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8526765 No.8526765[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>see picrelated
>Marx couldn't learn what 18 year olds find easy


LMFAO, and if you follow the link you see him treat basic mathematics in the same way that philosophers treat basic fucking logic. Overly wordy and obsessing over the history of ideas rather than the ideas themselves.

>> No.8526782

>Overly wordy and obsessing over the history of ideas rather than the ideas themselves.

Lol what a pretentious pseud

>> No.8526794

Marx was interested in how economic systems affected relationships between people. He wasn't in the business of creating overly reductive models with little predictive power, as is common with the math-based economists. Somehow, despite his poor math skills, he still managed to predict the present better than most of the big-name 20th century economists.

>> No.8526800
File: 236 KB, 200x200, hysterical laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still managed to predict the present

>> No.8526805


this desu senpai. people around here love to spout "muh Falsifiability" but marx as it turns out wasn't a retard

>> No.8526811

Gee, i wonder where that better has gone

>> No.8526816


>being this in denial abt the material realities of production and labour in the world

I bet you think building a wall to keep out mexicans would bring back your factory job.

>> No.8526827


I don't think he was a retard but his fans have this annoying habit of trying to force history to turn out the way he said it would. IIRC he was considered a wise man in his own lifetime.

>> No.8526835

I somewhat agree with you, but those are fanboys and i often can't see why they spout "Marx was right", when there's so much marxist economic theory and marxist philosophy that examines Marx failures, and re-invents or reforms his theories, due to the realization that many of the things that Marx had said were true, even if his greater predictions about the course of history failed

>> No.8526886
File: 81 KB, 400x300, funnystupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marx's three main predictions
>the proletariat would grow and grow poorer and become more agitated and violent
>The middle class would shrink aas they became either proles or capitalists
>capitalists class would shrink and become more insular
All failed
>proletariat has become richer
>middle-class has grown
>class mobility has allowed 'churn' as people move in and out of top wealth class
China alone proves Marx was a fool and got it all wrong.
Historical determinism? What a buffoon!

>> No.8526896

>China alone proves Marx was a fool and got it all wrong.

And chinese economical policies are based on what? Maoist revision of marxist theories.

>> No.8526900

>Marx's economic theories = proven false and unworkable
>Marx's political theories = proven bunk
>Marx's historical theries = laughably wrong, even on first blush
>"many of the things he said were true"
The only cult more stupid than Objectivists are Marxists.

>> No.8526907

>Maoist revision of marxist theories.
False! Maoist economic theory collapsed and was replaced with an approached based upon a blending of mercantilism and market capitalism.
It is like you have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.8526910

>It is like you have no idea what you are talking about.

It's like you have no idea that Chinese government justifies it's economic course as adopting maoism to the contemporary economic landscape.

>> No.8526911

>And chinese economical policies are based on what? Maoist revision of marxist theories.
did u read his post? because u just talked right past him and didn't adress his POINT in the slightest

>> No.8526912

>proletariat richer
>middle-class has grown
>class mobility


please be trolling
i beg to u
ideology can't be this strong

>> No.8526919

Doesn't this shit belong on /his/ or /pol/?

>> No.8526923
File: 14 KB, 400x399, 1334615677634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>China post Deng
>Maoist in any way

Explain your reasoning.

>> No.8526926

communists (unsurprisingly) tend to have extremely low mathematical-logical intelligence

>> No.8526927
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>> No.8526932
File: 44 KB, 1000x724, 124Jynx_AG_anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LE economics 101 perfect rationality I predict the world

>> No.8526938
File: 47 KB, 400x575, rachelaldanaone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proles have become massively richer

dunno about the other 3

>> No.8526940

btw im a girl (;

>> No.8526943

I'd wager they score low in every dimension of intelligence which can be measured.

>> No.8526948

>obsessing over the history of ideas rather than the ideas

lol what a terrible thing

>> No.8526952

the proles in your country may be


well i guess u live in a shithole

>> No.8526955

nu-male spotted

>> No.8526960

They have high verbal intelligence sometimes, which makes them skilled liars

>> No.8526964

where my masculinity will have gone

>> No.8526968

>They have high verbal intelligence sometimes
They do? The communists I know only seem to know a few memorized slogans.

>> No.8526969

just stop being concerned about fitting it into parameters set by heavily medicated fat women :^)

>> No.8526976

>he wants his labour exploited

Get fucked, you stupid faggots. Anyone that supports the bourgeois should be shot. If only America weren't full of deluded, temporarily embarrassed millionaires.

>> No.8526978

Is this a private circlejerk, or can anyone join in?

>> No.8526980
File: 29 KB, 490x333, Projecting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fitting is so important to you, isn't?

and btw they were also white males (french ones, the better ones) who set up all that framework

>> No.8526981

>If only America weren't full of deluded, temporarily embarrassed millionaires.
You're free to move to a country more suited to your ideological values, like North Korea. Beware though, I think Lattes are hard to come by there.

>> No.8526986

this is an anonymous imageboard, how would fitting in be possible without a trip?

I guess this is that top-notch communist logical ability on display folks ;)

>> No.8526990

>my burgers

this thread is gold
and btw
u are from USA
America is actually quite a left continent
u know
latin america
shit is so cash there

>> No.8526991
File: 426 KB, 498x432, 1445227699137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole thread is so cliché

1st place goes to this guy >>8526986

All we need now is "muh human nature"

>> No.8526994


I don't drink lattes. I only hope everyone will wake the fuck up and realise that they are being fucked all the time.

Actual Marxist communism would help them but they're too stupid to see past propaganda and brainwashing.

>> No.8526995

>we don't exist outside this imageboard

burger logic

>> No.8526996

meant to quote >>8526981

>> No.8526999

>Anon, why don't you exchange market capitalism for state capitalism?

>> No.8527004

how is North Korea "capitalism"? Nobody owns capital there, and social class is not tied to capital

>> No.8527005

>North Korea

I prefer capitalist paradises like Somalia and DR Congo.

>> No.8527008

I'm not from the US.

>latin america
>shit is so cash there
You retards should try not voting in marxists into power all the time. Works wonders for your economy.

Communism is incompatible with human nature.

>Actual Marxist communism would help them
The one that's never been tried, I presume?

It's not state capitalism. The dictatorship of the proletariat owns all industry. When you're working 16 hour shifts in a coal mine, you're owning the means of the production, anon! You're truly free!

>> No.8527010
File: 191 KB, 426x628, 1471782778038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck Marxists are losing their minds in this thread

You'd think they'd be a little thicker skinned