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File: 1.77 MB, 3840x2160, IMG_20160919_163008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8526597 No.8526597 [Reply] [Original]

Which books are you anxiously waiting to arrive/just got of the mail?

These just got here
>state of siege & the stranger
>the sun also rises

>> No.8526610
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I got all these yesterday (top three as gifts, everything below from half price books).

>> No.8526613
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and then I got these today.

>> No.8526625


Nothing really just Polybius The Rise and Fall of Rome along with Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island. You got some awesome choices though OP.

>> No.8526626
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These >>8526597 I got half priced, pic related I got in a trade, gave 10 shitty books I had for it

>> No.8526634



Myyyy nigga. I love that edition desu

>> No.8526665

Are those from some Spanish fine press?

>> No.8526707

dont know what you mean by "fine press" but they are all portuguese (brazil) except for Dubliners, crime and punishment (both penguin classics) and notes from the underground that are from the US

>> No.8526715

>reading translations when you can read the original in english

why do people do this?

>> No.8526719
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>tfw books have not arrived yet
Why must I suffer?

>> No.8526720

I think I read Unica Zürn's name on some osbcure blog about obscure books (along with Mary Caponegro) before. Any good?

>> No.8526736

because english versions are not always available in my country, not for $2,00 a piece atleast

>> No.8526761
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I read it a few years back, I remember I loved it then, but not much specific (why I bought it, to read again). I've read The Trumpets of Jericho more recently and it's a lot more convoluted and plotless, but if you enjoy sometimes pretty and mostly grotesque images that aren't terribly connected, I would recommend it. Things like:

>The cows could make themselves small like a fist in order to creep back into the cheese made from their milk. It was a complicated process and they could do nothing about it.
>For the whole land is flooded with a large and powerful wave of the deepest melancholy, and wherever anyone goes or stands, they think here of violent death.

>> No.8526775


I was asking who published the leatherbounds. Not the English ones.

>> No.8526831
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Waiting for these to arrive.

>> No.8526847

>Marxist pop-history


>> No.8526856
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>> No.8526864
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Oh, ok. But yes, these 3 are very old and from the same publisher, I dont know if they still so these leatherbounds, but they are nice

>> No.8526866
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>> No.8526870

Then wait until you can buy a copy from book depository. Reading Ulysses in a language other than English is just retarded. Can't you see that? Don't you understand it's truly untranslatable to a degree few works are?

>> No.8526873
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>> No.8526879

Already started the Prose Edda?

>> No.8526885

Yeah, I just finished the Gylfaginning.

>> No.8526891

A Brief History of Ancient Greece is a good introduction to the subject. Used it at BA level.

>> No.8527047

Based brazillian?

>> No.8527069


>> No.8527070


>> No.8527075
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>painting as model

Very diverse selection, I like. All good stuff too.
Boas compras, OP. Não sei se foi uma decisão sábia da tua parte comprar Ulisses traduzido, mas de qualquer forma nós dois temos leituras densas pela frente.

>> No.8527104
File: 220 KB, 1685x1500, Aesop Fables.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my third version of it so far. I've also got one from Penguin Classics and another children's one, illustrated by Lisbeth Zwerger.

>> No.8527105

Pois é...mas fazer o que... pelo menos Ulysses é um livro que tu pode ler várias vezes, e cada vez assimila mais o conteúdo, percebe as referências e tal, então talvez, no futuro, eu leia a versão original.

>> No.8527416
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too lazy to take a picture

>> No.8527537

Nice. Just finished The Iliad 5min ago, now gonna read Walden and Civil Disobedience, to take a brake fro greeks

>> No.8527565
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>> No.8527587
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And I'd like to recommend: If you want to go a little deeper in Walden, read Emerson's 'Nature', it was Thoreau's friend and the text had huge influence on him. It can easily be found online (about 30 pages long I believe).

>> No.8527592
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>> No.8527878

Você já chegou a ler a obra do Valter Hugo Mãe? É um escritor português, me pareceu bem interessante

>> No.8528574
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Bought these this past Sunday.

>> No.8528586

Have you already read Hegel, Marx/Engels, and Simmel?

>> No.8528611
File: 2.77 MB, 3264x2448, 20160920_090452[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Received these two in the mail this week.

Very excited to start Ulysses but unfortunately that'll have to wait since I'm currently reading 7 books and I want to finish them and stop with that stupid behaviour

>> No.8528616

Is Death of a Salesman good? Worth buying?

>> No.8528622

The books in the background are on my to-read list as well so I really can't tell you yet.

It's only a hundred pages long so I could read it in a couple hours and come back to you I guess but I gotta finish everything I've already started first otherwise I'm never gonna be able to build some sort of self-discipline

>> No.8528624
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>reading a translation of Ulysses

Fucking spics man

>> No.8528633

You don't have to do that, mate. Thanks anyway.

>> No.8528750

I've got the 50th anniversary edition of LotR and the first Dirk Gently book on order.

>> No.8528815




>> No.8528834

I honestly hope that Ulysses is the Houaiss translation, fampai

>> No.8528835
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>implying I don't have both translated and portuguese
>Implying I'm not buying pic related soon

It's bilingual and commented though

>> No.8528845
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Those are not leatherbounds, they just have a nice finishing, but are still sorta cheap. They were organized by Antonio Houaiss and published as a collection that could be bought at relatively low prices by subscribers of some newspaper, so a lot of houses have them but most people haven't read them.

You can also find them for cheap very easily, and most translations (save the Russian ones, which are mostly retranslations and always end up bad) are good and done by famous academics who felt that putting these books out for cheap would broaden the brazilian's horizons (protip: it didn't).

There's loads of these collections in Brazil, and if some BRHUE is wondering wich ones are best, I strongly recommend the one the Ulysses in OP is from and pic related (which is just the older collection reprinted, expanded and sort of corrected).

There are also the brown / red variants for brazilian classics which should honestly be the basis for brazilian essentials, that collection is dope.

>> No.8529326

disgusting fetishists

>> No.8529348
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It seems like a pretty innocent fetish, as far as fetishes go. Causes no harm to anyone.

>> No.8530072 [DELETED] 

Joseph and his brothers by Thomas Mann
The novel of the coming century by Mór Jókai
Prosaic works of Seneca

All this for 9 bucks.
Did I do good?

>> No.8530090

I have that same copy of Argonautica, its really good.

>> No.8530091
File: 427 KB, 2105x1365, IMG_20160920_184055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joseph and his brothers by Thomas Mann
The novel of the coming century by Mór Jókai
Prosaic works of Seneca

All this for 9 bucks.
Did I do good?

>> No.8530111

How is it so far? I'm really really interested in getting it, but I would need to order it from bookdepository so I'd appreciate your thoughs on it

>> No.8530124


you should not be reading ulysses of all works in translation. holy fuck. spend $2 on anything else and wait to read it in english.

>> No.8530207

Just started on Joseph and his Brothers myself, planning to continue with the whole tetralogy
I'm not well versed in the bible myself, so the first few chapters were a bit tough because of all the namedropping and allusions, but once you get into the groove you realise Mann definitely had a way with words and a keen grasp of the Geistesmensch, like when, at the very beginning of the first book, he writes that man is a 'natürlich-lusthaftes und übernatürlich leidendes Dasein'.
Definitely a solid pick.

>> No.8530214

I picked it up,because it was mentioned to me multiple time the past few weeks.
I took it as a sign.

>> No.8530817


>> No.8530930

Não li não, mas irei pesquisar.

>> No.8530942
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Recently purchased a kindle

and I actually got it for my birthday

>> No.8530945

>buying books

>> No.8530999

>using meme arrows

>> No.8531841
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Fresh outta the amazon box

>> No.8531876


>> No.8531890
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Only 15 pages in but very interesting so far, so far it seems like it jumps around quite abit.
Pic related is an excerpt of a section I really liked.

>> No.8532508

>people read this shit

>> No.8533161

Special thanks to the Elfride Jelinek and anthropology anon

>> No.8533289
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Shit, forgot the pic

>> No.8533785
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Some useful things in these books

>> No.8533826

The only use they have is extracting money from the gullible.

>> No.8534325
File: 294 KB, 1000x1109, 49-aspetti_di_vita_quotidiana,_vomito,Taccuino_Sanitatis,_Ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knows how to read and write in english at a level that allows him to browse /li/
>reads translations of english original classics except of course for Camooo

Foda-se amigo, parece que não te estas a levar muito a serio ***cara**** heuheueheu