're not necessarily familiar with.

>> No.8529887

You missed the boat on the trend of only listening to classical without ever attempting anything more of music to appear deep. It's so dead that and cringe worthy that I think you can revive it just by sheer audacity and braveness to be laughed at. It's honestly worse than having an "I only listen to Aphex Twin and Autechre I love warp records" phase.

What I'm trying to say is you are hardly special or unique, or intelligent for that matter, for only listening to classical music and boasting about it. At best without evidence to the contrary I'm just going to assume you're a stupid attention whore.

>> No.8529926

I still have no idea what your'e talking about, but OK. Now tell me more about dumb blondes, edgy menchildren, and other kinds of "cringe worthy" stereotypes you can pigeonhole people into.

>> No.8529949

>and other kinds of "cringe worthy" stereotypes you can pigeonhole people into.

Why not continue yourself?

>> No.8529963

Nihilism is a great gift, and fertile ground

>> No.8529969

If you mean the guy calling people plebeian, that's someone else, but he's just using the word to describe people who have different (inferior) tastes to him and not really making any other assumptions besides that, which isn't what you're doing, LOL.

>> No.8529973

>but he's just using the word to describe people who have different (inferior) tastes to him and not really making any other assumptions besides that, which isn't what you're doing, LOL.

What assumptions am I making that you disapprove of.

>> No.8529974

All of them.

>> No.8529979

That's rough. It's a shame "they" aren't assumptions. Don't butt into a conversation also, it's rude.